First drone-oss-08 release
Technically this release holds minor changes related to release engineering. It is based on the forked Drone 0.8.9 version.
#1 Drone OSS 08
#5 Locking down drone-ui version
UI changes
Since the Drone UI dependency was changed to my fork - a fork that was created some 11 months ago - this release also holds numerous community improvements on the UI
Horizontal menu with restart and cancel buttons. No more hamburger menu. This is a MUST.
Whenever a build is restarted or repositories are being synchronised, a little notification is shown at the bottom left but it refuses to go away and is stucked there till the page is refreshed. This PR makes sure it is only active for 5 seconds, afterwards the notification disappears. -
Render line breaks in commit messages. -
Build paging works when you click on "Show more builds"
Use the images from Docker Hub