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2018/09|10/bgrabow (borkdude#94)
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bgrabow authored and transducer committed Dec 19, 2018
1 parent dbedd03 commit 2825734
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Showing 3 changed files with 235 additions and 32 deletions.
32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions src/aoc/y2018/d06/bgrabow.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,17 +58,6 @@
(if (second new-closest-ps) acc (update acc (first new-closest-ps) #(conj % [x y])))))))))

(defn on-bounding-box [x-bounds y-bounds p]
(or (some #{(first p)} x-bounds)
(some #{(second p)} y-bounds)))

(defn bounding-box [[x-min x-max] [y-min y-max]]
(for [x (range x-min (inc x-max))
y (range y-min (inc y-max))
:when (on-bounding-box [x-min x-max] [y-min y-max] [x y])]
[x y]))

(defn infinite-region? [x-bounds y-bounds [_ territory]]
(let [group-x-vals (into #{} (map first territory))
group-y-vals (into #{} (map second territory))]
Expand All @@ -89,27 +78,6 @@
(apply max-key (comp count second))
;(def points (parse input))
;(def x-bounds (map first (min-max-by first points)))
;(def y-bounds (map second (min-max-by second points)))
;(scan-x (first x-bounds) (first y-bounds) points)
;(def x (first x-bounds))
;(def y (first y-bounds))
;(def sorted-ps (sort-by #(manhattan-distance [(first x-bounds) (first y-bounds)] %) points))
;(def m-dist #(manhattan-distance [(first x-bounds) (first y-bounds)] %))
;(m-dist (first sorted-ps))
;(map m-dist sorted-ps)

;(def bbox (into #{} (bounding-box x-bounds y-bounds)))
;(def closest-point-map (filter (comp identity second) (apply merge (map #(scan-x (first x-bounds) % points)))))
; (range (first y-bounds) (second y-bounds))))))
;(def points-with-infinite-region (into #{} (map second (filter #(bbox (first %)) closest-point-map))))
;(def remaining-map (remove #(points-with-infinite-region (first %)) closest-point-map))
;(def freqs (frequencies (map second remaining-map)))
;(def answer (apply max-key second freqs))

#_(def points-with-infinite-region (into #{} (map closest-point-map (bounding-box x-bounds y-bounds))))

(defn normalize [[x y] points]
(map (fn [[xp yp]] [(Math/abs (- x xp))
Expand Down
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions src/aoc/y2018/d09/bgrabow.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
(ns aoc.y2018.d09.bgrabow
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read-string format])
[aoc.utils :as u :refer [deftest read-string format]]
[ :refer [input answer-1 answer-2]]
[clojure.test :refer [is testing]])
#?(:clj (:import [java.util ArrayDeque])))

(defn parse [input]
(let [[n-players last-marble] (map u/parse-int (re-seq #"\d+" input))]
{:n-players n-players
:last-marble last-marble}))

(defn head-right-v [n v]
(vec (concat (subvec v n)
(subvec v 0 n))))

(defn head-left-v [n v]
(vec (concat (subvec v (- (count v) n))
(subvec v 0 (- (count v) n)))))

#?(:clj (do
(defn head-right [n ^ArrayDeque dequeue]
(doall (repeatedly n #(.addLast dequeue (.removeFirst dequeue))))

(defn head-left [n ^ArrayDeque dequeue]
(doall (repeatedly n #(.addFirst dequeue (.removeLast dequeue))))

;(defn next-circle-vector [circle next-scoring-marble]
; (->> circle
; (head-right-v 1)
; (#(reduce (fn [circle marble]
; (->> circle
; (head-right 1)
; (conj marble)))
; %
; (range (- next-scoring-marble 22) next-scoring-marble)))))

(defn next-circle-vector [circle next-scoring-marble]
[(vec (concat (interleave (range (- next-scoring-marble 4) next-scoring-marble) (subvec circle 20 24))
(subvec circle 24)
(subvec circle 0 1)
(interleave (subvec circle 1 19) (range (- next-scoring-marble 22) (- next-scoring-marble 4)))))
(+ (get circle 19)

(defn next-circle
#?(:clj ([^ArrayDeque circle next-scoring-marble]
(head-right 1 circle)
(doseq [x (range (- next-scoring-marble 22) next-scoring-marble)]
(head-right 1 circle)
(.addLast circle x))
(head-left 7 circle)
(let [removed (.removeLast circle)]
[circle (+ removed next-scoring-marble)]))
:cljs ([circle next-scoring-marble]
[(vec (concat (interleave (range (- next-scoring-marble 4) next-scoring-marble) (subvec circle 20 24))
(subvec circle 24)
(subvec circle 0 1)
(interleave (subvec circle 1 19) (range (- next-scoring-marble 22) (- next-scoring-marble 4)))))
(+ (get circle 19)

(defn scores [circle scoring-marbles]
(map second (drop 1 (reductions (fn [[circle _] scoring-marble]
(next-circle circle scoring-marble)) [circle nil] scoring-marbles))))

(defn circle-after-46-turns [^Integer allocate-size]
#?(:clj (let [circle (ArrayDeque. allocate-size)]
(doseq [e [42 4 43 18 44 19 45 2 24 20
25 10 26 21 27 5 28 22 29 11
30 1 31 12 32 6 33 13 34 3 35
14 36 7 37 15 38 0 39 16 40 8 41]]
(.addLast circle e))
:cljs [42 4 43 18 44 19 45 2 24 20
25 10 26 21 27 5 28 22 29 11
30 1 31 12 32 6 33 13 34 3 35
14 36 7 37 15 38 0 39 16 40 8 41]))

