Re-usable user form widgets for silverstripe-elemental
- See
This module has silverstripe/userforms
as dependency which in certain situations doesn't
work as expected. If you have installed your site without silverstripe/recipe-cms
, then
make sure you have a global \PageController
controller defined before using this module. If
you do not have such a global controller then you can simply copy the one provided
by recipe cms and copy that one in your own project.
See #1198
See License
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. See read our contributing document for more information.
We advise to use Docker/Docker compose for development.
We also included a Makefile to simplify some commands
Our development container contains some built-in tools like PHPCSFixer
This module includes some cypress specs for e2e testing with the module. The specs can be found in dev/cypress
These specs are mainly written to validate the module is in working order inside our own testing suite but they might be usable for other scenarios aswell.
The specs assume that our cypress support modules are installed
- and that they are ran from a test suite that has a fully functional silverstripe site.
In order to include these specs in your test run simply load the specs in your cypress.config.js
module.exports = defineConfig({
specPattern: [