+ |
+ @@ -1210,6 +1210,9 @@
+ |
+ 1210
+ |
+ color: inherit;
+ |
+ 1211
+ |
+ }
+ |
+ 1212
+ |
+ </style>
+ |
+ 1213
+ |
+ +
+ <link href="https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2016/W3C-CR" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ |
+ 1214
+ |
+ +
+ <meta content="Bikeshed version 5dff6b06be1856d0a5e62cf40e9cc21c06bfb098" name="generator">
+ |
+ 1215
+ |
+ +
+ <link href="https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/" rel="canonical">
+ |
+ 1213
+ |
+ <style>
+ |
+ 1214
+ |
+ samp {
+ |
+ 1215
+ |
+ font-family: inherit;
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1218,6 +1221,10 @@
+ |
+ 1218
+ |
+ outline: 0.18em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ |
+ 1219
+ |
+ color: white;
+ |
+ 1220
+ |
+ }
+ |
+ 1224
+ |
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+ 1225
+ |
+ +
+ [data-algorithm]:not(.heading) {
+ |
+ 1226
+ |
+ +
+ padding-left: 2em;
+ |
+ 1227
+ |
+ +
+ }
+ |
+ 1221
+ |
+ </style>
+ |
+ 1222
+ |
+ <style>/* style-md-lists */
+ |
+ 1223
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1461,31 +1468,27 @@
+ |
+ 1461
+ |
+ .highlight .vi { color: #0077aa } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
+ |
+ 1462
+ |
+ .highlight .il { color: #000000 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
+ |
+ 1463
+ |
+ </style>
+ |
+ 1464
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1465
+ |
+ -
+ <link href="https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2016/W3C-WD" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ |
+ 1466
+ |
+ -
+ <meta content="Bikeshed version 98d39f855addd7fd56ede57e54c21835cb0ff7de" name="generator">
+ |
+ 1467
+ |
+ -
+ <link href="https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/" rel="canonical">
+ |
+ 1468
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1469
+ |
+ <body class="h-entry">
+ |
+ 1470
+ |
+ <div class="head">
+ |
+ 1471
+ |
+ <p data-fill-with="logo"><a class="logo" href="https://www.w3.org/"> <img alt="W3C" height="48" src="https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/2016/logos/W3C" width="72"> </a> </p>
+ |
+ 1472
+ |
+ <h1 class="p-name no-ref" id="title">WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks Format</h1>
+ |
+ 1473
+ |
+ -
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="subtitle"><span class="content">W3C Working Draft <time class="dt-updated" datetime="2017-08-08">08 August 2017</time></span></h2>
+ |
+ 1475
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="subtitle"><span class="content">W3C Candidate Recommendation <time class="dt-updated" datetime="2018-04-15">15 April 2018</time></span></h2>
+ |
+ 1474
+ |
+ <div data-fill-with="spec-metadata">
+ |
+ 1475
+ |
+ <dl>
+ |
+ 1476
+ |
+ <dt>This version:
+ |
+ 1477
+ |
+ -
+ <dd><a class="u-url" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-webvtt1-20170808/">https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-webvtt1-20170808/</a>
+ |
+ 1479
+ |
+ +
+ <dd><a class="u-url" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-webvtt1-20180415/">https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-webvtt1-20180415/</a>
+ |
+ 1478
+ |
+ <dt>Latest published version:
+ |
+ 1479
+ |
+ <dd><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/">https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/</a>
+ |
+ 1480
+ |
+ <dt>Editor's Draft:
+ |
+ 1481
+ |
+ <dd><a href="https://w3c.github.io/webvtt/">https://w3c.github.io/webvtt/</a>
+ |
+ 1482
+ |
+ <dt>Previous Versions:
+ |
+ 1483
+ |
+ -
+ <dd><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-webvtt1-20170713/" rel="prev">https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-webvtt1-20170713/</a>
+ |
+ 1485
+ |
+ +
+ <dd><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-webvtt1-20170808/" rel="prev">https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/WD-webvtt1-20170808/</a>
+ |
+ 1484
+ |
+ <dt>Test Suite:
+ |
+ 1485
+ |
+ <dd><a href="https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/tree/master/webvtt">https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/tree/master/webvtt</a>
+ |
+ 1486
+ |
+ <dt class="editor">Editor:
+ |
+ 1487
+ |
+ -
+ <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-email email" href="mailto:simonp@opera.com" data-editor-id="simonp">Simon Pieters</a> (<a class="p-org org" href="http://www.opera.com/">Opera Software ASA</a>)
+ |
+ 1489
+ |
+ +
+ <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-email email" href="mailto:silvia.pfeiffer@data61.csiro.au">Silvia Pfeiffer</a> (<a class="p-org org" href="https://www.csiro.au/">CSIRO</a>)
+ |
+ 1488
+ |
+ <dt class="editor">Former Editors:
+ |
+ 1491
+ |
+ +
+ <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-email email" href="mailto:simonp@opera.com">Simon Pieters</a> (<a class="p-org org" href="http://www.opera.com/">Opera Software AS</a>)
+ |
+ 1489
+ |
+ <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-email email" href="mailto:silviapfeiffer1@gmail.com">Silvia Pfeiffer</a> (<a class="p-org org" href="http://nicta.com.au/">NICTA</a>)
+ |
+ 1490
+ |
+ <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-email email" href="mailto:philipj@opera.com">Philip Jägenstedt</a> (<a class="p-org org" href="http://www.opera.com/">Opera Software ASA</a>)
+ |
+ 1491
+ |
+ <dd class="editor p-author h-card vcard"><a class="p-name fn u-email email" href="mailto:ian@hixie.ch">Ian Hickson</a> (<a class="p-org org" href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a>)
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1497,7 +1500,7 @@
+ |
+ 1497
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 1498
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1499
+ |
+ <div data-fill-with="warning"></div>
+ |
+ 1500
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="copyright" data-fill-with="copyright"><a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright">Copyright</a> © 2011-2017 <a href="http://www.w3.org/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href="http://www.csail.mit.edu/"><abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr></a>, <a href="http://www.ercim.eu/"><abbr title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</abbr></a>, <a href="http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio</a>, <a href="http://ev.buaa.edu.cn/">Beihang</a>).
+ |
+ 1503
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="copyright" data-fill-with="copyright"><a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright">Copyright</a> © 2011-2018 <a href="http://www.w3.org/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href="http://www.csail.mit.edu/"><abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr></a>, <a href="http://www.ercim.eu/"><abbr title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</abbr></a>, <a href="http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio</a>, <a href="http://ev.buaa.edu.cn/">Beihang</a>).
+ |
+ 1501
+ |
+ W3C <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Legal_Disclaimer">liability</a>, <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#W3C_Trademarks">trademark</a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents">document use</a> rules apply. </p>
+ |
+ 1502
+ |
+ <hr title="Separator for header">
+ |
+ 1503
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1509,33 +1512,64 @@
+ |
+ 1509
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1510
+ |
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc no-ref heading settled" id="status"><span class="content">Status of this document</span></h2>
+ |
+ 1511
+ |
+ <div data-fill-with="status">
+ |
+ 1512
+ |
+ -
+ <p> <em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of
+ |
+ 1513
+ |
+ -
+ its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of
+ |
+ 1514
+ |
+ -
+ current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report
+ |
+ 1515
+ |
+ -
+ can be found in the <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports
+ |
+ 1515
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1516
+ |
+ +
+ <p> <em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other
+ |
+ 1517
+ |
+ +
+ documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision
+ |
+ 1518
+ |
+ +
+ of this technical report can be found in the <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports
+ |
+ 1516
+ |
+ index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.</a></em> </p>
+ |
+ 1517
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Work on this specification is being undertaken both in the <a href="https://www.w3.org/community/texttracks/">Web Media Text Tracks Community Group</a> as well as
+ |
+ 1518
+ |
+ -
+ in the <a href="https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Timed Text Working Group</a>. The latter group works towards a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Recommendation for reference purposes with
+ |
+ 1519
+ |
+ -
+ interoperability requirements, while the former is a Draft Community Group Report that continues to
+ |
+ 1520
+ |
+ -
+ evolve. </p>
+ |
+ 1521
+ |
+ -
+ <p>This document was published by the <a href="https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Timed
+ |
+ 1522
+ |
+ -
+ Text Working Group</a> as a Working Draft. This document is intended to become a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Recommendation. If you wish to make comments regarding
+ |
+ 1523
+ |
+ -
+ this document, please send them to <a href="mailto:public-tt@w3.org?subject=%5Bwebvtt%5D">public-tt@w3.org</a> (<a href="mailto:public-tt-request@w3.org?subject=subscribe">subscribe</a>, <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tt/">archives</a>) with <code>[webvtt]</code> at
+ |
+ 1524
+ |
+ -
+ the start of your email’s subject. All comments are welcome. </p>
+ |
+ 1525
+ |
+ |
+ 1526
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The Timed Text Working Group intends to recommend transition of this document to Candidate Recommendation and is offering this Working Draft for a public review period ending on 22 September 2017. A cumulative summary of all changes applied to this version since <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-webvtt1-20141113/">WebVTT First Public Working Draft</a> was published is available at <a href="changes-FPWD.html">Changes from WebVTT (FPWD)</a>.
+ |
+ 1527
+ |
+ -
+ </p>
+ |
+ 1528
+ |
+ -
+ <p> Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
+ |
+ 1529
+ |
+ -
+ Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or
+ |
+ 1530
+ |
+ -
+ obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this
+ |
+ 1521
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Work on this specification is being undertaken both in the
+ |
+ 1522
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="https://www.w3.org/community/texttracks/">Web Media Text Tracks Community Group</a>
+ |
+ 1523
+ |
+ +
+ as well as in the <a href="https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/">
+ |
+ 1524
+ |
+ +
+ <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Timed Text Working Group</a>. The latter group
+ |
+ 1525
+ |
+ +
+ works towards a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Recommendation for reference
+ |
+ 1526
+ |
+ +
+ purposes with interoperability requirements, while the former is a Draft Community Group Report
+ |
+ 1527
+ |
+ +
+ that continues to evolve. </p>
+ |
+ 1528
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1529
+ |
+ +
+ <p>This document was published by the <a href="https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/">
+ |
+ 1530
+ |
+ +
+ <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Timed Text Working Group</a> as a Working Draft.
+ |
+ 1531
+ |
+ +
+ This document is intended to become a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>
+ |
+ 1532
+ |
+ +
+ Recommendation. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to
+ |
+ 1533
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="mailto:public-tt@w3.org?subject=%5Bwebvtt%5D">public-tt@w3.org</a>
+ |
+ 1534
+ |
+ +
+ (<a href="mailto:public-tt-request@w3.org?subject=subscribe">subscribe</a>,
+ |
+ 1535
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tt/">archives</a>) with <code>[webvtt]</code>
+ |
+ 1536
+ |
+ +
+ at the start of your email’s subject. All comments are welcome.
+ |
+ 1537
+ |
+ +
+ <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> publishes a Candidate Recommendation to indicate
+ |
+ 1538
+ |
+ +
+ that the document is believed to be stable and to encourage implementation by the developer
+ |
+ 1539
+ |
+ +
+ community. This Candidate Recommendation is expected to advance to Proposed Recommendation no
+ |
+ 1540
+ |
+ +
+ earlier than 15 July 2017. </p>
+ |
+ 1541
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1542
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Please see the Working Group's <a href="https://www.w3.org/wiki/TimedText/WebVTT_Implementation_Report">Implementation Report</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 1543
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1544
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For this specification to exit the CR stage, at least 2 independent implementations of every
+ |
+ 1545
+ |
+ +
+ feature defined in this specification need to be documented in the implementation report. The
+ |
+ 1546
+ |
+ +
+ implementation report is based on implementer-provided test results for the
+ |
+ 1547
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/tree/master/webvtt">test suite</a>. The Working
+ |
+ 1548
+ |
+ +
+ Group does not require that implementations are publicly available but encourages them to be so.</p>
+ |
+ 1549
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1550
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The Working Group has not identified features "at risk" for this specification.</p>
+ |
+ 1551
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1552
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A cumulative summary of all changes applied to this version since the
+ |
+ 1553
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-webvtt1-20141113/">WebVTT First Public Working Draft</a>
+ |
+ 1554
+ |
+ +
+ was published is available at <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-webvtt1-20180415/changes.html">Changes from FPWD WebVTT</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 1555
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1556
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For convenience, a complete diff between this version and the WebVTT previous Working Draft was published is found at <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-webvtt1-20180415/diff.html">Diff from previsou Workdin Draft WebVTT</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 1557
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1558
+ |
+ +
+ <p> Publication as a Candidate Recommendation does not imply endorsement by the
+ |
+ 1559
+ |
+ +
+ <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Membership. This is a draft document and may be
+ |
+ 1560
+ |
+ +
+ updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this
+ |
+ 1531
+ |
+ document as other than work in progress. </p>
+ |
+ 1562
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1532
+ |
+ <p> This document was produced by a group operating under
+ |
+ 1533
+ |
+ the <a href="https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>.
+ |
+ 1534
+ |
+ -
+ W3C maintains a <a href="https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/34314/status" rel="disclosure">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group;
+ |
+ 1565
+ |
+ +
+ W3C maintains a <a href="https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/49309/status" rel="disclosure">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group;
+ |
+ 1535
+ |
+ that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent.
+ |
+ 1567
+ |
+ +
+ <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> maintains a <a href="https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/34314/status">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the
+ |
+ 1568
+ |
+ +
+ deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent.
+ |
+ 1536
+ |
+ An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a href="https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#def-essential">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Disclosure">section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>. </p>
+ |
+ 1570
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1537
+ |
+ <p> This document is governed by the <a href="https://www.w3.org/2017/Process-20170301/" id="w3c_process_revision">1 March 2017 W3C Process Document</a>. </p>
+ |
+ 1538
+ |
+ -
+ <p></p>
+ |
+ 1572
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1539
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1540
+ |
+ <div class="snapshot" hidden="">
+ |
+ 1541
+ |
+ <p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1551,10 +1585,13 @@
+ |
+ 1551
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1552
+ |
+ <a href="#introduction"><span class="secno">1</span> <span class="content">Introduction</span></a>
+ |
+ 1553
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1554
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#introduction-multiple-lines"><span class="secno">1.1</span> <span class="content">Cues with multiple lines</span></a>
+ |
+ 1555
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#introduction-comments"><span class="secno">1.2</span> <span class="content">Comments</span></a>
+ |
+ 1556
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#styling"><span class="secno">1.3</span> <span class="content">Styling</span></a>
+ |
+ 1557
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#introduction-other-features"><span class="secno">1.4</span> <span class="content">Other features</span></a>
+ |
+ 1588
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#introduction-caption"><span class="secno">1.1</span> <span class="content">A simple caption file</span></a>
+ |
+ 1589
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#introduction-multiple-lines"><span class="secno">1.2</span> <span class="content">Caption cues with multiple lines</span></a>
+ |
+ 1590
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#styling"><span class="secno">1.3</span> <span class="content">Styling captions</span></a>
+ |
+ 1591
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#introduction-other-features"><span class="secno">1.4</span> <span class="content">Other caption and subtitling features</span></a>
+ |
+ 1592
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#introduction-comments"><span class="secno">1.5</span> <span class="content">Comments in WebVTT</span></a>
+ |
+ 1593
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#introduction-chapters"><span class="secno">1.6</span> <span class="content">Chapters example</span></a>
+ |
+ 1594
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#introduction-metadata"><span class="secno">1.7</span> <span class="content">Metadata example</span></a>
+ |
+ 1558
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1559
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1560
+ |
+ <a href="#conformance"><span class="secno">2</span> <span class="content">Conformance</span></a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1565,8 +1602,12 @@
+ |
+ 1565
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1566
+ |
+ <a href="#data-model"><span class="secno">3</span> <span class="content">Data model</span></a>
+ |
+ 1567
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1568
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cues"><span class="secno">3.1</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cues</span></a>
+ |
+ 1569
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#regions"><span class="secno">3.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT regions</span></a>
+ |
+ 1605
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#model-overview"><span class="secno">3.1</span> <span class="content">Overview</span></a>
+ |
+ 1606
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#model-cues"><span class="secno">3.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cues</span></a>
+ |
+ 1607
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cues"><span class="secno">3.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</span></a>
+ |
+ 1608
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#regions"><span class="secno">3.4</span> <span class="content">WebVTT caption or subtitle regions</span></a>
+ |
+ 1609
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#chapter-cues"><span class="secno">3.5</span> <span class="content">WebVTT chapter cues</span></a>
+ |
+ 1610
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#metadata-cues"><span class="secno">3.6</span> <span class="content">WebVTT metadata cues</span></a>
+ |
+ 1570
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1571
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1572
+ |
+ <a href="#syntax"><span class="secno">4</span> <span class="content">Syntax</span></a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1576,7 +1617,8 @@
+ |
+ 1576
+ |
+ <a href="#types-of-webvtt-cue-payload"><span class="secno">4.2</span> <span class="content">Types of WebVTT cue payload</span></a>
+ |
+ 1577
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1578
+ |
+ <li><a href="#metadata-text"><span class="secno">4.2.1</span> <span class="content">WebVTT metadata text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1579
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-text"><span class="secno">4.2.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cue text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1620
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#caption-text"><span class="secno">4.2.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1621
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#chapter-title-text"><span class="secno">4.2.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT chapter title text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1580
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1581
+ |
+ <li><a href="#region-settings"><span class="secno">4.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT region settings</span></a>
+ |
+ 1582
+ |
+ <li><a href="#cue-settings"><span class="secno">4.4</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cue settings</span></a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1590,51 +1632,56 @@
+ |
+ 1590
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1591
+ |
+ <li><a href="#file-using-metadata-content"><span class="secno">4.6.1</span> <span class="content">WebVTT file using metadata content</span></a>
+ |
+ 1592
+ |
+ <li><a href="#file-using-chapter-title-text"><span class="secno">4.6.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT file using chapter title text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1593
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#file-using-cue-text"><span class="secno">4.6.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT file using cue text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1635
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#file-using-cue-text"><span class="secno">4.6.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text</span></a>
+ |
+ 1594
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1595
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1596
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1597
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#parsing"><span class="secno">5</span> <span class="content">Parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1639
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#default-classes"><span class="secno">5</span> <span class="content">Default classes for WebVTT Caption or Subtitle Cue Components</span></a>
+ |
+ 1598
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1599
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#file-parsing"><span class="secno">5.1</span> <span class="content">WebVTT file parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1600
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#region-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">5.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT region settings parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1641
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#default-text-color"><span class="secno">5.1</span> <span class="content">Default text colors</span></a>
+ |
+ 1642
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#default-text-background"><span class="secno">5.2</span> <span class="content">Default text background colors</span></a>
+ |
+ 1601
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-timings-and-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">5.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1602
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-text-parsing-rules"><span class="secno">5.4</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</span></a>
+ |
+ 1603
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-construction-rules"><span class="secno">5.5</span> <span class="content"><span>WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</span></span></a>
+ |
+ 1604
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title"><span class="secno">5.6</span> <span class="content">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 1605
+ |
+ -
+ title</span></a>
+ |
+ 1606
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1607
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1608
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#rendering"><span class="secno">6</span> <span class="content">Rendering</span></a>
+ |
+ 1645
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#parsing"><span class="secno">6</span> <span class="content">Parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1609
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1647
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#file-parsing"><span class="secno">6.1</span> <span class="content">WebVTT file parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1648
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#region-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">6.2</span> <span class="content">WebVTT region settings parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1649
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-timings-and-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">6.3</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</span></a>
+ |
+ 1650
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-text-parsing-rules"><span class="secno">6.4</span> <span class="content">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</span></a>
+ |
+ 1651
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-construction-rules"><span class="secno">6.5</span> <span class="content"><span>WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</span></span></a>
+ |
+ 1652
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title"><span class="secno">6.6</span> <span class="content">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 1653
+ |
+ +
+ title</span></a>
+ |
+ 1654
+ |
+ +
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1610
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1611
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#processing-model"><span class="secno">6.1</span> <span class="content">Processing model</span></a>
+ |
+ 1656
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#rendering"><span class="secno">7</span> <span class="content">Rendering</span></a>
+ |
+ 1612
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1613
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#applying-css-properties"><span class="secno">6.1.1</span> <span class="content">Applying CSS properties to <span>WebVTT Node Objects</span></span></a>
+ |
+ 1614
+ |
+ -
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1658
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#processing-model"><span class="secno">7.1</span> <span class="content">Processing model</span></a>
+ |
+ 1659
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#processing-cue-settings"><span class="secno">7.2</span> <span class="content">Processing cue settings</span></a>
+ |
+ 1660
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#obtaining-css-boxes"><span class="secno">7.3</span> <span class="content">Obtaining CSS boxes</span></a>
+ |
+ 1661
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#applying-css-properties"><span class="secno">7.4</span> <span class="content">Applying CSS properties to <span>WebVTT Node Objects</span></span></a>
+ |
+ 1615
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1616
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1617
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#css-extensions"><span class="secno">7</span> <span class="content">CSS extensions</span></a>
+ |
+ 1664
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#css-extensions"><span class="secno">8</span> <span class="content">CSS extensions</span></a>
+ |
+ 1618
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1619
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#css-extensions-introduction"><span class="secno">7.1</span> <span class="content">Introduction</span></a>
+ |
+ 1666
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#css-extensions-introduction"><span class="secno">8.1</span> <span class="content">Introduction</span></a>
+ |
+ 1620
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1621
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#css-extensions-processing-model"><span class="secno">7.2</span> <span class="content">Processing model</span></a>
+ |
+ 1668
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#css-extensions-processing-model"><span class="secno">8.2</span> <span class="content">Processing model</span></a>
+ |
+ 1622
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1623
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#the-cue-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">7.2.1</span> <span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue</span> pseudo-element</span></a>
+ |
+ 1624
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#the-past-and-future-pseudo-classes"><span class="secno">7.2.2</span> <span class="content">The <span class="css">:past</span> and <span class="css">:future</span> pseudo-classes</span></a>
+ |
+ 1625
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#the-cue-region-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">7.2.3</span> <span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue-region</span> pseudo-element</span></a>
+ |
+ 1670
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#the-cue-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">8.2.1</span> <span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue</span> pseudo-element</span></a>
+ |
+ 1671
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#the-past-and-future-pseudo-classes"><span class="secno">8.2.2</span> <span class="content">The <span class="css">:past</span> and <span class="css">:future</span> pseudo-classes</span></a>
+ |
+ 1672
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#the-cue-region-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">8.2.3</span> <span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue-region</span> pseudo-element</span></a>
+ |
+ 1626
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1627
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1628
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1629
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#api"><span class="secno">8</span> <span class="content">API</span></a>
+ |
+ 1676
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#api"><span class="secno">9</span> <span class="content">API</span></a>
+ |
+ 1630
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1631
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#the-vttcue-interface"><span class="secno">8.1</span> <span class="content">The <code class="idl"><span>VTTCue</span></code> interface</span></a>
+ |
+ 1632
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#the-vttregion-interface"><span class="secno">8.2</span> <span class="content">The <code class="idl"><span>VTTRegion</span></code> interface</span></a>
+ |
+ 1678
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#the-vttcue-interface"><span class="secno">9.1</span> <span class="content">The <code class="idl"><span>VTTCue</span></code> interface</span></a>
+ |
+ 1679
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#the-vttregion-interface"><span class="secno">9.2</span> <span class="content">The <code class="idl"><span>VTTRegion</span></code> interface</span></a>
+ |
+ 1633
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1634
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1635
+ |
+ -
+ <a href="#iana"><span class="secno">9</span> <span class="content">IANA considerations</span></a>
+ |
+ 1682
+ |
+ +
+ <a href="#iana"><span class="secno">10</span> <span class="content">IANA considerations</span></a>
+ |
+ 1636
+ |
+ <ol class="toc">
+ |
+ 1637
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#iana-text-vtt"><span class="secno">9.1</span> <span class="content"><span><code>text/vtt</code></span></span></a>
+ |
+ 1684
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#iana-text-vtt"><span class="secno">10.1</span> <span class="content"><span><code>text/vtt</code></span></span></a>
+ |
+ 1638
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 1639
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 1640
+ |
+ <a href="#privacy-and-security-considerations"><span class="secno"></span> <span class="content">Privacy and Security Considerations</span></a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1664,7 +1711,15 @@
+ |
+ 1664
+ |
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="1" id="introduction"><span class="secno">1. </span><span class="content">Introduction</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 1665
+ |
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 1666
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt">WebVTT</dfn> (Web Video Text Tracks) format is intended for marking up external text
+ |
+ 1667
+ |
+ -
+ track resources.</p>
+ |
+ 1714
+ |
+ +
+ track resources in connection with the HTML <track> element.</p>
+ |
+ 1715
+ |
+ +
+ <p>WebVTT files provide captions or subtitles for video content, and also text video descriptions <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-maur">[MAUR]</a>, chapters for content navigation, and more generally any form of metadata that is
+ |
+ 1716
+ |
+ +
+ time-aligned with audio or video content.</p>
+ |
+ 1717
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The majority of the current version of this specification is dedicated to describing how to use
+ |
+ 1718
+ |
+ +
+ WebVTT files for captioning or subtitling. There is minimal information about chapters and
+ |
+ 1719
+ |
+ +
+ time-aligned metadata and nothing about video descriptions at this stage.</p>
+ |
+ 1720
+ |
+ +
+ <p>In this section we provide some example WebVTT files as an introduction.</p>
+ |
+ 1721
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.1" id="introduction-caption"><span class="secno">1.1. </span><span class="content">A simple caption file</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-caption"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1722
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 1668
+ |
+ <p>The main use for WebVTT files is captioning or subtitling video content. Here is a sample file
+ |
+ 1669
+ |
+ that captions an interview:</p>
+ |
+ 1670
+ |
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1708,7 +1763,21 @@
+ |
+ 1708
+ |
+ 00:35.500 --> 00:38.000
+ |
+ 1709
+ |
+ <v Roger Bingham>You know I’m so excited my glasses are falling off here.
+ |
+ 1710
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1711
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.1" id="introduction-multiple-lines"><span class="secno">1.1. </span><span class="content">Cues with multiple lines</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-multiple-lines"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1766
+ |
+ +
+ <p>You can see that a WebVTT file in general consists of a sequence of text segments associated with
+ |
+ 1767
+ |
+ +
+ a time-interval, called a cue (<a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-1">definition</a>). Beyond captioning and subtitling,
+ |
+ 1768
+ |
+ +
+ WebVTT can be used for time-aligned metadata, typically in use for delivering name-value pairs in
+ |
+ 1769
+ |
+ +
+ cues. WebVTT can also be used for delivering chapters, which helps with contextual navigation around
+ |
+ 1770
+ |
+ +
+ an audio/video file. Finally, WebVTT can be used for the delivery of text video descriptions, which
+ |
+ 1771
+ |
+ +
+ is text that describes the visual content of time-intervals and can be synthesized to speech to help
+ |
+ 1772
+ |
+ +
+ vision-impaired users understand context.</p>
+ |
+ 1773
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">This version of WebVTT focuses on solving the captioning and subtitling use cases.
+ |
+ 1774
+ |
+ +
+ More specification work is possible for the other use cases. A decision on what type of use case a
+ |
+ 1775
+ |
+ +
+ WebVTT file is being used for is made by the software that is using the file. For example, if in use
+ |
+ 1776
+ |
+ +
+ with a HTML file through a <track> element, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#kind-of-track">kind</a> attribute
+ |
+ 1777
+ |
+ +
+ defines how the WebVTT file is to be interpreted.</p>
+ |
+ 1778
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The following subsections provide an overview of some of the key features of the WebVTT file
+ |
+ 1779
+ |
+ +
+ format, particularly when in use for captioning and subtitling.</p>
+ |
+ 1780
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.2" id="introduction-multiple-lines"><span class="secno">1.2. </span><span class="content">Caption cues with multiple lines</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-multiple-lines"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1712
+ |
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 1713
+ |
+ <p>Line breaks in cues are honored. User agents will also insert extra line breaks if necessary to
+ |
+ 1714
+ |
+ fit the cue in the cue’s width. In general, therefore, authors are encouraged to write cues all on
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1731,7 +1800,7 @@
+ |
+ 1731
+ |
+ <p>The first cue is simple, it will probably just display on one line. The second will take two
+ |
+ 1732
+ |
+ lines, one for each speaker. The third will wrap to fit the width of the video, possibly taking
+ |
+ 1733
+ |
+ multiple lines. For example, the three cues could look like this:</p>
+ |
+ 1734
+ |
+ -
+ <pre> <samp>Never drink liquid nitrogen.</samp>
+ |
+ 1803
+ |
+ +
+ <pre> <samp>Never drink liquid nitrogen.</samp>
+ |
+ 1735
+ |
+ |
+ 1736
+ |
+ <samp>— It will perforate your stomach.</samp>
+ |
+ 1737
+ |
+ <samp>— You could die.</samp>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1744,7 +1813,7 @@
+ |
+ 1744
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1745
+ |
+ <p>If the width of the cues is smaller, the first two cues could wrap as well, as in the following
+ |
+ 1746
+ |
+ example. Note how the second cue’s explicit line break is still honored, however:</p>
+ |
+ 1747
+ |
+ -
+ <pre> <samp>Never drink</samp>
+ |
+ 1816
+ |
+ +
+ <pre> <samp>Never drink</samp>
+ |
+ 1748
+ |
+ <samp>liquid nitrogen.</samp>
+ |
+ 1749
+ |
+ |
+ 1750
+ |
+ <samp>— It will perforate</samp>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1764,53 +1833,7 @@
+ |
+ 1764
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1765
+ |
+ <p>Also notice how the wrapping is done so as to keep the line lengths balanced.</p>
+ |
+ 1766
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1767
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.2" id="introduction-comments"><span class="secno">1.2. </span><span class="content">Comments</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-comments"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1836
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.3" id="styling"><span class="secno">1.3. </span><span class="content">Styling captions</span><a class="self-link" href="#styling"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1768
+ |
+ -
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 1769
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Comments can be included in WebVTT files.</p>
+ |
+ 1770
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Comments are just blocks that are preceded by a blank line, start with the word
+ |
+ 1771
+ |
+ -
+ "<code>NOTE</code>" (followed by a space or newline), and end at the first blank line.</p>
+ |
+ 1772
+ |
+ -
+ <div class="example" id="example-44941b0b">
+ |
+ 1773
+ |
+ -
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-44941b0b"></a>
+ |
+ 1774
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Here, a one-line comment is used to note a possible problem with a cue.</p>
+ |
+ 1775
+ |
+ -
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 1776
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1777
+ |
+ -
+ 00:01.000 --> 00:04.000
+ |
+ 1778
+ |
+ -
+ Never drink liquid nitrogen.
+ |
+ 1779
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1780
+ |
+ -
+ NOTE I’m not sure the timing is right on the following cue.
+ |
+ 1781
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1782
+ |
+ -
+ 00:05.000 --> 00:09.000
+ |
+ 1783
+ |
+ -
+ — It will perforate your stomach.
+ |
+ 1784
+ |
+ -
+ — You could die.
+ |
+ 1785
+ |
+ -
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1786
+ |
+ -
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1787
+ |
+ -
+ <div class="example" id="example-03a9f3ad">
+ |
+ 1788
+ |
+ -
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-03a9f3ad"></a>
+ |
+ 1789
+ |
+ -
+ <p>In this example, the author has written many comments.</p>
+ |
+ 1790
+ |
+ -
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 1791
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1792
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1793
+ |
+ -
+ This file was written by Jill. I hope
+ |
+ 1794
+ |
+ -
+ you enjoy reading it. Some things to
+ |
+ 1795
+ |
+ -
+ bear in mind:
+ |
+ 1796
+ |
+ -
+ - I was lip-reading, so the cues may
+ |
+ 1797
+ |
+ -
+ not be 100% accurate
+ |
+ 1798
+ |
+ -
+ - I didn’t pay too close attention to
+ |
+ 1799
+ |
+ -
+ when the cues should start or end.
+ |
+ 1800
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1801
+ |
+ -
+ 00:01.000 --> 00:04.000
+ |
+ 1802
+ |
+ -
+ Never drink liquid nitrogen.
+ |
+ 1803
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1804
+ |
+ -
+ NOTE check next cue
+ |
+ 1805
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1806
+ |
+ -
+ 00:05.000 --> 00:09.000
+ |
+ 1807
+ |
+ -
+ — It will perforate your stomach.
+ |
+ 1808
+ |
+ -
+ — You could die.
+ |
+ 1809
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 1810
+ |
+ -
+ NOTE end of file
+ |
+ 1811
+ |
+ -
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1812
+ |
+ -
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1813
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.3" id="styling"><span class="secno">1.3. </span><span class="content">Styling</span><a class="self-link" href="#styling"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1814
+ |
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 1815
+ |
+ <p>CSS style sheets that apply to an HTML page that contains a <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element can
+ |
+ 1816
+ |
+ target WebVTT cues and regions in the video using the <span class="css">::cue</span>, <span class="css">::cue()</span>, <span class="css">::cue-region</span> and <span class="css">::cue-region()</span> pseudo-elements.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1876,15 +1899,19 @@
+ |
+ 1876
+ |
+ NOTE style blocks cannot appear after the first cue.
+ |
+ 1877
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1878
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1879
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.4" id="introduction-other-features"><span class="secno">1.4. </span><span class="content">Other features</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-other-features"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1902
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.4" id="introduction-other-features"><span class="secno">1.4. </span><span class="content">Other caption and subtitling features</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-other-features"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 1880
+ |
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 1881
+ |
+ <p>WebVTT also supports some less-often used features.</p>
+ |
+ 1882
+ |
+ -
+ <div class="example" id="example-5046f22f">
+ |
+ 1883
+ |
+ -
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-5046f22f"></a>
+ |
+ 1905
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-59f83607">
+ |
+ 1906
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-59f83607"></a>
+ |
+ 1884
+ |
+ <p>In this example, the cues have an identifier:</p>
+ |
+ 1885
+ |
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 1886
+ |
+ |
+ 1887
+ |
+ -
+ 1
+ |
+ 1910
+ |
+ +
+ test
+ |
+ 1911
+ |
+ +
+ 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000
+ |
+ 1912
+ |
+ +
+ This is a test.
+ |
+ 1913
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 1914
+ |
+ +
+ 123
+ |
+ 1888
+ |
+ 00:00.000 --> 00:02.000
+ |
+ 1889
+ |
+ That’s an, an, that’s an L!
+ |
+ 1890
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1892,9 +1919,16 @@
+ |
+ 1892
+ |
+ 00:04.000 --> 00:05.000
+ |
+ 1893
+ |
+ Transcrit par Célestes™
+ |
+ 1894
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1895
+ |
+ -
+ <p>This allows a style sheet to specifically target the cues (notice the use of CSS character
+ |
+ 1896
+ |
+ -
+ escape sequences):</p>
+ |
+ 1897
+ |
+ -
+ <pre>::cue(#\31) { color: lime; }
+ |
+ 1922
+ |
+ +
+ <p>This allows a style sheet to specifically target the cues.</p>
+ |
+ 1923
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>/* style for cue: test */
+ |
+ 1924
+ |
+ +
+ ::cue(#test) { color: lime; }
+ |
+ 1925
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1926
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Due to the syntax rules of CSS, some characters need to be escaped with CSS character escape
+ |
+ 1927
+ |
+ +
+ sequences. For example, an ID that starts with a number 0-9 needs to be escaped. The ID <code>123</code> can be represented as "\31 23" (31 refers to the Unicode code point for "1"). See <a href="https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-escapes">Using character escapes in markup
+ |
+ 1928
+ |
+ +
+ and CSS</a> for more information on CSS escapes.</p>
+ |
+ 1929
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>/* style for cue: 123 */
+ |
+ 1930
+ |
+ +
+ ::cue(#\31 23) { color: lime; }
+ |
+ 1931
+ |
+ +
+ /* style for cue: crédit de transcription */
+ |
+ 1898
+ |
+ ::cue(#crédit\ de\ transcription) { color: red; }
+ |
+ 1899
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1900
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1940,8 +1974,8 @@
+ |
+ 1940
+ |
+ ::cue(.loud) { font-size: 2em }
+ |
+ 1941
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1942
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 1943
+ |
+ -
+ <div class="example" id="example-0c2976c9">
+ |
+ 1944
+ |
+ -
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-0c2976c9"></a>
+ |
+ 1977
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-b30cb609">
+ |
+ 1978
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-b30cb609"></a>
+ |
+ 1945
+ |
+ <p>This example shows how to position cues at explicit positions in the video viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 1946
+ |
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 1947
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -1956,7 +1990,7 @@
+ |
+ 1956
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 1957
+ |
+ <p>Since the cues in these examples are horizontal, the "position" setting refers to a percentage
+ |
+ 1958
+ |
+ of the width of the video viewpoint. If the text were vertical, the "position" setting would refer
+ |
+ 1959
+ |
+ -
+ to the height of the viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 1993
+ |
+ +
+ to the height of the video viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 1960
+ |
+ <p>The "line-left" or "line-right" only refers to the physical side of the box to which the
+ |
+ 1961
+ |
+ "position" setting applies, in a way which is agnostic regarding the horizontal or vertical
+ |
+ 1962
+ |
+ direction of the cue. It does not affect or relate to the direction or position of the text itself
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2025,6 +2059,118 @@
+ |
+ 2025
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 2026
+ |
+ <p>Note that regions are only defined for horizontal cues.</p>
+ |
+ 2027
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2062
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.5" id="introduction-comments"><span class="secno">1.5. </span><span class="content">Comments in WebVTT</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-comments"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2063
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 2064
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Comments can be included in WebVTT files.</p>
+ |
+ 2065
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Comments are just blocks that are preceded by a blank line, start with the word
+ |
+ 2066
+ |
+ +
+ "<code>NOTE</code>" (followed by a space or newline), and end at the first blank line.</p>
+ |
+ 2067
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-44941b0b">
+ |
+ 2068
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-44941b0b"></a>
+ |
+ 2069
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Here, a one-line comment is used to note a possible problem with a cue.</p>
+ |
+ 2070
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 2071
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2072
+ |
+ +
+ 00:01.000 --> 00:04.000
+ |
+ 2073
+ |
+ +
+ Never drink liquid nitrogen.
+ |
+ 2074
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2075
+ |
+ +
+ NOTE I’m not sure the timing is right on the following cue.
+ |
+ 2076
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2077
+ |
+ +
+ 00:05.000 --> 00:09.000
+ |
+ 2078
+ |
+ +
+ — It will perforate your stomach.
+ |
+ 2079
+ |
+ +
+ — You could die.
+ |
+ 2080
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 2081
+ |
+ +
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2082
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-03a9f3ad">
+ |
+ 2083
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-03a9f3ad"></a>
+ |
+ 2084
+ |
+ +
+ <p>In this example, the author has written many comments.</p>
+ |
+ 2085
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 2086
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2087
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2088
+ |
+ +
+ This file was written by Jill. I hope
+ |
+ 2089
+ |
+ +
+ you enjoy reading it. Some things to
+ |
+ 2090
+ |
+ +
+ bear in mind:
+ |
+ 2091
+ |
+ +
+ - I was lip-reading, so the cues may
+ |
+ 2092
+ |
+ +
+ not be 100% accurate
+ |
+ 2093
+ |
+ +
+ - I didn’t pay too close attention to
+ |
+ 2094
+ |
+ +
+ when the cues should start or end.
+ |
+ 2095
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2096
+ |
+ +
+ 00:01.000 --> 00:04.000
+ |
+ 2097
+ |
+ +
+ Never drink liquid nitrogen.
+ |
+ 2098
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2099
+ |
+ +
+ NOTE check next cue
+ |
+ 2100
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2101
+ |
+ +
+ 00:05.000 --> 00:09.000
+ |
+ 2102
+ |
+ +
+ — It will perforate your stomach.
+ |
+ 2103
+ |
+ +
+ — You could die.
+ |
+ 2104
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2105
+ |
+ +
+ NOTE end of file
+ |
+ 2106
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 2107
+ |
+ +
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2108
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.6" id="introduction-chapters"><span class="secno">1.6. </span><span class="content">Chapters example</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-chapters"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2109
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 2110
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A WebVTT file can consist of chapters, which are navigation markers for the video.</p>
+ |
+ 2111
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Chapters are plain text, typically just a single line.</p>
+ |
+ 2112
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-5b78f944">
+ |
+ 2113
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-5b78f944"></a>
+ |
+ 2114
+ |
+ +
+ <p>In this example, a talk is split into each slide being a chapter.</p>
+ |
+ 2115
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 2116
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2117
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2118
+ |
+ +
+ This is from a talk Silvia gave about WebVTT.
