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@zimic/fetch - Getting started


@zimic/fetch is a minimal (1 kB minified and gzipped), zero-dependency, and type-safe fetch-like API client.

1. Requirements

Supported environments

  • If you are on the client side:
    • Any relatively modern browser
  • If you are on the server side:

Supported languages

  • TypeScript >= 4.8
  • JavaScript >= ES6
    • @zimic/fetch is fully functional on JavaScript, but consider using TypeScript for improved type safety and editor support.

If you are using TypeScript, we recommend enabling strict in your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true

2. Installation

@zimic/fetch is available on npm.

Manager Command
npm npm install @zimic/http @zimic/fetch --save-dev
yarn yarn add @zimic/http @zimic/fetch --dev
pnpm pnpm add @zimic/http @zimic/fetch --dev

We also canary releases under the tag canary, containing the latest features and bug fixes:

Manager Command
npm npm install @zimic/http@canary @zimic/fetch@canary --save-dev
yarn yarn add @zimic/http@canary @zimic/fetch@canary --dev
pnpm pnpm add @zimic/http@canary @zimic/fetch@canary --dev

3. Create your fetch instance

  1. Declare your HTTP schema using @zimic/http:

    import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
    interface User {
      username: string;
    interface RequestError {
      code: string;
      message: string;
    type Schema = HttpSchema<{
      '/users': {
        POST: {
          request: { body: User };
          response: {
            201: { body: User };
            400: { body: RequestError };
            409: { body: RequestError };
        GET: {
          request: {
            searchParams: { query?: string; limit?: `${number}` };
          response: {
            200: { body: User[] };
            400: { body: RequestError };
            401: { body: RequestError };
      '/users/:userId': {
        PATCH: {
          request: {
            headers: { authorization: string };
            body: Partial<User>;
          response: {
            204: {};
            400: { body: RequestError };

    You can also use zimic-http typegen to automatically generate types for your HTTP schema.

  2. Create your fetch instance:

    import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';
    const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
      baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  3. Enjoy requests and responses typed by default!

    const response = await fetch('/users', {
      method: 'GET',
      searchParams: { query: 'u', limit: '10' },
    if (response.status === 404) {
      return null; // User not found
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw response.error;
    const users = await response.json();
    return users; // User[]

6. Next steps