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Merge pull request #934 from woocommerce/feature/phone-number-card-lo…
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Handle all loading states within the `PhoneNumberCard` component
  • Loading branch information
eason9487 authored Aug 6, 2021
2 parents c1f9aee + 968ab62 commit 967e010
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Showing 3 changed files with 142 additions and 62 deletions.
26 changes: 9 additions & 17 deletions js/src/components/contact-information/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ export function ContactInformationPreview() {
<VerticalGapLayout size="overlap">
initEditing={ false }
phoneNumber={ phone }
onEditClick={ handleEditClick }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ export default function ContactInformation( { view, onPhoneNumberChange } ) {
const phone = useGoogleMCPhoneNumber();
const isSetupMC = view === 'setup-mc';

const initEditing = isSetupMC ? ! : true;
const initEditing = isSetupMC ? null : true;
const title = isSetupMC ? mcTitle : settingsTitle;
const trackContext = isSetupMC
? 'setup-mc-contact-information'
Expand All @@ -97,21 +96,14 @@ export default function ContactInformation( { view, onPhoneNumberChange } ) {
{ phone.loaded ? (
<VerticalGapLayout size="large">
phoneNumber={ phone }
initEditing={ initEditing }
onPhoneNumberChange={ onPhoneNumberChange }
<StoreAddressCard />
) : (
<VerticalGapLayout size="large">
<SpinnerCard />
<SpinnerCard />
) }
<VerticalGapLayout size="large">
phoneNumber={ phone }
initEditing={ initEditing }
onPhoneNumberChange={ onPhoneNumberChange }
<StoreAddressCard />
158 changes: 113 additions & 45 deletions js/src/components/contact-information/phone-number-card.js
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {
parsePhoneNumberFromString as parsePhoneNumber,
} from 'libphonenumber-js';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { useState, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
import { Flex, FlexItem, FlexBlock, CardDivider } from '@wordpress/components';
import { Spinner } from '@woocommerce/components';

Expand All @@ -24,6 +24,28 @@ import './phone-number-card.scss';

const noop = () => {};

const basePhoneNumberCardProps = {
className: 'gla-phone-number-card',

* @typedef { import(".~/hooks/useGoogleMCPhoneNumber").PhoneNumber } PhoneNumber
* @typedef { import(".~/hooks/useGoogleMCPhoneNumber").PhoneNumberData } PhoneNumberData

* @typedef {Object} ExtraPhoneNumberData
* @property {boolean} isDirty Whether the phone number data contain unsaved changes.
* @typedef {PhoneNumberData & ExtraPhoneNumberData} CallbackPhoneNumberData

* @callback onPhoneNumberChange
* @param {CallbackPhoneNumberData} phoneNumberData The changed phone number data.

function PhoneNumberContent( {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,6 +86,7 @@ function PhoneNumberContent( {
nationalNumber: nextNumber,
country: nextCountry,
} );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,67 +128,112 @@ function PhoneNumberContent( {

function EditPhoneNumberCard( { phoneNumber, onPhoneNumberChange } ) {
const { loaded, data } = phoneNumber;
const phoneNumberContent = loaded ? (
initCountry={ }
initNationalNumber={ data.nationalNumber }
onPhoneNumberChange={ onPhoneNumberChange }
) : (
<AppSpinner />

return (
{ ...basePhoneNumberCardProps }
description={ __(
'Please enter a phone number to be used for verification.',
) }
<CardDivider />
{ phoneNumberContent }

* Renders phone number data in Card UI and is able to edit.
* @param {Object} props React props.
* @param {PhoneNumber} props.phoneNumber Phone number data.
* @param {boolean} [props.isPreview=false] Whether to display as preview UI.
* @param {boolean|null} [props.initEditing=null] Specify the inital UI state. This prop would be ignored if `isPreview` is true.
* `true`: initialize with the editing UI.
* `false`: initialize with the viewing UI.
* `null`: determine the initial UI state according to the `data.isValid` after the `phoneNumber` loaded.
* @param {Function} [props.onEditClick] Called when clicking on "Edit" button.
* If this callback is omitted, it will enter edit mode when clicking on "Edit" button.
* @param {onPhoneNumberChange} [props.onPhoneNumberChange] Called when inputs of phone number are changed in edit mode.
export default function PhoneNumberCard( {
isPreview = false,
initEditing = null,
onPhoneNumberChange = noop,
} ) {
const [ isEditing, setEditing ] = useState( initEditing );
const { loaded, data } = phoneNumber;

const editButton = isEditing ? null : (
onClick={ () => {
if ( onEditClick ) {
} else {
setEditing( true );
} }
{ __( 'Edit', 'google-listings-and-ads' ) }
const [ isEditing, setEditing ] = useState(
isPreview ? false : initEditing

let description = null;
let phoneNumberContent = null;
// Handle the initial UI state of `initEditing = null`.
// The `isEditing` state is on hold. Determine it after the `phoneNumber` loaded.
useEffect( () => {
if ( loaded && isEditing === null ) {
setEditing( ! data.isValid );
}, [ loaded, data.isValid, isEditing ] );

// Return a simple loading AccountCard since the initial edit state is unknown before loaded.
if ( isEditing === null ) {
return (
{ ...basePhoneNumberCardProps }
indicator={ <Spinner /> }

if ( isEditing ) {
description = __(
'Please enter a phone number to be used for verification.',
return (
phoneNumber={ phoneNumber }
onPhoneNumberChange={ onPhoneNumberChange }

if ( loaded ) {
phoneNumberContent = (
<CardDivider />
initCountry={ }
initNationalNumber={ data.nationalNumber }
onPhoneNumberChange={ onPhoneNumberChange }
} else {
phoneNumberContent = <AppSpinner />;
} else {
description = loaded ? data.display : <Spinner />;
let description = null;
let indicator = <Spinner />;

if ( loaded ) {
description = data.display;
indicator = (
onClick={ () => {
if ( onEditClick ) {
} else {
setEditing( true );
} }
{ __( 'Edit', 'google-listings-and-ads' ) }

return (
appearance={ APPEARANCE.PHONE }
{ ...basePhoneNumberCardProps }
description={ description }
hideIcon={ isPreview }
indicator={ editButton }
{ phoneNumberContent }
indicator={ indicator }
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions js/src/hooks/useGoogleMCPhoneNumber.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,26 @@ const emptyData = {
display: '',

* @typedef {Object} PhoneNumber
* @property {boolean} loaded Whether the data have been loaded.
* @property {PhoneNumberData} data User's phone number data fetched from Google Merchant Center.

* @typedef {Object} PhoneNumberData
* @property {string} country The country code. Example: 'US'.
* @property {string} countryCallingCode The country calling code. Example: '1'.
* @property {string} nationalNumber The national (significant) number. Example: '2133734253'.
* @property {boolean} isValid Whether the phone number is valid.
* @property {string} display The phone number string in international format. Example: '+1 213 373 4253'.

* A hook to load user's phone number data from Google Merchant Center.
* @return {PhoneNumber} [description]
export default function useGoogleMCPhoneNumber() {
return useSelect( ( select ) => {
const { getGoogleMCPhoneNumber } = select( STORE_KEY );
Expand Down

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