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@zimic/fetch - API reference


@zimic/fetch is a minimal (1 kB minified and gzipped), zero-dependency, and type-safe fetch-like API client.


@zimic/fetch is still experimental and under active development. Please share your feedback or report any issues you encounter!


All APIs are documented using JSDoc and visible directly in your IDE.


Creates a fetch instance typed with an HTTP schema, closely compatible with the native Fetch API. All requests and responses are typed by default with the schema, including methods, paths, status codes, arguments, and bodies.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' };
        body: { username: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: User };

    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: {
          query?: string;
          page?: number;
          limit?: number;
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

createFetch arguments

Argument Type Description
options FetchOptions (required) The options for the fetch instance.

options is an object inheriting the native RequestInit options, plus the following properties specific to @zimic/fetch:

Option Type Description
baseURL string (required) The base URL to prefix all requests with.
searchParams HttpSearchParamsInit (optional) The default search params to append to all requests.
onRequest (request: FetchRequest.Loose) => Promise<FetchRequest.Loose> | FetchRequest.Loose (optional) A listener to be called before the request is sent (see fetch.onRequest).
onResponse (response: FetchResponse.Loose) => Promise<FetchResponse.Loose> | FetchResponse.Loose (optional) A listener to be called after the response is received (see fetch.onResponse).


The result of createFetch is a fetch instance typed with an HTTP schema, closely compatible with the native Fetch API.

Requests sent by the fetch instance have their URL automatically prefixed with the base URL of the instance. Default options are also applied to the requests, if provided.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: { query?: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };
        404: { body: { message: string } };
        500: { body: { message: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  headers: { 'accept-language': 'en' },

const response = await fetch('/users', {
  method: 'GET',
  searchParams: { query: 'u' },

if (response.status === 404) {
  return null; // User not found

if (!response.ok) {
  throw response.error;

const users = await response.json();
return users; // User[]

fetch arguments

fetch(input, init)

Argument Type Description
input string | URL | FetchRequest (required) The resource to fetch, either a path, a URL, or a FetchRequest request. If a path is provided, it is automatically prefixed with the base URL of the fetch instance when the request is sent. If a URL or a request is provided, it is used as is.
init FetchRequestInit (required | optional) The request options. If a path or a URL is provided as the first argument, this argument is required and should contain at least the method of the request. If the first argument is a FetchRequest request, this argument is optional.

See also:

fetch return

A promise that resolves to the response to the request. The response is typed with the schema of the fetch instance.

See also:


The default options for each request sent by the fetch instance. All of the native RequestInit options are supported, plus baseURL and searchParams as in createFetch(options).

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface Post {
  id: string;
  title: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/posts': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' };
        body: { title: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: Post };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  headers: { 'accept-language': 'en' },

// Set the authorization header for all requests
const { accessToken } = await authenticate();

fetch.defaults.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;

const response = await fetch('/posts', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify({ title: 'My post' }),

const post = await response.json(); // Post


A loosely-typed version of fetch. This can be useful to make requests with fewer type constraints, such as in onRequest and onResponse listeners.

See Guides: Handling authentication for an example.


A constructor for creating FetchRequest, closely compatible with the native Request constructor.

See FetchRequest for more information.


A listener function that is called for each request. It can modify the requests before they are sent.

import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';
import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: { page?: number; limit?: number };
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:80',

  onRequest(request) {
    if (this.isRequest(request, 'GET', '/users')) {
      const url = new URL(request.url);
      url.searchParams.append('limit', '10');

      const updatedRequest = new Request(url, request);
      return updatedRequest;

    return request;

fetch.onRequest arguments


Argument Type Description
request FetchRequest.Loose (required) The request to be sent by the fetch instance.

Inside the listener, use this to refer to the fetch instance that is sending the request.

fetch.onRequest return

The request to be sent. It can be the original request or a modified version of it.


A listener function that is called after each response is received. It can modify the responses before they are returned to the caller.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: {
          headers: { 'content-encoding'?: string };
          body: User[];

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:80',

  onResponse(response) {
    if (this.isResponse(response, 'GET', '/users')) {
    return response;

fetch.onResponse arguments


Argument Type Description
response FetchResponse.Loose (required) The response received by the fetch instance.

Inside the listener, use this to refer to the fetch instance that received the response.

fetch.onResponse return

The response to be returned. It can be the original response or a modified version of it.


