Data assimilation to three coupled (snowmelt, soil moisture accounting, and surface and streamflow routing) models.
The Utah Energy Balance (UEB) snowmelt model with snow data asssimilation using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)
The Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model (SACSMA) and
rutpix7 model for surface and streafflow routing with watershed outlet discharge data assimilation using the Particle Filter (PF) code
These are based on National Weather Service's Office of Hydrologic Development (OHD) HL-RDHM (Hydrology Laboratory--Research Distributed Hydrologic Model,
The code here first implements the UEB model as component of RDHM and SACSMA and rutpix7 are reconfigured to run on GPUs.
Programming languages: C++, CUDA Requires: MPI, GPU (CUDA), NetCDF, Eigen matrix library
For more see the paper: Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting Using an Energy Balance Snowmelt Model Coupled to a Distributed Hydrologic Model with Assimilation of Snow and Streamflow Observations (