(defn circle-vec-after-46-turns []
[42 4 43 18 44 19 45 2 24 20
25 10 26 21 27 5 28 22 29 11
30 1 31 12 32 6 33 13 34 3 35
14 36 7 37 15 38 0 39 16 40 8 41])

;(println (seq (first (next-circle-dequeue (circle-after-46-turns 100) 69))))
;(println (seq (first (next-circle-vector (circle-vec-after-46-turns) 69))))

(defn all-scoring-turns []
(concat '(32 63) (scores (circle-after-46-turns 10000000)
(iterate #(+ 23 %) 69))))

(defn scoring-players [n-players]
(drop 1 (iterate #(rem (+ % 23) n-players) 0)))

(defn solve-1 []
(let [{:keys [n-players last-marble]} (parse input)
n-scoring-marbles (quot last-marble 23)
player-scores (zipmap (range n-players) (repeat 0))]
(->> (reduce (fn [p-s [player score]] (update p-s player #(+ % score)))
(map vector (scoring-players n-players) (take n-scoring-marbles (all-scoring-turns))))
(apply max))))

(defn solve-2 []
(let [{:keys [n-players last-marble]} (parse input)
n-scoring-marbles (quot (* 100 last-marble) 23)
player-scores (zipmap (range n-players) (repeat 0))]
(->> (reduce (fn [p-s [player score]] (update p-s player #(+ % score)))
(map vector (scoring-players n-players) (take n-scoring-marbles (all-scoring-turns))))
(apply max))))

(deftest ^:skip-cljs part-1
(is (= (str answer-1)
(str (solve-1)))))

(deftest ^:skip-cljs part-2
(is (= (str answer-2)
(str (solve-2)))))
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/aoc/y2018/d10/bgrabow.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
(ns aoc.y2018.d10.bgrabow
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read-string format])
[aoc.utils :as u :refer [deftest read-string format]]
[ :refer [input answer-1 answer-2]]
[clojure.test :refer [is testing]]
[clojure.string :as str]))

(defn parse [input]
(->> input
(map #(->> %
(re-seq #"-?\d+")
(map u/parse-int)))
(map (fn [[x y dx dy]]
{:x x
:y y
:dx dx
:dy dy}))))

(defn step-n [n [x y] [dx dy]]
[(+ x (* dx n))
(+ y (* dy n))])

(defn step [[x y] [dx dy]]
[(+ x dx)
(+ y dy)])

(defn time-until-nearby [pa pb]
(let [h (- (:y pa) (:y pb))
ddy (- (:dy pb) (:dy pa))]
(quot h ddy)))

(defn min-max-by [pred coll]
(when coll
(let [value-predvalue-pairs (map (fn [x] [x (pred x)]) coll)]
(map first (reduce (fn [[min-pair max-pair] new-pair]
[(min-key second min-pair new-pair)
(max-key second max-pair new-pair)])
[(first value-predvalue-pairs) (first value-predvalue-pairs)]
(rest value-predvalue-pairs))))))

(defn y-height [stars]
(let [[y-min y-max] (min-max-by identity (map second stars))]
(- y-max y-min)))

(defn stars-to-string [stars]
(let [[x-min x-max] (map first (min-max-by first stars))
[y-min y-max] (map second (min-max-by second stars))
stars-set (into #{} stars)]
(->> (for [y (range y-min (inc y-max))]
(apply str (map (fn [x]
(if (stars-set [x y]) \* \space))
(range x-min (inc x-max)))))
(str/join \newline))))

(defn left-most-x-neighbor [all-points point]
(let [x-vals (into #{} (map first all-points))]
(loop [x (first point)]
(if (x-vals (dec x))
(recur (dec x))

(defn group-stars [stars]
(partial left-most-x-neighbor stars)

(defn solve-1 []
(let [parsed-input (parse input)
[fastest-down fastest-up] (min-max-by :dy parsed-input)
search-start-time (- (time-until-nearby fastest-down fastest-up)
velocities (map #(map % [:dx :dy]) parsed-input)]
(->> (loop [stars (->> parsed-input
(map #(map % [:x :y]))
(#(map (fn [star v] (step-n search-start-time star v)) % velocities)))
height (y-height stars)
time search-start-time]
(let [new-stars (map step stars velocities)
new-height (y-height new-stars)]
(if (> new-height height)
(recur new-stars new-height (inc time)))))

(defn solve-2 []
(let [parsed-input (parse input)
[fastest-down fastest-up] (min-max-by :dy parsed-input)
search-start-time (- (time-until-nearby fastest-down fastest-up)
velocities (map #(map % [:dx :dy]) parsed-input)]
(->> (loop [stars (->> parsed-input
(map #(map % [:x :y]))
(#(map (fn [star v] (step-n search-start-time star v)) % velocities)))
height (y-height stars)
time search-start-time]
(let [new-stars (map step stars velocities)
new-height (y-height new-stars)]
(if (> new-height height)
(recur new-stars new-height (inc time))))))))

(deftest part-1
(is (= 2072437284
(hash (str (solve-1))))))

(deftest part-2
(is (= (str answer-2)
(str (solve-2)))))

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