A type guard that checks if a request is a FetchRequest, was created by the fetch instance, and has a specific method and path. This is useful to narrow down the type of a request before using it.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' };
        body: { username: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: User };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const request = new fetch.Request('/users', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify({ username: 'me' }),

if (fetch.isRequest(request, 'POST', '/users')) {
  // request is a FetchRequest<Schema, 'POST', '/users'>

  const contentType = request.headers.get('content-type'); // 'application/json'
  const body = await request.json(); // { username: string }

See also:

fetch.isRequest arguments

fetch.isRequest(request, method, path)

Argument Type Description
request unknown (required) The request to check.
method HttpMethod (required) The method to check.
path string (required) The path to check.

fetch.isRequest return

Returns true if the request was created by this fetch instance and has the specified method and path; false otherwise.


A type guard that checks if a response is a FetchResponse, was received by the fetch instance, and has a specific method and path. This is useful to narrow down the type of a response before using it.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: { query?: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const response = await fetch('/users', {
  method: 'GET',
  searchParams: { query: 'u' },

if (fetch.isResponse(response, 'GET', '/users')) {
  // response is a FetchResponse<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>

  const users = await response.json(); // User[]

See also:

fetch.isResponse arguments

fetch.isResponse(response, method, path)

Argument Type Description
response unknown (required) The response to check.
method HttpMethod (required) The method to check.
path string (required) The path to check.

fetch.isResponse return

Returns true if the response was received by this fetch instance and has the specified method and path; false otherwise.


A type guard that checks if an error is a FetchResponseError related to a FetchResponse response received by the fetch instance with a specific method and path. This is useful to narrow down the type of an error before handling it.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: { query?: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };
        400: { body: { message: string } };
        500: { body: { message: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

try {
  const response = await fetch('/users', {
    method: 'GET',
    searchParams: { query: 'u' },

  if (!response.ok) {
    throw response.error; // FetchResponseError<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>
} catch (error) {
  if (fetch.isResponseError(error, 'GET', '/users')) {
    // error is a FetchResponseError<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>

    const status = error.response.status; // 400 | 500
    const { message } = await error.response.json(); // { message: string }

    console.error('Could not fetch users:', { status, message });

See also:

fetch.isResponseError arguments

fetch.isResponseError(error, method, path)

Argument Type Description
error unknown (required) The error to check.
method HttpMethod (required) The method to check.
path string (required) The path to check.

fetch.isResponseError return

Returns true if the error is a response error received by the fetch instance and has the specified method and path; false otherwise.


A request instance typed with an HTTP schema, closely compatible with the native Request class.

On top of the properties available in native Request instances, fetch requests have their URL automatically prefixed with the base URL of their fetch instance. Default options are also applied, if present in the fetch instance.

The path of the request is extracted from the URL, excluding the base URL, and is available in the path property.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' };
        body: { username: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: User };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const request = new fetch.Request('/users', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify({ username: 'me' }),

console.log(request); // FetchRequest<Schema, 'POST', '/users'>
console.log(request.path); // '/users'

See also:


A response instance typed with an HTTP schema, closely compatible with the native Response class.

On top of the properties available in native Response instances, fetch responses have a reference to the request that originated them, available in the request property.

If the response has a failure status code (4XX or 5XX), an error is available in the error property.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users/:userId': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        404: { body: { message: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const response = await fetch(`/users/${userId}`, {
  method: 'GET',

console.log(response); // FetchResponse<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>
console.log(response.path); // '/users'

if (response.status === 404) {
  console.log(response.error); // FetchResponseError<Schema, 'GET', '/users/:userId'>

  const errorBody = await response.json(); // { message: string }

  return null;
} else {
  const user = await response.json(); // User
  return user;

See also:


An error representing a response with a failure status code (4XX or 5XX).

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users/:userId': {
    GET: {
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        404: { body: { message: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const response = await fetch(`/users/${userId}`, {
  method: 'GET',

if (!response.ok) {
  console.log(response.status); // 404

  console.log(response.error); // FetchResponseError<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>
  console.log(response.error.request); // FetchRequest<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>
  console.log(response.error.response); // FetchResponse<Schema, 'GET', '/users'>


The method fetchResponseError.toObject() returns a plain object representation of the error. It is useful for serialization, debugging, and logging purposes.

const response = await fetch(`/users/${userId}`, {
  method: 'GET',

if (!response.ok) {
  const plainError = response.error.toObject();
  // {"name":"FetchResponseError","message":"...","request":{...},"response":{...}}

FetchResponseError#toObject arguments


Argument Type Description
options FetchResponseErrorObjectOptions (optional) The options for converting the error into a plain object.

options is an object supporting the following properties:

Option Type Description
includeRequestBody boolean (optional, default false) Whether to include the body of the request in the plain object.
includeResponseBody boolean (optional, default false) Whether to include the body of the response in the plain object.