+ |
+ 2119
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2120
+ |
+ +
+ Slide 1
+ |
+ 2121
+ |
+ +
+ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.700
+ |
+ 2122
+ |
+ +
+ Title Slide
+ |
+ 2123
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2124
+ |
+ +
+ Slide 2
+ |
+ 2125
+ |
+ +
+ 00:00:10.700 --> 00:00:47.600
+ |
+ 2126
+ |
+ +
+ Introduction by Naomi Black
+ |
+ 2127
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2128
+ |
+ +
+ Slide 3
+ |
+ 2129
+ |
+ +
+ 00:00:47.600 --> 00:01:50.100
+ |
+ 2130
+ |
+ +
+ Impact of Captions on the Web
+ |
+ 2131
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2132
+ |
+ +
+ Slide 4
+ |
+ 2133
+ |
+ +
+ 00:01:50.100 --> 00:03:33.000
+ |
+ 2134
+ |
+ +
+ Requirements of a Video text format
+ |
+ 2135
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 2136
+ |
+ +
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2137
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="1.7" id="introduction-metadata"><span class="secno">1.7. </span><span class="content">Metadata example</span><a class="self-link" href="#introduction-metadata"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2138
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 2139
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A WebVTT file can consist of time-aligned metadata.</p>
+ |
+ 2140
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Metadata can be any string and is often provided as a JSON construct.</p>
+ |
+ 2141
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Note that you cannot provide blank lines inside a metadata block, because the blank line
+ |
+ 2142
+ |
+ +
+ signifies the end of the WebVTT cue.</p>
+ |
+ 2143
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-7e3f730b">
+ |
+ 2144
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-7e3f730b"></a>
+ |
+ 2145
+ |
+ +
+ <p>In this example, a talk is split into each slide being a chapter.</p>
+ |
+ 2146
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 2147
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2148
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2149
+ |
+ +
+ Thanks to http://output.jsbin.com/mugibo
+ |
+ 2150
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2151
+ |
+ +
+ 1
+ |
+ 2152
+ |
+ +
+ 00:00:00.100 --> 00:00:07.342
+ |
+ 2153
+ |
+ +
+ {
+ |
+ 2154
+ |
+ +
+ "type": "WikipediaPage",
+ |
+ 2155
+ |
+ +
+ "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai_Pizza_Cats"
+ |
+ 2156
+ |
+ +
+ }
+ |
+ 2157
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2158
+ |
+ +
+ 2
+ |
+ 2159
+ |
+ +
+ 00:07.810 --> 00:09.221
+ |
+ 2160
+ |
+ +
+ {
+ |
+ 2161
+ |
+ +
+ "type": "WikipediaPage",
+ |
+ 2162
+ |
+ +
+ "url" :"http://samuraipizzacats.wikia.com/wiki/Samurai_Pizza_Cats_Wiki"
+ |
+ 2163
+ |
+ +
+ }
+ |
+ 2164
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 2165
+ |
+ +
+ 3
+ |
+ 2166
+ |
+ +
+ 00:11.441 --> 00:14.441
+ |
+ 2167
+ |
+ +
+ {
+ |
+ 2168
+ |
+ +
+ "type": "LongLat",
+ |
+ 2169
+ |
+ +
+ "lat" : "36.198269",
+ |
+ 2170
+ |
+ +
+ "long": "137.2315355"
+ |
+ 2171
+ |
+ +
+ }
+ |
+ 2172
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 2173
+ |
+ +
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2028
+ |
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="2" id="conformance"><span class="secno">2. </span><span class="content">Conformance</span><a class="self-link" href="#conformance"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 2029
+ |
+ <p>All diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative, as are all sections
+ |
+ 2030
+ |
+ explicitly marked non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2043,7 +2189,7 @@
+ |
+ 2043
+ |
+ <p>This specification describes the conformance criteria for user agents (relevant to implementors)
+ |
+ 2044
+ |
+ and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-1">WebVTT files</a> (relevant to authors and authoring tool implementors).</p>
+ |
+ 2045
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note"><a href="#syntax">§4 Syntax</a> defines what consists of a valid <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-2">WebVTT file</a>. Authors need to
+ |
+ 2046
+ |
+ -
+ follow the requirements therein, and are encouraged to use a conformance checker. <a href="#parsing">§5 Parsing</a> defines how user agents are to interpret a file labelled as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-vtt" id="ref-for-text-vtt-1">text/vtt</a>, for both valid and
+ |
+ 2192
+ |
+ +
+ follow the requirements therein, and are encouraged to use a conformance checker. <a href="#parsing">§6 Parsing</a> defines how user agents are to interpret a file labelled as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-vtt" id="ref-for-text-vtt-1">text/vtt</a>, for both valid and
+ |
+ 2047
+ |
+ invalid <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-3">WebVTT files</a>. The parsing rules are more tolerant to author errors than the syntax
+ |
+ 2048
+ |
+ allows, in order to provide for extensibility and to still render cues that have some syntax
+ |
+ 2049
+ |
+ errors.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2060,7 +2206,26 @@
+ |
+ 2060
+ |
+ specification. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-webidl-1">[WEBIDL-1]</a></p>
+ |
+ 2061
+ |
+ <dt>User agents with no scripting support
+ |
+ 2062
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2063
+ |
+ -
+ <p>All processing requirements in this specification apply, except those in <a href="#api">§8 API</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2209
+ |
+ +
+ <p>All processing requirements in this specification apply, except those in <a href="#dom-construction-rules">§6.5 WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> and <a href="#api">§9 API</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2210
+ |
+ +
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="user-agents-that-do-not-support-css">User agents that do not support CSS</dfn>
+ |
+ 2211
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2212
+ |
+ +
+ <p>All processing requirements in this specification apply, except parts of <a href="#parsing">§6 Parsing</a> that
+ |
+ 2213
+ |
+ +
+ relate to stylesheets and CSS, and all of <a href="#rendering">§7 Rendering</a> and <a href="#css-extensions">§8 CSS extensions</a>. The user agent
+ |
+ 2214
+ |
+ +
+ must instead only render the text inside <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-1">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> in an
+ |
+ 2215
+ |
+ +
+ appropriate manner and specifically support the color classes defined in <a href="#default-classes">§5 Default classes for WebVTT Caption or Subtitle Cue Components</a>. Any
+ |
+ 2216
+ |
+ +
+ other styling instructions are optional.</p>
+ |
+ 2217
+ |
+ +
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine">User agents that do not support a full HTML CSS engine</dfn>
+ |
+ 2218
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2219
+ |
+ +
+ <p>All processing requirements in this specification apply, including the color classes defined
+ |
+ 2220
+ |
+ +
+ in <a href="#default-classes">§5 Default classes for WebVTT Caption or Subtitle Cue Components</a>. However, the user agent will need to apply the CSS related features in <a href="#parsing">§6 Parsing</a>, <a href="#rendering">§7 Rendering</a> and <a href="#css-extensions">§8 CSS extensions</a> in such a way that the rendered results are
+ |
+ 2221
+ |
+ +
+ equivalent to what a full CSS supporting renderer produces.</p>
+ |
+ 2222
+ |
+ +
+ <dt><dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="user-agents-that-support-a-full-html-css-engine">User agents that support a full HTML CSS engine<a class="self-link" href="#user-agents-that-support-a-full-html-css-engine"></a></dfn>
+ |
+ 2223
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2224
+ |
+ +
+ <p>All processing requirements in this specification apply. However, only a limited set of CSS
+ |
+ 2225
+ |
+ +
+ styles is allowed because <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine" id="ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine-1">user agents that do not support a full HTML CSS engine</a> will need
+ |
+ 2226
+ |
+ +
+ to implement CSS functionality equivalents. User agents that support a full CSS engine must
+ |
+ 2227
+ |
+ +
+ therefore limit the CSS styles they apply for WebVTT so as to enable identical rendering without
+ |
+ 2228
+ |
+ +
+ bleeding in extra CSS styles that are beyond the WebVTT specification.</p>
+ |
+ 2064
+ |
+ <dt>Conformance checkers
+ |
+ 2065
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2066
+ |
+ <p>Conformance checkers must verify that a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-4">WebVTT file</a> conforms to the applicable
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2083,20 +2248,50 @@
+ |
+ 2083
+ |
+ cue with an ID consisting of the character U+00C5 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE (a
+ |
+ 2084
+ |
+ precomposed character).</p>
+ |
+ 2085
+ |
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="3" id="data-model"><span class="secno">3. </span><span class="content">Data model</span><a class="self-link" href="#data-model"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 2086
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1" id="cues"><span class="secno">3.1. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cues</span><a class="self-link" href="#cues"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2087
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue">WebVTT cue</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">text track cue</a> that additionally consist of the following: <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-html51">[HTML51]</a></p>
+ |
+ 2251
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">The box model of WebVTT consists of three key elements: the video viewport, cues, and
+ |
+ 2252
+ |
+ +
+ regions. The video viewport is the rendering area into which cues and regions are rendered. Cues are
+ |
+ 2253
+ |
+ +
+ boxes consisting of a set of cue lines. Regions are subareas of the video viewport that are used to
+ |
+ 2254
+ |
+ +
+ group cues together. Cues are positioned either inside the video viewport directly or inside a
+ |
+ 2255
+ |
+ +
+ region, which is positioned inside the video viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 2256
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">The position of a cue inside the video viewport is defined by a set of cue settings.
+ |
+ 2257
+ |
+ +
+ The position of a region inside the video viewport is defined by a set of region settings. Cues that
+ |
+ 2258
+ |
+ +
+ are inside regions can only use a limited set of their cue settings. Specifically, if the cue has a
+ |
+ 2259
+ |
+ +
+ "vertical", "line" or "size" setting, the cue drops out of the region. Otherwise, the cue’s width is
+ |
+ 2260
+ |
+ +
+ calculated to be relative to the region width rather than the viewport. </p>
+ |
+ 2261
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.1" id="model-overview"><span class="secno">3.1. </span><span class="content">Overview</span><a class="self-link" href="#model-overview"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2262
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 2263
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The WebVTT file is a container file for chunks of data that are time-aligned with a video or
+ |
+ 2264
+ |
+ +
+ audio resource. It can therefore be regarded as a serialisation format for time-aligned data.</p>
+ |
+ 2265
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A WebVTT file starts with a header and then contains a series of data blocks. If a data block has
+ |
+ 2266
+ |
+ +
+ a start and end time, it is called a WebVTT cue. A comment is another kind of data block.</p>
+ |
+ 2267
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Different kinds of data can be carried in WebVTT files. The HTML specification identifies
+ |
+ 2268
+ |
+ +
+ captions, subtitles, chapters, audio descriptions and metadata as data kinds and specifies which one
+ |
+ 2269
+ |
+ +
+ is being used in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#kind-of-track">text track kind</a> attribute of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a> element <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-html51">[HTML51]</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2270
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A WebVTT file must only contain data of one kind, never a mix of different kinds of data. The
+ |
+ 2271
+ |
+ +
+ data kind of a WebVTT file is externally specified, such as in a HTML file’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a> element. The environment is responsible for interpreting the data correctly.</p>
+ |
+ 2272
+ |
+ +
+ <p>WebVTT caption or subtitle cues are rendered as overlays on top of a video viewport or into a
+ |
+ 2273
+ |
+ +
+ region, which is a subarea of the video viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 2274
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2" id="model-cues"><span class="secno">3.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cues</span><a class="self-link" href="#model-cues"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2275
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue">WebVTT cue</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">text track cue</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-html51">[HTML51]</a> that additionally consist of the
+ |
+ 2276
+ |
+ +
+ following: </p>
+ |
+ 2088
+ |
+ <dl>
+ |
+ 2089
+ |
+ -
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="text track cue text" data-noexport="" id="text-track-cue-text">A cue text</dfn>
+ |
+ 2278
+ |
+ +
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue text" data-noexport="" id="cue-text">A cue text</dfn>
+ |
+ 2090
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2091
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The raw text of the cue, and rules for its interpretation, allowing the text to be rendered and
+ |
+ 2092
+ |
+ -
+ converted to a DOM fragment.</p>
+ |
+ 2280
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The raw text of the cue, and rules for its interpretation.</p>
+ |
+ 2281
+ |
+ +
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 2282
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.3" id="cues"><span class="secno">3.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</span><a class="self-link" href="#cues"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2283
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-2">WebVTT cue</a> that has the following
+ |
+ 2284
+ |
+ +
+ additional properties allowing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-1">cue text</a> to be rendered and converted to a DOM
+ |
+ 2285
+ |
+ +
+ fragment:</p>
+ |
+ 2286
+ |
+ +
+ <dl>
+ |
+ 2093
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue box" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-box">A cue box</dfn>
+ |
+ 2094
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2095
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The cue box of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-1">WebVTT cue</a> is a box within which the text of all lines of the cue is to
+ |
+ 2096
+ |
+ -
+ be rendered.</p>
+ |
+ 2289
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The cue box of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-3">WebVTT cue</a> is a box within which the text of all lines of the cue is to
+ |
+ 2290
+ |
+ +
+ be rendered. It is either rendered into the video’s viewport or a region inside the viewport if
+ |
+ 2291
+ |
+ +
+ the cue is part of a region.</p>
+ |
+ 2097
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">The position of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-6">cue box</a> within the video viewport’s
+ |
+ 2098
+ |
+ -
+ dimensions depends on the value of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-1">WebVTT cue position</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-1">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 2099
+ |
+ -
+ line</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2293
+ |
+ +
+ or region’s dimensions depends on the value of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-1">WebVTT cue position</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-1">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2294
+ |
+ +
+ cue line</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2100
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">Lines are wrapped within the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-7">cue box</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-1">size</a> if lines' lengths make this necessary.</p>
+ |
+ 2101
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue writing direction" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-writing-direction">A writing direction</dfn>
+ |
+ 2102
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2125,42 +2320,41 @@
+ |
+ 2125
+ |
+ <p>A boolean indicating whether the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-3">line</a> is an integer number of lines
+ |
+ 2126
+ |
+ (using the line dimensions of the first line of the cue), or whether it is a percentage of the
+ |
+ 2127
+ |
+ dimension of the video. The flag is set to true when lines are counted, and false otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 2128
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Cues whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-1">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true will be placed within the title-safe
+ |
+ 2129
+ |
+ -
+ area on user agents that use overscan. Cues where the flag is false will be offset as requested
+ |
+ 2130
+ |
+ -
+ (modulo overlap avoidance if multiple cues are in the same place).</p>
+ |
+ 2323
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Cues where the flag is false will be offset as requested modulo overlap avoidance if multiple
+ |
+ 2324
+ |
+ +
+ cues are in the same place.</p>
+ |
+ 2325
+ |
+ +
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-1">snap-to-lines flag</a> is set to
+ |
+ 2131
+ |
+ -
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-2">snap-to-lines flag</a> is set to
+ |
+ 2132
+ |
+ true.</p>
+ |
+ 2133
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue line" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-line">A line</dfn>
+ |
+ 2134
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2135
+ |
+ <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-4">line</a> defines positioning of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-8">cue
+ |
+ 2136
+ |
+ box</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2137
+ |
+ <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-5">line</a> offsets the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-9">cue box</a> from the
+ |
+ 2138
+ |
+ -
+ top, the right or left of the video viewport as defined by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-3">writing direction</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-3">snap-to-lines
+ |
+ 2332
+ |
+ +
+ top, the right or left of the video viewport as defined by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-3">writing direction</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-2">snap-to-lines
+ |
+ 2139
+ |
+ flag</a>, or the lines occupied by any other showing tracks.</p>
+ |
+ 2140
+ |
+ <p>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-6">line</a> is set either as a number of lines, a percentage of the
+ |
+ 2141
+ |
+ video viewport height or width, or as the special value <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue line
+ |
+ 2142
+ |
+ automatic" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-line-automatic">auto</dfn>, which means the offset is to depend on the other showing tracks.</p>
+ |
+ 2143
+ |
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-7">line</a> is set to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-1">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2144
+ |
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-4">writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-2">horizontal</a>, then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-8">line</a> percentages are relative to the height of the video, otherwise to the width of the video.</p>
+ |
+ 2145
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-2">WebVTT cue</a> has a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue computed line" data-noexport="" id="cue-computed-line">computed line</dfn> whose value is that
+ |
+ 2339
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-4">WebVTT cue</a> has a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue computed line" data-noexport="" id="cue-computed-line">computed line</dfn> whose value is that
+ |
+ 2146
+ |
+ returned by the following algorithm, which is defined in terms of the other aspects of the
+ |
+ 2147
+ |
+ cue:</p>
+ |
+ 2148
+ |
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="computed line">
+ |
+ 2149
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2150
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-9">line</a> is numeric, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-4">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-3">WebVTT cue</a> is false, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-10">line</a> is negative or
+ |
+ 2344
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-9">line</a> is numeric, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-3">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-5">WebVTT cue</a> is false, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-10">line</a> is negative or
+ |
+ 2151
+ |
+ greater than 100, then return 100 and abort these steps.</p>
+ |
+ 2152
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">Although the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-1">WebVTT parser</a> will not set the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-11">line</a> to a number outside the range 0..100 and also set the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-5">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines
+ |
+ 2346
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">Although the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-1">WebVTT parser</a> will not set the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-11">line</a> to a number outside the range 0..100 and also set the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-4">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines
+ |
+ 2153
+ |
+ flag</a> to false, this can happen when using the DOM API’s <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-1">snapToLines</a></code> and <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-line" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-1">line</a></code> attributes.</p>
+ |
+ 2154
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2155
+ |
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-12">line</a> is numeric, return the value of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-13">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 2156
+ |
+ -
+ line</a> and abort these steps. (Either the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-6">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true, so any
+ |
+ 2350
+ |
+ +
+ line</a> and abort these steps. (Either the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-5">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true, so any
+ |
+ 2157
+ |
+ value, not just those in the range 0..100, is valid, or the value is in the range 0..100 and is
+ |
+ 2158
+ |
+ thus valid regardless of the value of that flag.)</p>
+ |
+ 2159
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2160
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-7">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-4">WebVTT cue</a> is false, return the
+ |
+ 2354
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-6">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-6">WebVTT cue</a> is false, return the
+ |
+ 2161
+ |
+ value 100 and abort these steps. (The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-14">line</a> is the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-2">auto</a>.)</p>
+ |
+ 2162
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2163
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-5">WebVTT cue</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2357
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-7">WebVTT cue</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2164
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2165
+ |
+ <p>If <var>cue</var> is not in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#list-of-cues">list of cues</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text
+ |
+ 2166
+ |
+ track</a>, or if that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a> is not in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#list-of-text-tracks">list of text tracks</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2177,7 +2371,7 @@
+ |
+ 2177
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2178
+ |
+ <p>Return <var>n</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 2179
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2180
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="example" id="example-d1c46c31"><a class="self-link" href="#example-d1c46c31"></a>For example, if two <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> are <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#modedef-track-showing">showing</a> at the same time in one <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a>, and each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a> currently has an active <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-6">WebVTT cue</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-15">line</a> are both <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-3">auto</a>, then the first <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>’s cue’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-line" id="ref-for-cue-computed-line-1">computed line</a> will be −1 and the second will be −2.</p>
+ |
+ 2374
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="example" id="example-d1c46c31"><a class="self-link" href="#example-d1c46c31"></a>For example, if two <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> are <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#modedef-track-showing">showing</a> at the same time in one <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a>, and each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a> currently has an active <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-8">WebVTT cue</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-15">line</a> are both <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-3">auto</a>, then the first <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>’s cue’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-line" id="ref-for-cue-computed-line-1">computed line</a> will be −1 and the second will be −2.</p>
+ |
+ 2181
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue line alignment" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-line-alignment">A line alignment</dfn>
+ |
+ 2182
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2183
+ |
+ <p>An alignment for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-10">cue box</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-16">line</a>, one
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2204,12 +2398,13 @@
+ |
+ 2204
+ |
+ dimensions.</p>
+ |
+ 2205
+ |
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-5">position</a> is set to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-1">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2206
+ |
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-6">writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-5">horizontal</a>, then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-6">position</a> percentages are relative to the width of the video, otherwise to the height of the video.</p>
+ |
+ 2207
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-7">WebVTT cue</a> has a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue computed position" data-noexport="" id="cue-computed-position">computed position</dfn> whose value
+ |
+ 2401
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-9">WebVTT cue</a> has a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue computed position" data-noexport="" id="cue-computed-position">computed position</dfn> whose value
+ |
+ 2208
+ |
+ is that returned by the following algorithm, which is defined in terms of the other aspects of the
+ |
+ 2209
+ |
+ cue:</p>
+ |
+ 2210
+ |
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="computed position">
+ |
+ 2211
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2212
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-7">position</a> is numeric, then return the value of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-8">position</a> and abort these steps. (Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-9">position</a> is the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-2">auto</a>.)</p>
+ |
+ 2406
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-7">position</a> is numeric between 0 and 100, then return
+ |
+ 2407
+ |
+ +
+ the value of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-8">position</a> and abort these steps. (Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-9">position</a> is the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-2">auto</a>.)</p>
+ |
+ 2213
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2214
+ |
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-3">cue text alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-1">left</a>, return 0 and abort these steps.</p>
+ |
+ 2215
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2222,12 +2417,12 @@
+ |
+ 2222
+ |
+ right-to-left cue text, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-16">cue box</a> is positioned from the left edge of
+ |
+ 2223
+ |
+ the video viewport. This allows defining a rendering space template which can be filled with
+ |
+ 2224
+ |
+ either left-to-right or right-to-left cue text, or both.</p>
+ |
+ 2225
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-8">WebVTT cues</a> that have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-3">size</a> other than 100%, and a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-6">text alignment</a> of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-1">start</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-1">end</a>, authors must not use the default <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-3">auto</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-11">position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2420
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-10">WebVTT cues</a> that have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-3">size</a> other than 100%, and a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-6">text alignment</a> of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-1">start</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-1">end</a>, authors must not use the default <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-3">auto</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-11">position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2226
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">When the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-7">text alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-2">start</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-2">end</a>, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-4">auto</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-12">position</a> is 50%. This is different
+ |
+ 2227
+ |
+ from <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-2">left</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-2">right</a> aligned text, where the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-5">auto</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-13">position</a> is 0% and 100%, respectively. The above requirement is present because it
+ |
+ 2228
+ |
+ -
+ can be surprising that automatic positioning doesn’t work for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-3">start</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-3">end</a> aligned text. Since <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-1">cue text</a> can consist of text with left-to-right base direction, or right-to-left
+ |
+ 2229
+ |
+ -
+ base direction, or both (on different lines), such automatic positioning would have unexpected
+ |
+ 2230
+ |
+ -
+ results.</p>
+ |
+ 2423
+ |
+ +
+ can be surprising that automatic positioning doesn’t work for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-3">start</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-3">end</a> aligned text. Since <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-2">cue
+ |
+ 2424
+ |
+ +
+ text</a> can consist of text with left-to-right base direction, or right-to-left base direction,
+ |
+ 2425
+ |
+ +
+ or both (on different lines), such automatic positioning would have unexpected results.</p>
+ |
+ 2231
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue position alignment" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-position-alignment">A position alignment</dfn>
+ |
+ 2232
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2233
+ |
+ <p>An alignment for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-17">cue box</a> in the dimension of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-7">writing direction</a>, describing what the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-14">position</a> is anchored to, one of:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2242,7 +2437,7 @@
+ |
+ 2242
+ |
+ <dd>The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-21">cue box</a>’s alignment depends on the value of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-8">text alignment</a> of the cue.
+ |
+ 2243
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 2244
+ |
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-2">position alignment</a> is set to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-1">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2245
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-9">WebVTT cue</a> has a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue computed position alignment" data-noexport="" id="cue-computed-position-alignment">computed position
+ |
+ 2440
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-11">WebVTT cue</a> has a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="cue computed position alignment" data-noexport="" id="cue-computed-position-alignment">computed position
+ |
+ 2246
+ |
+ alignment</dfn> whose value is that returned by the following algorithm, which is defined in terms
+ |
+ 2247
+ |
+ of other aspects of the cue:</p>
+ |
+ 2248
+ |
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="computed position alignment">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2258,11 +2453,19 @@
+ |
+ 2258
+ |
+ return <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-1">line-right</a> and abort these
+ |
+ 2259
+ |
+ steps.</p>
+ |
+ 2260
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2456
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-11">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-4">start</a>,
+ |
+ 2457
+ |
+ +
+ return <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-2">line-left</a> if the base direction of the
+ |
+ 2458
+ |
+ +
+ cue text is left-to-right, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-2">line-right</a> otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 2459
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2460
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-12">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-4">end</a>,
+ |
+ 2461
+ |
+ +
+ return <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-3">line-right</a> if the base direction of
+ |
+ 2462
+ |
+ +
+ the cue text is left-to-right, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-3">line-left</a> otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 2463
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2261
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, return <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-2">center</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2262
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2263
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">Since the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-18">position</a> always measures from the left
+ |
+ 2264
+ |
+ of the video (for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-9">horizontal</a> cues) or the top
+ |
+ 2265
+ |
+ -
+ (otherwise), the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-5">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-2">line-left</a> value varies between left and top for horizontal and vertical cues.</p>
+ |
+ 2468
+ |
+ +
+ (otherwise), the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-5">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-4">line-left</a> value varies between left and top for horizontal and vertical cues.</p>
+ |
+ 2266
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue size" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-size">A size</dfn>
+ |
+ 2267
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2268
+ |
+ <p>A number giving the size of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-22">cue box</a>, to be interpreted as a
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2289,7 +2492,7 @@
+ |
+ 2289
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT cue right alignment" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-right-alignment">Right alignment</dfn>
+ |
+ 2290
+ |
+ <dd>The text is aligned to the box’s right side (for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-12">horizontal</a> cues) or bottom side (otherwise).
+ |
+ 2291
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 2292
+ |
+ -
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-11">text alignment</a> is set to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-3">center</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2495
+ |
+ +
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-13">text alignment</a> is set to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-3">center</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2293
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">The base direction of each line in a cue (which is used by the Unicode Bidirectional
+ |
+ 2294
+ |
+ Algorithm to determine the order in which to display the characters in the line) is determined by
+ |
+ 2295
+ |
+ looking up the first strong directional character in each line, using the CSS <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#valdef-unicode-bidi-plaintext">plaintext</a> algorithm. In the occasional cases where the first strong character on
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2334,11 +2537,11 @@
+ |
+ 2334
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2335
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">The default text alignment is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-4">center
+ |
+ 2336
+ |
+ alignment</a> regardless of the base direction of the cue text. To make the text alignment of each
+ |
+ 2337
+ |
+ -
+ line match the base direction of the line (e.g. left for English, right for Hebrew), use <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-4">start alignment</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-4">end
+ |
+ 2540
+ |
+ +
+ line match the base direction of the line (e.g. left for English, right for Hebrew), use <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-5">start alignment</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-5">end
+ |
+ 2338
+ |
+ alignment</a> for the opposite alignment.</p>
+ |
+ 2339
+ |
+ <div class="example" id="example-73203b99">
+ |
+ 2340
+ |
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-73203b99"></a>
+ |
+ 2341
+ |
+ -
+ <p>In this example, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-5">start alignment</a> is used. The first
+ |
+ 2544
+ |
+ +
+ <p>In this example, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-6">start alignment</a> is used. The first
+ |
+ 2342
+ |
+ line is left-aligned because the base direction is left-to-right, and the second line is
+ |
+ 2343
+ |
+ right-aligned because the base direction is right-to-left.</p>
+ |
+ 2344
+ |
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2359,23 +2562,25 @@
+ |
+ 2359
+ |
+ <p>An optional <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-2">WebVTT region</a> to which a cue belongs.</p>
+ |
+ 2360
+ |
+ <p>By default, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-3">region</a> is set to null.</p>
+ |
+ 2361
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 2362
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The associated <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#rules-for-updating-the-text-track-rendering">rules for updating the text track rendering</a> of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-10">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2565
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The associated <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#rules-for-updating-the-text-track-rendering">rules for updating the text track rendering</a> of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-12">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2363
+ |
+ cues</a> are the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-1">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2364
+ |
+ <div class="impl">
+ |
+ 2365
+ |
+ -
+ <p>When a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-11">WebVTT cue</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-active-flag">active flag</a> is set has its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-11">writing direction</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-8">snap-to-lines flag</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-20">line</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-4">line alignment</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-19">position</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-6">position alignment</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-6">size</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-12">text alignment</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-1">region</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-1">text</a> change value, then the user agent must empty the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track cue display
+ |
+ 2366
+ |
+ -
+ state</a>, and then immediately run the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-2">rules for updating the display of
+ |
+ 2367
+ |
+ -
+ WebVTT text tracks</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2568
+ |
+ +
+ <p>When a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-13">WebVTT cue</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-active-flag">active flag</a> is set has its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-11">writing direction</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-7">snap-to-lines flag</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-20">line</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-4">line alignment</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-19">position</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-6">position alignment</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-6">size</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-14">text alignment</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-1">region</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-3">text</a> change value, then the user agent must empty the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track cue display state</a>, and then
+ |
+ 2569
+ |
+ +
+ immediately run the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-2">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text
+ |
+ 2570
+ |
+ +
+ tracks</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2368
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2369
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.2" id="regions"><span class="secno">3.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT regions</span><a class="self-link" href="#regions"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2370
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region">WebVTT region</dfn> represents a subpart of the video viewport and provides a rendering
+ |
+ 2371
+ |
+ -
+ area for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-12">WebVTT cues</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2572
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.4" id="regions"><span class="secno">3.4. </span><span class="content">WebVTT caption or subtitle regions</span><a class="self-link" href="#regions"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2573
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region">WebVTT region</dfn> represents a subpart of the video viewport and provides a limited
+ |
+ 2574
+ |
+ +
+ rendering area for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-1">WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2575
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">Regions provide a means to group caption or subtitle cues so the cues can be rendered
+ |
+ 2576
+ |
+ +
+ together, which is particularly important when scrolling up.</p>
+ |
+ 2372
+ |
+ <p>Each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-4">WebVTT region</a> consists of:</p>
+ |
+ 2373
+ |
+ <dl>
+ |
+ 2374
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT region identifier" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-identifier">An identifier</dfn>
+ |
+ 2375
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2376
+ |
+ -
+ <p>An arbitrary string of one or more characters other than U+0020 SPACE or U+0009 CHARACTER
+ |
+ 2581
+ |
+ +
+ <p>An arbitrary string of zero or more characters other than U+0020 SPACE or U+0009 CHARACTER
+ |
+ 2377
+ |
+ TABULATION character. The string must not contain the substring "-->" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D
+ |
+ 2378
+ |
+ -
+ HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN). An identifier is required for a region to exist.</p>
+ |
+ 2583
+ |
+ +
+ HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN). Defaults to the empty string.</p>
+ |
+ 2379
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT region width" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-width">A width</dfn>
+ |
+ 2380
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2381
+ |
+ <p>A number giving the width of the box within which the text of each line of the containing cues
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2384,6 +2589,9 @@
+ |
+ 2384
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2385
+ |
+ <p>A number giving the number of lines of the box within which the text of each line of the
+ |
+ 2386
+ |
+ containing cues is to be rendered. Defaults to 3.</p>
+ |
+ 2592
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">Since a WebVTT region defines a fixed rendering area, a cue that has more lines
+ |
+ 2593
+ |
+ +
+ than the region allows will be clipped. For scrolling regions, the clipping happens at the top,
+ |
+ 2594
+ |
+ +
+ for non-scrolling regions it happens at the bottom.</p>
+ |
+ 2387
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT region anchor" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-anchor">A region anchor point</dfn>
+ |
+ 2388
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2389
+ |
+ <p>Two numbers giving the x and y coordinates within the region which is anchored to the video
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2392,7 +2600,7 @@
+ |
+ 2392
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT region viewport anchor" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-viewport-anchor">A region viewport anchor point</dfn>
+ |
+ 2393
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2394
+ |
+ <p>Two numbers giving the x and y coordinates within the video viewport to which the region anchor
+ |
+ 2395
+ |
+ -
+ point is anchored. Defaults to (0,100), i.e. the bottom left corner of the viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 2603
+ |
+ +
+ point is anchored. Defaults to (0,100), i.e. the bottom left corner of the video viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 2396
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT region scroll" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-scroll">A scroll value</dfn>
+ |
+ 2397
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2398
+ |
+ <p>One of the following:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2409,14 +2617,15 @@
+ |
+ 2409
+ |
+ <div class="note" role="note">
+ |
+ 2410
+ |
+ <p>The following diagram illustrates how anchoring of a region to a video viewport works. The black
+ |
+ 2411
+ |
+ cross is the anchor, orange explains the anchor’s offset within the region and green the anchor’s
+ |
+ 2412
+ |
+ -
+ offset within the viewport. Think of it as sticking a pin through a note onto a board:</p>
+ |
+ 2413
+ |
+ -
+ <p><img alt="Within the video viewport, there is a WebVTT region.
+ |
+ 2620
+ |
+ +
+ offset within the video viewport. Think of it as sticking a pin through a note onto a board:</p>
+ |
+ 2621
+ |
+ +
+ <p><img alt="visual explanation of WebVTT regions" longdesc="#regionsExplained" src="webvtt-region-diagram.png"></p>
+ |
+ 2622
+ |
+ +
+ <p id="regionsExplained">Image description: Within the video viewport, there is a WebVTT region.
+ |
+ 2414
+ |
+ Inside the region, there is an anchor point marked with a black cross. The vertical and horizontal
+ |
+ 2415
+ |
+ distance from the video viewport’s edges to the anchor is marked with green arrows, representing
+ |
+ 2416
+ |
+ the region viewport anchor X and Y offsets. The vertical and horizontal distance from the region’s
+ |
+ 2417
+ |
+ edges to the anchor is marked with orange arrows, representing the region anchor X and Y offsets.
+ |
+ 2418
+ |
+ The size of the region is represented by the region width for the horizontal axis, and region lines
+ |
+ 2419
+ |
+ -
+ for the vertical axis." src="webvtt-region-diagram.png"></p>
+ |
+ 2628
+ |
+ +
+ for the vertical axis.</p>
+ |
+ 2420
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 2421
+ |
+ <p>For parsing, we also need the following:</p>
+ |
+ 2422
+ |
+ <dl>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2424,12 +2633,21 @@
+ |
+ 2424
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 2425
+ |
+ <p>A list of zero or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-5">WebVTT regions</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2426
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 2636
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.5" id="chapter-cues"><span class="secno">3.5. </span><span class="content">WebVTT chapter cues</span><a class="self-link" href="#chapter-cues"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2637
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-chapter-cue">WebVTT chapter cue<a class="self-link" href="#webvtt-chapter-cue"></a></dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-14">WebVTT cue</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-4">cue text</a> is interpreted as a
+ |
+ 2638
+ |
+ +
+ chapter title that describes the chapter as a navigation target.</p>
+ |
+ 2639
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Chapter cues mark up the timeline of a audio or video file in consecutive, non-overlapping
+ |
+ 2640
+ |
+ +
+ intervals. It is further possible to subdivide these intervals into sub-chapters building a
+ |
+ 2641
+ |
+ +
+ navigation tree.</p>
+ |
+ 2642
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="3.6" id="metadata-cues"><span class="secno">3.6. </span><span class="content">WebVTT metadata cues</span><a class="self-link" href="#metadata-cues"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2643
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-metadata-cue">WebVTT metadata cue<a class="self-link" href="#webvtt-metadata-cue"></a></dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-15">WebVTT cue</a> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-5">cue text</a> is interpreted as
+ |
+ 2644
+ |
+ +
+ time-aligned metadata.</p>
+ |
+ 2427
+ |
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="4" id="syntax"><span class="secno">4. </span><span class="content">Syntax</span><a class="self-link" href="#syntax"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 2428
+ |
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.1" id="file-structure"><span class="secno">4.1. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file structure</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-structure"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2429
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file">WebVTT file</dfn> must consist of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file-body" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-body-1">WebVTT file body</a> encoded as UTF-8 and labeled
+ |
+ 2430
+ |
+ with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#mime-type">MIME type</a> <code>text/vtt</code>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-rfc3629">[RFC3629]</a></p>
+ |
+ 2431
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file-body">WebVTT file body</dfn> consists of the following components, in the following order:</p>
+ |
+ 2432
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 2650
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT file body">
+ |
+ 2433
+ |
+ <li>An optional U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM) character.
+ |
+ 2434
+ |
+ <li>The string "<code>WEBVTT</code>".
+ |
+ 2435
+ |
+ <li>Optionally, either a U+0020 SPACE character or a U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab) character
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2481,8 +2699,9 @@
+ |
+ 2481
+ |
+ <li>Optionally, one or more U+0020 SPACE characters or U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab) characters
+ |
+ 2482
+ |
+ followed by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-1">WebVTT cue settings list</a>.
+ |
+ 2483
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-12">WebVTT line terminator</a>.
+ |
+ 2484
+ |
+ -
+ <li>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="cue-payload">cue payload</dfn>: either <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-2">WebVTT cue text</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-1">WebVTT chapter title text</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-metadata-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-metadata-text-1">WebVTT metadata text</a>, but it must not contain the substring "<code>--></code>" (U+002D
+ |
+ 2485
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 2702
+ |
+ +
+ <li>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="cue-payload">cue payload</dfn>: either <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-2">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-1">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2703
+ |
+ +
+ chapter title text</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-metadata-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-metadata-text-1">WebVTT metadata text</a>, but it must not contain the substring
+ |
+ 2704
+ |
+ +
+ "<code>--></code>" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN).
+ |
+ 2486
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-13">WebVTT line terminator</a>.
+ |
+ 2487
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2488
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-block" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-block-2">WebVTT cue block</a> corresponds to one piece of time-aligned text or data in
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2491,7 +2710,7 @@
+ |
+ 2491
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-identifier">WebVTT cue identifier</dfn> is any sequence of one or more characters not containing the
+ |
+ 2492
+ |
+ substring "<code>--></code>" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN),
+ |
+ 2493
+ |
+ nor containing any U+000A LINE FEED (LF) characters or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.</p>
+ |
+ 2494
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-identifier-2">WebVTT cue identifier</a> must be unique amongst all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-identifier-3">WebVTT cue identifiers</a> of all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-13">WebVTT cues</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-8">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2713
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-identifier-2">WebVTT cue identifier</a> must be unique amongst all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-identifier-3">WebVTT cue identifiers</a> of all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-16">WebVTT cues</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-8">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2495
+ |
+ file</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2496
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-identifier-4">WebVTT cue identifier</a> can be used to reference a specific cue, for example
+ |
+ 2497
+ |
+ from script or CSS.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2519,10 +2738,10 @@
+ |
+ 2519
+ |
+ <li>A U+003A COLON character (:)
+ |
+ 2520
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2521
+ |
+ <li>Two <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#ascii-digits">ASCII digits</a>, representing the <var>minutes</var> as a base ten integer in the range
+ |
+ 2522
+ |
+ -
+ 0 ≤ <var>minutes</var> ≤ 59.
+ |
+ 2741
+ |
+ +
+ 0 ≤ <var>minutes</var> ≤ 59.
+ |
+ 2523
+ |
+ <li>A U+003A COLON character (:)
+ |
+ 2524
+ |
+ <li>Two <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#ascii-digits">ASCII digits</a>, representing the <var>seconds</var> as a base ten integer in the range
+ |
+ 2525
+ |
+ -
+ 0 ≤ <var>seconds</var> ≤ 59.
+ |
+ 2744
+ |
+ +
+ 0 ≤ <var>seconds</var> ≤ 59.
+ |
+ 2526
+ |
+ <li>A U+002E FULL STOP character (.).
+ |
+ 2527
+ |
+ <li>Three <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#ascii-digits">ASCII digits</a>, representing the thousandths of a second <var>seconds-frac</var> as a base
+ |
+ 2528
+ |
+ ten integer.
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2582,12 +2801,12 @@
+ |
+ 2582
+ |
+ separated from the next by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-17">WebVTT line terminator</a>. (In other words, any text that does not
+ |
+ 2583
+ |
+ have two consecutive <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-18">WebVTT line terminators</a> and does not start
+ |
+ 2584
+ |
+ or end with a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-19">WebVTT line terminator</a>.)</p>
+ |
+ 2585
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-metadata-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-metadata-text-2">WebVTT metadata text</a> cues are only useful for scripted applications (using the <code>metadata</code> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#kind-of-track">text track kind</a>).</p>
+ |
+ 2586
+ |
+ -
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.2.2" id="cue-text"><span class="secno">4.2.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cue text</span><a class="self-link" href="#cue-text"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 2587
+ |
+ -
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-text">WebVTT cue text</dfn> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-payload" id="ref-for-cue-payload-2">cue payload</a> that consists of zero or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-components-1">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 2588
+ |
+ -
+ components</a>, in any order, each optionally separated from the next by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-20">WebVTT line
+ |
+ 2589
+ |
+ -
+ terminator</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2590
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-components">WebVTT cue components</dfn> are:</p>
+ |
+ 2804
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-metadata-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-metadata-text-2">WebVTT metadata text</a> cues are only useful for scripted applications (e.g. using the <code>metadata</code> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#kind-of-track">text track kind</a> in a HTML <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>).</p>
+ |
+ 2805
+ |
+ +
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.2.2" id="caption-text"><span class="secno">4.2.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</span><a class="self-link" href="#caption-text"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 2806
+ |
+ +
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</dfn> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-payload" id="ref-for-cue-payload-2">cue payload</a> that consists of zero or
+ |
+ 2807
+ |
+ +
+ more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-1">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a>, in any order, each optionally separated from
+ |
+ 2808
+ |
+ +
+ the next by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-20">WebVTT line terminator</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2809
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</dfn> are:</p>
+ |
+ 2591
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 2592
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-class-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-1">WebVTT cue class span</a>.
