CareerKarma - 6th Best project of the Week - may 23, 2021 - PlayTogether
CareerKarma - 8th Best project of the Month - may 2021 - PlayTogether
CareerKarma - 6th Best project of the Week - Jun 2021 - RealStateAPI
More than 3,200 commits in 2021 between public and private repositories
More than 4.000 commits in 2023 between public and private repositories
More than 3.100 commits in 2024 between public and private repositories
Hosting plataforms that I like to use
- MovieAPP-ML (Python | Docker | MySQL | Scikit-Learn | Flask)
- Real Time Communication API (Python)
- API Digital Libray (Python | MySQL | Docker | Flask)
- API Daily Diet (Python | MySQL | Docker)
- API Authentication (Python | MySQL | Docker)
- Find A Friend API(NodeJS | Typescript | Prisma | Docker)
- Daily Diet API (NodeJS | Typescript | Knex)
- Gym Pass (NodeJS | Typescript | Prisma | Docker)
- DT Money Typescript 2.0 (React | Typescript | Vite)
- Coffee Delivery (React | Typescript)
- Timer Pomodoro (React | Typescript)
- Widget (React | React Native | Typescript)
- Todo List (React | Typescript)
- Ignite Feed( React | Typescript)
- Blog (React | Typescritp | Prismic)
- IgNews (React | Typescript | Prismic | Stripe)
- RocketShoes (React | Typescript)
- DtMoney (React | Typescript)
- ImHere (React Native | Typescript)
- RentX (React Native | Typescript)
- Save Pass (React Native | Typescript)
- GoFinances (React Native | Typescript)
- Rocket Help (React Native | Typescript)
- Todo List (React Native | Typescript)
- MySkills (React Native | Typescript)
- GoPizza (React Native | Typescript)
- Book APP (React Native)
- ECommerce API(Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- TouristAPI (Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- MedCare (Ruby On Rails | Postgresql)
- RealState Api(Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- PlayTogether(Ruby on Rails)
- RVEventos - Freelance job(Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- Geocoding (Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- SoccerAPI(Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- Imdb_search (Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- OneBitFood (Ruby on Rails | React )
- WatchList (Ruby on Rails | Postgresql)
- Course List Manager (Angular | Typescript | NodeJS)