When using options.includeRequestBody: true or options.includeResponseBody: true, you can only call toObject() if the bodies of the request or response have not been consumed yet, respectively. In case you access their bodies before or after calling toObject(), consider using request.clone() and response.clone().

const response = await fetch(`/users/${userId}`, {
  method: 'GET',

// Clone the response before reading the body
const body = await response.clone().json();

if (!response.ok) {
  // `toObject()` can include the response body because it was only consumed from the clone
  const plainError = await response.error.toObject({
    includeResponseBody: true,

FetchResponseError#toObject return

A plain object representing this error. If options.includeRequestBody or options.includeResponseBody is true, the body of the request and response will be included, respectively, and the return is a Promise. Otherwise, the return is the plain object itself without the bodies.


Using headers

You can set headers for individual fetch requests by using the headers option.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'accept-language'?: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

// The 'accept-language' header for this request is set to 'fr'.
const response = await fetch('/users', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: { 'accept-language': 'fr' },

const users = await response.json(); // User[]

If you'd like to set default headers for all requests, you can use fetch.defaults, either when creating the fetch instance or at runtime.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  // ...

// Set default headers for all requests on creation
const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  headers: { 'accept-language': 'en' },

// Set default headers for all requests at runtime
const { accessToken } = await authenticate();

fetch.defaults.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;

fetch.onRequest can also be used to set headers for all of your requests or a subset of them.

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

  onRequest(request) {
    if (this.isRequest(request, 'GET', '/users')) {
      request.headers.set('accept-language', 'en');
    return request;

Using search params (query)

You can set search params (query) for individual fetch requests by using the searchParams option. Note that all search params are either a string or an array of strings. Numbers, booleans, and other types should be converted to strings before being passed as search params.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        searchParams: {
          limit?: `${number}`;
          orderBy?: 'createdAt:asc' | 'createdAt:desc';
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

// The search params for this request are set to 'limit=10&orderBy=createdAt:desc'.
const response = await fetch('/users', {
  method: 'GET',
  searchParams: { limit: '10', orderBy: 'createdAt:desc' },

If you'd like to set default search params for all requests, you can use fetch.defaults, either when creating the fetch instance or at runtime.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  // ...

// Set default search params for all requests on creation
const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  searchParams: { limit: '10' },

// Set default search params for all requests at runtime
fetch.defaults.searchParams.orderBy = 'createdAt:desc';

fetch.onRequest can also be used to set search params for all of your requests or a subset of them.

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  onRequest(request) {
    if (this.isRequest(request, 'GET', '/users')) {
      const url = new URL(request.url);
      url.searchParams.append('limit', '10');

      const updatedRequest = new Request(url, request);
      return updatedRequest;

    return request;

Using bodies

Using a JSON body

To send a JSON body in a request, use the header 'content-type': 'application/json' and pass the stringified JSON object in the body option.

The HTTP schema should define a content-type header and a JSON body for the request.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' };
        body: { username: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: User };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const response = await fetch('/users', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify({ username: 'me' }),

const user = await response.json(); // User

Using a FormData body

To send a FormData body in a request, use the header 'content-type': 'multipart/form-data' and pass the HttpFormData object in the body option.

The HTTP schema may have a content-type header and should define the body as a HttpFormData<FormDataSchema> object, where FormDataSchema is a type representing the form data fields.

Depending on your runtime, the content-type header may be set automatically when using a FormData body. In that case, you are not required to set the header manually.

import { HttpFormData, type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

type AvatarFormDataSchema = HttpSchema.FormData<{
  image: File;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users/:userId/avatar': {
    PUT: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'multipart/form-data' };
        body: HttpFormData<AvatarFormDataSchema>;
      response: {
        200: { body: { url: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const formData = new HttpFormData<AvatarFormDataSchema>();

const imageInput = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>('input[type="file"]');
const imageFile = imageInput!.files![0];
formData.append('image', imageFile);

const response = await fetch(`/users/${userId}/avatar`, {
  method: 'PUT',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'multipart/form-data' },
  body: formData,

const result = await response.json(); // { url: string }

Using a file or binary body

To send a file or binary body in a request, use the header 'content-type': 'application/octet-stream' and pass the File, Blob or ArrayBuffer in the body option.