+ |
+ 2593
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-italics-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-1">WebVTT cue italics span</a>.
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2601,8 +2820,13 @@
+ |
+ 2601
+ |
+ <li>An <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/syntax.html#character-references">HTML character reference</a>, representing one or two Unicode
+ |
+ 2602
+ |
+ code points, as defined in HTML, in the text of the cue. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-html51">[HTML51]</a>
+ |
+ 2603
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 2823
+ |
+ +
+ <p>All <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-2">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a> bar the HTML character reference may have
+ |
+ 2824
+ |
+ +
+ one or more <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="cue-component-class-names">cue component class names</dfn> attached to it by separating the cue component
+ |
+ 2825
+ |
+ +
+ class name from the cue component start tag using the perido ('.') notation. The class name must
+ |
+ 2826
+ |
+ +
+ immediately follow the "period" (.).</p>
+ |
+ 2604
+ |
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-internal-text">WebVTT cue internal text</dfn> consists of an optional <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-21">WebVTT line terminator</a>,
+ |
+ 2605
+ |
+ -
+ followed by zero or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-components-2">WebVTT cue components</a>, in any order, each optionally followed by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-22">WebVTT line terminator</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2828
+ |
+ +
+ followed by zero or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-3">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a>, in any order, each
+ |
+ 2829
+ |
+ +
+ optionally followed by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-22">WebVTT line terminator</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2606
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-class-span">WebVTT cue class span</dfn> consists of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-1">WebVTT cue span start tag</a> "<code>c</code>" that disallows an annotation, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-internal-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-1">WebVTT cue internal text</a> representing cue
+ |
+ 2607
+ |
+ text, and a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-span-end-tag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-1">WebVTT cue span end tag</a> "<code>c</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 2608
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-italics-span">WebVTT cue italics span</dfn> consists of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-2">WebVTT cue span start tag</a> "<code>i</code>" that disallows an annotation, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-internal-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-2">WebVTT cue internal text</a> representing the
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2642,8 +2866,8 @@
+ |
+ 2642
+ |
+ represents the name of the voice.
+ |
+ 2643
+ |
+ <li><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-internal-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-7">WebVTT cue internal text</a>.
+ |
+ 2644
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-span-end-tag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-7">WebVTT cue span end tag</a> "<code>v</code>". If this <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-voice-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-2">WebVTT cue voice span</a> is the
+ |
+ 2645
+ |
+ -
+ only <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-components-3">component</a> of its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-3">WebVTT cue text</a> sequence, then the
+ |
+ 2646
+ |
+ -
+ end tag may be omitted for brevity.
+ |
+ 2869
+ |
+ +
+ only <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-4">component</a> of its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-3">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 2870
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cue text</a> sequence, then the end tag may be omitted for brevity.
+ |
+ 2647
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2648
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-language-span">WebVTT cue language span</dfn> consists of the following components, in the order
+ |
+ 2649
+ |
+ given:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2705,13 +2929,21 @@
+ |
+ 2705
+ |
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text">WebVTT cue span start tag annotation text</dfn> consists of one or more characters other
+ |
+ 2706
+ |
+ than U+000A LINE FEED (LF) characters, U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters, U+0026 AMPERSAND
+ |
+ 2707
+ |
+ characters (&), and U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN characters (>).</p>
+ |
+ 2932
+ |
+ +
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.2.3" id="chapter-title-text"><span class="secno">4.2.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT chapter title text</span><a class="self-link" href="#chapter-title-text"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 2933
+ |
+ +
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-chapter-title-text">WebVTT chapter title text</dfn> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-6">cue text</a> that makes use of zero or more of the
+ |
+ 2934
+ |
+ +
+ following components, each optionally separated from the next by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-25">WebVTT line
+ |
+ 2935
+ |
+ +
+ terminator</a>:</p>
+ |
+ 2936
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 2937
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-span-2">WebVTT cue text span</a>
+ |
+ 2938
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/syntax.html#character-references">HTML character reference</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-html51">[HTML51]</a>
+ |
+ 2939
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 2708
+ |
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.3" id="region-settings"><span class="secno">4.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT region settings</span><a class="self-link" href="#region-settings"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2709
+ |
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-2">WebVTT cue settings list</a> can contain a reference to a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-6">WebVTT region</a>. To define a
+ |
+ 2710
+ |
+ region, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-definition-block" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-definition-block-2">WebVTT region definition block</a> is specified.</p>
+ |
+ 2711
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-settings-list">WebVTT region settings list</dfn> consists of zero or more of the following components,
+ |
+ 2712
+ |
+ in any order, separated from each other by one or more U+0020 SPACE characters, U+0009 CHARACTER
+ |
+ 2713
+ |
+ -
+ TABULATION (tab) characters, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-25">WebVTT line terminators</a>, except that the string must not
+ |
+ 2714
+ |
+ -
+ contain two consecutive <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-26">WebVTT line terminators</a>. Each component must not be included more
+ |
+ 2945
+ |
+ +
+ TABULATION (tab) characters, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-26">WebVTT line terminators</a>, except that the string must not
+ |
+ 2946
+ |
+ +
+ contain two consecutive <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-27">WebVTT line terminators</a>. Each component must not be included more
+ |
+ 2715
+ |
+ than once per <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-settings-list-2">WebVTT region settings list</a> string.</p>
+ |
+ 2716
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 2717
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-1">WebVTT region identifier setting</a>.
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2738,9 +2970,10 @@
+ |
+ 2738
+ |
+ |
+ 2739
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2740
+ |
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-2">WebVTT region identifier setting</a> must be unique amongst all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-3">WebVTT region identifier settings</a> of all <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-7">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2741
+ |
+ -
+ regions</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-9">WebVTT file</a>. For a region to exist, a region identifier setting has to be
+ |
+ 2742
+ |
+ -
+ provided.</p>
+ |
+ 2743
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-4">WebVTT region identifier setting</a> gives a name to the region so it can be
+ |
+ 2973
+ |
+ +
+ regions</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-9">WebVTT file</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2974
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-4">WebVTT region identifier setting</a> must be present in each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-3">WebVTT cue settings
+ |
+ 2975
+ |
+ +
+ list</a>. Without an identifier, it is not possible to associate a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-17">WebVTT cue</a> with a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-8">WebVTT region</a> in the syntax.</p>
+ |
+ 2976
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-5">WebVTT region identifier setting</a> gives a name to the region so it can be
+ |
+ 2744
+ |
+ referenced by the cues that belong to the region.</p>
+ |
+ 2745
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-width-setting">WebVTT region width setting</dfn> consists of the following components, in the order
+ |
+ 2746
+ |
+ given:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2803,8 +3036,8 @@
+ |
+ 2803
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-setting-2">WebVTT region viewport anchor setting</a> provides a tuple of two percentages
+ |
+ 2804
+ |
+ that specify the point within the video viewport that the region anchor point is anchored to. The
+ |
+ 2805
+ |
+ first percentage measures the x-dimension and the second percentage measures the y-dimension from
+ |
+ 2806
+ |
+ -
+ the top left corner of the video viewport box. If no viewport anchor is given, it defaults to 0%,
+ |
+ 2807
+ |
+ -
+ 100% (i.e. the bottom left corner).</p>
+ |
+ 3039
+ |
+ +
+ the top left corner of the video viewport box. If no region viewport anchor is given, it defaults to
+ |
+ 3040
+ |
+ +
+ 0%, 100% (i.e. the bottom left corner).</p>
+ |
+ 2808
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">For browsers, the region maps to an absolute positioned CSS box relative to the
+ |
+ 2809
+ |
+ video viewport, i.e. there is a relative positioned box that represents the video viewport relative
+ |
+ 2810
+ |
+ to which the regions are absolutely positioned. Overflow is hidden.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2832,8 +3065,13 @@
+ |
+ 2832
+ |
+ the line in the bottom of the region. If no empty line is available, the oldest line is
+ |
+ 2833
+ |
+ replaced.</p>
+ |
+ 2834
+ |
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.4" id="cue-settings"><span class="secno">4.4. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cue settings</span><a class="self-link" href="#cue-settings"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2835
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-3">WebVTT cue settings list</a> consists of zero or more of the following settings. Each
+ |
+ 2836
+ |
+ -
+ setting must not be included more than once per <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-4">WebVTT cue settings list</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3068
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-1">WebVTT cue setting</a> is part of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-4">WebVTT cue settings list</a> and provides
+ |
+ 3069
+ |
+ +
+ configuration options regarding the position and alignment of the cue box and the cue text
+ |
+ 3070
+ |
+ +
+ within.</p>
+ |
+ 3071
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">For example, a set of WebVTT cue settings may allow a cue box to be aligned to the
+ |
+ 3072
+ |
+ +
+ left or positioned at the top right with the cue text within center aligned.</p>
+ |
+ 3073
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The current available <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-2">WebVTT cue settings</a> that may appear in a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-5">WebVTT cue settings
+ |
+ 3074
+ |
+ +
+ list</a> are:</p>
+ |
+ 2837
+ |
+ <ul class="brief">
+ |
+ 2838
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting-1">WebVTT vertical text cue setting</a>.
+ |
+ 2839
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-cue-setting-1">WebVTT line cue setting</a>.
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2842,10 +3080,9 @@
+ |
+ 2842
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-alignment-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-alignment-cue-setting-1">WebVTT alignment cue setting</a>.
+ |
+ 2843
+ |
+ <li>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-cue-setting-1">WebVTT region cue setting</a>.
+ |
+ 2844
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 2845
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-5">WebVTT cue settings list</a> gives configuration options regarding the position
+ |
+ 2846
+ |
+ -
+ and alignment of the cue box and the cue text within. For example, it allows a cue box to be aligned
+ |
+ 2847
+ |
+ -
+ to the left or positioned at the top right with the cue text within center aligned.</p>
+ |
+ 3083
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Each of these setting must not be included more than once per <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-6">WebVTT cue settings
+ |
+ 3084
+ |
+ +
+ list</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3085
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting">WebVTT vertical text cue setting</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-3">WebVTT cue setting</a> that consists of the
+ |
+ 2848
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting">WebVTT vertical text cue setting</dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-1">WebVTT cue setting</a> that consists of the
+ |
+ 2849
+ |
+ following components, in the order given:</p>
+ |
+ 2850
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 2851
+ |
+ <li>The string "<code>vertical</code>" as the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-setting-name" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-name-2">WebVTT cue setting name</a>.
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2890,13 +3127,13 @@
+ |
+ 2890
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2891
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2892
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-cue-setting-2">WebVTT line cue setting</a> configures the offset of the cue box from the video
+ |
+ 2893
+ |
+ -
+ viewport’s edge in the direction opposite to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-12">writing
+ |
+ 2894
+ |
+ -
+ direction</a>. For horizontal cues, this is the vertical offset from the top of the video viewport.
+ |
+ 2895
+ |
+ -
+ The offset is for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-2">start</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-1">center</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-1">end</a> of the cue box,
+ |
+ 2896
+ |
+ -
+ depending on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-5">WebVTT cue line alignment</a> value - <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-3">start</a> by default. The offset can be given either as a percentage of the video
+ |
+ 2897
+ |
+ -
+ dimension or as a line number. Line numbers are based on the size of the first line of the cue.
+ |
+ 2898
+ |
+ -
+ Positive line numbers count from the start of the video viewport (the first line is numbered 0),
+ |
+ 2899
+ |
+ -
+ negative line numbers from the end of the viewport (the last line is numbered −1).</p>
+ |
+ 3130
+ |
+ +
+ viewport’s edge in the direction orthogonal to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-12">writing
+ |
+ 3131
+ |
+ +
+ direction</a>. For horizontal cues, this is the vertical offset from the top of the video viewport,
+ |
+ 3132
+ |
+ +
+ for vertical cues, it’s the horizontal offset. The offset is for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-2">start</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-1">center</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-1">end</a> of the cue box, depending on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-5">WebVTT cue line alignment</a> value - <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-3">start</a> by default. The offset can be given either as a
+ |
+ 3133
+ |
+ +
+ percentage of the relevant writing-mode dependent video viewport dimension or as a line number. Line
+ |
+ 3134
+ |
+ +
+ numbers are based on the size of the first line of the cue. Positive line numbers count from the
+ |
+ 3135
+ |
+ +
+ start of the video viewport (the first line is numbered 0), negative line numbers from the end of
+ |
+ 3136
+ |
+ +
+ the video viewport (the last line is numbered −1).</p>
+ |
+ 2900
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-position-cue-setting">WebVTT position cue setting</dfn> consists of the following components, in the order
+ |
+ 2901
+ |
+ given:</p>
+ |
+ 2902
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2919,7 +3156,7 @@
+ |
+ 2919
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2920
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-position-cue-setting-2">WebVTT position cue setting</a> configures the indent position of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-24">cue box</a> in the direction orthogonal to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-cue-setting-3">WebVTT line cue setting</a>.
+ |
+ 2921
+ |
+ For horizontal cues, this is the horizontal position. The cue position is given as a percentage of
+ |
+ 2922
+ |
+ -
+ the video viewport. The positioning is for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-3">line-left</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-1">center</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-2">line-right</a> of the cue box, depending on the cue’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-1">computed position alignment</a>, which is overridden by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-position-cue-setting-3">WebVTT
+ |
+ 3159
+ |
+ +
+ the video viewport. The positioning is for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-5">line-left</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-1">center</a>, or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-4">line-right</a> of the cue box, depending on the cue’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-1">computed position alignment</a>, which is overridden by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-position-cue-setting-3">WebVTT
+ |
+ 2923
+ |
+ position cue setting</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2924
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-size-cue-setting">WebVTT size cue setting</dfn> consists of the following components, in the order
+ |
+ 2925
+ |
+ given:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2933,7 +3170,7 @@
+ |
+ 2933
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2934
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-size-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-size-cue-setting-2">WebVTT size cue setting</a> configures the size of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-25">cue box</a> in the same direction as the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-position-cue-setting-4">WebVTT position cue setting</a>. For horizontal
+ |
+ 2935
+ |
+ cues, this is the width of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-26">cue box</a>. It is given as a percentage of
+ |
+ 2936
+ |
+ -
+ the width of the viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 3173
+ |
+ +
+ the width of the video viewport.</p>
+ |
+ 2937
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-alignment-cue-setting">WebVTT alignment cue setting</dfn> consists of the following components, in the order
+ |
+ 2938
+ |
+ given:</p>
+ |
+ 2939
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -2957,9 +3194,11 @@
+ |
+ 2957
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 2958
+ |
+ <p>As the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-setting-value" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-value-7">WebVTT cue setting value</a>: a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-1">WebVTT region identifier</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 2959
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 2960
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-cue-setting-2">WebVTT region cue setting</a> configures a cue to become part of a region by
+ |
+ 2961
+ |
+ -
+ referencing the region’s identifier unless the cue has a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting-3">"vertical"</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-cue-setting-4">"line"</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-size-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-size-cue-setting-3">"size"</a> cue setting. If a cue is part of a region, its cue settings for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-position-cue-setting-5">"position"</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-alignment-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-alignment-cue-setting-3">"align"</a> are
+ |
+ 2962
+ |
+ -
+ applied to the line boxes in the cue relative to the region box.</p>
+ |
+ 3197
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-cue-setting-2">WebVTT region cue setting</a> configures a cue to become part of a region by referencing the
+ |
+ 3198
+ |
+ +
+ region’s identifier unless the cue has a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting-3">"vertical"</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-cue-setting-4">"line"</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-size-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-size-cue-setting-3">"size"</a> cue setting.
+ |
+ 3199
+ |
+ +
+ If a cue is part of a region, its cue settings for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-position-cue-setting-5">"position"</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-alignment-cue-setting" id="ref-for-webvtt-alignment-cue-setting-3">"align"</a> are applied to the line
+ |
+ 3200
+ |
+ +
+ boxes in the cue relative to the region box and the cue box width and height are calculated relative
+ |
+ 3201
+ |
+ +
+ to the region dimensions rather than the viewport dimensions.</p>
+ |
+ 2963
+ |
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="4.5" id="properties-of-cue-sequences"><span class="secno">4.5. </span><span class="content">Properties of cue sequences</span><a class="self-link" href="#properties-of-cue-sequences"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 2964
+ |
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.5.1" id="file-using-only-nested-cues"><span class="secno">4.5.1. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file using only nested cues</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-using-only-nested-cues"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 2965
+ |
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-10">WebVTT file</a> whose cues all follow the following rules is said to be a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT file using only nested cues" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file-using-only-nested-cues">WebVTT file
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3033,29 +3272,123 @@
+ |
+ 3033
+ |
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.6.1" id="file-using-metadata-content"><span class="secno">4.6.1. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file using metadata content</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-using-metadata-content"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 3034
+ |
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-12">WebVTT file</a> whose cues all have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-payload" id="ref-for-cue-payload-3">cue payload</a> that is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-metadata-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-metadata-text-3">WebVTT metadata text</a> is said to be a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file-using-metadata-content">WebVTT file using metadata content<a class="self-link" href="#webvtt-file-using-metadata-content"></a></dfn>.</p>
+ |
+ 3035
+ |
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.6.2" id="file-using-chapter-title-text"><span class="secno">4.6.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file using chapter title text</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-using-chapter-title-text"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 3036
+ |
+ -
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-chapter-title-text">WebVTT chapter title text</dfn> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-4">WebVTT cue text</a> that makes use only of zero or
+ |
+ 3037
+ |
+ -
+ more of the following components, each optionally separated from the next by a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-line-terminator" id="ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-27">WebVTT line
+ |
+ 3038
+ |
+ -
+ terminator</a>:</p>
+ |
+ 3039
+ |
+ -
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 3040
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-span-2">WebVTT cue text span</a>
+ |
+ 3041
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/syntax.html#character-references">HTML character reference</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-html51">[HTML51]</a>
+ |
+ 3042
+ |
+ -
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 3043
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file-using-chapter-title-text">WebVTT file using chapter title text<a class="self-link" href="#webvtt-file-using-chapter-title-text"></a></dfn> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file-using-only-nested-cues" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-using-only-nested-cues-3">WebVTT file using only nested cues</a> whose cues all have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-payload" id="ref-for-cue-payload-4">cue payload</a> that is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-2">WebVTT chapter title text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3044
+ |
+ -
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.6.3" id="file-using-cue-text"><span class="secno">4.6.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file using cue text</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-using-cue-text"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 3045
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-13">WebVTT file</a> whose cues all have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-payload" id="ref-for-cue-payload-5">cue payload</a> that is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-5">WebVTT cue text</a> is
+ |
+ 3046
+ |
+ -
+ said to be a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file-using-cue-text">WebVTT file using cue text<a class="self-link" href="#webvtt-file-using-cue-text"></a></dfn>.</p>
+ |
+ 3047
+ |
+ -
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="5" id="parsing"><span class="secno">5. </span><span class="content">Parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#parsing"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 3048
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT file parsing" data-level="5.1" id="file-parsing"><span class="secno">5.1. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-parsing"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3276
+ |
+ +
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="4.6.3" id="file-using-cue-text"><span class="secno">4.6.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-using-cue-text"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 3277
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-file" id="ref-for-webvtt-file-13">WebVTT file</a> whose cues all have a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-payload" id="ref-for-cue-payload-5">cue payload</a> that is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-4">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 3278
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cue text</a> is said to be a <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-file-using-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text">WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text<a class="self-link" href="#webvtt-file-using-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text"></a></dfn>.</p>
+ |
+ 3279
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="5" id="default-classes"><span class="secno">5. </span><span class="content">Default classes for WebVTT Caption or Subtitle Cue Components</span><a class="self-link" href="#default-classes"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 3280
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Many captioning formats have simple ways of specifying a limited subset of text colors and
+ |
+ 3281
+ |
+ +
+ background colors for text. Therefore, the WebVTT spec makes available a set of default <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-component-class-names" id="ref-for-cue-component-class-names-1">cue
+ |
+ 3282
+ |
+ +
+ component class names</a> for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-5">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a> that authors can use
+ |
+ 3283
+ |
+ +
+ in a standard way to mark up colored text and text background.</p>
+ |
+ 3284
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">User agents that support CSS style sheets may implement this section through adding
+ |
+ 3285
+ |
+ +
+ User Agent stylesheets.</p>
+ |
+ 3286
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.1" id="default-text-color"><span class="secno">5.1. </span><span class="content">Default text colors</span><a class="self-link" href="#default-text-color"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3287
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-6">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a> that have one or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-component-class-names" id="ref-for-cue-component-class-names-2">class names</a> matching those in the first cell of a row in the table below must set their <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#propdef-color">color</a> property as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/rendering.html#presentational-hints">presentational hints</a> to the value in the second cell of the
+ |
+ 3288
+ |
+ +
+ row:</p>
+ |
+ 3289
+ |
+ +
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 3290
+ |
+ +
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 3291
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3292
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-component-class-names" id="ref-for-cue-component-class-names-3">class names</a>
+ |
+ 3293
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#propdef-color">color</a> value
+ |
+ 3294
+ |
+ +
+ <tbody>
+ |
+ 3295
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3296
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>white</code>
+ |
+ 3297
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,255,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3298
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3299
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>lime</code>
+ |
+ 3300
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,255,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3301
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3302
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>cyan</code>
+ |
+ 3303
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,255,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3304
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3305
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>red</code>
+ |
+ 3306
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,0,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3307
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3308
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>yellow</code>
+ |
+ 3309
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,255,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3310
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3311
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>magenta</code>
+ |
+ 3312
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,0,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3313
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3314
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>blue</code>
+ |
+ 3315
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,0,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3316
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3317
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>black</code>
+ |
+ 3318
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,0,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3319
+ |
+ +
+ </table>
+ |
+ 3320
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">If your background is captioning, don’t get confused: The color for the class <code>lime</code> is what has traditionally been used in captioning under the name <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#valdef-color-green">green</a> (e.g.
+ |
+ 3321
+ |
+ +
+ 608/708).</p>
+ |
+ 3322
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">Do not use the classes <code>blue</code> and <code>black</code> on the default dark
+ |
+ 3323
+ |
+ +
+ background, since they result in unreadable text. In general, please refer to WCAG for guidance on
+ |
+ 3324
+ |
+ +
+ color contrast <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-wcag20">[WCAG20]</a> and make sure to take into account the text color, background color and
+ |
+ 3325
+ |
+ +
+ also the video’s color.</p>
+ |
+ 3326
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.2" id="default-text-background"><span class="secno">5.2. </span><span class="content">Default text background colors</span><a class="self-link" href="#default-text-background"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3327
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-7">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a> that have one or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-component-class-names" id="ref-for-cue-component-class-names-4">class names</a> matching those in the first cell of a row in the table below must set their <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background-color">background-color</a> property as <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/rendering.html#presentational-hints">presentational hints</a> to the value in the second cell
+ |
+ 3328
+ |
+ +
+ of the row:</p>
+ |
+ 3329
+ |
+ +
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 3330
+ |
+ +
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 3331
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3332
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-component-class-names" id="ref-for-cue-component-class-names-5">class names</a>
+ |
+ 3333
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> value
+ |
+ 3334
+ |
+ +
+ <tbody>
+ |
+ 3335
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3336
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_white</code>
+ |
+ 3337
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,255,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3338
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3339
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_lime</code>
+ |
+ 3340
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,255,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3341
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3342
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_cyan</code>
+ |
+ 3343
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,255,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3344
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3345
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_red</code>
+ |
+ 3346
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,0,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3347
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3348
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_yellow</code>
+ |
+ 3349
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,255,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3350
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3351
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_magenta</code>
+ |
+ 3352
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(255,0,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3353
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3354
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_blue</code>
+ |
+ 3355
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,0,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3356
+ |
+ +
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 3357
+ |
+ +
+ <td><code>bg_black</code>
+ |
+ 3358
+ |
+ +
+ <td><span class="css">rgba(0,0,0,1)</span>
+ |
+ 3359
+ |
+ +
+ </table>
+ |
+ 3360
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">The color for the class <code>bg_lime</code> is what has traditionally been used in
+ |
+ 3361
+ |
+ +
+ captioning under the name <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#valdef-color-green">green</a> (e.g. 608/708).</p>
+ |
+ 3362
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For the purpose of determining the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a> of the color and background
+ |
+ 3363
+ |
+ +
+ classes, the order of appearance determines the cascade of the classes.</p>
+ |
+ 3364
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-a15d9824">
+ |
+ 3365
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-a15d9824"></a>
+ |
+ 3366
+ |
+ +
+ <p>This example shows how to use the classes.</p>
+ |
+ 3367
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 3368
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 3369
+ |
+ +
+ 02:00.000 --> 02:05.000
+ |
+ 3370
+ |
+ +
+ <c.yellow.bg_blue>This is yellow text on a blue background</c>
+ |
+ 3371
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 3372
+ |
+ +
+ 04:00.000 --> 04:05.000
+ |
+ 3373
+ |
+ +
+ <c.yellow.bg_blue.magenta.bg_black>This is magenta text on a black background</c>
+ |
+ 3374
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 3375
+ |
+ +
+ </div>
+ |
+ 3376
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">Default classes can be changed by authors, e.g. ::cue(.yellow) {color:cyan} would
+ |
+ 3377
+ |
+ +
+ change all .yellow classed text to cyan.</p>
+ |
+ 3378
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="6" id="parsing"><span class="secno">6. </span><span class="content">Parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#parsing"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 3379
+ |
+ +
+ <p>WebVTT file parsing is the same for all types of WebVTT files, including captions, subtitles,
+ |
+ 3380
+ |
+ +
+ chapters, or metadata. Most of the steps will be skipped for chapters or metadata files.</p>
+ |
+ 3381
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT file parsing" data-level="6.1" id="file-parsing"><span class="secno">6.1. </span><span class="content">WebVTT file parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#file-parsing"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3049
+ |
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-parser">WebVTT parser</dfn>, given an input byte stream, a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#list-of-cues">text track list of cues</a> <var>output</var>, and a collection of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#css-style-sheet">CSS style sheets</a> <var>stylesheets</var>, must decode the byte
+ |
+ 3050
+ |
+ stream using the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#utf-8-decode">UTF-8 decode</a> algorithm, and then must parse the resulting
+ |
+ 3051
+ |
+ -
+ string according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser-algorithm" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-algorithm-1">WebVTT parser algorithm</a> below. This results in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-14">WebVTT cues</a> being added to <var>output</var>, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#css-style-sheet">CSS style sheets</a> being added to <var>stylesheets</var>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-rfc3629">[RFC3629]</a></p>
+ |
+ 3384
+ |
+ +
+ string according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser-algorithm" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-algorithm-1">WebVTT parser algorithm</a> below. This results in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-18">WebVTT cues</a> being added to <var>output</var>, and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#css-style-sheet">CSS style sheets</a> being added to <var>stylesheets</var>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-rfc3629">[RFC3629]</a></p>
+ |
+ 3052
+ |
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-2">WebVTT parser</a>, specifically its conversion and parsing steps, is typically run
+ |
+ 3053
+ |
+ asynchronously, with the input byte stream being updated incrementally as the resource is
+ |
+ 3054
+ |
+ downloaded; this is called an <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="incremental-webvtt-parser">incremental WebVTT parser</dfn>.</p>
+ |
+ 3055
+ |
+ <p>A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-3">WebVTT parser</a> verifies a file signature before parsing the provided byte stream. If the
+ |
+ 3056
+ |
+ stream lacks this WebVTT file signature, then the parser aborts.</p>
+ |
+ 3057
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-parser-algorithm">WebVTT parser algorithm</dfn> is as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 3058
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 3391
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT parser algorithm">
+ |
+ 3059
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3060
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>input</var> be the string being parsed, after conversion to Unicode, and with the following
+ |
+ 3061
+ |
+ transformations applied:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3097,13 +3430,13 @@
+ |
+ 3097
+ |
+ characters.</p>
+ |
+ 3098
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3099
+ |
+ <p>If <var>position</var> is past the end of <var>input</var>, then abort these steps. The file was successfully
+ |
+ 3100
+ |
+ -
+ processed, but it contains no useful data and so no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-15">WebVTT cues</a> were added
+ |
+ 3433
+ |
+ +
+ processed, but it contains no useful data and so no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-19">WebVTT cues</a> were added
+ |
+ 3101
+ |
+ to <var>output</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3102
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3103
+ |
+ <p>The character indicated by <var>position</var> is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character. Advance <var>position</var> to the next character in <var>input</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3104
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3105
+ |
+ <p>If <var>position</var> is past the end of <var>input</var>, then abort these steps. The file was successfully
+ |
+ 3106
+ |
+ -
+ processed, but it contains no useful data and so no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-16">WebVTT cues</a> were added
+ |
+ 3439
+ |
+ +
+ processed, but it contains no useful data and so no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-20">WebVTT cues</a> were added
+ |
+ 3107
+ |
+ to <var>output</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3108
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3109
+ |
+ <p><i>Header</i>: If the character indicated by <var>position</var> is not a U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3119,7 +3452,7 @@
+ |
+ 3119
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3120
+ |
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#collect-a-webvtt-block" id="ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-block-2">Collect a WebVTT block</a>, and let <var>block</var> be the returned value.</p>
+ |
+ 3121
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3122
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>block</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-17">WebVTT cue</a>, add <var>block</var> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#list-of-cues">text track list of cues</a> <var>output</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3455
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>block</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-21">WebVTT cue</a>, add <var>block</var> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#list-of-cues">text track list of cues</a> <var>output</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3123
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3124
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var>block</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#css-style-sheet">CSS style sheet</a>, add <var>block</var> to <var>stylesheets</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3125
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3187,7 +3520,7 @@
+ |
+ 3187
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3188
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>previous position</var> be <var>position</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3189
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3190
+ |
+ -
+ <p><i>Cue creation</i>: Let <var>cue</var> be a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-18">WebVTT cue</a> and initialize it as
+ |
+ 3523
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>Cue creation</i>: Let <var>cue</var> be a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-22">WebVTT cue</a> and initialize it as
+ |
+ 3191
+ |
+ follows:</p>
+ |
+ 3192
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 3193
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3199,7 +3532,7 @@
+ |
+ 3199
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3200
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-13">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-13">horizontal</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3201
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3202
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-9">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> be true.</p>
+ |
+ 3535
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-8">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> be true.</p>
+ |
+ 3203
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3204
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-21">WebVTT cue line</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-4">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3205
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3211,9 +3544,9 @@
+ |
+ 3211
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3212
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-7">WebVTT cue size</a> be 100.</p>
+ |
+ 3213
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3214
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-13">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-5">center alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3547
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-15">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-5">center alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3215
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3216
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-2">text track cue text</a> be the empty string.</p>
+ |
+ 3549
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-7">cue text</a> be the empty string.</p>
+ |
+ 3217
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3218
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3219
+ |
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings" id="ref-for-collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings-1">Collect WebVTT cue timings and settings</a> from <var>line</var> using <var>regions</var> for <var>cue</var>.
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3269,7 +3602,7 @@
+ |
+ 3269
+ |
+ whitespace</a>, then run these substeps:</p>
+ |
+ 3270
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 3271
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3272
+ |
+ -
+ <p><i>Region creation</i>: Let <var>region</var> be a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-8">WebVTT region</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3605
+ |
+ +
+ <p><i>Region creation</i>: Let <var>region</var> be a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-9">WebVTT region</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3273
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3274
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-2">identifier</a> be the empty
+ |
+ 3275
+ |
+ string.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3299,7 +3632,7 @@
+ |
+ 3299
+ |
+ <p>If <var>seen EOF</var> is true, break out of <i>loop</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 3300
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3301
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3302
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>cue</var> is not null, let the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-3">text track cue text</a> of <var>cue</var> be <var>buffer</var>, and return <var>cue</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3635
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>cue</var> is not null, let the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-8">cue text</a> of <var>cue</var> be <var>buffer</var>, and return <var>cue</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3303
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3304
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var>stylesheet</var> is not null, then <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-a-stylesheet0">Parse a stylesheet</a> from <var>buffer</var>. If it returned a list of rules, assign the list as <var>stylesheet</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#concept-css-style-sheet-css-rules">CSS rules</a>; otherwise, set <var>stylesheet</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#concept-css-style-sheet-css-rules">CSS
+ |
+ 3305
+ |
+ rules</a> to an empty list. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cssom">[CSSOM]</a> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-syntax-3">[CSS-SYNTAX-3]</a> Finally, return <var>stylesheet</var>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3309,14 +3642,13 @@
+ |
+ 3309
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3310
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, return null.</p>
+ |
+ 3311
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3312
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT region settings parsing" data-level="5.2" id="region-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">5.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT region settings parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#region-settings-parsing"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3313
+ |
+ -
+ <p>When the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-5">WebVTT parser</a> requires that the user agent <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="collect WebVTT region settings" data-noexport="" id="collect-webvtt-region-settings">collect WebVTT region
+ |
+ 3314
+ |
+ -
+ settings</dfn> from a string <var>input</var> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>, the user agent must run the following
+ |
+ 3315
+ |
+ -
+ algorithm.</p>
+ |
+ 3645
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT region settings parsing" data-level="6.2" id="region-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">6.2. </span><span class="content">WebVTT region settings parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#region-settings-parsing"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3646
+ |
+ +
+ <p>When the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-parser-algorithm" id="ref-for-webvtt-parser-algorithm-2">WebVTT parser algorithm</a> says to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="collect-webvtt-region-settings">collect WebVTT region settings</dfn> from a
+ |
+ 3647
+ |
+ +
+ string <var>input</var> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>, the user agent must run the following algorithm.</p>
+ |
+ 3648
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-object">WebVTT region object</dfn> is a conceptual construct to represent a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-10">WebVTT region</a> that is used as a root node for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-1">lists of WebVTT node
+ |
+ 3316
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-region-object">WebVTT region object</dfn> is a conceptual construct to represent a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-9">WebVTT region</a> that is used as a root node for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-1">lists of WebVTT node
+ |
+ 3317
+ |
+ objects</a>. This algorithm returns a list of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-3">WebVTT Region
+ |
+ 3318
+ |
+ Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3319
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 3651
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT region objects">
+ |
+ 3320
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3321
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>settings</var> be the result of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#split-a-string-on-spaces">splitting <var>input</var> on
+ |
+ 3322
+ |
+ spaces</a>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3406,7 +3738,7 @@
+ |
+ 3406
+ |
+ <p>The rules to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="parse-a-percentage-string">parse a percentage string</dfn> are as follows. This will return either a
+ |
+ 3407
+ |
+ number in the range 0..100, or nothing. If at any point the algorithm says that it "fails", this
+ |
+ 3408
+ |
+ means that it is aborted at that point and returns nothing.</p>
+ |
+ 3409
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 3741
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="parse a percentage string">
+ |
+ 3410
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3411
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>input</var> be the string being parsed.</p>
+ |
+ 3412
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3421,10 +3753,10 @@
+ |
+ 3421
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3422
+ |
+ <p>Return <var>percentage</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3423
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3424
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing" data-level="5.3" id="cue-timings-and-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">5.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#cue-timings-and-settings-parsing"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3425
+ |
+ -
+ <p>When the algorithm above requires that the user agent <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="collect WebVTT cue timings and settings" data-noexport="" id="collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings">collect WebVTT cue timings and
+ |
+ 3426
+ |
+ -
+ settings</dfn> from a string <var>input</var> using a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-list-of-regions" id="ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-2">text track list of regions</a> <var>regions</var> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-19">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var>, the user agent must run the following algorithm.</p>
+ |
+ 3427
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 3756
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing" data-level="6.3" id="cue-timings-and-settings-parsing"><span class="secno">6.3. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</span><a class="self-link" href="#cue-timings-and-settings-parsing"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3757
+ |
+ +
+ <p>When the algorithm above says to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings">collect WebVTT cue timings and settings</dfn> from a string <var>input</var> using a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-list-of-regions" id="ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-2">text track list of regions</a> <var>regions</var> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-23">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var>, the user
+ |
+ 3758
+ |
+ +
+ agent must run the following algorithm.</p>
+ |
+ 3759
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="collect WebVTT cue timings and settings">
+ |
+ 3428
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3429
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>input</var> be the string being parsed.</p>
+ |
+ 3430
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3460,7 +3792,7 @@
+ |
+ 3460
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3461
+ |
+ <p>When the user agent is to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings">parse the WebVTT cue settings</dfn> from a string <var>input</var> using a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-list-of-regions" id="ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-3">text track list of regions</a> <var>regions</var> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">text track cue</a> <var>cue</var>, the user agent must
+ |
+ 3462
+ |
+ run the following steps:</p>
+ |
+ 3463
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 3795
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="parse the WebVTT cue settings">
+ |
+ 3464
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3465
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>settings</var> be the result of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#split-a-string-on-spaces">splitting <var>input</var> on
+ |
+ 3466
+ |
+ spaces</a>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3484,7 +3816,7 @@
+ |
+ 3484
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3485
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 3486
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3487
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-3">WebVTT cue region</a> be the last <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-10">WebVTT region</a> in <var>regions</var> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-4">WebVTT region identifier</a> is <var>value</var>, if any, or null otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 3819
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-3">WebVTT cue region</a> be the last <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-11">WebVTT region</a> in <var>regions</var> whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-4">WebVTT region identifier</a> is <var>value</var>, if any, or null otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 3488
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3489
+ |
+ <dt>If <var>name</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for "<code>vertical</code>"
+ |
+ 3490
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3494,6 +3826,9 @@
+ |
+ 3494
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3495
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var>value</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string
+ |
+ 3496
+ |
+ "<code>lr</code>", then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-15">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-4">vertical growing right</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3829
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3830
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-16">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is not <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-14">horizontal</a>, let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-4">WebVTT cue region</a> be null (there are no
+ |
+ 3831
+ |
+ +
+ vertical regions).</p>
+ |
+ 3497
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3498
+ |
+ <dt>If <var>name</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for "<code>line</code>"
+ |
+ 3499
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3555,7 +3890,11 @@
+ |
+ 3555
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3556
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-22">WebVTT cue line</a> be <var>number</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3557
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3558
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the last character in <var>linepos</var> is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%), then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-10">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> be false. Otherwise, let it be true.</p>
+ |
+ 3893
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the last character in <var>linepos</var> is a U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character (%), then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-9">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> be false. Otherwise, let it be true.</p>
+ |
+ 3894
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3895
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-23">WebVTT cue line</a> is not <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-5">auto</a>,
+ |
+ 3896
+ |
+ +
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-5">WebVTT cue region</a> be null (the cue has been explicitly positioned with a
+ |
+ 3897
+ |
+ +
+ line offset and thus drops out of the region).</p>
+ |
+ 3559
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3560
+ |
+ <dt>If <var>name</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for "<code>position</code>"
+ |
+ 3561
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3572,13 +3911,13 @@
+ |
+ 3572
+ |
+ returned <var>percentage</var>, otherwise jump to the step labeled <i>next setting</i> (<a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-21">position</a>’s value remains the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-7">auto</a>).</p>
+ |
+ 3573
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3574
+ |
+ <p>If <var>colalign</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string
+ |
+ 3575
+ |
+ -
+ "<code>line-left</code>", then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-8">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-4">line-left alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3914
+ |
+ +
+ "<code>line-left</code>", then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-8">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-6">line-left alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3576
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3577
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var>colalign</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string
+ |
+ 3578
+ |
+ "<code>center</code>", then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-9">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-2">center alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3579
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3580
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var>colalign</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string
+ |
+ 3581
+ |
+ -
+ "<code>line-right</code>", then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-10">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-3">line-right alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3920
+ |
+ +
+ "<code>line-right</code>", then let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-10">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-5">line-right alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3582
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3583
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var>colalign</var> is not null, then jump to the step labeled <i>next
+ |
+ 3584
+ |
+ setting</i>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3593,29 +3932,32 @@
+ |
+ 3593
+ |
+ returned <var>percentage</var>, otherwise jump to the step labeled <i>next setting</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 3594
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3595
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-8">WebVTT cue size</a> be <var>number</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3935
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3936
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-9">WebVTT cue size</a> is not 100, let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-6">WebVTT cue region</a> be
+ |
+ 3937
+ |
+ +
+ null (the cue has been explicitly sized and thus drops out of the region).</p>
+ |
+ 3596
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3597
+ |
+ <dt>If <var>name</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for "<code>align</code>"
+ |
+ 3598
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3599
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 3600
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3601
+ |
+ <p>If <var>value</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code>start</code>", then
+ |
+ 3602
+ |
+ -
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-14">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-6">start
+ |
+ 3944
+ |
+ +
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-16">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-7">start
+ |
+ 3603
+ |
+ alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3604
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3605
+ |
+ <p>If <var>value</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code>center</code>", then
+ |
+ 3606
+ |
+ -
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-15">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-6">center
+ |
+ 3948
+ |
+ +
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-17">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-6">center
+ |
+ 3607
+ |
+ alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3608
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3609
+ |
+ <p>If <var>value</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code>end</code>", then
+ |
+ 3610
+ |
+ -
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-16">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-5">end
+ |
+ 3952
+ |
+ +
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-18">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-6">end
+ |
+ 3611
+ |
+ alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3612
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3613
+ |
+ <p>If <var>value</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code>left</code>", then
+ |
+ 3614
+ |
+ -
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-17">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-5">left
+ |
+ 3956
+ |
+ +
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-19">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-5">left
+ |
+ 3615
+ |
+ alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3616
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3617
+ |
+ <p>If <var>value</var> is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the string "<code>right</code>", then
+ |
+ 3618
+ |
+ -
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-18">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-5">right
+ |
+ 3960
+ |
+ +
+ let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-20">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-5">right
+ |
+ 3619
+ |
+ alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3620
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3621
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3625,7 +3967,7 @@
+ |
+ 3625
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3626
+ |
+ <p>When this specification says that a user agent is to <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="collect-a-webvtt-timestamp">collect a WebVTT timestamp</dfn>, the
+ |
+ 3627
+ |
+ user agent must run the following steps:</p>
+ |
+ 3628
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 3970
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="collect a WebVTT timestamp">
+ |
+ 3629
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3630
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>input</var> and <var>position</var> be the same variables as those of the same name in the algorithm
+ |
+ 3631
+ |
+ that invoked these steps.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3695,18 +4037,18 @@
+ |
+ 3695
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3696
+ |
+ <p>Return <var>result</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 3697
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 3698
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT cue text parsing rules" data-level="5.4" id="cue-text-parsing-rules"><span class="secno">5.4. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</span><a class="self-link" href="#cue-text-parsing-rules"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 3699
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-node-object">WebVTT Node Object</dfn> is a conceptual construct used to represent components of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-6">WebVTT cue text</a> so that its processing can be described without reference to the underlying
+ |
+ 3700
+ |
+ -
+ syntax.</p>
+ |
+ 4040
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT cue text parsing rules" data-level="6.4" id="cue-text-parsing-rules"><span class="secno">6.4. </span><span class="content">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</span><a class="self-link" href="#cue-text-parsing-rules"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4041
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-node-object">WebVTT Node Object</dfn> is a conceptual construct used to represent components of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-9">cue
+ |
+ 4042
+ |
+ +
+ text</a> so that its processing can be described without reference to the underlying syntax.</p>
+ |
+ 3701
+ |
+ <p>There are two broad classes of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-1">WebVTT Node Objects</a>: <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-1">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> and <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-leaf-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-1">WebVTT
+ |
+ 3702
+ |
+ Leaf Node Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3703
+ |
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Internal Node Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-internal-node-object">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</dfn> are those that can
+ |
+ 3704
+ |
+ contain further <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-2">WebVTT Node Objects</a>. They are conceptually similar to
+ |
+ 3705
+ |
+ elements in HTML or the DOM. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-2">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> have an ordered list of child <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-3">WebVTT Node Objects</a>. The <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-3">WebVTT
+ |
+ 3706
+ |
+ Internal Node Object</a> is said to be the <i>parent</i> of the children. Cycles do not occur; the
+ |
+ 3707
+ |
+ -
+ parent-child relationships so constructed form a tree structure. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-4">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> also have an ordered list of class names, known as their <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Node Object’s applicable classes" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes">applicable classes</dfn>, and a language, known as
+ |
+ 3708
+ |
+ -
+ their <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Node Object’s applicable language" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language">applicable language</dfn>, which is to be
+ |
+ 3709
+ |
+ -
+ interpreted as a BCP 47 language tag. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-bcp47">[BCP47]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4049
+ |
+ +
+ parent-child relationships so constructed form a tree structure. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-4">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> also have an ordered list of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-component-class-names" id="ref-for-cue-component-class-names-6">class names</a>, known as their <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Node Object’s applicable classes" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes">applicable
+ |
+ 4050
+ |
+ +
+ classes</dfn>, and a language, known as their <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Node Object’s applicable
+ |
+ 4051
+ |
+ +
+ language" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language">applicable language</dfn>, which is to be interpreted as a BCP 47 language tag. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-bcp47">[BCP47]</a></p>
+ |
+ 3710
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">User agents will add a language tag as the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-1">applicable language</a> even if it is not a valid or not even well-formed language tag. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-bcp47">[BCP47]</a></p>
+ |
+ 3711
+ |
+ <p>There are several concrete classes of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-5">WebVTT Internal Node
+ |
+ 3712
+ |
+ Objects</a>:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3717,37 +4059,39 @@
+ |
+ 3717
+ |
+ Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3718
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Class Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-class-object">WebVTT Class Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3719
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3720
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-class-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-2">WebVTT cue class span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-7">WebVTT cue text</a>, and
+ |
+ 3721
+ |
+ -
+ are used to annotate parts of the cue with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-1">applicable classes</a> without implying further meaning (such as italics or bold).</p>
+ |
+ 4062
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-class-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-2">WebVTT cue class span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-10">cue text</a>, and are used
+ |
+ 4063
+ |
+ +
+ to annotate parts of the cue with <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-1">applicable
+ |
+ 4064
+ |
+ +
+ classes</a> without implying further meaning (such as italics or bold).</p>
+ |
+ 3722
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Italic Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-italic-object">WebVTT Italic Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3723
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3724
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of italic text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-italics-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-2">WebVTT cue italics span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-8">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 3725
+ |
+ -
+ text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4067
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of italic text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-italics-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-2">WebVTT cue italics span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-5">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 4068
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3726
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Bold Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-bold-object">WebVTT Bold Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3727
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3728
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of bold text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-bold-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-bold-span-2">WebVTT cue bold span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-9">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 3729
+ |
+ -
+ text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4071
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of bold text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-bold-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-bold-span-2">WebVTT cue bold span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-6">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 4072
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3730
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Underline Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-underline-object">WebVTT Underline Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3731
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3732
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of underline text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-underline-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-underline-span-2">WebVTT cue underline span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-10">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 3733
+ |
+ -
+ text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4075
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of underline text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-underline-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-underline-span-2">WebVTT cue underline span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-7">WebVTT
+ |
+ 4076
+ |
+ +
+ caption or subtitle cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3734
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Ruby Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-ruby-object">WebVTT Ruby Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3735
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3736
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of ruby (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-3">WebVTT cue ruby span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-11">WebVTT cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4079
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of ruby (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-3">WebVTT cue ruby span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-8">WebVTT caption or subtitle
+ |
+ 4080
+ |
+ +
+ cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3737
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Ruby Text Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-ruby-text-object">WebVTT Ruby Text Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3738
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3739
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of ruby text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span-1">WebVTT cue ruby text span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-12">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 3740
+ |
+ -
+ text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4083
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of ruby text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span-1">WebVTT cue ruby text span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-9">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 4084
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3741
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Voice Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-voice-object">WebVTT Voice Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3742
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3743
+ |
+ <p>These represent spans of text associated with a specific voice (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-voice-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-3">WebVTT cue voice span</a>)
+ |
+ 3744
+ |
+ -
+ in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-13">WebVTT cue text</a>. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-voice-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-1">WebVTT Voice Object</a> has a value, which is the name of the
+ |
+ 3745
+ |
+ -
+ voice.</p>
+ |
+ 4088
+ |
+ +
+ in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-10">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>. A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-voice-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-1">WebVTT Voice Object</a> has a value, which is
+ |
+ 4089
+ |
+ +
+ the name of the voice.</p>
+ |
+ 3746
+ |
+ <dt><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Language Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-language-object">WebVTT Language Objects</dfn>
+ |
+ 3747
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 3748
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These represent spans of text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-language-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-language-span-2">WebVTT cue language span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-14">WebVTT cue text</a>,
+ |
+ 3749
+ |
+ -
+ and are used to annotate parts of the cue where the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-2">applicable language</a> might be different than the surrounding text’s, without implying
+ |
+ 3750
+ |
+ -
+ further meaning (such as italics or bold).</p>
+ |
+ 4092
+ |
+ +
+ <p>These represent spans of text (a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-language-span" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-language-span-2">WebVTT cue language span</a>) in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-11">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 4093
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cue text</a>, and are used to annotate parts of the cue where the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-2">applicable language</a> might be different than the surrounding
+ |
+ 4094
+ |
+ +
+ text’s, without implying further meaning (such as italics or bold).</p>
+ |
+ 3751
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 3752
+ |
+ <p><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="WebVTT Leaf Node Object" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-leaf-node-object">WebVTT Leaf Node Objects</dfn> are those that contain data,
+ |
+ 3753
+ |
+ such as text, and cannot contain child <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-5">WebVTT Node Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3764,8 +4108,9 @@
+ |
+ 3764
+ |
+ second, which is the time represented by the timestamp.</p>
+ |
+ 3765
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 3766
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</dfn> consist of the following algorithm. The input is a
+ |
+ 3767
+ |
+ -
+ string <var>input</var> supposedly containing <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-15">WebVTT cue text</a>, and optionally a fallback language <var>language</var>. This algorithm returns a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-2">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 3768
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 4111
+ |
+ +
+ string <var>input</var> supposedly containing <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-12">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>, and optionally a
+ |
+ 4112
+ |
+ +
+ fallback language <var>language</var>. This algorithm returns a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-2">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4113
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT cue text parsing">
+ |
+ 3769
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3770
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>input</var> be the string being parsed.</p>
+ |
+ 3771
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -3896,7 +4241,7 @@
+ |
+ 3896
+ |
+ string (whose value is a sequence of characters), a start tag (with a tag name, a list of classes,
+ |
+ 3897
+ |
+ and optionally an annotation), an end tag (with a tag name), or a timestamp tag (with a tag
+ |
+ 3898
+ |
+ value).</p>
+ |
+ 3899
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 4244
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT cue text tokenizer">
+ |
+ 3900
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 3901
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>input</var> and <var>position</var> be the same variables as those of the same name in the algorithm
+ |
+ 3902
+ |
+ that invoked these steps.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4108,8 +4453,8 @@
+ |
+ 4108
+ |
+ <p>When the HTML specification says to consume a character, in this context, it means to advance <var>position</var> to the next character in <var>input</var>. When it says to unconsume a character, it means to move <var>position</var> back to the previous character in <var>input</var>. "EOF" is equivalent to the end-of-file marker
+ |
+ 4109
+ |
+ in this specification. Finally, this context is <em>not</em> "as part of an attribute" (when it
+ |
+ 4110
+ |
+ comes to handling a missing semicolon).</p>
+ |
+ 4111
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="5.5" id="dom-construction-rules"><span class="secno">5.5. </span><span class="content"><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules">WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</dfn></span><a class="self-link" href="#dom-construction-rules"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4112
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">For the purpose of retrieving a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-20">WebVTT cue</a>’s content via the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-1">getCueAsHTML()</a></code> method of the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-1">VTTCue</a></code> interface, it needs to be parsed to a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code>. This section describes how.</p>
+ |
+ 4456
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="6.5" id="dom-construction-rules"><span class="secno">6.5. </span><span class="content"><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules">WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</dfn></span><a class="self-link" href="#dom-construction-rules"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4457
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">For the purpose of retrieving a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-24">WebVTT cue</a>’s content via the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-1">getCueAsHTML()</a></code> method of the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-1">VTTCue</a></code> interface, it needs to be parsed to a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code>. This section describes how.</p>
+ |
+ 4113
+ |
+ <p>To convert a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-4">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> to a DOM tree for <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#document">Document</a></code> <var>owner</var>, user
+ |
+ 4114
+ |
+ agents must create a tree of DOM nodes that is isomorphous to the tree of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-6">WebVTT Node Objects</a>, with the following mapping of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-7">WebVTT
+ |
+ 4115
+ |
+ Node Objects</a> to DOM nodes:</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4171,25 +4516,27 @@
+ |
+ 4171
+ |
+ <p>All characteristics of the DOM nodes that are not described above or dependent on characteristics
+ |
+ 4172
+ |
+ defined above must be left at their initial values.</p>
+ |
+ 4173
+ |
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 4174
+ |
+ -
+ title" data-level="5.6" id="rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title"><span class="secno">5.6. </span><span class="content">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 4519
+ |
+ +
+ title" data-level="6.6" id="rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title"><span class="secno">6.6. </span><span class="content">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 4175
+ |
+ title</span><a class="self-link" href="#rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4176
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter title</dfn> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-21">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var> are as
+ |
+ 4521
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter title</dfn> for a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-25">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var> are as
+ |
+ 4177
+ |
+ follows:</p>
+ |
+ 4178
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 4523
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter title">
+ |
+ 4179
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4180
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>nodes</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-6">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> obtained by applying the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-1">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 4181
+ |
+ -
+ text parsing rules</a> to the <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-4">text track cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4526
+ |
+ +
+ text parsing rules</a> to the <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-11">cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4182
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4183
+ |
+ <p>Return the concatenation of the values of each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-text-object-6">WebVTT Text Object</a> in <var>nodes</var>, in a
+ |
+ 4184
+ |
+ pre-order, depth-first traversal, excluding <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-5">WebVTT Ruby Text
+ |
+ 4185
+ |
+ Objects</a> and their descendants.</p>
+ |
+ 4186
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4187
+ |
+ -
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="6" id="rendering"><span class="secno">6. </span><span class="content">Rendering</span><a class="self-link" href="#rendering"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 4188
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">This section describes in some detail how to visually render WebVTT cues in a user
+ |
+ 4189
+ |
+ -
+ agent. The processing model is quite tightly linked to media elements in HTML. When supporting
+ |
+ 4190
+ |
+ -
+ WebVTT in media players that don’t support CSS, equivalent visual rendering will need to be
+ |
+ 4191
+ |
+ -
+ implemented.</p>
+ |
+ 4192
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="Processing model" data-level="6.1" id="processing-model"><span class="secno">6.1. </span><span class="content">Processing model</span><a class="self-link" href="#processing-model"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4532
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="7" id="rendering"><span class="secno">7. </span><span class="content">Rendering</span><a class="self-link" href="#rendering"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 4533
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">This section describes in some detail how to visually render <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-2">WebVTT caption or
+ |
+ 4534
+ |
+ +
+ subtitle cues</a> in a user agent. The processing model is quite tightly linked to media elements in
+ |
+ 4535
+ |
+ +
+ HTML, where CSS is available. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-css" id="ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-css-1">User agents that do not support CSS</a> are expected to render
+ |
+ 4536
+ |
+ +
+ plain text only, without styling and positioning features. <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine" id="ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine-2">User agents that do not support a full
+ |
+ 4537
+ |
+ +
+ HTML CSS engine</a> are expected to render an equivalent visual representation to what a user agent
+ |
+ 4538
+ |
+ +
+ with a full CSS engine would render.</p>
+ |
+ 4539
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="Processing model" data-level="7.1" id="processing-model"><span class="secno">7.1. </span><span class="content">Processing model</span><a class="self-link" href="#processing-model"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4193
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</dfn> render the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> of a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> (specifically, a <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element), or of another playback
+ |
+ 4194
+ |
+ mechanism, by applying the steps below. All the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> that use these
+ |
+ 4195
+ |
+ rules for a given <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a>, or other playback mechanism, are rendered together, to avoid
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4201,7 +4548,7 @@
+ |
+ 4201
+ |
+ <p>The output of the steps below is a set of CSS boxes that covers the rendering area of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> or other playback mechanism, which user agents are expected to render in a
+ |
+ 4202
+ |
+ manner suiting the user.</p>
+ |
+ 4203
+ |
+ <p>The rules are as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 4204
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 4551
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks">
+ |
+ 4205
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4206
+ |
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> is an <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-audio-element">audio</a> element, or is another playback
+ |
+ 4207
+ |
+ mechanism with no rendering area, abort these steps.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4225,12 +4572,12 @@
+ |
+ 4225
+ |
+ <p>For each track <var>track</var> in <var>tracks</var>, append to <var>cues</var> all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">cues</a> from <var>track</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#list-of-cues">list of cues</a> that have their <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-active-flag">text track cue
+ |
+ 4226
+ |
+ active flag</a> set.</p>
+ |
+ 4227
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4228
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>regions</var> be an empty list of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-11">WebVTT regions</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4575
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>regions</var> be an empty list of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-12">WebVTT regions</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4229
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4230
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For each track <var>track</var> in <var>tracks</var>, append to <var>regions</var> all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-12">regions</a> with an identifier from <var>track</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-list-of-regions" id="ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-4">list of
+ |
+ 4577
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For each track <var>track</var> in <var>tracks</var>, append to <var>regions</var> all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-13">regions</a> with an identifier from <var>track</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-list-of-regions" id="ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-4">list of
+ |
+ 4231
+ |
+ regions</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4232
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4233
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>reset</var> is false, then, for each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-13">WebVTT region</a> <var>region</var> in <var>regions</var> let <var>regionNode</var> be a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-5">WebVTT region object</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4580
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>reset</var> is false, then, for each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-14">WebVTT region</a> <var>region</var> in <var>regions</var> let <var>regionNode</var> be a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-5">WebVTT region object</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4234
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4235
+ |
+ <p>Apply the following steps for each <var>regionNode</var>:</p>
+ |
+ 4236
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4240,7 +4587,8 @@
+ |
+ 4240
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4241
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>regionWidth</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-width" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-width-3">WebVTT region width</a>. Let <var>width</var> be <span class="css"><var>regionWidth</var> vw</span> (<a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vw">vw</a> is a CSS unit). <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4242
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4243
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>lineHeight</var> be <span class="css">5.33vh</span> (<a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vh">vh</a> is a CSS unit) <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a> and <var>regionHeight</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-lines" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-3">WebVTT region lines</a>. Let <var>lines</var> be <var>lineHeight</var> multiplied by <var>regionHeight</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4590
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>lineHeight</var> be <span class="css">6vh</span> (<a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vh">vh</a> is a CSS unit) <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a> and <var>regionHeight</var> be
+ |
+ 4591
+ |
+ +
+ the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-lines" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-3">WebVTT region lines</a>. Let <var>lines</var> be <var>lineHeight</var> multiplied by <var>regionHeight</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4244
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4245
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>viewportAnchorX</var> be the x dimension of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-3">WebVTT region anchor</a> and <var>regionAnchorX</var> be the x dimension of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-4">WebVTT region anchor</a>. Let <var>leftOffset</var> be <var>regionAnchorX</var> multiplied by <var>width</var> divided by 100.0. Let <var>left</var> be <var>leftOffset</var> subtracted
+ |
+ 4246
+ |
+ from <span class="css"><var>viewportAnchorX</var> vw</span>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4260,29 +4608,29 @@
+ |
+ 4260
+ |
+ section uses some of the variables whose values were calculated earlier in this
+ |
+ 4261
+ |
+ algorithm.)</p>
+ |
+ 4262
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4263
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The viewport (and initial containing block) is video’s rendering area.</p>
+ |
+ 4611
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The video viewport (and initial containing block) is video’s rendering area.</p>
+ |
+ 4264
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4265
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4266
+ |
+ <p>Add the CSS box <var>box</var> to <var>output</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4267
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4268
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4269
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>reset</var> is false, then, for each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-22">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var> in <var>cues</var>: if <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track
+ |
+ 4617
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>reset</var> is false, then, for each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-26">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var> in <var>cues</var>: if <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track
+ |
+ 4270
+ |
+ cue display state</a> has a set of CSS boxes, then:</p>
+ |
+ 4271
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 4272
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4273
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-4">WebVTT cue region</a> is not null, add those boxes to that region’s <var>box</var> and remove <var>cue</var> from <var>cues</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4621
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-7">WebVTT cue region</a> is not null, add those boxes to that region’s <var>box</var> and remove <var>cue</var> from <var>cues</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4274
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4275
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, add those boxes to <var>output</var> and remove <var>cue</var> from <var>cues</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4276
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 4277
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4278
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-23">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var> in <var>cues</var> that has not yet had corresponding CSS boxes added
+ |
+ 4626
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For each <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-27">WebVTT cue</a> <var>cue</var> in <var>cues</var> that has not yet had corresponding CSS boxes added
+ |
+ 4279
+ |
+ to <var>output</var>, in <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-order">text track cue order</a>, run the following substeps:</p>
+ |
+ 4280
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4281
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4282
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>nodes</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-7">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> obtained by applying the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-2">WebVTT
+ |
+ 4283
+ |
+ -
+ cue text parsing rules</a>, with the fallback language <var>language</var> if provided, to the <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-5">text track cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4631
+ |
+ +
+ cue text parsing rules</a>, with the fallback language <var>language</var> if provided, to the <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-12">cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4284
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4285
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-5">WebVTT cue region</a> is null, run the following substeps:</p>
+ |
+ 4633
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-8">WebVTT cue region</a> is null, run the following substeps:</p>
+ |
+ 4286
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4287
+ |
+ <li><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#apply-webvtt-cue-settings" id="ref-for-apply-webvtt-cue-settings-1">Apply WebVTT cue settings</a> to obtain CSS boxes <var>boxes</var> from <var>nodes</var>.
+ |
+ 4288
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4294,9 +4642,9 @@
+ |
+ 4294
+ |
+ <p>Otherwise, run the following substeps:</p>
+ |
+ 4295
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4296
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4297
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>region</var> be <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-6">WebVTT cue region</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4645
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>region</var> be <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-9">WebVTT cue region</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4298
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4299
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-3">WebVTT region scroll</a> setting is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll-up" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-2">up</a> and <var>region</var> already has one child, set <var>region</var>’s <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-property">transition-property</a> to <span class="css">top</span> and <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-duration">transition-duration</a> to <span class="css">0.433s</span>.</p>
+ |
+ 4647
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-3">WebVTT region scroll</a> setting is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll-up" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-2">up</a> and <var>region</var> already has one child, set <var>region</var>’s <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#propdef-transition-property">transition-property</a> to <span class="css">top</span> and <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#propdef-transition-duration">transition-duration</a> to <span class="css">0.433s</span>.</p>
+ |
+ 4300
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4301
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>offset</var> be <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-1">computed position</a> multiplied
+ |
+ 4302
+ |
+ by <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-width" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-width-4">WebVTT region width</a> and divided by 100 (i.e. interpret it as a percentage
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4308,17 +4656,15 @@
+ |
+ 4308
+ |
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-3">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-3">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4309
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4310
+ |
+ <p>Subtract half of <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-width" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-width-5">WebVTT region width</a> from <var>offset</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4311
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-4">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-4">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4659
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-4">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-6">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4312
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4313
+ |
+ <p>Subtract <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-width" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-width-6">WebVTT region width</a> from <var>offset</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4314
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 4315
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4316
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>left</var> be <span class="css"><var>offset</var> %</span>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4317
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4318
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Apply the terms of the CSS specifications to <var>nodes</var> with the same constraints that are
+ |
+ 4319
+ |
+ -
+ used when they are applied to <var>nodes</var> of a <var>cue</var> that is not part of a region.</p>
+ |
+ 4666
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes" id="ref-for-obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes-1">Obtain a set of CSS boxes</a> <var>boxes</var> positioned relative to an initial containing
+ |
+ 4667
+ |
+ +
+ block.</p>
+ |
+ 4320
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>boxes</var> be the boxes generated as descendants of the initial containing block, along
+ |
+ 4321
+ |
+ -
+ with their positions.</p>
+ |
+ 4322
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4323
+ |
+ <p>If there are no line boxes in <var>boxes</var>, skip the remainder of these substeps for <var>cue</var>.
+ |
+ 4324
+ |
+ The cue is ignored.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4335,25 +4681,26 @@
+ |
+ 4335
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4336
+ |
+ <p>User agents may allow the user to override the above algorithm’s positioning of cues, e.g. by
+ |
+ 4337
+ |
+ dragging them to another location on the <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a>, or even off the <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> entirely.</p>
+ |
+ 4338
+ |
+ -
+ <p>When the algorithm above requires that the user agent <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="apply-webvtt-cue-settings">apply WebVTT cue settings</dfn> to
+ |
+ 4339
+ |
+ -
+ obtain CSS boxes from a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-8">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> <var>nodes</var>, the user agent must run the
+ |
+ 4340
+ |
+ -
+ following algorithm.</p>
+ |
+ 4341
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 4684
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="Processing cue settings" data-level="7.2" id="processing-cue-settings"><span class="secno">7.2. </span><span class="content">Processing cue settings</span><a class="self-link" href="#processing-cue-settings"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4685
+ |
+ +
+ <p>When the processing algorithm above requires that the user agent <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="apply WebVTT cue settings" data-noexport="" id="apply-webvtt-cue-settings">apply WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 4686
+ |
+ +
+ settings</dfn> to obtain CSS boxes from a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-8">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> <var>nodes</var>, the user agent
+ |
+ 4687
+ |
+ +
+ must run the following algorithm.</p>
+ |
+ 4688
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="apply WebVTT cue settings">
+ |
+ 4342
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4343
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-16">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-14">horizontal</a>, then let <var>writing-mode</var> be "horizontal-tb". Otherwise, if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-17">WebVTT
+ |
+ 4690
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-17">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-15">horizontal</a>, then let <var>writing-mode</var> be "horizontal-tb". Otherwise, if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-18">WebVTT
+ |
+ 4344
+ |
+ cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-5">vertical
+ |
+ 4345
+ |
+ -
+ growing left</a>, then let <var>writing-mode</var> be "vertical-rl". Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-18">WebVTT cue writing
+ |
+ 4692
+ |
+ +
+ growing left</a>, then let <var>writing-mode</var> be "vertical-rl". Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-19">WebVTT cue writing
+ |
+ 4346
+ |
+ direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-5">vertical growing
+ |
+ 4347
+ |
+ right</a>; let <var>writing-mode</var> be "vertical-lr".</p>
+ |
+ 4348
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4349
+ |
+ <p>Determine the value of <var>maximum size</var> for <var>cue</var> as per the appropriate rules from the following
+ |
+ 4350
+ |
+ list:</p>
+ |
+ 4351
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4352
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-5">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-5">line-left</a>
+ |
+ 4699
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-5">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-7">line-left</a>
+ |
+ 4353
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4354
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>maximum size</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-2">computed position</a> subtracted from
+ |
+ 4355
+ |
+ 100.</p>
+ |
+ 4356
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-6">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-5">line-right</a>
+ |
+ 4703
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-6">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-7">line-right</a>
+ |
+ 4357
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4358
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>maximum size</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-3">computed position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4359
+ |
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-7">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-4">center</a>, and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-4">computed position</a> is less than or equal to 50
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4366,40 +4713,40 @@
+ |
+ 4366
+ |
+ position</a> from 100 and then multiplying the result by two.</p>
+ |
+ 4367
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 4368
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4369
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-9">WebVTT cue size</a> is less than <var>maximum size</var>, then let <var>size</var> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-10">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 4716
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-10">WebVTT cue size</a> is less than <var>maximum size</var>, then let <var>size</var> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-11">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 4370
+ |
+ size</a>. Otherwise, let <var>size</var> be <var>maximum size</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4371
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4372
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-19">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-15">horizontal</a>, then let <var>width</var> be <span class="css"><var>size</var> vw</span> and <var>height</var> be <span class="css">auto</span>. Otherwise, let <var>width</var> be <span class="css">auto</span> and <var>height</var> be <span class="css"><var>size</var> vh</span>.
+ |
+ 4719
+ |
+ +
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-20">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-16">horizontal</a>, then let <var>width</var> be <span class="css"><var>size</var> vw</span> and <var>height</var> be <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#valdef-width-auto">auto</a>. Otherwise, let <var>width</var> be <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#valdef-width-auto">auto</a> and <var>height</var> be <span class="css"><var>size</var> vh</span>.
+ |
+ 4373
+ |
+ (These are CSS values used by the next section to set CSS properties for the rendering; <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vw">vw</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vh">vh</a> are CSS units.) <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4374
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4375
+ |
+ <p>Determine the value of <var>x-position</var> or <var>y-position</var> for <var>cue</var> as per the appropriate rules from
+ |
+ 4376
+ |
+ the following list:</p>
+ |
+ 4377
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4378
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-20">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-16">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4725
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-21">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-17">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4379
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4380
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4381
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-9">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-6">line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4728
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-9">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-8">line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4382
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4383
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>x-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-8">computed position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4384
+ |
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-10">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-6">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4385
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4386
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>x-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-9">computed position</a> minus half
+ |
+ 4387
+ |
+ of <var>size</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4388
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-11">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-6">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4735
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-11">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-8">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4389
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4390
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>x-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-10">computed position</a> minus <var>size</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4391
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 4392
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-21">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-6">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-6">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4739
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-22">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-6">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-6">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4393
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4394
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4395
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-12">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-7">line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4742
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-12">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-9">line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4396
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4397
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>y-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-11">computed position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4398
+ |
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-13">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-7">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4399
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4400
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>y-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-12">computed position</a> minus half
+ |
+ 4401
+ |
+ of <var>size</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4402
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-14">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-7">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4749
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position-alignment" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-14">computed position alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-9">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4403
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4404
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>y-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-position" id="ref-for-cue-computed-position-13">computed position</a> minus <var>size</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4405
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4407,23 +4754,23 @@
+ |
+ 4407
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4408
+ |
+ <p>Determine the value of whichever of <var>x-position</var> or <var>y-position</var> is not yet calculated for <var>cue</var> as per the appropriate rules from the following list:</p>
+ |
+ 4409
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4410
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-11">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is false
+ |
+ 4757
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-10">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is false
+ |
+ 4411
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4412
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4413
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-22">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-17">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4760
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-23">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-18">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4414
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4415
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>y-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-line" id="ref-for-cue-computed-line-2">computed line</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4416
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-23">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-7">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-7">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4763
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-24">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-7">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-7">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4417
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4418
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>x-position</var> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-computed-line" id="ref-for-cue-computed-line-3">computed line</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4419
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 4420
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-12">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true
+ |
+ 4767
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-11">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true
+ |
+ 4421
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4422
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4423
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-24">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-18">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4770
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-25">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-19">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4424
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4425
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>y-position</var> be 0.</p>
+ |
+ 4426
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-25">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-8">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-8">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4773
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-26">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-8">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-8">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4427
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4428
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>x-position</var> be 0.</p>
+ |
+ 4429
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4431,157 +4778,30 @@
+ |
+ 4431
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">These are not final positions, they are merely temporary positions used to
+ |
+ 4432
+ |
+ calculate box dimensions below.</p>
+ |
+ 4433
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4434
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-13">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true, then run the appropriate steps from the
+ |
+ 4435
+ |
+ -
+ following list:</p>
+ |
+ 4436
+ |
+ -
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4437
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-26">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-19">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4438
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4439
+ |
+ -
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4440
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4441
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>edge margin</var> be a user-agent-defined horizontal length, expressed as a percentage
+ |
+ 4442
+ |
+ -
+ of the width of the <var>video</var>’s rendering area, which will be used to define a margin at the left
+ |
+ 4443
+ |
+ -
+ and right edges of the video into which this cue will not be placed. In situations with
+ |
+ 4444
+ |
+ -
+ overscan, this margin should be sufficient to place the cue within the title-safe area. In the
+ |
+ 4445
+ |
+ -
+ absence of overscan, this value should be picked for aesthetics (to avoid text being aligned
+ |
+ 4446
+ |
+ -
+ precisely on the left or right edge of the video, which can be ugly).</p>
+ |
+ 4447
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4448
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>x-position</var> is less than <var>edge margin</var> and the sum of <var>x-position</var> and <var>size</var> is
+ |
+ 4449
+ |
+ -
+ more than <var>edge margin</var>, then increase <var>x-position</var> by <var>edge margin</var> and decrease <var>size</var> by the
+ |
+ 4450
+ |
+ -
+ same amount.</p>
+ |
+ 4451
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4452
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>right margin edge</var> be 100 minus <var>edge margin</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4453
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4454
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>x-position</var> is less than <var>right margin edge</var>, and the sum of <var>x-position</var> and <var>size</var> is more than <var>right margin edge</var>, then decrease <var>size</var> by <var>edge margin</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4455
+ |
+ -
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4456
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-27">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-9">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-9">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4457
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4458
+ |
+ -
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4459
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4460
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>edge margin</var> be a user-agent-defined vertical length, expressed as a percentage of
+ |
+ 4461
+ |
+ -
+ the height of the <var>video</var>’s rendering area, which will be used to define a margin at the top
+ |
+ 4462
+ |
+ -
+ and bottom edges of the video into which this cue will not be placed. In situations with
+ |
+ 4463
+ |
+ -
+ overscan, this margin should be sufficient to place the cue within the title-safe area. In the
+ |
+ 4464
+ |
+ -
+ absence of overscan, this value should be picked for aesthetics (to avoid text being aligned
+ |
+ 4465
+ |
+ -
+ precisely on the top or bottom edge of the video, which can be ugly).</p>
+ |
+ 4466
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4467
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>y-position</var> is less than <var>edge margin</var> and the sum of <var>y-position</var> and <var>size</var> is
+ |
+ 4468
+ |
+ -
+ more than <var>edge margin</var>, then increase <var>y-position</var> by <var>edge margin</var> and decrease <var>size</var> by the
+ |
+ 4469
+ |
+ -
+ same amount.</p>
+ |
+ 4470
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4471
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>bottom margin edge</var> be 100 minus <var>edge margin</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4472
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4473
+ |
+ -
+ <p>If <var>y-position</var> is less than <var>bottom margin edge</var>, and the sum of <var>y-position</var> and <var>size</var> is more than <var>right margin edge</var>, then decrease <var>size</var> by <var>edge margin</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4474
+ |
+ -
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4475
+ |
+ -
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 4476
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4477
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>left</var> be <span class="css"><var>x-position</var> vw</span> and <var>top</var> be <span class="css"><var>y-position</var> vh</span>. (These are
+ |
+ 4478
+ |
+ CSS values used by the next section to set CSS properties for the rendering; <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vw">vw</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#vh">vh</a> are
+ |
+ 4479
+ |
+ CSS units.) <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4480
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4481
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Apply the terms of the CSS specifications to <var>nodes</var> within the following constraints, thus
+ |
+ 4482
+ |
+ -
+ obtaining a set of CSS boxes positioned relative to an initial containing block: <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css22">[CSS22]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4785
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes" id="ref-for-obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes-2">Obtain a set of CSS boxes</a> <var>boxes</var> positioned relative to an initial containing
+ |
+ 4786
+ |
+ +
+ block.</p>
+ |
+ 4483
+ |
+ -
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 4484
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4485
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <i>document tree</i> is the tree of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-9">WebVTT Node Objects</a> rooted at <var>nodes</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4486
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4487
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For the purpose of selectors in STYLE blocks of a WebVTT file, the style sheet must apply to
+ |
+ 4488
+ |
+ -
+ a hypothetical document that contains a single empty element with no explicit name, no
+ |
+ 4489
+ |
+ -
+ namespace, no attributes, no classes, no IDs, and unknown primary language, that acts like the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> that were sourced from the given WebVTT file.
+ |
+ 4490
+ |
+ -
+ The selectors must not match other <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> for the same <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a>. In this
+ |
+ 4491
+ |
+ -
+ hypothetical document, the element must not match any selector that would match the element
+ |
+ 4492
+ |
+ -
+ itself.</p>
+ |
+ 4493
+ |
+ -
+ <p class="note" role="note">This element exists only to be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#originating-element">originating element</a> for
+ |
+ 4494
+ |
+ -
+ the <span class="css">::cue</span>, <span class="css">::cue()</span>, <span class="css">::cue-region</span> and <span class="css">::cue-region()</span> pseudo-elements.</p>
+ |
+ 4495
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4496
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For the purpose of determining the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a> of the declarations in
+ |
+ 4497
+ |
+ -
+ STYLE blocks of a WebVTT file, the relative order of appearance of the style sheets must be the
+ |
+ 4498
+ |
+ -
+ same order as they were added to the collection, and the order of appearance of the collection
+ |
+ 4499
+ |
+ -
+ must be after any style sheets that apply to the associated <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element’s
+ |
+ 4500
+ |
+ -
+ document.</p>
+ |
+ 4501
+ |
+ -
+ <div class="example" id="example-29aea910">
+ |
+ 4502
+ |
+ -
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-29aea910"></a>
+ |
+ 4503
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For example, given the following (invalid) HTML document:</p>
+ |
+ 4504
+ |
+ -
+ <pre><!doctype html>
+ |
+ 4505
+ |
+ -
+ <title>Invalid cascade example</title>
+ |
+ 4506
+ |
+ -
+ <video controls autoplay src="video.webm">
+ |
+ 4507
+ |
+ -
+ <track default src="track.vtt">
+ |
+ 4508
+ |
+ -
+ </video>
+ |
+ 4509
+ |
+ -
+ <style>
+ |
+ 4510
+ |
+ -
+ ::cue { color:red }
+ |
+ 4511
+ |
+ -
+ </style>
+ |
+ 4512
+ |
+ -
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4513
+ |
+ -
+ <p>...and the "track.vtt" file contains:</p>
+ |
+ 4514
+ |
+ -
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 4515
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 4516
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 4517
+ |
+ -
+ ::cue { color:lime }
+ |
+ 4518
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ 4519
+ |
+ -
+ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:25.000
+ |
+ 4520
+ |
+ -
+ Red or green?
+ |
+ 4521
+ |
+ -
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4522
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <span class="css">color:lime</span> declaration would win, because it is last in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a>, even though the <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/document-metadata.html#the-style-element">style</a> element is after the <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element in the document order.</p>
+ |
+ 4523
+ |
+ -
+ </div>
+ |
+ 4524
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4525
+ |
+ -
+ <p id="style-no-external-resources">For the purpose of resolving URLs in STYLE blocks of a WebVTT
+ |
+ 4526
+ |
+ -
+ file, or any URLs in resources referenced from STYLE blocks of a WebVTT file, if the URL’s
+ |
+ 4527
+ |
+ -
+ scheme is not "<code>data</code>", then the user agent must act as if the URL failed to
+ |
+ 4528
+ |
+ -
+ resolve.</p>
+ |
+ 4529
+ |
+ -
+ <p><strong class="advisement">Supporting external resources with <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-4/#at-ruledef-import">@import</a> or <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background-image">background-image</a> would be a new ability for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media elements</a> and <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-track-element">track</a> elements to issue
+ |
+ 4530
+ |
+ -
+ network requests as the user watches the video, which could be a privacy issue.</strong></p>
+ |
+ 4531
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4532
+ |
+ -
+ <p>For the purposes of processing by the CSS specification, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-9">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> are equivalent to elements with the same
+ |
+ 4533
+ |
+ -
+ contents.</p>
+ |
+ 4534
+ |
+ -
+ <li>For the purposes of processing by the CSS specification, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-text-object-7">WebVTT
+ |
+ 4535
+ |
+ -
+ Text Objects</a> are equivalent to <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#text">Text</a></code> nodes.
+ |
+ 4536
+ |
+ -
+ <li>No style sheets are associated with <var>nodes</var>. (The nodes are subsequently restyled using style
+ |
+ 4537
+ |
+ -
+ sheets after their boxes are generated, as described below.)
+ |
+ 4538
+ |
+ -
+ <li>The children of the <var>nodes</var> must be wrapped in an anonymous box whose <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#propdef-display">display</a> property has
+ |
+ 4539
+ |
+ -
+ the value <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#valdef-display-inline">inline</a>. This is the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-background-box">WebVTT cue background box</dfn>.
+ |
+ 4540
+ |
+ -
+ <li>Runs of children of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-5">WebVTT Ruby Objects</a> that are not <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-6">WebVTT Ruby Text Objects</a> must be wrapped in anonymous boxes
+ |
+ 4541
+ |
+ -
+ whose <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#propdef-display">display</a> property has the value <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ruby-1/#valdef-display-ruby-base">ruby-base</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css3-ruby">[CSS3-RUBY]</a>
+ |
+ 4542
+ |
+ -
+ <li>Properties on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-10">WebVTT Node Objects</a> have their values set as
+ |
+ 4543
+ |
+ -
+ defined in the next section. (That section uses some of the variables whose values were
+ |
+ 4544
+ |
+ -
+ calculated earlier in this algorithm.)