The HTTP schema should define a content-type header and a binary body for the request.

import fs from 'fs';
import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface Video {
  id: string;
  url: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/upload/mp4': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'video/mp4' };
        body: Blob;
    response: {
      201: { body: Video };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const videoBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile('video.mp4');
const videoFile = new File([videoBuffer], 'video.mp4');

const response = await fetch('/upload/mp4', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'video/mp4' },
  body: videoFile,

const video = await response.json(); // Video

Handling authentication

To manage authenticated clients, you can use fetch.defaults and/or fetch.onRequest to set the necessary headers for your requests.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/auth/login': {
    POST: {
      request: {
        headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' };
        body: { username: string; password: string };
      response: {
        201: { body: { accessToken: string } };

  '/auth/refresh': {
    POST: {
      response: {
        201: { body: { accessToken: string } };

  '/users': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        headers: { authorization: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User[] };
        401: { body: { message: string } };
        403: { body: { message: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({

  async onResponse(response) {
    if (response.status === 401) {
      const body = await response.clone().json();

      if (body.message === 'Access token expired') {
        // Refresh the access token
        const refreshResponse = await this('/auth/refresh', { method: 'POST' });
        const { accessToken } = await refreshResponse.json();

        // Clone the original request and update its headers
        const updatedRequest = response.request.clone();
        updatedRequest.headers.set('authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`);

        // Retry the original request with the updated headers
        return this.loose(updatedRequest);

    return response;

// Authenticate to your service before requests
const loginRequest = await fetch('/auth/login', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify({ username: 'me', password: 'password' }),
const { accessToken } = await loginRequest.json();

// Set the authorization header for all requests
fetch.defaults.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;

const request = await fetch('/users', {
  method: 'GET',
  searchParams: { query: 'u' },

const users = await request.json(); // User[]

Handling errors

@zimic/fetch fully types the responses of your requests based on your HTTP schema. If the response has a failure status code (4XX or 5XX), the response.ok property is false and you can throw the response.error property, which is will be FetchResponseError to be handled upper in the call stack. If you want to handle the error as soon as the response is received, you can check the response.status or the response.ok properties.

import { type HttpSchema } from '@zimic/http';
import { createFetch } from '@zimic/fetch';

interface User {
  id: string;
  username: string;

type Schema = HttpSchema<{
  '/users/:userId': {
    GET: {
      request: {
        headers?: { authorization?: string };
      response: {
        200: { body: User };
        401: { body: { code: 'UNAUTHORIZED'; message: string } };
        403: { body: { code: 'FORBIDDEN'; message: string } };
        404: { body: { code: 'NOT_FOUND'; message: string } };
        500: { body: { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'; message: string } };
        503: { body: { code: 'SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE'; message: string } };

const fetch = createFetch<Schema>({
  baseURL: 'http://localhost:3000',

const response = await fetch(`/users/${userId}`, {
  method: 'GET',

if (response.status === 404) {
  return null; // User not found

if (response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) {
  const body = await response.json(); // { code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' | 'FORBIDDEN'; message: string }
  console.error('Authentication error:', body);

if (!response.ok) {
  // Throw other errors
  throw response.error;

const user = await response.json(); // User

Handling errors: Logging

When logging fetch response errors (e.g. in a global handler), consider using fetchResponseError.toObject() to get a plain object representation serializable to JSON.

if (error instanceof FetchResponseError) {
  const plainError = error.toObject();

You can also use JSON.stringify or a logging library to serialize the error.

if (error instanceof FetchResponseError) {
  const plainError = error.toObject();
  console.error(JSON.stringify(plainError)); // Log in a single line

Request and response bodies are not included by default. If you want to include them, use includeRequestBody and includeResponseBody. Note that the result will be a Promise.

if (error instanceof FetchResponseError) {
  const plainError = await error.toObject({
    includeRequestBody: true,
    includeResponseBody: true,

If you are working with form data or blob bodies, such as file uploads or downloads, logging the body may not be useful as binary data won't be human-readable. To handle this, you can check the content type of the request and response and include the body conditionally.

if (error instanceof FetchResponseError) {
  const plainError = await error.toObject({
    // Include the body only if the content type is JSON
    includeRequestBody: error.request.headers.get('content-type') === 'application/json',
    includeResponseBody: error.response.headers.get('content-type') === 'application/json',
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