+ |
+ 4545
+ |
+ -
+ <li>Text runs must be wrapped according to the CSS line-wrapping rules.
+ |
+ 4546
+ |
+ -
+ <li>The viewport (and initial containing block) is <var>video</var>’s rendering area.
+ |
+ 4547
+ |
+ -
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 4548
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>boxes</var> be the boxes generated as descendants of the initial containing block, along with
+ |
+ 4549
+ |
+ -
+ their positions.</p>
+ |
+ 4550
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4551
+ |
+ <p>If there are no line boxes in <var>boxes</var>, skip the remainder of these substeps for <var>cue</var>. The
+ |
+ 4552
+ |
+ cue is ignored.</p>
+ |
+ 4553
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4554
+ |
+ <p>Adjust the positions of <var>boxes</var> according to the appropriate steps from the following list:</p>
+ |
+ 4555
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4556
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-14">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true
+ |
+ 4793
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-12">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true
+ |
+ 4557
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4558
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Many of the steps in this algorithm vary according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-28">WebVTT cue writing
+ |
+ 4559
+ |
+ -
+ direction</a>. Steps labeled "<strong>Horizontal</strong>" must be followed only when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-29">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-20">horizontal</a>, steps labeled "<strong>Vertical</strong>" must be followed when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-30">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is either <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-10">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-10">vertical growing right</a>, steps labeled "<strong>Vertical Growing Left</strong>"
+ |
+ 4560
+ |
+ -
+ must be followed only when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-31">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-11">vertical growing left</a>, and steps labeled "<strong>Vertical
+ |
+ 4561
+ |
+ -
+ Growing Right</strong>" must be followed only when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-32">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-11">vertical growing right</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4562
+ |
+ -
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4795
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Many of the steps in this algorithm vary according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-27">WebVTT cue writing
+ |
+ 4796
+ |
+ +
+ direction</a>. Steps labeled "<strong>Horizontal</strong>" must be followed only when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-28">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-20">horizontal</a>, steps labeled "<strong>Vertical</strong>" must be followed when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-29">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is either <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-9">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-9">vertical growing right</a>, steps labeled "<strong>Vertical Growing Left</strong>"
+ |
+ 4797
+ |
+ +
+ must be followed only when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-30">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-10">vertical growing left</a>, and steps labeled "<strong>Vertical
+ |
+ 4798
+ |
+ +
+ Growing Right</strong>" must be followed only when the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-31">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-10">vertical growing right</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4799
+ |
+ +
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4563
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4564
+ |
+ -
+ <p><strong>Horizontal</strong>: Let <var>margin</var> be a user-agent-defined vertical length which
+ |
+ 4565
+ |
+ -
+ will be used to define a margin at the top and bottom edges of the video into which cues will
+ |
+ 4566
+ |
+ -
+ not be placed. In situations with overscan, this margin should be sufficient to place all cues
+ |
+ 4567
+ |
+ -
+ within the title-safe area. In the absence of overscan, this value should be picked for
+ |
+ 4568
+ |
+ -
+ aesthetics (to avoid text being aligned precisely on the bottom edge of the video, which can
+ |
+ 4569
+ |
+ -
+ be ugly).</p>
+ |
+ 4570
+ |
+ -
+ <p><strong>Vertical</strong>: Let <var>margin</var> be a user-agent-defined horizontal length which
+ |
+ 4571
+ |
+ -
+ will be used to define a margin at the left and right edges of the video into which cues will
+ |
+ 4572
+ |
+ -
+ not be placed. In situations with overscan, this margin should be sufficient to place all cues
+ |
+ 4573
+ |
+ -
+ within the title-safe area. In the absence of overscan, this value should be picked for
+ |
+ 4574
+ |
+ -
+ aesthetics (to avoid text being aligned precisely on the left or right edges of the video,
+ |
+ 4575
+ |
+ -
+ which can be ugly).</p>
+ |
+ 4576
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4577
+ |
+ <p><strong>Horizontal</strong>: Let <var>full dimension</var> be the height of <var>video</var>’s rendering
+ |
+ 4578
+ |
+ area.</p>
+ |
+ 4579
+ |
+ <p><strong>Vertical</strong>: Let <var>full dimension</var> be the width of <var>video</var>’s rendering
+ |
+ 4580
+ |
+ area.</p>
+ |
+ 4581
+ |
+ -
+ <p>These dimensions must not be adjusted for overscan. (The algorithm does that
+ |
+ 4582
+ |
+ -
+ separately.)</p>
+ |
+ 4583
+ |
+ -
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4584
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>max dimension</var> be <var>full dimension</var> - (2 × <var>margin</var>).</p>
+ |
+ 4585
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4586
+ |
+ <p><strong>Horizontal</strong>: Let <var>step</var> be the height of the first line box in <var>boxes</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4587
+ |
+ <p><strong>Vertical</strong>: Let <var>step</var> be the width of the first line box in <var>boxes</var>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4600,7 +4820,6 @@
+ |
+ 4600
+ |
+ box of the boxes in <var>boxes</var>, then increase <var>position</var> by <var>step</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4601
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4602
+ |
+ <p>If <var>line</var> is less than zero then increase <var>position</var> by <var>max dimension</var>, and negate <var>step</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4603
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Otherwise, increase <var>position</var> by <var>margin</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4604
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4605
+ |
+ <p><strong>Horizontal</strong>: Move all the boxes in <var>boxes</var> down by the distance given by <var>position</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4606
+ |
+ <p><strong>Vertical</strong>: Move all the boxes in <var>boxes</var> right by the distance given by <var>position</var>.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4608,11 +4827,7 @@
+ |
+ 4608
+ |
+ <p>Remember the position of all the boxes in <var>boxes</var> as their <var>specified
+ |
+ 4609
+ |
+ position</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4610
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4611
+ |
+ -
+ <p><strong>Horizontal</strong>: Let <var>title area</var> be a box that covers all of the <var>video</var>’s
+ |
+ 4830
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>title area</var> be a box that covers all of the <var>video</var>’s rendering area.</p>
+ |
+ 4612
+ |
+ -
+ rendering area except for a height of <var>margin</var> at the top of the rendering area and a height
+ |
+ 4613
+ |
+ -
+ of <var>margin</var> at the bottom of the rendering area.</p>
+ |
+ 4614
+ |
+ -
+ <p><strong>Vertical</strong>: Let <var>title area</var> be a box that covers all of the <var>video</var>’s
+ |
+ 4615
+ |
+ -
+ rendering area except for a width of <var>margin</var> at the left of the rendering area and a width of <var>margin</var> at the right of the rendering area.</p>
+ |
+ 4616
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4617
+ |
+ <p><i>Step loop</i>: If none of the boxes in <var>boxes</var> would overlap any of the boxes in <var>output</var>, and all of the boxes in <var>boxes</var> are entirely within the <var>title area</var> box, then jump
+ |
+ 4618
+ |
+ to the step labeled <i>done positioning</i> below.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4642,7 +4857,7 @@
+ |
+ 4642
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4643
+ |
+ <p>Jump back to the step labeled <i>step loop</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 4644
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4645
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-15">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is false
+ |
+ 4860
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-13">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is false
+ |
+ 4646
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4647
+ |
+ <ol>
+ |
+ 4648
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4650,7 +4865,7 @@
+ |
+ 4650
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4651
+ |
+ <p>Run the appropriate steps from the following list:</p>
+ |
+ 4652
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4653
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-33">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-21">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4868
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-32">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-21">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 4654
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4655
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4656
+ |
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-10">WebVTT cue line alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-3">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4661,7 +4876,7 @@
+ |
+ 4661
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4662
+ |
+ <p>Move all the boxes in <var>boxes</var> up by the height of <var>bounding box</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4663
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 4664
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-34">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-12">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-12">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4879
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-33">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-11">vertical growing left</a> or <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-11">vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 4665
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 4666
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 4667
+ |
+ <dt>If the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-12">WebVTT cue line alignment</a> is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-4">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4692,7 +4907,74 @@
+ |
+ 4692
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4693
+ |
+ <p><i>Done positioning</i>: Return <var>boxes</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4694
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 4695
+ |
+ -
+ <h4 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects" data-level="6.1.1" id="applying-css-properties"><span class="secno">6.1.1. </span><span class="content">Applying CSS properties to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-11">WebVTT Node Objects</a></span><a class="self-link" href="#applying-css-properties"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 4910
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="Obtaining CSS boxes" data-level="7.3" id="obtaining-css-boxes"><span class="secno">7.3. </span><span class="content">Obtaining CSS boxes</span><a class="self-link" href="#obtaining-css-boxes"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4911
+ |
+ +
+ <p>When the processing algorithm above requires that the user agent <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="obtain a set of CSS boxes" data-noexport="" id="obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes">obtain a set of CSS
+ |
+ 4912
+ |
+ +
+ boxes</dfn> <var>boxes</var>, then apply the terms of the CSS specifications to <var>nodes</var> within the following
+ |
+ 4913
+ |
+ +
+ constraints: <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css22">[CSS22]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4914
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 4915
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4916
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <i>document tree</i> is the tree of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-9">WebVTT Node Objects</a> rooted at <var>nodes</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 4917
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4918
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For the purpose of selectors in STYLE blocks of a WebVTT file, the style sheet must apply to a
+ |
+ 4919
+ |
+ +
+ hypothetical document that contains a single empty element with no explicit name, no namespace, no
+ |
+ 4920
+ |
+ +
+ attributes, no classes, no IDs, and unknown primary language, that acts like the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media
+ |
+ 4921
+ |
+ +
+ element</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> that were sourced from the given WebVTT file. The selectors
+ |
+ 4922
+ |
+ +
+ must not match other <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> for the same <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a>. In this hypothetical
+ |
+ 4923
+ |
+ +
+ document, the element must not match any selector that would match the element itself.</p>
+ |
+ 4924
+ |
+ +
+ <p class="note" role="note">This element exists only to be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#originating-element">originating element</a> for the <span class="css">::cue</span>, <span class="css">::cue()</span>, <span class="css">::cue-region</span> and <span class="css">::cue-region()</span> pseudo-elements.</p>
+ |
+ 4925
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4926
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For the purpose of determining the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a> of the declarations in STYLE
+ |
+ 4927
+ |
+ +
+ blocks of a WebVTT file, the relative order of appearance of the style sheets must be the same
+ |
+ 4928
+ |
+ +
+ order as they were added to the collection, and the order of appearance of the collection must be
+ |
+ 4929
+ |
+ +
+ after any style sheets that apply to the associated <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element’s document.</p>
+ |
+ 4930
+ |
+ +
+ <div class="example" id="example-01d14f75">
+ |
+ 4931
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-01d14f75"></a>
+ |
+ 4932
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For example, given the following (invalid) HTML document:</p>
+ |
+ 4933
+ |
+ +
+ <pre><!doctype html>
+ |
+ 4934
+ |
+ +
+ <title>Invalid cascade example</title>
+ |
+ 4935
+ |
+ +
+ <video controls autoplay src="video.webm">
+ |
+ 4936
+ |
+ +
+ <track default src="track.vtt">
+ |
+ 4937
+ |
+ +
+ </video>
+ |
+ 4938
+ |
+ +
+ <style>
+ |
+ 4939
+ |
+ +
+ ::cue { color:red }
+ |
+ 4940
+ |
+ +
+ </style>
+ |
+ 4941
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4942
+ |
+ +
+ <p>...and the "track.vtt" file contains:</p>
+ |
+ 4943
+ |
+ +
+ <pre>WEBVTT
+ |
+ 4944
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 4945
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 4946
+ |
+ +
+ ::cue { color:lime }
+ |
+ 4947
+ |
+ +
+ |
+ 4948
+ |
+ +
+ 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:25.000
+ |
+ 4949
+ |
+ +
+ Red or green?
+ |
+ 4950
+ |
+ +
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4951
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <span class="css">color:lime</span> declaration would win, because it is last in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a>, even though the <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/document-metadata.html#the-style-element">style</a> element is after the <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element in the document order.</p>
+ |
+ 4952
+ |
+ +
+ </div>
+ |
+ 4953
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4954
+ |
+ +
+ <p id="style-no-external-resources">For the purpose of resolving URLs in STYLE blocks of a WebVTT
+ |
+ 4955
+ |
+ +
+ file, or any URLs in resources referenced from STYLE blocks of a WebVTT file, if the URL’s scheme
+ |
+ 4956
+ |
+ +
+ is not "<code>data</code>", then the user agent must act as if the URL failed to resolve.</p>
+ |
+ 4957
+ |
+ +
+ <p><strong class="advisement">Supporting external resources with <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#at-ruledef-import">@import</a> or <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background-image">background-image</a> would be a new ability for <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media elements</a> and <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-track-element">track</a> elements to issue
+ |
+ 4958
+ |
+ +
+ network requests as the user watches the video, which could be a privacy issue.</strong></p>
+ |
+ 4959
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 4960
+ |
+ +
+ <p>For the purposes of processing by the CSS specification, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-9">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> are equivalent to elements with the same
+ |
+ 4961
+ |
+ +
+ contents.</p>
+ |
+ 4962
+ |
+ +
+ <li>For the purposes of processing by the CSS specification, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-text-object-7">WebVTT Text
+ |
+ 4963
+ |
+ +
+ Objects</a> are equivalent to <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#text">Text</a></code> nodes.
+ |
+ 4964
+ |
+ +
+ <li>No style sheets are associated with <var>nodes</var>. (The nodes are subsequently restyled using style
+ |
+ 4965
+ |
+ +
+ sheets after their boxes are generated, as described below.)
+ |
+ 4966
+ |
+ +
+ <li>The children of the <var>nodes</var> must be wrapped in an anonymous box whose <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#propdef-display">display</a> property has
+ |
+ 4967
+ |
+ +
+ the value <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#valdef-display-inline">inline</a>. This is the <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="webvtt-cue-background-box">WebVTT cue background box</dfn>.
+ |
+ 4968
+ |
+ +
+ <li>Runs of children of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-5">WebVTT Ruby Objects</a> that are not <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-6">WebVTT Ruby Text Objects</a> must be wrapped in anonymous boxes whose <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#propdef-display">display</a> property has the value <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ruby-1/#valdef-display-ruby-base">ruby-base</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css3-ruby">[CSS3-RUBY]</a>
+ |
+ 4969
+ |
+ +
+ <li>Properties on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-10">WebVTT Node Objects</a> have their values set as
+ |
+ 4970
+ |
+ +
+ defined in the next section. (That section uses some of the variables whose values were calculated
+ |
+ 4971
+ |
+ +
+ earlier in this algorithm.)
+ |
+ 4972
+ |
+ +
+ <li>Text runs must be wrapped according to the CSS line-wrapping rules.
+ |
+ 4973
+ |
+ +
+ <li>The video viewport (and initial containing block) is <var>video</var>’s rendering area.
+ |
+ 4974
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 4975
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>boxes</var> be the boxes generated as descendants of the initial containing block, along with
+ |
+ 4976
+ |
+ +
+ their positions.</p>
+ |
+ 4977
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects" data-level="7.4" id="applying-css-properties"><span class="secno">7.4. </span><span class="content">Applying CSS properties to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-11">WebVTT Node Objects</a></span><a class="self-link" href="#applying-css-properties"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4696
+ |
+ <p>When following the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-4">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a>, user agents must
+ |
+ 4697
+ |
+ set properties of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-12">WebVTT Node Objects</a> at the CSS user agent cascade
+ |
+ 4698
+ |
+ layer as defined in this section. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css22">[CSS22]</a></p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4705,45 +4987,45 @@
+ |
+ 4705
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#propdef-left">left</a> property must be set to <var>left</var>
+ |
+ 4706
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-width">width</a> property must be set to <var>width</var>
+ |
+ 4707
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-height">height</a> property must be set to <var>height</var>
+ |
+ 4708
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#overflow-wrap">overflow-wrap</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-overflow-wrap-break-word">break-word</a>
+ |
+ 4990
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-overflow-wrap">overflow-wrap</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-overflow-wrap-break-word">break-word</a>
+ |
+ 4709
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc">text-wrap</a> property must be set to <span class="css">balance</span> <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-text-4">[CSS-TEXT-4]</a>
+ |
+ 4710
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 4711
+ |
+ <p>The variables <var>writing-mode</var>, <var>top</var>, <var>left</var>, <var>width</var>, and <var>height</var> are the values with those
+ |
+ 4712
+ |
+ -
+ names determined by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-5">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-24">WebVTT cue</a> from whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-6">text</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-10">list of WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 4713
+ |
+ -
+ Objects</a> was constructed.</p>
+ |
+ 4714
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#text-align">text-align</a> property on the (root) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-11">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must be set to the
+ |
+ 4994
+ |
+ +
+ names determined by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-5">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-28">WebVTT cue</a> from whose <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-13">text</a> the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-10">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> was
+ |
+ 4995
+ |
+ +
+ constructed.</p>
+ |
+ 4996
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-text-align">text-align</a> property on the (root) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-11">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must be set to the
+ |
+ 4715
+ |
+ value in the second cell of the row of the table below whose first cell is the value of the
+ |
+ 4716
+ |
+ -
+ corresponding <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-19">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>:</p>
+ |
+ 4998
+ |
+ +
+ corresponding <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-21">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>:</p>
+ |
+ 4717
+ |
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 4718
+ |
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 4719
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4720
+ |
+ -
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-20">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4721
+ |
+ -
+ <th><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#text-align">text-align</a> value
+ |
+ 5002
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-22">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5003
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-text-align">text-align</a> value
+ |
+ 4722
+ |
+ <tbody>
+ |
+ 4723
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4724
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-7">Start alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4725
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-start">start</a>
+ |
+ 5006
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-8">Start alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5007
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-start">start</a>
+ |
+ 4726
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4727
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-7">Center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4728
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-center">center</a>
+ |
+ 5010
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-center">center</a>
+ |
+ 4729
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4730
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-6">End alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4731
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-end">end</a>
+ |
+ 5012
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-7">End alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5013
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-end">end</a>
+ |
+ 4732
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4733
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-6">Left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4734
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-left">left</a>
+ |
+ 5016
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-left">left</a>
+ |
+ 4735
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4736
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-6">Right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 4737
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-right">right</a>
+ |
+ 5019
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-right">right</a>
+ |
+ 4738
+ |
+ </table>
+ |
+ 4739
+ |
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand property on the (root) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-12">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must be set to <span class="css">5vh sans-serif</span>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4740
+ |
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#propdef-color">color</a> property on the (root) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-13">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must be set to <span class="css">rgba(255,255,255,1)</span>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css3-color">[CSS3-COLOR]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4741
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a> shorthand property on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-background-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-1">WebVTT cue background box</a> and on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-7">WebVTT Ruby
+ |
+ 5023
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> shorthand property on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-background-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-1">WebVTT cue background box</a> and on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-7">WebVTT Ruby
+ |
+ 4742
+ |
+ Text Objects</a> must be set to <span class="css">rgba(0,0,0,0.8)</span>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css3-color">[CSS3-COLOR]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4743
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#white-space">white-space</a> property on the (root) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-14">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-white-space-pre-line">pre-line</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css22">[CSS22]</a></p>
+ |
+ 5025
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-white-space">white-space</a> property on the (root) <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-14">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-white-space-pre-line">pre-line</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css22">[CSS22]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4744
+ |
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font-style">font-style</a> property on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-italic-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-4">WebVTT Italic Objects</a> must be set
+ |
+ 4745
+ |
+ -
+ to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-style-italic">italic</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4746
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font-weight">font-weight</a> property on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-bold-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-5">WebVTT Bold Objects</a> must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-weight-bold">bold</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5027
+ |
+ +
+ to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-style-italic">italic</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5028
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font-weight">font-weight</a> property on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-bold-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-5">WebVTT Bold Objects</a> must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-weight-bold">bold</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4747
+ |
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/#text-decoration">text-decoration</a> property on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-underline-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-4">WebVTT Underline Objects</a> must be set to <span class="css">underline</span>.</p>
+ |
+ 4748
+ |
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#propdef-display">display</a> property on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-6">WebVTT Ruby Objects</a> must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ruby-1/#valdef-display-ruby">ruby</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-css3-ruby">[CSS3-RUBY]</a></p>
+ |
+ 4749
+ |
+ <p>The <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#propdef-display">display</a> property on <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-8">WebVTT Ruby Text Objects</a> must be
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4752,8 +5034,8 @@
+ |
+ 4752
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 4753
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#propdef-position">position</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#valdef-position-absolute">absolute</a>
+ |
+ 4754
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#propdef-writing-mode">writing-mode</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#valdef-writing-mode-horizontal-tb">horizontal-tb</a>
+ |
+ 4755
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a> shorthand property must be set to <span class="css">rgba(0,0,0,0.8)</span>
+ |
+ 4756
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#overflow-wrap">overflow-wrap</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-overflow-wrap-break-word">break-word</a>
+ |
+ 5037
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> shorthand property must be set to <span class="css">rgba(0,0,0,0.8)</span>
+ |
+ 5038
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-overflow-wrap">overflow-wrap</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-overflow-wrap-break-word">break-word</a>
+ |
+ 4757
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand property must be set to <span class="css">5vh sans-serif</span>
+ |
+ 4758
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#propdef-color">color</a> property must be set to <span class="css">rgba(255,255,255,1)</span>
+ |
+ 4759
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/#propdef-overflow">overflow</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/#valdef-overflow-hidden">hidden</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4767,29 +5049,29 @@
+ |
+ 4767
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-align/#propdef-justify-content">justify-content</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-flexbox-1/#valdef-justify-content-flex-end">flex-end</a>
+ |
+ 4768
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 4769
+ |
+ <p>The variables <var>width</var>, <var>height</var>, <var>top</var>, and <var>left</var> are the values with those names determined by
+ |
+ 4770
+ |
+ -
+ the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-6">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-14">WebVTT region</a> from
+ |
+ 5052
+ |
+ +
+ the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-6">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-15">WebVTT region</a> from
+ |
+ 4771
+ |
+ which the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-7">WebVTT region object</a> was constructed.</p>
+ |
+ 4772
+ |
+ <p>The children of every <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-8">WebVTT region object</a> are further initialized with these CSS
+ |
+ 4773
+ |
+ settings:</p>
+ |
+ 4774
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 4775
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#propdef-position">position</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#valdef-position-relative">relative</a>
+ |
+ 4776
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-3/#propdef-unicode-bidi">unicode-bidi</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#valdef-unicode-bidi-plaintext">plaintext</a>
+ |
+ 4777
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-width">width</a> property must be set to <span class="css">auto</span>
+ |
+ 5059
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-width">width</a> property must be set to <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#valdef-width-auto">auto</a>
+ |
+ 4778
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-height">height</a> property must be set to <var>height</var>
+ |
+ 4779
+ |
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#propdef-left">left</a> property must be set to <var>left</var>
+ |
+ 4780
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#text-align">text-align</a> property must be set as described for the root <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-15">List of WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 5062
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-text-align">text-align</a> property must be set as described for the root <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-15">List of WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 4781
+ |
+ Objects</a> not part of a region
+ |
+ 4782
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 4783
+ |
+ <p>All other non-inherited properties must be set to their initial values; inherited properties on
+ |
+ 4784
+ |
+ -
+ the root <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-16">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must inherit their values from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> for which the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-25">WebVTT cue</a> is being rendered, if any. If there is no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> (i.e.
+ |
+ 5066
+ |
+ +
+ the root <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-16">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> must inherit their values from the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> for which the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-29">WebVTT cue</a> is being rendered, if any. If there is no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> (i.e.
+ |
+ 4785
+ |
+ if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a> is being rendered for another media playback mechanism), then inherited
+ |
+ 4786
+ |
+ properties on the root <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-17">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-9">WebVTT region objects</a> must take their initial values.</p>
+ |
+ 4787
+ |
+ <p>If there are style sheets that apply to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> or other playback mechanism,
+ |
+ 4788
+ |
+ then they must be interpreted as defined in the next section.</p>
+ |
+ 4789
+ |
+ -
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="7" id="css-extensions"><span class="secno">7. </span><span class="content">CSS extensions</span><a class="self-link" href="#css-extensions"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 5071
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="8" id="css-extensions"><span class="secno">8. </span><span class="content">CSS extensions</span><a class="self-link" href="#css-extensions"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 4790
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">This section specifies some CSS pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes and how they
+ |
+ 4791
+ |
+ -
+ apply to WebVTT. This section does not apply to user agents that don’t support CSS.</p>
+ |
+ 4792
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="7.1" id="css-extensions-introduction"><span class="secno">7.1. </span><span class="content">Introduction</span><a class="self-link" href="#css-extensions-introduction"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5073
+ |
+ +
+ apply to WebVTT. This section does not apply to <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-css" id="ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-css-2">user agents that do not support CSS</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5074
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="8.1" id="css-extensions-introduction"><span class="secno">8.1. </span><span class="content">Introduction</span><a class="self-link" href="#css-extensions-introduction"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 4793
+ |
+ <p><i>This section is non-normative.</i></p>
+ |
+ 4794
+ |
+ <p>The <span class="css">::cue</span> pseudo-element represents a cue.</p>
+ |
+ 4795
+ |
+ <p>The <span class="css">::cue(<var>selector</var>)</span> pseudo-element represents a cue or element inside a cue that match the
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4799,7 +5081,7 @@
+ |
+ 4799
+ |
+ that match the given selector.</p>
+ |
+ 4800
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">Similarly to all other pseudo-elements, these pseudo-elements are not directly
+ |
+ 4801
+ |
+ present in the <code><a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a></code> element’s document tree.</p>
+ |
+ 4802
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes can be used in <span class="css">::cue(<var>selector</var>)</span> to match <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-10">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> based on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#current-position">current playback position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5084
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes can be used in <span class="css">::cue(<var>selector</var>)</span> to match <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-internal-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-10">WebVTT Internal Node Objects</a> based on the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#current-position">current playback position</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 4803
+ |
+ <div class="example" id="example-cue-selector">
+ |
+ 4804
+ |
+ <a class="self-link" href="#example-cue-selector"></a>
+ |
+ 4805
+ |
+ <p>The following table shows examples of what can be selected with a given selector, together with
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4828,7 +5110,7 @@
+ |
+ 4828
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4829
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4830
+ |
+ <td class="long">
+ |
+ 4831
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#id-selector">ID selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5113
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#id-selector">ID selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 4832
+ |
+ <pre>video::cue(#cue1) {
+ |
+ 4833
+ |
+ color: yellow;
+ |
+ 4834
+ |
+ }</pre>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4842,7 +5124,7 @@
+ |
+ 4842
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4843
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4844
+ |
+ <td class="long">
+ |
+ 4845
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#type-selector">Type selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5127
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#type-selector">Type selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 4846
+ |
+ <pre>video::cue(c),
+ |
+ 4847
+ |
+ video::cue(i),
+ |
+ 4848
+ |
+ video::cue(b),
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4871,7 +5153,7 @@
+ |
+ 4871
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4872
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4873
+ |
+ <td class="long">
+ |
+ 4874
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#class-selector">Class selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5156
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#class-selector">Class selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 4875
+ |
+ <pre>video::cue(.loud) {
+ |
+ 4876
+ |
+ color: yellow;
+ |
+ 4877
+ |
+ }</pre>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4892,7 +5174,7 @@
+ |
+ 4892
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4893
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4894
+ |
+ <td class="long">
+ |
+ 4895
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#attribute-selector">Attribute selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5177
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#attribute-selector">Attribute selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 4896
+ |
+ <pre>video::cue([lang="en-US"]) {
+ |
+ 4897
+ |
+ color: yellow;
+ |
+ 4898
+ |
+ }
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4921,7 +5203,7 @@
+ |
+ 4921
+ |
+ of WebVTT Node Objects</a> can be set by the <code><a data-link-type="element-sub" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#dom-htmltrackelement-srclang">srclang</a></code> attribute in HTML.</p>
+ |
+ 4922
+ |
+ <pre><video ...>
+ |
+ 4923
+ |
+ <track src="example-attr.vtt"
+ |
+ 4924
+ |
+ -
+ <mark>srclang="en-US"</mark> default>
+ |
+ 5206
+ |
+ +
+ srclang="en-US" default>
+ |
+ 4925
+ |
+ </video>
+ |
+ 4926
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4927
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4949,7 +5231,7 @@
+ |
+ 4949
+ |
+ HTML.</p>
+ |
+ 4950
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 4951
+ |
+ <td class="long">
+ |
+ 4952
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5234
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes in <span class="css">::cue()</span></p>
+ |
+ 4953
+ |
+ <pre>video::cue(:past) {
+ |
+ 4954
+ |
+ color: yellow;
+ |
+ 4955
+ |
+ }
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -4998,7 +5280,7 @@
+ |
+ 4998
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 4999
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5000
+ |
+ <td class="long">
+ |
+ 5001
+ |
+ -
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#id-selector">ID selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue-region()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5283
+ |
+ +
+ <p><a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#id-selector">ID selector</a> in <span class="css">::cue-region()</span></p>
+ |
+ 5002
+ |
+ <pre>video::cue-region(#scroll) {
+ |
+ 5003
+ |
+ color: cyan;
+ |
+ 5004
+ |
+ }</pre>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5030,25 +5312,25 @@
+ |
+ 5030
+ |
+ </pre>
+ |
+ 5031
+ |
+ </table>
+ |
+ 5032
+ |
+ </div>
+ |
+ 5033
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="7.2" id="css-extensions-processing-model"><span class="secno">7.2. </span><span class="content">Processing model</span><a class="self-link" href="#css-extensions-processing-model"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5034
+ |
+ -
+ <p>When a user agent is rendering one or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-26">WebVTT cues</a> according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-7">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-13">WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 5315
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="8.2" id="css-extensions-processing-model"><span class="secno">8.2. </span><span class="content">Processing model</span><a class="self-link" href="#css-extensions-processing-model"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5316
+ |
+ +
+ <p>When a user agent is rendering one or more <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-30">WebVTT cues</a> according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-7">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-13">WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 5035
+ |
+ Objects</a> in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-25">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a> used in the rendering can be matched by
+ |
+ 5036
+ |
+ certain pseudo-selectors as defined below. These selectors can begin or stop matching individual <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-14">WebVTT Node Objects</a> while a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#cue">cue</a> is being
+ |
+ 5037
+ |
+ rendered, even in between applications of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-8">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text
+ |
+ 5038
+ |
+ tracks</a> (which are only run when the set of active cues changes). User agents that support the
+ |
+ 5039
+ |
+ -
+ pseudo-element described below must dynamically update renderings accordingly. When either <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#white-space">white-space</a> or one of the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand (including <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">line-height</a>) changes value, then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-27">WebVTT cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track cue display state</a> must
+ |
+ 5321
+ |
+ +
+ pseudo-element described below must dynamically update renderings accordingly. When either <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-white-space">white-space</a> or one of the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand (including <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">line-height</a>) changes value, then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-31">WebVTT cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track cue display state</a> must
+ |
+ 5040
+ |
+ be emptied and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#rules-for-updating-the-text-track-rendering">rules for updating the text track rendering</a> must be
+ |
+ 5041
+ |
+ immediately rerun.</p>
+ |
+ 5042
+ |
+ <p>Pseudo-elements apply to elements that are matched by selectors. For the purpose of this section,
+ |
+ 5043
+ |
+ that element is the <i>matched element</i>. The pseudo-elements defined in the following sections
+ |
+ 5044
+ |
+ -
+ affect the styling of parts of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-28">WebVTT cues</a> that are being rendered for the <i>matched element</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 5326
+ |
+ +
+ affect the styling of parts of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-32">WebVTT cues</a> that are being rendered for the <i>matched element</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 5045
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">If the <i>matched element</i> is not a <a data-link-type="element" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-video-element">video</a> element, the
+ |
+ 5046
+ |
+ pseudo-elements defined below won’t have any effect according to this specification.</p>
+ |
+ 5047
+ |
+ -
+ <p>A CSS user agent that implements the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> model must implement the <span class="css">::cue</span>, <span class="css">::cue(<var>selector</var>)</span>, <span class="css">::cue-region</span> and <span class="css">::cue-region(<var>selector</var>)</span> pseudo-elements, and the <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes.</p>
+ |
+ 5048
+ |
+ -
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="7.2.1" id="the-cue-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">7.2.1. </span><span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue</span> pseudo-element</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-cue-pseudo-element"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 5329
+ |
+ +
+ <p>A CSS user agent that implements the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text tracks</a> model must implement the <span class="css">::cue</span>, <span class="css">::cue(<var>selector</var>)</span>, <span class="css">::cue-region</span> and <span class="css">::cue-region(<var>selector</var>)</span> pseudo-elements, and the <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes.</p>
+ |
+ 5330
+ |
+ +
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="8.2.1" id="the-cue-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">8.2.1. </span><span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue</span> pseudo-element</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-cue-pseudo-element"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 5049
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="cue">::cue<a class="self-link" href="#cue"></a></dfn> pseudo-element (with no argument) matches any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-26">list of WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 5050
+ |
+ Objects</a> constructed for the <i>matched element</i>, with the exception that the properties
+ |
+ 5051
+ |
+ -
+ corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a> shorthand must be applied to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-background-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-2">WebVTT cue background box</a> rather than the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-27">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5333
+ |
+ +
+ corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> shorthand must be applied to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-background-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-2">WebVTT cue background box</a> rather than the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-27">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5052
+ |
+ <p>The following properties apply to the <span class="css">::cue</span> pseudo-element with no argument; other properties
+ |
+ 5053
+ |
+ set on the pseudo-element must be ignored:</p>
+ |
+ 5054
+ |
+ <ul class="brief">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5057,10 +5339,10 @@
+ |
+ 5057
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visufx.html#propdef-visibility">visibility</a>
+ |
+ 5058
+ |
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/#text-decoration">text-decoration</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5059
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/#text-shadow">text-shadow</a>
+ |
+ 5060
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5061
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#propdef-outline">outline</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5342
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5343
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ui-4/#propdef-outline">outline</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5062
+ |
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand, including <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">line-height</a>
+ |
+ 5063
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#white-space">white-space</a>
+ |
+ 5345
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-white-space">white-space</a>
+ |
+ 5064
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#propdef-text-combine-upright">text-combine-upright</a>
+ |
+ 5065
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/#propdef-ruby-position">ruby-position</a>
+ |
+ 5066
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5143,36 +5425,36 @@
+ |
+ 5143
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visufx.html#propdef-visibility">visibility</a>
+ |
+ 5144
+ |
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/#text-decoration">text-decoration</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5145
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/#text-shadow">text-shadow</a>
+ |
+ 5146
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5147
+ |
+ -
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#propdef-outline">outline</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5428
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5429
+ |
+ +
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ui-4/#propdef-outline">outline</a> shorthand
+ |
+ 5148
+ |
+ <li>properties relating to the transition and animation features
+ |
+ 5149
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5150
+ |
+ <p>In addition, the following properties apply to the <span class="css">::cue()</span> pseudo-element with an argument
+ |
+ 5151
+ |
+ -
+ when the selector does not contain the <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes:</p>
+ |
+ 5433
+ |
+ +
+ when the selector does not contain the <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes:</p>
+ |
+ 5152
+ |
+ <ul class="brief">
+ |
+ 5153
+ |
+ <li>the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand, including <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">line-height</a>
+ |
+ 5154
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#white-space">white-space</a>
+ |
+ 5436
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-white-space">white-space</a>
+ |
+ 5155
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#propdef-text-combine-upright">text-combine-upright</a>
+ |
+ 5156
+ |
+ <li><a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/#propdef-ruby-position">ruby-position</a>
+ |
+ 5157
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5158
+ |
+ <p>Properties that do not apply must be ignored.</p>
+ |
+ 5159
+ |
+ -
+ <p>As a special exception, the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a> shorthand, when they
+ |
+ 5441
+ |
+ +
+ <p>As a special exception, the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a> shorthand, when they
+ |
+ 5160
+ |
+ would have been applied to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-32">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>, must instead be applied to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-background-box" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-3">WebVTT cue background box</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5161
+ |
+ -
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="7.2.2" id="the-past-and-future-pseudo-classes"><span class="secno">7.2.2. </span><span class="content">The <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-past-and-future-pseudo-classes"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 5162
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes sometimes match <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-16">WebVTT
+ |
+ 5443
+ |
+ +
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="8.2.2" id="the-past-and-future-pseudo-classes"><span class="secno">8.2.2. </span><span class="content">The <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-past-and-future-pseudo-classes"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 5444
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a> pseudo-classes sometimes match <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-16">WebVTT
+ |
+ 5163
+ |
+ Node Objects</a>. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-selectors4">[SELECTORS4]</a></p>
+ |
+ 5164
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="past">:past<a class="self-link" href="#past"></a></dfn> pseudo-class only matches <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-17">WebVTT Node Objects</a> that are <i>in the past</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 5165
+ |
+ <p class="algorithm" data-algorithm="in the past">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-18">WebVTT Node Object</a> <var>c</var> is <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="in-the-past">in the past<a class="self-link" href="#in-the-past"></a></dfn> if, in a
+ |
+ 5166
+ |
+ -
+ pre-order, depth-first traversal of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-29">WebVTT cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-33">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>,
+ |
+ 5448
+ |
+ +
+ pre-order, depth-first traversal of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-33">WebVTT cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-33">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>,
+ |
+ 5167
+ |
+ there exists a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-timestamp-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-6">WebVTT Timestamp Object</a> whose value is less than the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#current-position">current playback
+ |
+ 5168
+ |
+ position</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> that is the <i>matched element</i>, entirely after the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-19">WebVTT Node Object</a> <var>c</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 5169
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="future">:future<a class="self-link" href="#future"></a></dfn> pseudo-class only matches <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-20">WebVTT Node
+ |
+ 5170
+ |
+ Objects</a> that are <i>in the future</i>.</p>
+ |
+ 5171
+ |
+ <p class="algorithm" data-algorithm="in the future">A <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-21">WebVTT Node Object</a> <var>c</var> is <dfn data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="in-the-future">in the future<a class="self-link" href="#in-the-future"></a></dfn> if, in a
+ |
+ 5172
+ |
+ -
+ pre-order, depth-first traversal of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-30">WebVTT cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-34">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>,
+ |
+ 5454
+ |
+ +
+ pre-order, depth-first traversal of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-34">WebVTT cue</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects" id="ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-34">list of WebVTT Node Objects</a>,
+ |
+ 5173
+ |
+ there exists a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-timestamp-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-7">WebVTT Timestamp Object</a> whose value is greater than the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#current-position">current playback
+ |
+ 5174
+ |
+ position</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#media-element">media element</a> that is the <i>matched element</i>, entirely before the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-node-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-node-object-22">WebVTT Node Object</a> <var>c</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 5175
+ |
+ -
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="7.2.3" id="the-cue-region-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">7.2.3. </span><span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue-region</span> pseudo-element</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-cue-region-pseudo-element"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 5457
+ |
+ +
+ <h4 class="heading settled" data-level="8.2.3" id="the-cue-region-pseudo-element"><span class="secno">8.2.3. </span><span class="content">The <span class="css">::cue-region</span> pseudo-element</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-cue-region-pseudo-element"></a></h4>
+ |
+ 5176
+ |
+ <p>Pseudo-elements apply to elements that are matched by selectors. For the purpose of this section,
+ |
+ 5177
+ |
+ that element is the matched element. The pseudo-element defined below affects the styling of text
+ |
+ 5178
+ |
+ track regions that are being rendered for the matched element.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5192,12 +5474,12 @@
+ |
+ 5192
+ |
+ <p>When a user agent is rendering one or more text track regions according to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks" id="ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-9">rules for
+ |
+ 5193
+ |
+ updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a>, <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-object" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-object-15">WebVTT region
+ |
+ 5194
+ |
+ objects</a> used in the rendering can be matched by the above pseudo-element. User agents that
+ |
+ 5195
+ |
+ -
+ support the pseudo-element must dynamically update renderings accordingly. When either <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#white-space">white-space</a> or one of the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand (including <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">line-height</a>) changes
+ |
+ 5196
+ |
+ -
+ value, then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track cue display state</a> of all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-31">WebVTT cues</a> in
+ |
+ 5477
+ |
+ +
+ support the pseudo-element must dynamically update renderings accordingly. When either <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-white-space">white-space</a> or one of the properties corresponding to the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#propdef-font">font</a> shorthand (including <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">line-height</a>) changes
+ |
+ 5478
+ |
+ +
+ value, then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-display-state">text track cue display state</a> of all the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-35">WebVTT cues</a> in
+ |
+ 5197
+ |
+ the region must be emptied and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-tracks">text track</a>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#rules-for-updating-the-text-track-rendering">rules for updating the text track
+ |
+ 5198
+ |
+ rendering</a> must be immediately rerun.</p>
+ |
+ 5199
+ |
+ -
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="8" id="api"><span class="secno">8. </span><span class="content">API</span><a class="self-link" href="#api"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 5200
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="The VTTCue interface" data-level="8.1" id="the-vttcue-interface"><span class="secno">8.1. </span><span class="content">The <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-2">VTTCue</a></code> interface</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-vttcue-interface"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5481
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="9" id="api"><span class="secno">9. </span><span class="content">API</span><a class="self-link" href="#api"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 5482
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="The VTTCue interface" data-level="9.1" id="the-vttcue-interface"><span class="secno">9.1. </span><span class="content">The <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-2">VTTCue</a></code> interface</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-vttcue-interface"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5201
+ |
+ <p>The following interface is used to expose WebVTT cues in the DOM API:</p>
+ |
+ 5202
+ |
+ <pre class="idl highlight def"><span class="kt">enum</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="enum" data-export="" id="enumdef-autokeyword"><code>AutoKeyword</code></dfn> { <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="AutoKeyword" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""auto"|auto" id="dom-autokeyword-auto"><code>"auto"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-autokeyword-auto"></a></dfn> };
+ |
+ 5203
+ |
+ <span class="kt">typedef</span> (<a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <span class="kt">or</span> <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="#enumdef-autokeyword" id="ref-for-enumdef-autokeyword-1">AutoKeyword</a>) <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="typedef" data-export="" id="typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting"><code>LineAndPositionSetting</code></dfn>;
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5205,7 +5487,8 @@
+ |
+ 5205
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="enum" data-export="" id="enumdef-linealignsetting"><code>LineAlignSetting</code></dfn> { <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="LineAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""start"|start" id="dom-linealignsetting-start"><code>"start"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-linealignsetting-start"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="LineAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""center"|center" id="dom-linealignsetting-center"><code>"center"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-linealignsetting-center"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="LineAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""end"|end" id="dom-linealignsetting-end"><code>"end"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-linealignsetting-end"></a></dfn> };
+ |
+ 5206
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="enum" data-export="" id="enumdef-positionalignsetting"><code>PositionAlignSetting</code></dfn> { <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="PositionAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""line-left"|line-left" id="dom-positionalignsetting-line-left"><code>"line-left"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-left"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="PositionAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""center"|center" id="dom-positionalignsetting-center"><code>"center"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-center"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="PositionAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""line-right"|line-right" id="dom-positionalignsetting-line-right"><code>"line-right"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-right"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="PositionAlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""auto"|auto" id="dom-positionalignsetting-auto"><code>"auto"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-auto"></a></dfn> };
+ |
+ 5207
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="enum" data-export="" id="enumdef-alignsetting"><code>AlignSetting</code></dfn> { <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="AlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""start"|start" id="dom-alignsetting-start"><code>"start"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-alignsetting-start"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="AlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""center"|center" id="dom-alignsetting-center"><code>"center"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-alignsetting-center"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="AlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""end"|end" id="dom-alignsetting-end"><code>"end"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-alignsetting-end"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="AlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""left"|left" id="dom-alignsetting-left"><code>"left"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-alignsetting-left"></a></dfn>, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="AlignSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""right"|right" id="dom-alignsetting-right"><code>"right"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-alignsetting-right"></a></dfn> };
+ |
+ 5208
+ |
+ -
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-vttcue-1">Constructor</a>(<a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <dfn class="nv idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue/VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" data-dfn-type="argument" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-starttime"><code>startTime</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-starttime"></a></dfn>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <dfn class="nv idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue/VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" data-dfn-type="argument" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-endtime"><code>endTime</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-endtime"></a></dfn>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-DOMString"><span class="kt">DOMString</span></a> <dfn class="nv idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue/VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" data-dfn-type="argument" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-text"><code>text</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-text"></a></dfn>)]
+ |
+ 5490
+ |
+ +
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="extended-attribute" href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#Exposed">Exposed</a>=<span class="n">Window</span>,
+ |
+ 5491
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-vttcue-1">Constructor</a>(<a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <dfn class="nv idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue/VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" data-dfn-type="argument" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-starttime"><code>startTime</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-starttime"></a></dfn>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <dfn class="nv idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue/VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" data-dfn-type="argument" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-endtime"><code>endTime</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-endtime"></a></dfn>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-DOMString"><span class="kt">DOMString</span></a> <dfn class="nv idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue/VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" data-dfn-type="argument" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-text"><code>text</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-text"></a></dfn>)]
+ |
+ 5209
+ |
+ <span class="kt">interface</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="interface" data-export="" id="vttcue"><code>VTTCue</code></dfn> : <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#texttrackcue-texttrackcue">TextTrackCue</a> {
+ |
+ 5210
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-1">VTTRegion</a>? <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="VTTRegion?" href="#dom-vttcue-region" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-region-1">region</a>;
+ |
+ 5211
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="#enumdef-directionsetting" id="ref-for-enumdef-directionsetting-1">DirectionSetting</a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="DirectionSetting" href="#dom-vttcue-vertical" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-1">vertical</a>;
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5226,23 +5509,23 @@
+ |
+ 5226
+ |
+ <p>Returns a new <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-3">VTTCue</a></code> object, for use with the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#dom-texttrack-addcue">addCue()</a></code> method.</p>
+ |
+ 5227
+ |
+ <p>The <var>startTime</var> argument sets the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-start-time">text track cue start time</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5228
+ |
+ <p>The <var>endTime</var> argument sets the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-end-time">text track cue end time</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5229
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <var>text</var> argument sets the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-7">text track cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5512
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <var>text</var> argument sets the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-14">cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5230
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-region" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-region-2">region</a></code>
+ |
+ 5231
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5232
+ |
+ <p>Returns the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-2">VTTRegion</a></code> object to which this cue belongs, if any, or null otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 5233
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5234
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-vertical" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-2">vertical</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5235
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5236
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns a string representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-35">WebVTT cue writing direction</a>, as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 5519
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns a string representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-34">WebVTT cue writing direction</a>, as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 5237
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 5238
+ |
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-22">horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 5239
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5240
+ |
+ <p>The empty string.</p>
+ |
+ 5241
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-13">vertical growing
+ |
+ 5524
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-12">vertical growing
+ |
+ 5242
+ |
+ left</a>
+ |
+ 5243
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5244
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>rl</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5245
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-13">vertical growing
+ |
+ 5528
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-12">vertical growing
+ |
+ 5246
+ |
+ right</a>
+ |
+ 5247
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5248
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>lr</code>".</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5250,11 +5533,11 @@
+ |
+ 5250
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5251
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-3">snapToLines</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5252
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5253
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns true if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-16">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true, false otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 5536
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns true if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-14">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> is true, false otherwise.</p>
+ |
+ 5254
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5255
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-line" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-3">line</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5256
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5257
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-23">WebVTT cue line</a>. In the case of the value being <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-5">auto</a>, the string "<code>auto</code>" is returned.</p>
+ |
+ 5540
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-24">WebVTT cue line</a>. In the case of the value being <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-6">auto</a>, the string "<code>auto</code>" is returned.</p>
+ |
+ 5258
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5259
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-linealign" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-2">lineAlign</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5260
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5279,13 +5562,13 @@
+ |
+ 5279
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5280
+ |
+ <p>Returns a string representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-11">WebVTT cue position alignment</a>, as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 5281
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 5282
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-8">line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5565
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-10">line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5283
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5284
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>line-left</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5285
+ |
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-8">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5286
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5287
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>center</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5288
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-8">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5571
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-10">line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5289
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5290
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>line-right</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5291
+ |
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-4">automatic alignment</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5295,19 +5578,19 @@
+ |
+ 5295
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5296
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-size" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-size-2">size</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5297
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5298
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-11">WebVTT cue size</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5581
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-12">WebVTT cue size</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5299
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5300
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-align" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-2">align</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5301
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5302
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns a string representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-21">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>, as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 5585
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns a string representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-23">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>, as follows:</p>
+ |
+ 5303
+ |
+ <dl class="switch">
+ |
+ 5304
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-8">start alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5587
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-9">start alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5305
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5306
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>start</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5307
+ |
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-8">center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5308
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5309
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>center</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5310
+ |
+ -
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-7">end alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5593
+ |
+ +
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-8">end alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5311
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5312
+ |
+ <p>The string "<code>end</code>".</p>
+ |
+ 5313
+ |
+ <dt>If it is <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-7">left alignment</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5320,17 +5603,17 @@
+ |
+ 5320
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5321
+ |
+ <dt><var>cue</var> . <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-text" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-text-2">text</a></code> [ = <var>value</var> ]
+ |
+ 5322
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5323
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-8">text track cue text</a> in raw unparsed form.</p>
+ |
+ 5606
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-15">cue text</a> in raw unparsed form.</p>
+ |
+ 5324
+ |
+ <p>Can be set.</p>
+ |
+ 5325
+ |
+ <dt><var>fragment</var> = <var>cue</var> . <a class="idl-code" data-link-type="method" href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-3">getCueAsHTML</a>()
+ |
+ 5326
+ |
+ <dd>
+ |
+ 5327
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-9">text track cue text</a> as a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code> of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#html-element">HTML elements</a> and
+ |
+ 5328
+ |
+ -
+ other DOM nodes.</p>
+ |
+ 5610
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Returns the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-16">cue text</a> as a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code> of <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#html-element">HTML elements</a> and other DOM
+ |
+ 5611
+ |
+ +
+ nodes.</p>
+ |
+ 5329
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 5330
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="constructor" data-export="" data-lt="VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)" id="dom-vttcue-vttcue"><code>VTTCue(<var>startTime</var>, <var>endTime</var>, <var>text</var>)</code></dfn> constructor, when invoked, must run the following steps:</p>
+ |
+ 5331
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 5614
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="VTTCue construction">
+ |
+ 5332
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5333
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Create a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-32">WebVTT cue</a>. Let <var>cue</var> be that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-33">WebVTT cue</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5616
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Create a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-36">WebVTT cue</a>. Let <var>cue</var> be that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-37">WebVTT cue</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5334
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5335
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-start-time">text track cue start time</a> be the value of the <var>startTime</var> argument,
+ |
+ 5336
+ |
+ interpreted as a time in seconds.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5338,20 +5621,21 @@
+ |
+ 5338
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-end-time">text track cue end time</a> be the value of the <var>endTime</var> argument,
+ |
+ 5339
+ |
+ interpreted as a time in seconds.</p>
+ |
+ 5340
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5341
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-10">text track cue text</a> be the value of the <var>text</var> argument, and let the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">rules for extracting the chapter title</a> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title" id="ref-for-webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title-1">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 5624
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-17">cue text</a> be the value of the <var>text</var> argument, and let the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">rules for
+ |
+ 5625
+ |
+ +
+ extracting the chapter title</a> be the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title" id="ref-for-webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title-1">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 5342
+ |
+ title</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5343
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5344
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#text-track-cue-identifier">text track cue identifier</a> be the empty string.</p>
+ |
+ 5345
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5346
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#pause-on-exit-flag">text track cue pause-on-exit flag</a> be false.</p>
+ |
+ 5347
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5348
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-7">WebVTT cue region</a> be null.</p>
+ |
+ 5632
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-10">WebVTT cue region</a> be null.</p>
+ |
+ 5349
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5350
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-36">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-23">horizontal</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5634
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-35">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-23">horizontal</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5351
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5352
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-17">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> be true.</p>
+ |
+ 5636
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-15">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> be true.</p>
+ |
+ 5353
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5354
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-24">WebVTT cue line</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-6">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5638
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-25">WebVTT cue line</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-7">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5355
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5356
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-15">WebVTT cue line alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-7">start alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5357
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5359,50 +5643,50 @@
+ |
+ 5359
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5360
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-12">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-5">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5361
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5362
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-12">WebVTT cue size</a> be 100.</p>
+ |
+ 5646
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-13">WebVTT cue size</a> be 100.</p>
+ |
+ 5363
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5364
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-22">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-9">center
+ |
+ 5648
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Let <var>cue</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-24">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> be <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-9">center
+ |
+ 5365
+ |
+ alignment</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5366
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5367
+ |
+ <p>Return the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-4">VTTCue</a></code> object representing <var>cue</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 5368
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 5369
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-region"><code>region</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-3">VTTRegion</a></code> object representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-8">WebVTT cue region</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-34">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-5">VTTCue</a></code> object
+ |
+ 5370
+ |
+ -
+ represents, if any; or null otherwise. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-9">WebVTT cue region</a> must be set to the
+ |
+ 5653
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-region"><code>region</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-3">VTTRegion</a></code> object representing the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-11">WebVTT cue region</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-38">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-5">VTTCue</a></code> object
+ |
+ 5654
+ |
+ +
+ represents, if any; or null otherwise. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-12">WebVTT cue region</a> must be set to the
+ |
+ 5371
+ |
+ new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5372
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-vertical"><code>vertical</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the string from
+ |
+ 5373
+ |
+ -
+ the second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-37">WebVTT cue writing
+ |
+ 5374
+ |
+ -
+ direction</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-35">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-6">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5657
+ |
+ +
+ the second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-36">WebVTT cue writing
+ |
+ 5658
+ |
+ +
+ direction</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-39">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-6">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5375
+ |
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 5376
+ |
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 5377
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5378
+ |
+ -
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-38">WebVTT cue writing direction</a>
+ |
+ 5662
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-37">WebVTT cue writing direction</a>
+ |
+ 5379
+ |
+ <th><code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-vertical" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-3">vertical</a></code> value
+ |
+ 5380
+ |
+ <tbody>
+ |
+ 5381
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5382
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-24">Horizontal</a>
+ |
+ 5383
+ |
+ <td>"<code></code>" (the empty string)
+ |
+ 5384
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5385
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-14">Vertical growing left</a>
+ |
+ 5669
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-13">Vertical growing left</a>
+ |
+ 5386
+ |
+ <td>"<code>rl</code>"
+ |
+ 5387
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5388
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-14">Vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 5672
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-13">Vertical growing right</a>
+ |
+ 5389
+ |
+ <td>"<code>lr</code>"
+ |
+ 5390
+ |
+ </table>
+ |
+ 5391
+ |
+ -
+ <p>On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-39">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> must be set to the value given in the first
+ |
+ 5675
+ |
+ +
+ <p>On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-38">WebVTT cue writing direction</a> must be set to the value given in the first
+ |
+ 5392
+ |
+ cell of the row in the table above whose second cell is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the new
+ |
+ 5393
+ |
+ value.</p>
+ |
+ 5394
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-snaptolines"><code>snapToLines</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return true if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-18">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-36">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-7">VTTCue</a></code> object represents
+ |
+ 5395
+ |
+ -
+ is true; or false otherwise. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-19">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> must be set to the
+ |
+ 5678
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-snaptolines"><code>snapToLines</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return true if the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-16">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-40">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-7">VTTCue</a></code> object represents
+ |
+ 5679
+ |
+ +
+ is true; or false otherwise. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-17">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a> must be set to the
+ |
+ 5396
+ |
+ new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5397
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-line"><code>line</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-25">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 5398
+ |
+ -
+ line</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-37">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-8">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. The special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-7">auto</a> must be represented as the string "<code>auto</code>". On
+ |
+ 5399
+ |
+ -
+ setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-26">WebVTT cue line</a> must be set to the new value; if the new value is the string
+ |
+ 5400
+ |
+ -
+ "<code>auto</code>", then it must be interpreted as the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-8">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5681
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-line"><code>line</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-26">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 5682
+ |
+ +
+ line</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-41">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-8">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. The special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-8">auto</a> must be represented as the string "<code>auto</code>". On
+ |
+ 5683
+ |
+ +
+ setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-27">WebVTT cue line</a> must be set to the new value; if the new value is the string
+ |
+ 5684
+ |
+ +
+ "<code>auto</code>", then it must be interpreted as the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-9">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5401
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">In order to be able to set the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-4">snapToLines</a></code> and <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-line" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-4">line</a></code> attributes
+ |
+ 5402
+ |
+ in any order, the API does not reject setting <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-5">snapToLines</a></code> to false when <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-line" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-5">line</a></code> has a value outside the range 0..100, or vice versa.</p>
+ |
+ 5403
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-linealign"><code>lineAlign</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the string from
+ |
+ 5404
+ |
+ the second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-16">WebVTT cue line
+ |
+ 5405
+ |
+ -
+ alignment</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-38">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-9">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5689
+ |
+ +
+ alignment</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-42">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-9">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5406
+ |
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 5407
+ |
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 5408
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5423,13 +5707,13 @@
+ |
+ 5423
+ |
+ of the row in the table above whose second cell is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the new
+ |
+ 5424
+ |
+ value.</p>
+ |
+ 5425
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-position"><code>position</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-25">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 5426
+ |
+ -
+ position</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-39">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-10">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. The special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-10">auto</a> must be represented as the string "<code>auto</code>".
+ |
+ 5710
+ |
+ +
+ position</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-43">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-10">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. The special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-10">auto</a> must be represented as the string "<code>auto</code>".
+ |
+ 5427
+ |
+ On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception
+ |
+ 5428
+ |
+ must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-26">WebVTT cue position</a> must be set to the new value; if the new
+ |
+ 5429
+ |
+ value is the string "<code>auto</code>", then it must be interpreted as the special value <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-11">auto</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5430
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-positionalign"><code>positionAlign</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the string
+ |
+ 5431
+ |
+ from the second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-13">WebVTT cue position
+ |
+ 5432
+ |
+ -
+ alignment</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-40">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-11">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5716
+ |
+ +
+ alignment</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-44">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-11">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5433
+ |
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 5434
+ |
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 5435
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5437,13 +5721,13 @@
+ |
+ 5437
+ |
+ <th><code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-positionalign" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-3">positionAlign</a></code> value
+ |
+ 5438
+ |
+ <tbody>
+ |
+ 5439
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5440
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-9">Line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5724
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-11">Line-left alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5441
+ |
+ <td>"<code>line-left</code>"
+ |
+ 5442
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5443
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-9">Center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5444
+ |
+ <td>"<code>center</code>"
+ |
+ 5445
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5446
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-9">Line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5730
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-11">Line-right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5447
+ |
+ <td>"<code>line-right</code>"
+ |
+ 5448
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5449
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-6">Automatic alignment</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5452,26 +5736,26 @@
+ |
+ 5452
+ |
+ <p>On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-15">WebVTT cue position alignment</a> must be set to the value given in the first
+ |
+ 5453
+ |
+ cell of the row in the table above whose second cell is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the new
+ |
+ 5454
+ |
+ value.</p>
+ |
+ 5455
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-size"><code>size</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-13">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 5456
+ |
+ -
+ size</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-41">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-12">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. On setting, if the new
+ |
+ 5739
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-size"><code>size</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-14">WebVTT cue
+ |
+ 5740
+ |
+ +
+ size</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-45">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-12">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. On setting, if the new
+ |
+ 5457
+ |
+ value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown.
+ |
+ 5458
+ |
+ -
+ Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-14">WebVTT cue size</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5742
+ |
+ +
+ Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-size" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-15">WebVTT cue size</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5459
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-align"><code>align</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the string from the
+ |
+ 5460
+ |
+ -
+ second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-23">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-42">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-13">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5744
+ |
+ +
+ second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-25">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-46">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-13">VTTCue</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5461
+ |
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 5462
+ |
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 5463
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5464
+ |
+ -
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-24">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5748
+ |
+ +
+ <th><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-26">WebVTT cue text alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5465
+ |
+ <th><code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-align" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-3">align</a></code> value
+ |
+ 5466
+ |
+ <tbody>
+ |
+ 5467
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5468
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-9">Start alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5752
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-10">Start alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5469
+ |
+ <td>"<code>start</code>"
+ |
+ 5470
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5471
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-10">Center alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5472
+ |
+ <td>"<code>center</code>"
+ |
+ 5473
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5474
+ |
+ -
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-8">End alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5758
+ |
+ +
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-9">End alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5475
+ |
+ <td>"<code>end</code>"
+ |
+ 5476
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ 5477
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-8">Left alignment</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5480,25 +5764,25 @@
+ |
+ 5480
+ |
+ <td><a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-8">Right alignment</a>
+ |
+ 5481
+ |
+ <td>"<code>right</code>"
+ |
+ 5482
+ |
+ </table>
+ |
+ 5483
+ |
+ -
+ <p>On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-25">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> must be set to the value given in the first cell
+ |
+ 5767
+ |
+ +
+ <p>On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-27">WebVTT cue text alignment</a> must be set to the value given in the first cell
+ |
+ 5484
+ |
+ of the row in the table above whose second cell is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the new
+ |
+ 5485
+ |
+ value.</p>
+ |
+ 5486
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-text"><code>text</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the raw <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-11">text track
+ |
+ 5487
+ |
+ -
+ cue text</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-43">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-14">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-12">text
+ |
+ 5488
+ |
+ -
+ track cue text</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5489
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="method" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-getcueashtml"><code>getCueAsHTML()</code></dfn> method must convert the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-13">text track cue
+ |
+ 5490
+ |
+ -
+ text</a> to a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/webappapis.html#responsible-document">responsible document</a> specified by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/webappapis.html#entry-settings-object">entry
+ |
+ 5491
+ |
+ -
+ settings object</a> by applying the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules-1">WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> to the result of
+ |
+ 5770
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-text"><code>text</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the raw <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-18">cue
+ |
+ 5771
+ |
+ +
+ text</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-47">WebVTT cue</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttcue" id="ref-for-vttcue-14">VTTCue</a></code> object represents. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-19">cue
+ |
+ 5772
+ |
+ +
+ text</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5773
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTCue" data-dfn-type="method" data-export="" id="dom-vttcue-getcueashtml"><code>getCueAsHTML()</code></dfn> method must convert the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-20">cue text</a> to a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code> for the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/webappapis.html#responsible-document">responsible document</a> specified by the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/webappapis.html#entry-settings-object">entry settings
+ |
+ 5774
+ |
+ +
+ object</a> by applying the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules-1">WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> to the result of applying
+ |
+ 5775
+ |
+ +
+ the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-3">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cue-text" id="ref-for-cue-text-21">cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5492
+ |
+ -
+ applying the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules" id="ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-3">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> to the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#text-track-cue-text" id="ref-for-text-track-cue-text-14">text track cue text</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5493
+ |
+ <p class="note" role="note">A fallback language is not provided for <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml" id="ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-4">getCueAsHTML()</a></code> since a <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#documentfragment">DocumentFragment</a></code> cannot expose language information.</p>
+ |
+ 5494
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="The VTTRegion interface" data-level="8.2" id="the-vttregion-interface"><span class="secno">8.2. </span><span class="content">The <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-4">VTTRegion</a></code> interface</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-vttregion-interface"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5777
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled algorithm" data-algorithm="The VTTRegion interface" data-level="9.2" id="the-vttregion-interface"><span class="secno">9.2. </span><span class="content">The <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-4">VTTRegion</a></code> interface</span><a class="self-link" href="#the-vttregion-interface"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5495
+ |
+ <p>The following interface is used to expose WebVTT regions in the DOM API:</p>
+ |
+ 5496
+ |
+ <pre class="idl highlight def"><span class="kt">enum</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="enum" data-export="" id="enumdef-scrollsetting"><code>ScrollSetting</code></dfn> { <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="ScrollSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt="""|" id="dom-scrollsetting"><code>""</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-scrollsetting"></a></dfn> /* none */, <dfn class="s idl-code" data-dfn-for="ScrollSetting" data-dfn-type="enum-value" data-export="" data-lt=""up"|up" id="dom-scrollsetting-up"><code>"up"</code><a class="self-link" href="#dom-scrollsetting-up"></a></dfn> };
+ |
+ 5497
+ |
+ -
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-vttregion-1">Constructor</a>]
+ |
+ 5780
+ |
+ +
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="extended-attribute" href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#Exposed">Exposed</a>=<span class="n">Window</span>,
+ |
+ 5781
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-vttregion-1">Constructor</a>]
+ |
+ 5498
+ |
+ <span class="kt">interface</span> <dfn class="nv dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-type="interface" data-export="" id="vttregion"><code>VTTRegion</code></dfn> {
+ |
+ 5499
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-DOMString"><span class="kt">DOMString</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="DOMString" href="#dom-vttregion-id" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-id-1">id</a>;
+ |
+ 5500
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-width" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-width-1">width</a>;
+ |
+ 5501
+ |
+ -
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-long"><span class="kt">long</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="long" href="#dom-vttregion-lines" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-lines-1">lines</a>;
+ |
+ 5785
+ |
+ +
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-unsigned-long"><span class="kt">unsigned</span> <span class="kt">long</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="unsigned long" href="#dom-vttregion-lines" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-lines-1">lines</a>;
+ |
+ 5502
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchorx" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchorx-1">regionAnchorX</a>;
+ |
+ 5503
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchory" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchory-1">regionAnchorY</a>;
+ |
+ 5504
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx" id="ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx-1">viewportAnchorX</a>;
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5550,9 +5834,9 @@
+ |
+ 5550
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 5551
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="constructor" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-vttregion"><code>VTTRegion()</code></dfn> constructor, when invoked, must run the
+ |
+ 5552
+ |
+ following steps:</p>
+ |
+ 5553
+ |
+ -
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ |
+ 5837
+ |
+ +
+ <ol class="algorithm" data-algorithm="VTTRegion construction">
+ |
+ 5554
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5555
+ |
+ -
+ <p>Create a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-15">WebVTT region</a>. Let <var>region</var> be that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-16">WebVTT region</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5839
+ |
+ +
+ <p>Create a new <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-16">WebVTT region</a>. Let <var>region</var> be that <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-17">WebVTT region</a>.</p>
+ |
+ 5556
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5557
+ |
+ <p>Let <var>region</var>’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-7">WebVTT region identifier</a> be the empty string.</p>
+ |
+ 5558
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5575,26 +5859,26 @@
+ |
+ 5575
+ |
+ <p>Return the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-6">VTTRegion</a></code> object representing <var>region</var>.</p>
+ |
+ 5576
+ |
+ </ol>
+ |
+ 5577
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-id"><code>id</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-8">WebVTT region
+ |
+ 5578
+ |
+ -
+ identifier</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-17">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-7">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-9">WebVTT region identifier</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5862
+ |
+ +
+ identifier</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-18">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-7">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-identifier" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-9">WebVTT region identifier</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5579
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-width"><code>width</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-width" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-width-8">WebVTT
+ |
+ 5580
+ |
+ -
+ region width</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-18">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-8">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting,
+ |
+ 5864
+ |
+ +
+ region width</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-19">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-8">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting,
+ |
+ 5581
+ |
+ if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be
+ |
+ 5582
+ |
+ thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-width" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-width-9">WebVTT region width</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5583
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-lines"><code>lines</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-lines" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-5">WebVTT
+ |
+ 5584
+ |
+ -
+ region lines</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-19">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-9">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting,
+ |
+ 5585
+ |
+ -
+ if the new value is negative, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-lines" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-6">WebVTT region lines</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5586
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-regionanchorx"><code>regionAnchorX</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-9">WebVTT region anchor</a> X offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-20">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-10">VTTRegion</a></code> object
+ |
+ 5868
+ |
+ +
+ region lines</a> of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-20">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-9">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting,
+ |
+ 5869
+ |
+ +
+ the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-lines" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-6">WebVTT region lines</a> must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5870
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-regionanchorx"><code>regionAnchorX</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-9">WebVTT region anchor</a> X offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-21">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-10">VTTRegion</a></code> object
+ |
+ 5587
+ |
+ represents. On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-10">WebVTT region anchor</a> X distance must be set to the
+ |
+ 5588
+ |
+ new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5589
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-regionanchory"><code>regionAnchorY</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-11">WebVTT region anchor</a> Y offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-21">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-11">VTTRegion</a></code> object
+ |
+ 5873
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-regionanchory"><code>regionAnchorY</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-11">WebVTT region anchor</a> Y offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-22">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-11">VTTRegion</a></code> object
+ |
+ 5590
+ |
+ represents. On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-12">WebVTT region anchor</a> Y distance must be set to the
+ |
+ 5591
+ |
+ new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5592
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx"><code>viewportAnchorX</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-5">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> X offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-22">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-12">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-6">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> X
+ |
+ 5876
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx"><code>viewportAnchorX</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-5">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> X offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-23">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-12">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-6">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> X
+ |
+ 5593
+ |
+ distance must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5594
+ |
+ -
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-viewportanchory"><code>viewportAnchorY</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-7">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> Y offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-23">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-13">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-8">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> Y
+ |
+ 5878
+ |
+ +
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-viewportanchory"><code>viewportAnchorY</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-7">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> Y offset of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-24">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-13">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents. On setting, if the new value is negative or greater than 100, then an <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a></code> exception must be thrown. Otherwise, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-8">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a> Y
+ |
+ 5595
+ |
+ distance must be set to the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5596
+ |
+ <p>The <dfn class="dfn-paneled idl-code" data-dfn-for="VTTRegion" data-dfn-type="attribute" data-export="" id="dom-vttregion-scroll"><code>scroll</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the string from
+ |
+ 5597
+ |
+ -
+ the second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-6">WebVTT region scroll</a> setting of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-24">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-14">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5881
+ |
+ +
+ the second cell of the row in the table below whose first cell is the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-6">WebVTT region scroll</a> setting of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-25">WebVTT region</a> that the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="#vttregion" id="ref-for-vttregion-14">VTTRegion</a></code> object represents:</p>
+ |
+ 5598
+ |
+ <table class="complex data">
+ |
+ 5599
+ |
+ <thead>
+ |
+ 5600
+ |
+ <tr>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5610,8 +5894,8 @@
+ |
+ 5610
+ |
+ </table>
+ |
+ 5611
+ |
+ <p>On setting, the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#webvtt-region-scroll" id="ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-8">WebVTT region scroll</a> must be set to the value given on the first cell of
+ |
+ 5612
+ |
+ the row in the table above whose second cell is a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/infrastructure.html#case-sensitive">case-sensitive</a> match for the new value.</p>
+ |
+ 5613
+ |
+ -
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="9" id="iana"><span class="secno">9. </span><span class="content">IANA considerations</span><a class="self-link" href="#iana"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 5614
+ |
+ -
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="9.1" id="iana-text-vtt"><span class="secno">9.1. </span><span class="content"><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="text-vtt"><code>text/vtt</code></dfn></span><a class="self-link" href="#iana-text-vtt"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5897
+ |
+ +
+ <h2 class="heading settled" data-level="10" id="iana"><span class="secno">10. </span><span class="content">IANA considerations</span><a class="self-link" href="#iana"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 5898
+ |
+ +
+ <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="10.1" id="iana-text-vtt"><span class="secno">10.1. </span><span class="content"><dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-noexport="" id="text-vtt"><code>text/vtt</code></dfn></span><a class="self-link" href="#iana-text-vtt"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5615
+ |
+ <p>This registration is for community review and will be submitted to the IESG for review, approval,
+ |
+ 5616
+ |
+ and registration with IANA.</p>
+ |
+ 5617
+ |
+ <dl>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5696,7 +5980,7 @@
+ |
+ 5696
+ |
+ <p>It is possible for a user agent to offer user style sheets, but their presence and nature will
+ |
+ 5697
+ |
+ not be detectable by scripts running in the same user agent (e.g. browser) since the CSS object
+ |
+ 5698
+ |
+ model for such style sheets is not exposed to script and there is no way to get the computed style
+ |
+ 5699
+ |
+ -
+ for pseudo-elements other than <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-3/#sel-before">::before</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-3/#sel-after">::after</a> with the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#dom-window-getcomputedstyle">getComputedStyle()</a></code> API. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cssom">[CSSOM]</a></p>
+ |
+ 5983
+ |
+ +
+ for pseudo-elements other than <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#sel-before">::before</a> and <a class="css" data-link-type="maybe" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#sel-after">::after</a> with the <code class="idl"><a data-link-type="idl" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#dom-window-getcomputedstyle">getComputedStyle()</a></code> API. <a data-link-type="biblio" href="#biblio-cssom">[CSSOM]</a></p>
+ |
+ 5700
+ |
+ <h3 class="heading settled" id="scripting-security"><span class="content">Scripting-related security</span><a class="self-link" href="#scripting-security"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 5701
+ |
+ <p>WebVTT does not include or enable scripting. It is important that user agents do not support a
+ |
+ 5702
+ |
+ way to execute script embedded in a WebVTT file.</p>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5743,10 +6027,12 @@
+ |
+ 5743
+ |
+ Lawrence Forooghian,
+ |
+ 5744
+ |
+ Loretta Guarino Reid,
+ |
+ 5745
+ |
+ Ms2ger,
+ |
+ 6030
+ |
+ +
+ Nigel Megitt,
+ |
+ 5746
+ |
+ Ralph Giles,
+ |
+ 5747
+ |
+ Richard Ishida,
+ |
+ 5748
+ |
+ Rick Eyre,
+ |
+ 5749
+ |
+ -
+ Ronny Mennerich, and
+ |
+ 6034
+ |
+ +
+ Ronny Mennerich,
+ |
+ 6035
+ |
+ +
+ Theresa O’Connor, and
+ |
+ 5750
+ |
+ Victor Cărbune
+ |
+ 5751
+ |
+ for their useful comments. </p>
+ |
+ 5752
+ |
+ </main>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -5757,250 +6043,258 @@
+ |
+ 5757
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5758
+ |
+ ""
+ |
+ 5759
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5760
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting">enum-value for DirectionSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5761
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-scrollsetting">enum-value for ScrollSetting</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 6046
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting">enum-value for DirectionSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6047
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-scrollsetting">enum-value for ScrollSetting</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 5762
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5763
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-align">align</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5764
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-alignsetting">AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5765
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#apply-webvtt-cue-settings">apply WebVTT cue settings</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 5766
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object">attach a WebVTT Internal Node Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6049
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-align">align</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6050
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-alignsetting">AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6051
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#apply-webvtt-cue-settings">apply WebVTT cue settings</a><span>, in §7.2</span>
+ |
+ 6052
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object">attach a WebVTT Internal Node Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5767
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5768
+ |
+ auto
+ |
+ 5769
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5770
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-autokeyword-auto">enum-value for AutoKeyword</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5771
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-auto">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6056
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-autokeyword-auto">enum-value for AutoKeyword</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6057
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-auto">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5772
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5773
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5774
+ |
+ "auto"
+ |
+ 5775
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5776
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-autokeyword-auto">enum-value for AutoKeyword</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5777
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-auto">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6062
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-autokeyword-auto">enum-value for AutoKeyword</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6063
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-auto">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5778
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5779
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-autokeyword">AutoKeyword</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6065
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-autokeyword">AutoKeyword</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5780
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5781
+ |
+ "center"
+ |
+ 5782
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5783
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-center">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5784
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-center">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5785
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-center">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6069
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-center">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6070
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-center">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6071
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-center">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5786
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5787
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5788
+ |
+ center
+ |
+ 5789
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5790
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-center">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5791
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-center">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5792
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-center">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5793
+ |
+ -
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5794
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#collect-a-webvtt-block">collect a WebVTT block</a><span>, in §5.1</span>
+ |
+ 5795
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp">collect a WebVTT timestamp</a><span>, in §5.3</span>
+ |
+ 5796
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings">collect WebVTT cue timings and settings</a><span>, in §5.3</span>
+ |
+ 5797
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#collect-webvtt-region-settings">collect WebVTT region settings</a><span>, in §5.2</span>
+ |
+ 5798
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#consume-an-html-character-reference">consume an HTML character reference</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5799
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue">::cue</a><span>, in §7.2.1</span>
+ |
+ 5800
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-computed-line">cue computed line</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5801
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-computed-position">cue computed position</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5802
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-computed-position-alignment">cue computed position alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 6076
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-center">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6077
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-center">enum-value for PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6078
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-center">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6079
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6080
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#collect-a-webvtt-block">collect a WebVTT block</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 6081
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp">collect a WebVTT timestamp</a><span>, in §6.3</span>
+ |
+ 6082
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings">collect WebVTT cue timings and settings</a><span>, in §6.3</span>
+ |
+ 6083
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#collect-webvtt-region-settings">collect WebVTT region settings</a><span>, in §6.2</span>
+ |
+ 6084
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#consume-an-html-character-reference">consume an HTML character reference</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6085
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue">::cue</a><span>, in §8.2.1</span>
+ |
+ 6086
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-component-class-names">cue component class names</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6087
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-computed-line">cue computed line</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6088
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-computed-position">cue computed position</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6089
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-computed-position-alignment">cue computed position alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 5803
+ |
+ <li><a href="#cue-payload">cue payload</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5804
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-region">::cue-region</a><span>, in §7.2.3</span>
+ |
+ 5805
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-region-selector">::cue-region(selector)</a><span>, in §7.2.3</span>
+ |
+ 5806
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#cue-selector">::cue(selector)</a><span>, in §7.2.1</span>
+ |
+ 5807
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-directionsetting">DirectionSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6091
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-region">::cue-region</a><span>, in §8.2.3</span>
+ |
+ 6092
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-region-selector">::cue-region(selector)</a><span>, in §8.2.3</span>
+ |
+ 6093
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-selector">::cue(selector)</a><span>, in §8.2.1</span>
+ |
+ 6094
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#cue-text">cue text</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6095
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-directionsetting">DirectionSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5808
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5809
+ |
+ "end"
+ |
+ 5810
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5811
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-end">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5812
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-end">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6099
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-end">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6100
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-end">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5813
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5814
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5815
+ |
+ end
+ |
+ 5816
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5817
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-end">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5818
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-end">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6105
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-end">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6106
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-end">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5819
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5820
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#future">:future</a><span>, in §7.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5821
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml">getCueAsHTML()</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5822
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#html-character-reference-in-annotation-state">HTML character reference in annotation state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5823
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#html-character-reference-in-data-state">HTML character reference in data state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5824
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-id">id</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5825
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#incremental-webvtt-parser">incremental WebVTT parser</a><span>, in §5.1</span>
+ |
+ 5826
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#in-the-future">in the future</a><span>, in §7.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5827
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#in-the-past">in the past</a><span>, in §7.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5828
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-left">"left"</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5829
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-left">left</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5830
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-line">line</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5831
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-linealign">lineAlign</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5832
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-linealignsetting">LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5833
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting">LineAndPositionSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5834
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-left">"line-left"</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5835
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-left">line-left</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5836
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-right">"line-right"</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5837
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-right">line-right</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5838
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-lines">lines</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5839
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects">List of WebVTT Node Objects</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5840
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-lr">"lr"</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5841
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-lr">lr</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5842
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#parse-a-percentage-string">parse a percentage string</a><span>, in §5.2</span>
+ |
+ 5843
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings">parse the WebVTT cue settings</a><span>, in §5.3</span>
+ |
+ 5844
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#past">:past</a><span>, in §7.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5845
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-position">position</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5846
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-positionalign">positionAlign</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5847
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-positionalignsetting">PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5848
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-region">region</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5849
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchorx">regionAnchorX</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5850
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchory">regionAnchorY</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5851
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-right">right</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5852
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-right">"right"</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5853
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-rl">rl</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5854
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-rl">"rl"</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5855
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 5856
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-scroll">scroll</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5857
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-scrollsetting">ScrollSetting</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5858
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-size">size</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5859
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines">snapToLines</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6108
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#future">:future</a><span>, in §8.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6109
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml">getCueAsHTML()</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6110
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#html-character-reference-in-annotation-state">HTML character reference in annotation state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6111
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#html-character-reference-in-data-state">HTML character reference in data state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6112
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-id">id</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6113
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#incremental-webvtt-parser">incremental WebVTT parser</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 6114
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#in-the-future">in the future</a><span>, in §8.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6115
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#in-the-past">in the past</a><span>, in §8.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6116
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-left">"left"</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6117
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-left">left</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6118
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-line">line</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6119
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-linealign">lineAlign</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6120
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-linealignsetting">LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6121
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting">LineAndPositionSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6122
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-left">"line-left"</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6123
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-left">line-left</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6124
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-right">line-right</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6125
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-right">"line-right"</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6126
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-lines">lines</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6127
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects">List of WebVTT Node Objects</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6128
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-lr">lr</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6129
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-lr">"lr"</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6130
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes">obtain a set of CSS boxes</a><span>, in §7.3</span>
+ |
+ 6131
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#parse-a-percentage-string">parse a percentage string</a><span>, in §6.2</span>
+ |
+ 6132
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings">parse the WebVTT cue settings</a><span>, in §6.3</span>
+ |
+ 6133
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#past">:past</a><span>, in §8.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6134
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-position">position</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6135
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-positionalign">positionAlign</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6136
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-positionalignsetting">PositionAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6137
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-region">region</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6138
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchorx">regionAnchorX</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6139
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchory">regionAnchorY</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6140
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-right">right</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6141
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-right">"right"</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6142
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-rl">rl</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6143
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-directionsetting-rl">"rl"</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6144
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks">rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks</a><span>, in §7.1</span>
+ |
+ 6145
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-scroll">scroll</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6146
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#enumdef-scrollsetting">ScrollSetting</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6147
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-size">size</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6148
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines">snapToLines</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5860
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5861
+ |
+ "start"
+ |
+ 5862
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5863
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-start">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5864
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-start">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6152
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-start">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6153
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-start">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5865
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5866
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 5867
+ |
+ start
+ |
+ 5868
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 5869
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-start">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5870
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-start">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 6158
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-linealignsetting-start">enum-value for LineAlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6159
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-alignsetting-start">enum-value for AlignSetting</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5871
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 5872
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-text">text</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5873
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#text-track-cue-text">text track cue text</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5874
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#text-track-list-of-regions">text track list of regions</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 5875
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#text-vtt">text/vtt</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 5876
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-scrollsetting-up">up</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5877
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-scrollsetting-up">"up"</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5878
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-vertical">vertical</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5879
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx">viewportAnchorX</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5880
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchory">viewportAnchorY</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5881
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#vttcue">VTTCue</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5882
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue">VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)</a><span>, in §8.1</span>
+ |
+ 5883
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion">VTTRegion()</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 5884
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#vttregion">VTTRegion</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 6161
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-text">text</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6162
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#text-track-list-of-regions">text track list of regions</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 6163
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#text-vtt">text/vtt</a><span>, in §10.1</span>
+ |
+ 6164
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-scrollsetting-up">up</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6165
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-scrollsetting-up">"up"</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6166
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine">User agents that do not support a full HTML CSS engine</a><span>, in §2.1</span>
+ |
+ 6167
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-css">User agents that do not support CSS</a><span>, in §2.1</span>
+ |
+ 6168
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#user-agents-that-support-a-full-html-css-engine">User agents that support a full HTML CSS engine</a><span>, in §2.1</span>
+ |
+ 6169
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-vertical">vertical</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6170
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx">viewportAnchorX</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6171
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchory">viewportAnchorY</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6172
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#vttcue">VTTCue</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6173
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue">VTTCue(startTime, endTime, text)</a><span>, in §9.1</span>
+ |
+ 6174
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion">VTTRegion()</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6175
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#vttregion">VTTRegion</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 5885
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt">WebVTT</a><span>, in §1</span>
+ |
+ 5886
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-alignment-cue-setting">WebVTT alignment cue setting</a><span>, in §4.4</span>
+ |
+ 5887
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-bold-object">WebVTT Bold Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5888
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text">WebVTT chapter title text</a><span>, in §4.6.2</span>
+ |
+ 5889
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-class-object">WebVTT Class Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6178
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-bold-object">WebVTT Bold Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6179
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6180
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue components</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6181
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text">WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 6182
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-chapter-cue">WebVTT chapter cue</a><span>, in §3.5</span>
+ |
+ 6183
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text">WebVTT chapter title text</a><span>, in §4.2.3</span>
+ |
+ 6184
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-class-object">WebVTT Class Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5890
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-comment-block">WebVTT comment block</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5891
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue">WebVTT cue</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5892
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position">WebVTT cue automatic position</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5893
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-background-box">WebVTT cue background box</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 6186
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue">WebVTT cue</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6187
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position">WebVTT cue automatic position</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6188
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-background-box">WebVTT cue background box</a><span>, in §7.3</span>
+ |
+ 5894
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-block">WebVTT cue block</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5895
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-bold-span">WebVTT cue bold span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5896
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-box">WebVTT cue box</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5897
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment">WebVTT cue center alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 6191
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-box">WebVTT cue box</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6192
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment">WebVTT cue center alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 5898
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-class-span">WebVTT cue class span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5899
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-components">WebVTT cue components</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5900
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment">WebVTT cue end alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 6194
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment">WebVTT cue end alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6195
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction">WebVTT cue horizontal writing direction</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 5901
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction">WebVTT cue horizontal writing direction</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5902
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-identifier">WebVTT cue identifier</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5903
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-internal-text">WebVTT cue internal text</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5904
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-italics-span">WebVTT cue italics span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5905
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-language-span">WebVTT cue language span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5906
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment">WebVTT cue left alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5907
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line">WebVTT cue line</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5908
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment">WebVTT cue line alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5909
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic">WebVTT cue line automatic</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5910
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment">WebVTT cue line center alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5911
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment">WebVTT cue line end alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5912
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment">WebVTT cue line start alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5913
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position">WebVTT cue position</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5914
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment">WebVTT cue position alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5915
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment">WebVTT cue position automatic alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5916
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment">WebVTT cue position center alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5917
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment">WebVTT cue position line-left alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5918
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment">WebVTT cue position line-right alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5919
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-region">WebVTT cue region</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5920
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment">WebVTT cue right alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 6200
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment">WebVTT cue left alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6201
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line">WebVTT cue line</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6202
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment">WebVTT cue line alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6203
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic">WebVTT cue line automatic</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6204
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment">WebVTT cue line center alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6205
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment">WebVTT cue line end alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6206
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment">WebVTT cue line start alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6207
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position">WebVTT cue position</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6208
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment">WebVTT cue position alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6209
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment">WebVTT cue position automatic alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6210
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment">WebVTT cue position center alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6211
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment">WebVTT cue position line-left alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6212
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment">WebVTT cue position line-right alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6213
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-region">WebVTT cue region</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6214
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment">WebVTT cue right alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 5921
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-span">WebVTT cue ruby span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5922
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span">WebVTT cue ruby text span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5923
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-setting">WebVTT cue setting</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5924
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-setting-name">WebVTT cue setting name</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5925
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list">WebVTT cue settings list</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5926
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-setting-value">WebVTT cue setting value</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5927
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-size">WebVTT cue size</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5928
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 6221
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-size">WebVTT cue size</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6222
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag">WebVTT cue snap-to-lines flag</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 5929
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-span-end-tag">WebVTT cue span end tag</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5930
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag">WebVTT cue span start tag</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5931
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text">WebVTT cue span start tag annotation text</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5932
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment">WebVTT cue start alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5933
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text">WebVTT cue text</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5934
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment">WebVTT cue text alignment</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5935
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules">WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a><span>, in §5.5</span>
+ |
+ 6226
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment">WebVTT cue start alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6227
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment">WebVTT cue text alignment</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6228
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules">WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a><span>, in §6.5</span>
+ |
+ 6229
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5936
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules">WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5937
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-span">WebVTT cue text span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5938
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer">WebVTT cue text tokenizer</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6231
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer">WebVTT cue text tokenizer</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5939
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-timestamp">WebVTT cue timestamp</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5940
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-timings">WebVTT cue timings</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5941
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-underline-span">WebVTT cue underline span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5942
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction">WebVTT cue vertical growing left writing direction</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5943
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction">WebVTT cue vertical growing right writing direction</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 6235
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction">WebVTT cue vertical growing left writing direction</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6236
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction">WebVTT cue vertical growing right writing direction</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 5944
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-voice-span">WebVTT cue voice span</a><span>, in §4.2.2</span>
+ |
+ 5945
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction">WebVTT cue writing direction</a><span>, in §3.1</span>
+ |
+ 5946
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-data-state">WebVTT data state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5947
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-end-tag-state">WebVTT end tag state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6238
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction">WebVTT cue writing direction</a><span>, in §3.3</span>
+ |
+ 6239
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-data-state">WebVTT data state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6240
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-end-tag-state">WebVTT end tag state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5948
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file">WebVTT file</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5949
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file-body">WebVTT file body</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 6243
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file-using-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text">WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text</a><span>, in §4.6.3</span>
+ |
+ 5950
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file-using-chapter-title-text">WebVTT file using chapter title text</a><span>, in §4.6.2</span>
+ |
+ 5951
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file-using-cue-text">WebVTT file using cue text</a><span>, in §4.6.3</span>
+ |
+ 5952
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file-using-metadata-content">WebVTT file using metadata content</a><span>, in §4.6.1</span>
+ |
+ 5953
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-file-using-only-nested-cues">WebVTT file using only nested cues</a><span>, in §4.5.1</span>
+ |
+ 5954
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-internal-node-object">WebVTT Internal Node Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5955
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-italic-object">WebVTT Italic Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5956
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-language-object">WebVTT Language Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5957
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-leaf-node-object">WebVTT Leaf Node Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6247
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-internal-node-object">WebVTT Internal Node Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6248
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-italic-object">WebVTT Italic Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6249
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-language-object">WebVTT Language Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6250
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-leaf-node-object">WebVTT Leaf Node Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5958
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-line-cue-setting">WebVTT line cue setting</a><span>, in §4.4</span>
+ |
+ 5959
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-line-terminator">WebVTT line terminator</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 6253
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-metadata-cue">WebVTT metadata cue</a><span>, in §3.6</span>
+ |
+ 5960
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-metadata-text">WebVTT metadata text</a><span>, in §4.2.1</span>
+ |
+ 5961
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-node-object">WebVTT Node Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5962
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes">WebVTT Node Object’s applicable classes</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5963
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language">WebVTT Node Object’s applicable language</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5964
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-parser">WebVTT parser</a><span>, in §5.1</span>
+ |
+ 5965
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-parser-algorithm">WebVTT parser algorithm</a><span>, in §5.1</span>
+ |
+ 6255
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-node-object">WebVTT Node Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6256
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes">WebVTT Node Object’s applicable classes</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6257
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language">WebVTT Node Object’s applicable language</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6258
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-parser">WebVTT parser</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 6259
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-parser-algorithm">WebVTT parser algorithm</a><span>, in §6.1</span>
+ |
+ 5966
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-percentage">WebVTT percentage</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5967
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-position-cue-setting">WebVTT position cue setting</a><span>, in §4.4</span>
+ |
+ 5968
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region">WebVTT region</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 5969
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-anchor">WebVTT region anchor</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6262
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region">WebVTT region</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 6263
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-anchor">WebVTT region anchor</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5970
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-anchor-setting">WebVTT region anchor setting</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5971
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-cue-setting">WebVTT region cue setting</a><span>, in §4.4</span>
+ |
+ 5972
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-definition-block">WebVTT region definition block</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5973
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-identifier">WebVTT region identifier</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6267
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-identifier">WebVTT region identifier</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5974
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting">WebVTT region identifier setting</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5975
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-lines">WebVTT region lines</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6269
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-lines">WebVTT region lines</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5976
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-lines-setting">WebVTT region lines setting</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5977
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-object">WebVTT region object</a><span>, in §5.2</span>
+ |
+ 5978
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll">WebVTT region scroll</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 5979
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-none">WebVTT region scroll none</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6271
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-object">WebVTT region object</a><span>, in §6.2</span>
+ |
+ 6272
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll">WebVTT region scroll</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 6273
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-none">WebVTT region scroll none</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5980
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-setting">WebVTT region scroll setting</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5981
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-up">WebVTT region scroll up</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6275
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-up">WebVTT region scroll up</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5982
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-settings-list">WebVTT region settings list</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5983
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6277
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor">WebVTT region viewport anchor</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5984
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-setting">WebVTT region viewport anchor setting</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5985
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-width">WebVTT region width</a><span>, in §3.2</span>
+ |
+ 6279
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-width">WebVTT region width</a><span>, in §3.4</span>
+ |
+ 5986
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-region-width-setting">WebVTT region width setting</a><span>, in §4.3</span>
+ |
+ 5987
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-ruby-object">WebVTT Ruby Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5988
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object">WebVTT Ruby Text Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5989
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter title</a><span>, in §5.6</span>
+ |
+ 6281
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-ruby-object">WebVTT Ruby Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6282
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object">WebVTT Ruby Text Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6283
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter title</a><span>, in §6.6</span>
+ |
+ 5990
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-size-cue-setting">WebVTT size cue setting</a><span>, in §4.4</span>
+ |
+ 5991
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state">WebVTT start tag annotation state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5992
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-class-state">WebVTT start tag class state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5993
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-state">WebVTT start tag state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6285
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state">WebVTT start tag annotation state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6286
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-class-state">WebVTT start tag class state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6287
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-state">WebVTT start tag state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5994
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-style-block">WebVTT style block</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5995
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-tag-state">WebVTT tag state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5996
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-text-object">WebVTT Text Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6289
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-tag-state">WebVTT tag state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6290
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-text-object">WebVTT Text Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 5997
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-timestamp">WebVTT timestamp</a><span>, in §4.1</span>
+ |
+ 5998
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-timestamp-object">WebVTT Timestamp Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 5999
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-timestamp-tag-state">WebVTT timestamp tag state</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6000
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-underline-object">WebVTT Underline Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6292
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-timestamp-object">WebVTT Timestamp Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6293
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-timestamp-tag-state">WebVTT timestamp tag state</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6294
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-underline-object">WebVTT Underline Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6001
+ |
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-vertical-text-cue-setting">WebVTT vertical text cue setting</a><span>, in §4.4</span>
+ |
+ 6002
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-voice-object">WebVTT Voice Object</a><span>, in §5.4</span>
+ |
+ 6003
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-width">width</a><span>, in §8.2</span>
+ |
+ 6296
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#webvtt-voice-object">WebVTT Voice Object</a><span>, in §6.4</span>
+ |
+ 6297
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#dom-vttregion-width">width</a><span>, in §9.2</span>
+ |
+ 6004
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6005
+ |
+ <h3 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="index-defined-elsewhere"><span class="content">Terms defined by reference</span><a class="self-link" href="#index-defined-elsewhere"></a></h3>
+ |
+ 6006
+ |
+ <ul class="index">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6012,19 +6306,21 @@
+ |
+ 6012
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6013
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-backgrounds-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6014
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6015
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background">background</a>
+ |
+ 6016
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#background-image">background-image</a>
+ |
+ 6309
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background">background</a>
+ |
+ 6310
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background-color">background-color</a>
+ |
+ 6311
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#propdef-background-image">background-image</a>
+ |
+ 6017
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6018
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6019
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-cascade-4]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6020
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6021
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-4/#at-ruledef-import">@import</a>
+ |
+ 6022
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a>
+ |
+ 6316
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#at-ruledef-import">@import</a>
+ |
+ 6317
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/#cascade">cascade</a>
+ |
+ 6023
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6024
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6025
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-color-4]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6026
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6027
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#propdef-color">color</a>
+ |
+ 6323
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#valdef-color-green">green</a>
+ |
+ 6028
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#propdef-opacity">opacity</a>
+ |
+ 6029
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6030
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6050,8 +6346,8 @@
+ |
+ 6050
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6051
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-fonts-4]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6052
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6053
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-weight-bold">bold</a>
+ |
+ 6054
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-style-italic">italic</a>
+ |
+ 6349
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-weight-bold">bold</a>
+ |
+ 6350
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#valdef-font-style-italic">italic</a>
+ |
+ 6055
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6056
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6057
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-overflow-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6069,6 +6365,11 @@
+ |
+ 6069
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-positioning/#propdef-top">top</a>
+ |
+ 6070
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6071
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6368
+ |
+ +
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-sizing-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6369
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6370
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#valdef-width-auto">auto</a>
+ |
+ 6371
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6372
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6072
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[CSS-SYNTAX-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6073
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6074
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-a-stylesheet0">parse a stylesheet</a>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6076,16 +6377,16 @@
+ |
+ 6076
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6077
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-text-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6078
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6079
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-overflow-wrap-break-word">break-word</a>
+ |
+ 6080
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-center">center</a>
+ |
+ 6081
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-end">end</a>
+ |
+ 6082
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-left">left</a>
+ |
+ 6083
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#overflow-wrap">overflow-wrap</a>
+ |
+ 6084
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-white-space-pre-line">pre-line</a>
+ |
+ 6085
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-right">right</a>
+ |
+ 6086
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-start">start</a>
+ |
+ 6087
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#text-align">text-align</a>
+ |
+ 6088
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#white-space">white-space</a>
+ |
+ 6380
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-overflow-wrap-break-word">break-word</a>
+ |
+ 6381
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-center">center</a>
+ |
+ 6382
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-end">end</a>
+ |
+ 6383
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-left">left</a>
+ |
+ 6384
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-overflow-wrap">overflow-wrap</a>
+ |
+ 6385
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-white-space-pre-line">pre-line</a>
+ |
+ 6386
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-right">right</a>
+ |
+ 6387
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#valdef-text-align-start">start</a>
+ |
+ 6388
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-text-align">text-align</a>
+ |
+ 6389
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#propdef-white-space">white-space</a>
+ |
+ 6089
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6090
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6091
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-text-decor-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6096,13 +6397,13 @@
+ |
+ 6096
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6097
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-transitions-1]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6098
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6099
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-duration">transition-duration</a>
+ |
+ 6100
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#transition-property">transition-property</a>
+ |
+ 6400
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#propdef-transition-duration">transition-duration</a>
+ |
+ 6401
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/#propdef-transition-property">transition-property</a>
+ |
+ 6101
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6102
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6103
+ |
+ -
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-ui-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6404
+ |
+ +
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[css-ui-4]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6104
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6105
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#propdef-outline">outline</a>
+ |
+ 6406
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-ui-4/#propdef-outline">outline</a>
+ |
+ 6106
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6107
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6108
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[CSS-VALUES]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6175,22 +6476,33 @@
+ |
+ 6175
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/encoding/#utf-8-decode">utf-8 decode</a>
+ |
+ 6176
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6177
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6479
+ |
+ +
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[HTML]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6480
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6481
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/rendering.html#presentational-hints">presentational hints</a>
+ |
+ 6482
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6483
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6178
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[selectors-3]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6179
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6180
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-3/#sel-after">::after</a>
+ |
+ 6181
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-3/#sel-before">::before</a>
+ |
+ 6486
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#sel-after">::after</a>
+ |
+ 6487
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#sel-before">::before</a>
+ |
+ 6182
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6183
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6184
+ |
+ -
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[selectors-4]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6490
+ |
+ +
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[SELECTORS4]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6185
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6186
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#future-pseudo">:future</a>
+ |
+ 6187
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#lang-pseudo">:lang()</a>
+ |
+ 6188
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#past-pseudo">:past</a>
+ |
+ 6189
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#attribute-selector">attribute selector</a>
+ |
+ 6190
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#class-selector">class selector</a>
+ |
+ 6191
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#id-selector">id selector</a>
+ |
+ 6494
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#past-pseudo">:past</a>
+ |
+ 6495
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#attribute-selector">attribute selector</a>
+ |
+ 6496
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#class-selector">class selector</a>
+ |
+ 6497
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#id-selector">id selector</a>
+ |
+ 6192
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#originating-element">originating element</a>
+ |
+ 6193
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#type-selector">type selector</a>
+ |
+ 6499
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#type-selector">type selector</a>
+ |
+ 6500
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6501
+ |
+ +
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6502
+ |
+ +
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[WebIDL]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ 6503
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6504
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#Exposed">Exposed</a>
+ |
+ 6505
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-unsigned-long">unsigned long</a>
+ |
+ 6194
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6195
+ |
+ <li>
+ |
+ 6196
+ |
+ <a data-link-type="biblio">[WEBIDL-1]</a> defines the following terms:
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6199,7 +6511,6 @@
+ |
+ 6199
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#indexsizeerror">IndexSizeError</a>
+ |
+ 6200
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-boolean">boolean</a>
+ |
+ 6201
+ |
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double">double</a>
+ |
+ 6202
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-long">long</a>
+ |
+ 6203
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6204
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6205
+ |
+ <h2 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="references"><span class="content">References</span><a class="self-link" href="#references"></a></h2>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6208,11 +6519,11 @@
+ |
+ 6208
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-bcp47">[BCP47]
+ |
+ 6209
+ |
+ <dd>A. Phillips; M. Davis. <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47">Tags for Identifying Languages</a>. September 2009. IETF Best Current Practice. URL: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47">https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47</a>
+ |
+ 6210
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-bidi">[BIDI]
+ |
+ 6211
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>Mark Davis; Aharon Lanin; Andrew Glass. <a href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-35.html">Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm</a>. 18 May 2016. Unicode Standard Annex #9. URL: <a href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-35.html">http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-35.html</a>
+ |
+ 6522
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Mark Davis; Aharon Lanin; Andrew Glass. <a href="https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-37.html">Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm</a>. 14 May 2017. Unicode Standard Annex #9. URL: <a href="https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-37.html">https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-37.html</a>
+ |
+ 6212
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-align-3">[CSS-ALIGN-3]
+ |
+ 6213
+ |
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr.. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-align-3/">CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-align-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-align-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6214
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-backgrounds-3">[CSS-BACKGROUNDS-3]
+ |
+ 6215
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/</a>
+ |
+ 6526
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Bert Bos; Elika Etemad; Brad Kemper. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-backgrounds-3/">CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-backgrounds-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-backgrounds-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6216
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-cascade-4">[CSS-CASCADE-4]
+ |
+ 6217
+ |
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr.. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/">CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 4</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6218
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-color-4">[CSS-COLOR-4]
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6224,11 +6535,13 @@
+ |
+ 6224
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-fonts-3">[CSS-FONTS-3]
+ |
+ 6225
+ |
+ <dd>John Daggett. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/">CSS Fonts Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6226
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-fonts-4">[CSS-FONTS-4]
+ |
+ 6227
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>CSS Fonts Module Level 4 URL: <a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/">https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6538
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>John Daggett; Myles Maxfield. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/">CSS Fonts Module Level 4</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6228
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-overflow-3">[CSS-OVERFLOW-3]
+ |
+ 6229
+ |
+ <dd>David Baron; Florian Rivoal. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/">CSS Overflow Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6230
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-position-3">[CSS-POSITION-3]
+ |
+ 6231
+ |
+ <dd>Rossen Atanassov; Arron Eicholz. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-position-3/">CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-position-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-position-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6543
+ |
+ +
+ <dt id="biblio-css-sizing-3">[CSS-SIZING-3]
+ |
+ 6544
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Elika Etemad. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-sizing-3/">CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-sizing-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-sizing-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6232
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-syntax-3">[CSS-SYNTAX-3]
+ |
+ 6233
+ |
+ <dd>Tab Atkins Jr.; Simon Sapin. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/">CSS Syntax Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6234
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-text-3">[CSS-TEXT-3]
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6238,19 +6551,19 @@
+ |
+ 6238
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-text-decor-3">[CSS-TEXT-DECOR-3]
+ |
+ 6239
+ |
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/">CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6240
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-transitions-1">[CSS-TRANSITIONS-1]
+ |
+ 6241
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>CSS Transitions Module Level 1 URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/</a>
+ |
+ 6242
+ |
+ -
+ <dt id="biblio-css-ui-3">[CSS-UI-3]
+ |
+ 6243
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>Tantek Çelik; Florian Rivoal. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-3/">CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI)</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6554
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>David Baron; Dean Jackson; Brian Birtles. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transitions-1/">CSS Transitions</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transitions-1/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transitions-1/</a>
+ |
+ 6555
+ |
+ +
+ <dt id="biblio-css-ui-4">[CSS-UI-4]
+ |
+ 6556
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Florian Rivoal. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-4/">CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6244
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-values">[CSS-VALUES]
+ |
+ 6245
+ |
+ <dd>Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-3/">CSS Values and Units Module Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6246
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-writing-modes-3">[CSS-WRITING-MODES-3]
+ |
+ 6247
+ |
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-3/">CSS Writing Modes Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6248
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css-writing-modes-4">[CSS-WRITING-MODES-4]
+ |
+ 6249
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>CSS Writing Modes Module Level 4 URL: <a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/">https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6562
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-4/">CSS Writing Modes Level 4</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6250
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css22">[CSS22]
+ |
+ 6251
+ |
+ <dd>Bert Bos. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/">Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 2 (CSS 2.2) Specification</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/">https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/</a>
+ |
+ 6252
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css3-color">[CSS3-COLOR]
+ |
+ 6253
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>Tantek Çelik; Chris Lilley; David Baron. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color">CSS Color Module Level 3</a>. 7 June 2011. REC. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color">https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color</a>
+ |
+ 6566
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Tantek Çelik; Chris Lilley; David Baron. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-3/">CSS Color Module Level 3</a>. 5 December 2017. CR. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6254
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-css3-ruby">[CSS3-RUBY]
+ |
+ 6255
+ |
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/">CSS Ruby Layout Module Level 1</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/</a>
+ |
+ 6256
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-cssom">[CSSOM]
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6259,6 +6572,8 @@
+ |
+ 6259
+ |
+ <dd>Anne van Kesteren; et al. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-dom-20151119/">W3C DOM4</a>. 19 November 2015. REC. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-dom-20151119/">https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-dom-20151119/</a>
+ |
+ 6260
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-encoding-cr">[ENCODING-CR]
+ |
+ 6261
+ |
+ <dd>Anne van Kesteren; Joshua Bell; Addison Phillips. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/CR-encoding-20170413/">Encoding</a>. 13 April 2017. CR. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/CR-encoding-20170413/">https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/CR-encoding-20170413/</a>
+ |
+ 6575
+ |
+ +
+ <dt id="biblio-html">[HTML]
+ |
+ 6576
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Anne van Kesteren; et al. <a href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/">HTML Standard</a>. Living Standard. URL: <a href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/">https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/</a>
+ |
+ 6262
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-html51">[HTML51]
+ |
+ 6263
+ |
+ <dd>Steve Faulkner; et al. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/">HTML 5.1 2nd Edition</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/">https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/</a>
+ |
+ 6264
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-rfc2119">[RFC2119]
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6266,11 +6581,11 @@
+ |
+ 6266
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-rfc3629">[RFC3629]
+ |
+ 6267
+ |
+ <dd>F. Yergeau. <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629">UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646</a>. November 2003. Internet Standard. URL: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629">https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629</a>
+ |
+ 6268
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-selectors-3">[SELECTORS-3]
+ |
+ 6269
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>Selectors Level 3 URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/">https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/</a>
+ |
+ 6584
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Tantek Çelik; et al. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-3/">Selectors Level 3</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-3/">https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-3/</a>
+ |
+ 6270
+ |
+ -
+ <dt id="biblio-selectors-4">[SELECTORS-4]
+ |
+ 6271
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>Selectors Level 4 URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/</a>
+ |
+ 6272
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-selectors4">[SELECTORS4]
+ |
+ 6273
+ |
+ -
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr.. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/">Selectors Level 4</a>. 2 May 2013. WD. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/</a>
+ |
+ 6586
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Elika Etemad; Tab Atkins Jr.. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/">Selectors Level 4</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/">https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/</a>
+ |
+ 6587
+ |
+ +
+ <dt id="biblio-webidl">[WebIDL]
+ |
+ 6588
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Cameron McCormack; Boris Zbarsky; Tobie Langel. <a href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/">Web IDL</a>. URL: <a href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/">https://heycam.github.io/webidl/</a>
+ |
+ 6274
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-webidl-1">[WEBIDL-1]
+ |
+ 6275
+ |
+ <dd>Cameron McCormack. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-WebIDL-1-20161215/">WebIDL Level 1</a>. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-WebIDL-1-20161215/">https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-WebIDL-1-20161215/</a>
+ |
+ 6276
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6278,6 +6593,8 @@
+ |
+ 6278
+ |
+ <dl>
+ |
+ 6279
+ |
+ <dt id="biblio-maur">[MAUR]
+ |
+ 6280
+ |
+ <dd>Shane McCarron; Michael Cooper; Mark Sadecki. <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/media-accessibility-reqs/">Media Accessibility User Requirements</a>. WD. URL: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/media-accessibility-reqs/">http://www.w3.org/TR/media-accessibility-reqs/</a>
+ |
+ 6596
+ |
+ +
+ <dt id="biblio-wcag20">[WCAG20]
+ |
+ 6597
+ |
+ +
+ <dd>Ben Caldwell; et al. <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/">Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0</a>. 11 December 2008. REC. URL: <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/">https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/</a>
+ |
+ 6281
+ |
+ </dl>
+ |
+ 6282
+ |
+ <h2 class="no-num no-ref heading settled" id="idl-index"><span class="content">IDL Index</span><a class="self-link" href="#idl-index"></a></h2>
+ |
+ 6283
+ |
+ <pre class="idl highlight def"><span class="kt">enum</span> <a class="nv" href="#enumdef-autokeyword"><code>AutoKeyword</code></a> { <a class="s" href="#dom-autokeyword-auto"><code>"auto"</code></a> };
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6286,7 +6603,8 @@
+ |
+ 6286
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <a class="nv" href="#enumdef-linealignsetting"><code>LineAlignSetting</code></a> { <a class="s" href="#dom-linealignsetting-start"><code>"start"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-linealignsetting-center"><code>"center"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-linealignsetting-end"><code>"end"</code></a> };
+ |
+ 6287
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <a class="nv" href="#enumdef-positionalignsetting"><code>PositionAlignSetting</code></a> { <a class="s" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-left"><code>"line-left"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-center"><code>"center"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-line-right"><code>"line-right"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-positionalignsetting-auto"><code>"auto"</code></a> };
+ |
+ 6288
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <a class="nv" href="#enumdef-alignsetting"><code>AlignSetting</code></a> { <a class="s" href="#dom-alignsetting-start"><code>"start"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-alignsetting-center"><code>"center"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-alignsetting-end"><code>"end"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-alignsetting-left"><code>"left"</code></a>, <a class="s" href="#dom-alignsetting-right"><code>"right"</code></a> };
+ |
+ 6289
+ |
+ -
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue">Constructor</a>(<a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-starttime"><code>startTime</code></a>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-endtime"><code>endTime</code></a>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-DOMString"><span class="kt">DOMString</span></a> <a class="nv" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-text"><code>text</code></a>)]
+ |
+ 6606
+ |
+ +
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="extended-attribute" href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#Exposed">Exposed</a>=<span class="n">Window</span>,
+ |
+ 6607
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue">Constructor</a>(<a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-starttime"><code>startTime</code></a>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-endtime"><code>endTime</code></a>, <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-DOMString"><span class="kt">DOMString</span></a> <a class="nv" href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue-starttime-endtime-text-text"><code>text</code></a>)]
+ |
+ 6290
+ |
+ <span class="kt">interface</span> <a class="nv" href="#vttcue"><code>VTTCue</code></a> : <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#texttrackcue-texttrackcue">TextTrackCue</a> {
+ |
+ 6291
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="#vttregion">VTTRegion</a>? <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="VTTRegion?" href="#dom-vttcue-region">region</a>;
+ |
+ 6292
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n" data-link-type="idl-name" href="#enumdef-directionsetting">DirectionSetting</a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="DirectionSetting" href="#dom-vttcue-vertical">vertical</a>;
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6302,11 +6620,12 @@
+ |
+ 6302
+ |
+ };
+ |
+ 6303
+ |
+ |
+ 6304
+ |
+ <span class="kt">enum</span> <a class="nv" href="#enumdef-scrollsetting"><code>ScrollSetting</code></a> { <a class="s" href="#dom-scrollsetting"><code>""</code></a> /* none */, <a class="s" href="#dom-scrollsetting-up"><code>"up"</code></a> };
+ |
+ 6305
+ |
+ -
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion">Constructor</a>]
+ |
+ 6623
+ |
+ +
+ [<a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="extended-attribute" href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#Exposed">Exposed</a>=<span class="n">Window</span>,
+ |
+ 6624
+ |
+ +
+ <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="constructor" href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion">Constructor</a>]
+ |
+ 6306
+ |
+ <span class="kt">interface</span> <a class="nv" href="#vttregion"><code>VTTRegion</code></a> {
+ |
+ 6307
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-DOMString"><span class="kt">DOMString</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="DOMString" href="#dom-vttregion-id">id</a>;
+ |
+ 6308
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-width">width</a>;
+ |
+ 6309
+ |
+ -
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-long"><span class="kt">long</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="long" href="#dom-vttregion-lines">lines</a>;
+ |
+ 6628
+ |
+ +
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-unsigned-long"><span class="kt">unsigned</span> <span class="kt">long</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="unsigned long" href="#dom-vttregion-lines">lines</a>;
+ |
+ 6310
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchorx">regionAnchorX</a>;
+ |
+ 6311
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchory">regionAnchorY</a>;
+ |
+ 6312
+ |
+ <span class="kt">attribute</span> <a class="n idl-code" data-link-type="interface" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/#idl-double"><span class="kt">double</span></a> <a class="nv idl-code" data-link-type="attribute" data-type="double" href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx">viewportAnchorX</a>;
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6321,400 +6640,434 @@
+ |
+ 6321
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-1">2.1. Conformance classes</a>
+ |
+ 6322
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6323
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6643
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="user-agents-that-do-not-support-css">
+ |
+ 6644
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-css">#user-agents-that-do-not-support-css</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6645
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6646
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-css-1">7. Rendering</a>
+ |
+ 6647
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-css-2">8. CSS extensions</a>
+ |
+ 6648
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6649
+ |
+ +
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6650
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine">
+ |
+ 6651
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine">#user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6652
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6653
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine-1">2.1. Conformance classes</a>
+ |
+ 6654
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-user-agents-that-do-not-support-a-full-html-css-engine-2">7. Rendering</a>
+ |
+ 6655
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6656
+ |
+ +
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6324
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue">
+ |
+ 6325
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue">#webvtt-cue</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6326
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6327
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-11">(11)</a>
+ |
+ 6328
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-12">3.2. WebVTT regions</a>
+ |
+ 6329
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-13">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 6330
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-14">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-17">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-18">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6331
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-19">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6332
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-20">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 6333
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-21">5.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 6660
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-1">1.1. A simple caption file</a>
+ |
+ 6661
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-2">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-5">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-6">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-7">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-8">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-9">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-10">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-11">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-12">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-13">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6662
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-14">3.5. WebVTT chapter cues</a>
+ |
+ 6663
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-15">3.6. WebVTT metadata cues</a>
+ |
+ 6664
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-16">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 6665
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-17">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a>
+ |
+ 6666
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-18">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-19">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-20">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-21">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-22">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6667
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-23">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6668
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-24">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 6669
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-25">6.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 6334
+ |
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 6335
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-22">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-23">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6336
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-24">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-25">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6337
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-26">7.2. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-27">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-28">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6338
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-29">7.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-30">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6339
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-31">7.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 6340
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-32">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-33">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-34">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-35">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-36">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-37">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-38">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-39">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-40">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-41">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-42">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-43">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6671
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-26">7.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-27">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6672
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-28">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-29">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6673
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-30">8.2. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-31">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-32">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6674
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-33">8.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-34">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6675
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-35">8.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 6676
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-36">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-37">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-38">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-39">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-40">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-41">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-42">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-43">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-44">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-45">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-46">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-47">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6677
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6678
+ |
+ +
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6679
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="cue-text">
+ |
+ 6680
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#cue-text">#cue-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6681
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6682
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6683
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-4">3.5. WebVTT chapter cues</a>
+ |
+ 6684
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-5">3.6. WebVTT metadata cues</a>
+ |
+ 6685
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-6">4.2.3. WebVTT chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 6686
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-7">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6687
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-9">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-10">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6688
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-11">6.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 6689
+ |
+ +
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 6690
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-12">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6691
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-13">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6692
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-text-14">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-17">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-18">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-19">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-20">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-text-21">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6341
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6342
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6343
+ |
+ -
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="text-track-cue-text">
+ |
+ 6344
+ |
+ -
+ <b><a href="#text-track-cue-text">#text-track-cue-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6345
+ |
+ -
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6346
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 6347
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-2">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6695
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue">
+ |
+ 6696
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue">#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6697
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6698
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-1">3.4. WebVTT caption or subtitle regions</a>
+ |
+ 6699
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-2">7. Rendering</a>
+ |
+ 6348
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-4">5.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 6349
+ |
+ -
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 6350
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-5">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6351
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-6">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6352
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-7">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-9">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-10">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-11">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-12">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-13">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-cue-text-14">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6353
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6354
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6355
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-box">
+ |
+ 6356
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-box">#webvtt-cue-box</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6357
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6358
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-1">1.4. Other features</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6359
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-6">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-9">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-10">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-11">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-12">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-13">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-14">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-15">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-16">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-17">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-18">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-19">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-20">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-21">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-22">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-23">(18)</a>
+ |
+ 6705
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-1">1.4. Other caption and subtitling features</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6706
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-6">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-9">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-10">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-11">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-12">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-13">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-14">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-15">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-16">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-17">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-18">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-19">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-20">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-21">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-22">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-23">(18)</a>
+ |
+ 6360
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-24">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-25">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-box-26">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6361
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6362
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6363
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-writing-direction">
+ |
+ 6364
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-writing-direction">#webvtt-cue-writing-direction</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6365
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6366
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-11">(11)</a>
+ |
+ 6713
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-11">(11)</a>
+ |
+ 6367
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-12">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6368
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-13">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6369
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-14">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-15">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6370
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-16">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-17">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-18">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-19">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-20">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-21">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-22">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-23">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-24">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-25">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-26">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-27">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-28">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-29">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-30">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-31">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-32">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-33">(18)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-34">(19)</a>
+ |
+ 6371
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-35">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-36">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-37">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-38">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-39">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6715
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-13">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6716
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-14">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-16">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6717
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-17">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-18">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-19">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-20">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-21">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-22">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-23">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-24">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-25">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-26">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-27">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-28">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-29">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-30">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-31">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-32">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-33">(17)</a>
+ |
+ 6718
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-34">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-35">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-36">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-37">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-writing-direction-38">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6372
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6373
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6374
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction">
+ |
+ 6375
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction">#webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6376
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6377
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-12">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6378
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-13">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6379
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-14">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-17">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-18">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-19">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-20">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-21">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6380
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-22">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-23">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-24">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6724
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-12">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6725
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-13">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6726
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-14">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6727
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-15">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-16">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-17">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-18">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-19">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-20">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-21">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 6728
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-22">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-23">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-horizontal-writing-direction-24">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6381
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6382
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6383
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction">
+ |
+ 6384
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction">#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6385
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6386
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6387
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-4">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6388
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-5">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-8">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-9">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-10">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-11">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-12">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6389
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-13">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-14">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6734
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6735
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-4">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6736
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-5">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-8">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-9">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-10">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-11">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 6737
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-12">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-left-writing-direction-13">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6390
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6391
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6392
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction">
+ |
+ 6393
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction">#webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6394
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6395
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6396
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-4">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6397
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-5">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-8">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-9">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-10">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-11">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-12">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6398
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-13">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-14">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6743
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6744
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-4">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6745
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-5">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-8">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-9">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-10">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-11">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 6746
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-12">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-vertical-growing-right-writing-direction-13">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6399
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6400
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6401
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag">
+ |
+ 6402
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag">#webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6403
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6404
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6405
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-9">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6406
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-10">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6407
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-11">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-12">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-13">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-14">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-15">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6408
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-16">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-17">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-18">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-19">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6752
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-7">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 6753
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-8">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6754
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-9">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6755
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-10">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-13">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6756
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-14">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-snap-to-lines-flag-17">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6409
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6410
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6411
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-line">
+ |
+ 6412
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-line">#webvtt-cue-line</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6413
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6414
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-13">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-14">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-15">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-16">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-17">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-18">(18)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-19">(19)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-20">(20)</a>
+ |
+ 6415
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-21">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6416
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-22">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6417
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-23">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-24">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-25">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-26">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6762
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-13">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-14">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-15">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-16">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-17">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-18">(18)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-19">(19)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-20">(20)</a>
+ |
+ 6763
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-21">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6764
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-22">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-23">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6765
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-24">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-25">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-26">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-27">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6418
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6419
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6420
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-line-automatic">
+ |
+ 6421
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-automatic">#webvtt-cue-line-automatic</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6422
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6423
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6424
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-4">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6425
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-5">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-8">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6771
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6772
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-4">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6773
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-5">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6774
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-6">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-automatic-9">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6426
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6427
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6428
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="cue-computed-line">
+ |
+ 6429
+ |
+ <b><a href="#cue-computed-line">#cue-computed-line</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6430
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6431
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 6432
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-2">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6780
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>
+ |
+ 6781
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-2">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-line-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6433
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6434
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6435
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-line-alignment">
+ |
+ 6436
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-alignment">#webvtt-cue-line-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6437
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6438
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6787
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6439
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-5">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6440
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-6">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6441
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-7">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6442
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-10">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-13">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6443
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-14">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-17">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-18">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6789
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-6">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6790
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-7">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6791
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-10">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-13">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6792
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-14">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-17">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-alignment-18">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6444
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6445
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6446
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment">
+ |
+ 6447
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment">#webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6448
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6449
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 6798
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>
+ |
+ 6450
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-2">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6451
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-4">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6452
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-5">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6453
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-6">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6800
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-4">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6801
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-5">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6802
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-6">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-start-alignment-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6454
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6455
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6456
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment">
+ |
+ 6457
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment">#webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6458
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6459
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6460
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-2">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6461
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-3">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6462
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-5">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-6">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6809
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-2">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6810
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-3">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6811
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-5">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-center-alignment-6">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6463
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6464
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6465
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment">
+ |
+ 6466
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment">#webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6467
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6468
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6469
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-2">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6470
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-3">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6471
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-5">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-6">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6818
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-2">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6819
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-3">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6820
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-5">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-line-end-alignment-6">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6472
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6473
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6474
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-position">
+ |
+ 6475
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-position">#webvtt-cue-position</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6476
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6477
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-13">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-14">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-15">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-16">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-17">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-18">(18)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-19">(19)</a>
+ |
+ 6478
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-20">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6479
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-21">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-22">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6480
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-23">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-24">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-25">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-26">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6826
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-13">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-14">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-15">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-16">(16)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-17">(17)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-18">(18)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-19">(19)</a>
+ |
+ 6827
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-20">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6828
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-21">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-22">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6829
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-23">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-24">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-25">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-26">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6481
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6482
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6483
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-automatic-position">
+ |
+ 6484
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-automatic-position">#webvtt-cue-automatic-position</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6485
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6486
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6487
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-6">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6488
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-7">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6489
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-8">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-9">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-10">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-11">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6835
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6836
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-6">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6837
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-7">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6838
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-8">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-9">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-10">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-automatic-position-11">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6490
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6491
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6492
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="cue-computed-position">
+ |
+ 6493
+ |
+ <b><a href="#cue-computed-position">#cue-computed-position</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6494
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6495
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-1">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-13">(13)</a>
+ |
+ 6844
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-1">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6845
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-2">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-5">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-6">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-7">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-8">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-9">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-10">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-11">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-12">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-13">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6496
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6497
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6498
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-position-alignment">
+ |
+ 6499
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-alignment">#webvtt-cue-position-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6500
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6501
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6502
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-7">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6503
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-8">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-9">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-10">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6504
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-11">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-12">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-13">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-14">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-15">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6851
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6852
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-7">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6853
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-8">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-9">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-10">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6854
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-11">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-12">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-13">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-14">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-alignment-15">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6505
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6506
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6507
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment">
+ |
+ 6508
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment">#webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6509
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6510
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6511
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-3">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6512
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-4">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6513
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-5">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-7">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6514
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-8">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6860
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6861
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-5">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6862
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-6">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6863
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-7">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6864
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-10">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-left-alignment-11">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6515
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6516
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6517
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment">
+ |
+ 6518
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment">#webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6519
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6520
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6521
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-2">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6522
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-3">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-6">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-7">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6523
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-8">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6871
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-2">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6872
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-3">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6873
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-4">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-6">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-7">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6874
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-8">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-center-alignment-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6524
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6525
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6526
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment">
+ |
+ 6527
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment">#webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6528
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6529
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 6530
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-2">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6531
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-3">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6532
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-4">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-6">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-7">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6533
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-8">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6880
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6881
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-4">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6882
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-5">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6883
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-6">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6884
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-7">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6885
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-10">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-line-right-alignment-11">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6534
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6535
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6536
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment">
+ |
+ 6537
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment">#webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6538
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6539
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6540
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-3">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6541
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-4">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6891
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6892
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-3">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6893
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-4">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-position-automatic-alignment-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6542
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6543
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6544
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="cue-computed-position-alignment">
+ |
+ 6545
+ |
+ <b><a href="#cue-computed-position-alignment">#cue-computed-position-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6546
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6547
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6548
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-2">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-5">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-6">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-7">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-8">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-9">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-10">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-11">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-12">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-13">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-14">(13)</a>
+ |
+ 6900
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-2">7.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6901
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-5">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-8">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-9">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-10">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-11">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-12">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-13">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-computed-position-alignment-14">(10)</a>
+ |
+ 6549
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6550
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6551
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-size">
+ |
+ 6552
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-size">#webvtt-cue-size</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6553
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6554
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6555
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-7">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6556
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-8">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6557
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-9">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-10">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6558
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-11">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-12">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-13">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-14">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6907
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6908
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-7">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6909
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-8">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6910
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-10">7.2. Processing cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-11">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6911
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-12">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-13">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-14">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-size-15">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6559
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6560
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6561
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-text-alignment">
+ |
+ 6562
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-alignment">#webvtt-cue-text-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6563
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6564
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-12">(12)</a>
+ |
+ 6565
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-13">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6566
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-14">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-16">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-17">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-18">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6567
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-19">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-20">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6568
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-21">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-22">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-23">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-24">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-25">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6917
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-13">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-14">(14)</a>
+ |
+ 6918
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-15">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6919
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-16">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-17">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-18">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-19">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-20">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6920
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-21">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-22">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6921
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-23">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-24">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-25">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-26">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-alignment-27">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6569
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6570
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6571
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-start-alignment">
+ |
+ 6572
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-start-alignment">#webvtt-cue-start-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6573
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6574
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6575
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-6">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6576
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-7">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6577
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-8">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6927
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6928
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-7">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6929
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-8">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6930
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-9">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-start-alignment-10">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6578
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6579
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6580
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-center-alignment">
+ |
+ 6581
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-center-alignment">#webvtt-cue-center-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6582
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6583
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6584
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-5">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6585
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-6">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6586
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-7">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6587
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-8">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-9">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-10">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6936
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6937
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-5">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6938
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-6">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6939
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-7">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6940
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-8">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-9">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-center-alignment-10">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6588
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6589
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6590
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-end-alignment">
+ |
+ 6591
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-end-alignment">#webvtt-cue-end-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6592
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6593
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6594
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-5">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6595
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-6">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6596
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-7">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6946
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6947
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-6">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6948
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-7">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6949
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-8">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-end-alignment-9">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6597
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6598
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6599
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-left-alignment">
+ |
+ 6600
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-left-alignment">#webvtt-cue-left-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6601
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6602
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6603
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-5">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6604
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-6">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6605
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-7">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6955
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6956
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-5">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6957
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-6">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6958
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-7">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-left-alignment-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6606
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6607
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6608
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-right-alignment">
+ |
+ 6609
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-right-alignment">#webvtt-cue-right-alignment</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6610
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6611
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6612
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-5">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6613
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-6">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6614
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-7">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6964
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6965
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-5">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6966
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-6">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6967
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-7">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-right-alignment-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6615
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6616
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6617
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-region">
+ |
+ 6618
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-region">#webvtt-cue-region</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6619
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6620
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 6621
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-2">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6622
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-3">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6623
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-4">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6624
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-7">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6973
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>
+ |
+ 6974
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-2">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6975
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-3">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-6">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6976
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-7">7.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6977
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-10">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-region-12">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6625
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6626
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6627
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region">
+ |
+ 6628
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region">#webvtt-region</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6629
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6630
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6631
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-4">3.2. WebVTT regions</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6632
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-6">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6633
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-8">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6634
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-9">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6635
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-10">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6636
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-11">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-12">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-13">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6637
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-14">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6638
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-15">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-16">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-17">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-18">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-19">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-20">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-21">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-22">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-23">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-24">(10)</a>
+ |
+ 6983
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6984
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-4">3.4. WebVTT caption or subtitle regions</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6985
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-6">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6986
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-9">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6987
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-10">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6988
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-11">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6989
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-12">7.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-13">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-14">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6990
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-15">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 6991
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-16">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-17">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-18">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-19">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-20">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-21">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-22">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-23">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-24">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-25">(10)</a>
+ |
+ 6639
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6640
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6641
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-identifier">
+ |
+ 6642
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-identifier">#webvtt-region-identifier</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6643
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6644
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 6645
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-2">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6646
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-3">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6647
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-4">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6648
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-5">7.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 6649
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-6">7.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 6650
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-7">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6998
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-2">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6999
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-3">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7000
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-4">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7001
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-5">8.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7002
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-6">8.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7003
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-7">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6651
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6652
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6653
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-width">
+ |
+ 6654
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-width">#webvtt-region-width</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6655
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6656
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6657
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-2">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6658
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-3">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-6">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6659
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-7">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7009
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7010
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-2">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7011
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-3">7.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-6">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7012
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-7">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-width-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6660
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6661
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6662
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-lines">
+ |
+ 6663
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-lines">#webvtt-region-lines</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6664
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6665
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6666
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-2">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6667
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-3">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6668
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-4">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7018
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7019
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-2">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7020
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-3">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7021
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-4">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-lines-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6669
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6670
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6671
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-anchor">
+ |
+ 6672
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-anchor">#webvtt-region-anchor</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6673
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6674
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6675
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-2">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6676
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-3">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-6">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 6677
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-7">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-9">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-10">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-11">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-12">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 7027
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7028
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-2">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7029
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-3">7.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-6">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7030
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-7">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-9">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-10">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-11">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-anchor-12">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6678
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6679
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6680
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-viewport-anchor">
+ |
+ 6681
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor">#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6682
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6683
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6684
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-2">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6685
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-3">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-6">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-7">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-8">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 7036
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7037
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-2">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7038
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-3">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-5">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-6">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-7">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-viewport-anchor-8">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 6686
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6687
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6688
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-scroll">
+ |
+ 6689
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll">#webvtt-region-scroll</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6690
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6691
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6692
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-2">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6693
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-3">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6694
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-4">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-6">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-7">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-8">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7044
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7045
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-2">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7046
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-3">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7047
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-4">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-6">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-7">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-8">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6695
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6696
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6697
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-scroll-none">
+ |
+ 6698
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-none">#webvtt-region-scroll-none</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6699
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6700
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-none-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6701
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-none-2">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a>
+ |
+ 7053
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-none-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7054
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-none-2">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a>
+ |
+ 6702
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6703
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6704
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-scroll-up">
+ |
+ 6705
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-scroll-up">#webvtt-region-scroll-up</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6706
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6707
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-1">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6708
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-2">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6709
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-3">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a>
+ |
+ 7060
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-1">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7061
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-2">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7062
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-scroll-up-3">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a>
+ |
+ 6710
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6711
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6712
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="text-track-list-of-regions">
+ |
+ 6713
+ |
+ <b><a href="#text-track-list-of-regions">#text-track-list-of-regions</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6714
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6715
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6716
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-2">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6717
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-4">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7068
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7069
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-2">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7070
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-text-track-list-of-regions-4">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 6718
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6719
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6720
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-file">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6726,8 +7079,8 @@
+ |
+ 6726
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-10">4.5.1. WebVTT file using only nested cues</a>
+ |
+ 6727
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-11">4.6. Types of WebVTT files</a>
+ |
+ 6728
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-12">4.6.1. WebVTT file using metadata content</a>
+ |
+ 6729
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-13">4.6.3. WebVTT file using cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6730
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-14">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-16">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7082
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-13">4.6.3. WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7083
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-14">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-15">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-16">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6731
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6732
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6733
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-file-body">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6741,9 +7094,9 @@
+ |
+ 6741
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6742
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-8">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-9">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-10">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-11">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-12">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-13">(13)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-14">(14)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-15">(15)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-16">(16)</a>
+ |
+ 6743
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-17">4.2.1. WebVTT metadata text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-18">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-19">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6744
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-20">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-21">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-22">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-23">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-24">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6745
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-25">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-26">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6746
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-27">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 7097
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-20">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-21">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-22">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-23">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-24">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7098
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-25">4.2.3. WebVTT chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 7099
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-26">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-line-terminator-27">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6747
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6748
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6749
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-definition-block">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6769,10 +7122,10 @@
+ |
+ 6769
+ |
+ <b><a href="#cue-payload">#cue-payload</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6770
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6771
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 6772
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-2">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7125
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-2">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6773
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-3">4.6.1. WebVTT file using metadata content</a>
+ |
+ 6774
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-4">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 6775
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-5">4.6.3. WebVTT file using cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7128
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-payload-5">4.6.3. WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6776
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6777
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6778
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-identifier">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6791,22 +7144,22 @@
+ |
+ 6791
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-timestamp">#webvtt-timestamp</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6792
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6793
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6794
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-6">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6795
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-8">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7147
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-6">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7148
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-8">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 6796
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6797
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6798
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-settings-list">
+ |
+ 6799
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-settings-list">#webvtt-cue-settings-list</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6800
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6801
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 6802
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-2">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a>
+ |
+ 6803
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-3">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-4">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-5">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7155
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-2">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7156
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-4">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-settings-list-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6804
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6805
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6806
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-setting">
+ |
+ 6807
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-setting">#webvtt-cue-setting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6808
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6809
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 7162
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-1">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-setting-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6810
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6811
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6812
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-setting-name">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6829,7 +7182,7 @@
+ |
+ 6829
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 6830
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-2">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-5">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-6">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6831
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-7">4.4. WebVTT cue settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 6832
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-10">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7185
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-percentage-10">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 6833
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6834
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6835
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-comment-block">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6846,113 +7199,131 @@
+ |
+ 6846
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-metadata-text-3">4.6.1. WebVTT file using metadata content</a>
+ |
+ 6847
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6848
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6849
+ |
+ -
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-text">
+ |
+ 6850
+ |
+ -
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-text">#webvtt-cue-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7202
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text">
+ |
+ 7203
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text">#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6851
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6852
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 6853
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-2">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 6854
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-3">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6855
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-4">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 6856
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-5">4.6.3. WebVTT file using cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7205
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-1">2.1. Conformance classes</a>
+ |
+ 7206
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-2">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 7207
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-3">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7208
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-4">4.6.3. WebVTT file using caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7209
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-5">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-6">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-7">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-8">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-9">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-10">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-11">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-text-12">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6857
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-6">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-9">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-10">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-11">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-12">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-13">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-14">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-15">(10)</a>
+ |
+ 6858
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6859
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6860
+ |
+ -
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-components">
+ |
+ 6861
+ |
+ -
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-components">#webvtt-cue-components</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7212
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components">
+ |
+ 7213
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components">#webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6862
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6863
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-components-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-components-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-components-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7215
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7216
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-5">5. Default classes for WebVTT Caption or Subtitle Cue Components</a>
+ |
+ 7217
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-6">5.1. Default text colors</a>
+ |
+ 7218
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-caption-or-subtitle-cue-components-7">5.2. Default text background colors</a>
+ |
+ 7219
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7220
+ |
+ +
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7221
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="cue-component-class-names">
+ |
+ 7222
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#cue-component-class-names">#cue-component-class-names</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7223
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7224
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-component-class-names-1">5. Default classes for WebVTT Caption or Subtitle Cue Components</a>
+ |
+ 7225
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-component-class-names-2">5.1. Default text colors</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-component-class-names-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7226
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-component-class-names-4">5.2. Default text background colors</a> <a href="#ref-for-cue-component-class-names-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7227
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-cue-component-class-names-6">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6864
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6865
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6866
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-internal-text">
+ |
+ 6867
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-internal-text">#webvtt-cue-internal-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6868
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6869
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 7233
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-internal-text-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6870
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6871
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6872
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-class-span">
+ |
+ 6873
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-class-span">#webvtt-cue-class-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6874
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6875
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6876
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7239
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7240
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-class-span-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6877
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6878
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6879
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-italics-span">
+ |
+ 6880
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-italics-span">#webvtt-cue-italics-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6881
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6882
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6883
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7246
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7247
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-italics-span-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6884
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6885
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6886
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-bold-span">
+ |
+ 6887
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-bold-span">#webvtt-cue-bold-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6888
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6889
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-bold-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6890
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-bold-span-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7253
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-bold-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7254
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-bold-span-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6891
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6892
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6893
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-underline-span">
+ |
+ 6894
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-underline-span">#webvtt-cue-underline-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6895
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6896
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-underline-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6897
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-underline-span-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7260
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-underline-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7261
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-underline-span-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6898
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6899
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6900
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-ruby-span">
+ |
+ 6901
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-span">#webvtt-cue-ruby-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6902
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6903
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6904
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-3">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7267
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7268
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-span-3">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6905
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6906
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6907
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span">
+ |
+ 6908
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span">#webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6909
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6910
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7274
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-ruby-text-span-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6911
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6912
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6913
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-voice-span">
+ |
+ 6914
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-voice-span">#webvtt-cue-voice-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6915
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6916
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6917
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-3">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7280
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7281
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-voice-span-3">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6918
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6919
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6920
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-language-span">
+ |
+ 6921
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-language-span">#webvtt-cue-language-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6922
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6923
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-language-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6924
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-language-span-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7287
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-language-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7288
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-language-span-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 6925
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6926
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6927
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-span-start-tag">
+ |
+ 6928
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag">#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6929
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6930
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 7294
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6931
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6932
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6933
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-span-end-tag">
+ |
+ 6934
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-span-end-tag">#webvtt-cue-span-end-tag</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6935
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6936
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 7300
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-end-tag-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 6937
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6938
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6939
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-timestamp">
+ |
+ 6940
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-timestamp">#webvtt-cue-timestamp</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6941
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6942
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-timestamp-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-timestamp-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7306
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-timestamp-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-timestamp-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 6943
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6944
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6945
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-text-span">
+ |
+ 6946
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-span">#webvtt-cue-text-span</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6947
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6948
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 6949
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-span-2">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 7312
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-span-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7313
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-span-2">4.2.3. WebVTT chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 6950
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6951
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6952
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text">
+ |
+ 6953
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text">#webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6954
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6955
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text-1">4.2.2. WebVTT cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7319
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-span-start-tag-annotation-text-1">4.2.2. WebVTT caption or subtitle cue text</a>
+ |
+ 7320
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7321
+ |
+ +
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7322
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-chapter-title-text">
+ |
+ 7323
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text">#webvtt-chapter-title-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7324
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7325
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 7326
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-2">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 6956
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6957
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6958
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-settings-list">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -6965,7 +7336,7 @@
+ |
+ 6965
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-identifier-setting">
+ |
+ 6966
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-identifier-setting">#webvtt-region-identifier-setting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 6967
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 6968
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-1">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7339
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-1">4.3. WebVTT region settings</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-identifier-setting-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 6969
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 6970
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 6971
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-width-setting">
+ |
+ |
+ @@ -7041,540 +7412,541 @@
+ |
+ 7041
+ |
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-file-using-only-nested-cues-3">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 7042
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7043
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7044
+ |
+ -
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-chapter-title-text">
+ |
+ 7045
+ |
+ -
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-chapter-title-text">#webvtt-chapter-title-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7046
+ |
+ -
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7047
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-1">4.1. WebVTT file structure</a>
+ |
+ 7048
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-chapter-title-text-2">4.6.2. WebVTT file using chapter title text</a>
+ |
+ 7049
+ |
+ -
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7050
+ |
+ -
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7051
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-parser">
+ |
+ 7052
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-parser">#webvtt-parser</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7053
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7054
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 7055
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-2">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7418
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>
+ |
+ 7419
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-2">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7056
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-5">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7057
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7058
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7059
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="incremental-webvtt-parser">
+ |
+ 7060
+ |
+ <b><a href="#incremental-webvtt-parser">#incremental-webvtt-parser</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7061
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7062
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-incremental-webvtt-parser-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7425
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-incremental-webvtt-parser-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7063
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7064
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7065
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-parser-algorithm">
+ |
+ 7066
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-parser-algorithm">#webvtt-parser-algorithm</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7067
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7068
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-algorithm-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7431
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-algorithm-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7432
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-parser-algorithm-2">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7069
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7070
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7071
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="collect-a-webvtt-block">
+ |
+ 7072
+ |
+ <b><a href="#collect-a-webvtt-block">#collect-a-webvtt-block</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7073
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7074
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-block-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-block-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7438
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-block-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-block-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7075
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7076
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7077
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="collect-webvtt-region-settings">
+ |
+ 7078
+ |
+ <b><a href="#collect-webvtt-region-settings">#collect-webvtt-region-settings</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7079
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7080
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-webvtt-region-settings-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7444
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-webvtt-region-settings-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7081
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7082
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7083
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-region-object">
+ |
+ 7084
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-region-object">#webvtt-region-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7085
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7086
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7087
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-3">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7088
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7089
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-5">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7090
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-6">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-9">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7091
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-10">7.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-11">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7092
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-12">7.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-13">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-14">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-15">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7450
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7451
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-3">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7452
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7453
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-5">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7454
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-6">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-9">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7455
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-10">8.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-11">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7456
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-12">8.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-13">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-14">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-region-object-15">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7093
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7094
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7095
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="parse-a-percentage-string">
+ |
+ 7096
+ |
+ <b><a href="#parse-a-percentage-string">#parse-a-percentage-string</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7097
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7098
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-1">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7099
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-6">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7462
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-1">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7463
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-6">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-parse-a-percentage-string-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7100
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7101
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7102
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings">
+ |
+ 7103
+ |
+ <b><a href="#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings">#collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7104
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7105
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings-1">5.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7469
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-webvtt-cue-timings-and-settings-1">6.1. WebVTT file parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7106
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7107
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7108
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings">
+ |
+ 7109
+ |
+ <b><a href="#parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings">#parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7110
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7111
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings-1">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7475
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-parse-the-webvtt-cue-settings-1">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7112
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7113
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7114
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="collect-a-webvtt-timestamp">
+ |
+ 7115
+ |
+ <b><a href="#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp">#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7116
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7117
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-timestamp-1">5.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-timestamp-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7118
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-timestamp-3">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7481
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-timestamp-1">6.3. WebVTT cue timings and settings parsing</a> <a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-timestamp-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7482
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-collect-a-webvtt-timestamp-3">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7119
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7120
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7121
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-node-object">
+ |
+ 7122
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-node-object">#webvtt-node-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7123
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7124
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7125
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-6">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7126
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-9">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-10">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7127
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-11">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-12">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7128
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-13">7.2. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-14">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7129
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-15">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7130
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-16">7.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-17">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-18">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-19">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-20">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-21">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-22">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7488
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-5">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7489
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-6">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-8">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7490
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-9">7.3. Obtaining CSS boxes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-10">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7491
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-11">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-12">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7492
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-13">8.2. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-14">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7493
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-15">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7494
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-16">8.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-17">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-18">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-19">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-20">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-21">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-object-22">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7131
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7132
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7133
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-internal-node-object">
+ |
+ 7134
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-internal-node-object">#webvtt-internal-node-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7135
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7136
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-7">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7137
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-8">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7138
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-9">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7139
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-10">7.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-13">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-14">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7140
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-15">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-16">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-17">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-18">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-19">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-20">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-21">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7500
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-7">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7501
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-8">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7502
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-9">7.3. Obtaining CSS boxes</a>
+ |
+ 7503
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-10">8.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-13">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-14">(5)</a>
+ |
+ 7504
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-15">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-16">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-17">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-18">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-19">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-20">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-internal-node-object-21">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7141
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7142
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7143
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes">
+ |
+ 7144
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes">#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7145
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7146
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7147
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-3">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7148
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-4">7.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7149
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-5">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7510
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7511
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-3">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7512
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-4">8.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7513
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-classes-5">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7150
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7151
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7152
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language">
+ |
+ 7153
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language">#webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7154
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7155
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7156
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-5">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7157
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-6">7.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-9">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7158
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-10">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-13">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7519
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-4">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7520
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-5">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7521
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-6">8.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-7">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-8">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-9">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7522
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-10">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-11">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-12">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-node-objects-applicable-language-13">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7159
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7160
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7161
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="list-of-webvtt-node-objects">
+ |
+ 7162
+ |
+ <b><a href="#list-of-webvtt-node-objects">#list-of-webvtt-node-objects</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7163
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7164
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-1">5.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7165
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7166
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7167
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-6">5.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7528
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-1">6.2. WebVTT region settings parsing</a>
+ |
+ 7529
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7530
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7531
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-6">6.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7168
+ |
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 7169
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-7">6.1. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7170
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-9">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-10">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-11">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-12">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-13">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-14">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-15">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-16">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-17">(9)</a>
+ |
+ 7171
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-18">7.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-19">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-20">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-21">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-22">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-23">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-24">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7172
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-25">7.2. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7173
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-26">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-27">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-28">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-29">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-30">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-31">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-32">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7174
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-33">7.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-34">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7533
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-7">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7534
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-8">7.2. Processing cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 7535
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-9">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-10">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-11">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-12">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-13">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-14">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-15">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-16">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-17">(9)</a>
+ |
+ 7536
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-18">8.1. Introduction</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-19">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-20">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-21">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-22">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-23">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-24">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7537
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-25">8.2. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7538
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-26">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-27">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-28">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-29">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-30">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-31">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-32">(7)</a>
+ |
+ 7539
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-33">8.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-list-of-webvtt-node-objects-34">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7175
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7176
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7177
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-class-object">
+ |
+ 7178
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-class-object">#webvtt-class-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7179
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7180
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7181
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-3">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7182
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-4">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7545
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7546
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-3">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7547
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-class-object-4">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7183
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7184
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7185
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-italic-object">
+ |
+ 7186
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-italic-object">#webvtt-italic-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7187
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7188
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7189
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-3">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7190
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-4">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7191
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-5">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7553
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7554
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-3">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7555
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-4">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7556
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-italic-object-5">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7192
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7193
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7194
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-bold-object">
+ |
+ 7195
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-bold-object">#webvtt-bold-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7196
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7197
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-1">1.3. Styling</a>
+ |
+ 7198
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-2">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7199
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7200
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-5">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7201
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-6">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7562
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-1">1.3. Styling captions</a>
+ |
+ 7563
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-2">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7564
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7565
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-5">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7566
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-bold-object-6">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7202
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7203
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7204
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-underline-object">
+ |
+ 7205
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-underline-object">#webvtt-underline-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7206
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7207
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7208
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-3">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7209
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-4">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7210
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-5">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7572
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7573
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-3">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7574
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-4">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7575
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-underline-object-5">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7211
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7212
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7213
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-ruby-object">
+ |
+ 7214
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-ruby-object">#webvtt-ruby-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7215
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7216
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7217
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7218
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-5">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7219
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-6">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7220
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-7">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7581
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7582
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7583
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-5">7.3. Obtaining CSS boxes</a>
+ |
+ 7584
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-6">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7585
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-object-7">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7221
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7222
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7223
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-ruby-text-object">
+ |
+ 7224
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-ruby-text-object">#webvtt-ruby-text-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7225
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7226
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7227
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7228
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-5">5.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7591
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7592
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7593
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-5">6.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7229
+ |
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 7230
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-6">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7231
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-7">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7232
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-9">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7595
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-6">7.3. Obtaining CSS boxes</a>
+ |
+ 7596
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-7">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7597
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-ruby-text-object-9">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7233
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7234
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7235
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-voice-object">
+ |
+ 7236
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-voice-object">#webvtt-voice-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7237
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7238
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7239
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7240
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-6">7.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7241
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-7">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7603
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7604
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7605
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-6">8.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7606
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-7">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-8">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-voice-object-9">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7242
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7243
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7244
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-language-object">
+ |
+ 7245
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-language-object">#webvtt-language-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7246
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7247
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7248
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-3">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7249
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-5">7.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7250
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-6">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7612
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7613
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-3">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7614
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-5">8.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7615
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-6">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-language-object-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7251
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7252
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7253
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-leaf-node-object">
+ |
+ 7254
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-leaf-node-object">#webvtt-leaf-node-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7255
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7256
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7257
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-3">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7621
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7622
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-leaf-node-object-3">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7258
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7259
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7260
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-text-object">
+ |
+ 7261
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-text-object">#webvtt-text-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7262
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7263
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7264
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-4">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7265
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-6">5.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7628
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7629
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-4">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-5">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7630
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-6">6.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7266
+ |
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 7267
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-7">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7632
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-text-object-7">7.3. Obtaining CSS boxes</a>
+ |
+ 7268
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7269
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7270
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-timestamp-object">
+ |
+ 7271
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-timestamp-object">#webvtt-timestamp-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7272
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7273
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7274
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-3">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7275
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-5">7.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7276
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-6">7.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7638
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7639
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-3">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-4">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7640
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-5">8.1. Introduction</a>
+ |
+ 7641
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-6">8.2.2. The :past and :future pseudo-classes</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-object-7">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7277
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7278
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7279
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules">
+ |
+ 7280
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules">#webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7281
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7282
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-1">5.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7647
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-1">6.6. WebVTT rules for extracting the chapter
+ |
+ 7283
+ |
+ title</a>
+ |
+ 7284
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-2">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7285
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-3">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7649
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-2">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7650
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules-3">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7286
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7287
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7288
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object">
+ |
+ 7289
+ |
+ <b><a href="#attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object">#attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7290
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7291
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 7656
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-6">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-7">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-attach-a-webvtt-internal-node-object-8">(8)</a>
+ |
+ 7292
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7293
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7294
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer">
+ |
+ 7295
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer">#webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7296
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7297
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7662
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-tokenizer-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7298
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7299
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7300
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-data-state">
+ |
+ 7301
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-data-state">#webvtt-data-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7302
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7303
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-data-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-data-state-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7668
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-data-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-data-state-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7304
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7305
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7306
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="html-character-reference-in-data-state">
+ |
+ 7307
+ |
+ <b><a href="#html-character-reference-in-data-state">#html-character-reference-in-data-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7308
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7309
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-html-character-reference-in-data-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7674
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-html-character-reference-in-data-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7310
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7311
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7312
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-tag-state">
+ |
+ 7313
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-tag-state">#webvtt-tag-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7314
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7315
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-tag-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7680
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-tag-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7316
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7317
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7318
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-start-tag-state">
+ |
+ 7319
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-state">#webvtt-start-tag-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7320
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7321
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7686
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7322
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7323
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7324
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-start-tag-class-state">
+ |
+ 7325
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-class-state">#webvtt-start-tag-class-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7326
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7327
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-class-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-class-state-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7692
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-class-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-class-state-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7328
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7329
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7330
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state">
+ |
+ 7331
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state">#webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7332
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7333
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 7698
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-3">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-4">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-5">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-start-tag-annotation-state-6">(6)</a>
+ |
+ 7334
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7335
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7336
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="html-character-reference-in-annotation-state">
+ |
+ 7337
+ |
+ <b><a href="#html-character-reference-in-annotation-state">#html-character-reference-in-annotation-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7338
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7339
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-html-character-reference-in-annotation-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7704
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-html-character-reference-in-annotation-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7340
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7341
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7342
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-end-tag-state">
+ |
+ 7343
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-end-tag-state">#webvtt-end-tag-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7344
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7345
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-end-tag-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7710
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-end-tag-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7346
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7347
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7348
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-timestamp-tag-state">
+ |
+ 7349
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-timestamp-tag-state">#webvtt-timestamp-tag-state</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7350
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7351
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-tag-state-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7716
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-timestamp-tag-state-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a>
+ |
+ 7352
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7353
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7354
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="consume-an-html-character-reference">
+ |
+ 7355
+ |
+ <b><a href="#consume-an-html-character-reference">#consume-an-html-character-reference</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7356
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7357
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-consume-an-html-character-reference-1">5.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-consume-an-html-character-reference-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7722
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-consume-an-html-character-reference-1">6.4. WebVTT cue text parsing rules</a> <a href="#ref-for-consume-an-html-character-reference-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7358
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7359
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7360
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules">
+ |
+ 7361
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules">#webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7362
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7363
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7728
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-text-dom-construction-rules-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7364
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7365
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7366
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">
+ |
+ 7367
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title">#webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7368
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7369
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7734
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-rules-for-extracting-the-chapter-title-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7370
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7371
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7372
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks">
+ |
+ 7373
+ |
+ <b><a href="#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks">#rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7374
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7375
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7376
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-3">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7377
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-4">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7378
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-7">7.2. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7379
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-9">7.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7740
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7741
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-3">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7742
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-4">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-6">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7743
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-7">8.2. Processing model</a> <a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-8">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7744
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-rules-for-updating-the-display-of-webvtt-text-tracks-9">8.2.3. The ::cue-region pseudo-element</a>
+ |
+ 7380
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7381
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7382
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="apply-webvtt-cue-settings">
+ |
+ 7383
+ |
+ <b><a href="#apply-webvtt-cue-settings">#apply-webvtt-cue-settings</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7384
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7385
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-apply-webvtt-cue-settings-1">6.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7750
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-apply-webvtt-cue-settings-1">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7751
+ |
+ +
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7752
+ |
+ +
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7753
+ |
+ +
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes">
+ |
+ 7754
+ |
+ +
+ <b><a href="#obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes">#obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7755
+ |
+ +
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7756
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes-1">7.1. Processing model</a>
+ |
+ 7757
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-obtain-a-set-of-css-boxes-2">7.2. Processing cue settings</a>
+ |
+ 7386
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7387
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7388
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="webvtt-cue-background-box">
+ |
+ 7389
+ |
+ <b><a href="#webvtt-cue-background-box">#webvtt-cue-background-box</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7390
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7391
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-1">6.1.1. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7392
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-2">7.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7763
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-1">7.4. Applying CSS properties to WebVTT Node Objects</a>
+ |
+ 7764
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-2">8.2.1. The ::cue pseudo-element</a> <a href="#ref-for-webvtt-cue-background-box-3">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7393
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7394
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7395
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="enumdef-autokeyword">
+ |
+ 7396
+ |
+ <b><a href="#enumdef-autokeyword">#enumdef-autokeyword</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7397
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7398
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-autokeyword-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7770
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-autokeyword-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7399
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7400
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7401
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting">
+ |
+ 7402
+ |
+ <b><a href="#typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting">#typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7403
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7404
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7776
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-typedefdef-lineandpositionsetting-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7405
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7406
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7407
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="enumdef-directionsetting">
+ |
+ 7408
+ |
+ <b><a href="#enumdef-directionsetting">#enumdef-directionsetting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7409
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7410
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-directionsetting-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7782
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-directionsetting-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7411
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7412
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7413
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="enumdef-linealignsetting">
+ |
+ 7414
+ |
+ <b><a href="#enumdef-linealignsetting">#enumdef-linealignsetting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7415
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7416
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-linealignsetting-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7788
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-linealignsetting-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7417
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7418
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7419
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="enumdef-positionalignsetting">
+ |
+ 7420
+ |
+ <b><a href="#enumdef-positionalignsetting">#enumdef-positionalignsetting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7421
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7422
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-positionalignsetting-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7794
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-positionalignsetting-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7423
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7424
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7425
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="enumdef-alignsetting">
+ |
+ 7426
+ |
+ <b><a href="#enumdef-alignsetting">#enumdef-alignsetting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7427
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7428
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-alignsetting-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7800
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-alignsetting-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a>
+ |
+ 7429
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7430
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7431
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="vttcue">
+ |
+ 7432
+ |
+ <b><a href="#vttcue">#vttcue</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7433
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7434
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttcue-1">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7435
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttcue-2">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-5">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-6">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-7">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-8">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-9">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-10">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-11">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-12">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-13">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-14">(13)</a>
+ |
+ 7806
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttcue-1">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7807
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttcue-2">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-5">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-6">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-7">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-8">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-9">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-10">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-11">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-12">(11)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-13">(12)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttcue-14">(13)</a>
+ |
+ 7436
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7437
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7438
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-vttcue">
+ |
+ 7439
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-vttcue">#dom-vttcue-vttcue</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7440
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7441
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vttcue-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vttcue-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7813
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vttcue-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vttcue-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7442
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7443
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7444
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-region">
+ |
+ 7445
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-region">#dom-vttcue-region</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7446
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7447
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-region-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-region-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7819
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-region-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-region-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7448
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7449
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7450
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-vertical">
+ |
+ 7451
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-vertical">#dom-vttcue-vertical</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7452
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7453
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7825
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-vertical-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7454
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7455
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7456
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-snaptolines">
+ |
+ 7457
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-snaptolines">#dom-vttcue-snaptolines</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7458
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7459
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 7460
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-2">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-5">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7831
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>
+ |
+ 7832
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-2">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-snaptolines-5">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7461
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7462
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7463
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-line">
+ |
+ 7464
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-line">#dom-vttcue-line</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7465
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7466
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-1">3.1. WebVTT cues</a>
+ |
+ 7467
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-2">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-5">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7838
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-1">3.3. WebVTT caption or subtitle cues</a>
+ |
+ 7839
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-2">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-4">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-line-5">(4)</a>
+ |
+ 7468
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7469
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7470
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-linealign">
+ |
+ 7471
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-linealign">#dom-vttcue-linealign</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7472
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7473
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7845
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-linealign-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7474
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7475
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7476
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-position">
+ |
+ 7477
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-position">#dom-vttcue-position</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7478
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7479
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-position-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-position-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7851
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-position-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-position-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7480
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7481
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7482
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-positionalign">
+ |
+ 7483
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-positionalign">#dom-vttcue-positionalign</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7484
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7485
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7857
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-positionalign-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7486
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7487
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7488
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-size">
+ |
+ 7489
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-size">#dom-vttcue-size</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7490
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7491
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-size-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-size-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7863
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-size-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-size-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7492
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7493
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7494
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-align">
+ |
+ 7495
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-align">#dom-vttcue-align</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7496
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7497
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7869
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-align-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7498
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7499
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7500
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-text">
+ |
+ 7501
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-text">#dom-vttcue-text</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7502
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7503
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-text-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-text-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7875
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-text-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-text-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7504
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7505
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7506
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttcue-getcueashtml">
+ |
+ 7507
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml">#dom-vttcue-getcueashtml</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7508
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7509
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-1">5.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7510
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-2">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7881
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-1">6.5. WebVTT cue text DOM construction rules</a>
+ |
+ 7882
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-2">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-3">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttcue-getcueashtml-4">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7511
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7512
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7513
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="enumdef-scrollsetting">
+ |
+ 7514
+ |
+ <b><a href="#enumdef-scrollsetting">#enumdef-scrollsetting</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7515
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7516
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-scrollsetting-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a>
+ |
+ 7888
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-enumdef-scrollsetting-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a>
+ |
+ 7517
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7518
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7519
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="vttregion">
+ |
+ 7520
+ |
+ <b><a href="#vttregion">#vttregion</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7521
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7522
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttregion-1">8.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7523
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttregion-4">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-6">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-7">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-8">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-9">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-10">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-11">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-12">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-13">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-14">(11)</a>
+ |
+ 7894
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttregion-1">9.1. The VTTCue interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7895
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-vttregion-4">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-5">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-6">(3)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-7">(4)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-8">(5)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-9">(6)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-10">(7)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-11">(8)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-12">(9)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-13">(10)</a> <a href="#ref-for-vttregion-14">(11)</a>
+ |
+ 7524
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7525
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7526
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-vttregion">
+ |
+ 7527
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-vttregion">#dom-vttregion-vttregion</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7528
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7529
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-vttregion-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-vttregion-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7901
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-vttregion-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-vttregion-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7530
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7531
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7532
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-id">
+ |
+ 7533
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-id">#dom-vttregion-id</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7534
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7535
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-id-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-id-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7907
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-id-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-id-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7536
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7537
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7538
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-width">
+ |
+ 7539
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-width">#dom-vttregion-width</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7540
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7541
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-width-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-width-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7913
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-width-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-width-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7542
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7543
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7544
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-lines">
+ |
+ 7545
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-lines">#dom-vttregion-lines</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7546
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7547
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-lines-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-lines-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7919
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-lines-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-lines-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7548
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7549
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7550
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-regionanchorx">
+ |
+ 7551
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchorx">#dom-vttregion-regionanchorx</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7552
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7553
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchorx-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchorx-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7925
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchorx-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchorx-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7554
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7555
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7556
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-regionanchory">
+ |
+ 7557
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-regionanchory">#dom-vttregion-regionanchory</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7558
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7559
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchory-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchory-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7931
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchory-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-regionanchory-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7560
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7561
+ |
+ </aside>
+ |
+ 7562
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx">
+ |
+ 7563
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx">#dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7564
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7565
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7937
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchorx-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7566
+ |
+ </ul>
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+ 7567
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+ </aside>
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+ 7568
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+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-viewportanchory">
+ |
+ 7569
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-viewportanchory">#dom-vttregion-viewportanchory</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7570
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7571
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchory-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchory-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7943
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchory-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-viewportanchory-2">(2)</a>
+ |
+ 7572
+ |
+ </ul>
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+ 7573
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+ </aside>
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+ 7574
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+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="dom-vttregion-scroll">
+ |
+ 7575
+ |
+ <b><a href="#dom-vttregion-scroll">#dom-vttregion-scroll</a></b><b>Referenced in:</b>
+ |
+ 7576
+ |
+ <ul>
+ |
+ 7577
+ |
+ -
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-scroll-1">8.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-scroll-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-scroll-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7949
+ |
+ +
+ <li><a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-scroll-1">9.2. The VTTRegion interface</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-scroll-2">(2)</a> <a href="#ref-for-dom-vttregion-scroll-3">(3)</a>
+ |
+ 7578
+ |
+ </ul>
+ |
+ 7579
+ |
+ </aside>
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+ 7580
+ |
+ <aside class="dfn-panel" data-for="text-vtt">
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+ @@ -7640,7 +8012,3 @@
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+ 7640
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+ 7641
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+ 7642
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+ 7643
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