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Usher_PHB (#149)
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* initalize branch

* potentially functional

* refine usher task

* create workflow

* add debug statements

* update path to sc2 reference

* mutations file added to output

* add output to workflow

* update comment
  • Loading branch information
sage-wright authored Aug 16, 2023
1 parent b7228fb commit cfe1f29
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 3 changed files with 178 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .dockstore.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,3 +220,8 @@ workflows:
primaryDescriptorPath: /workflows/utilities/wf_theiavalidate.wdl
- empty.json
- name: Usher_PHB
subclass: WDL
primaryDescriptorPath: /workflows/phylogenetics/wf_usher.wdl
- empty.json
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions tasks/phylogenetic_inference/task_usher.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
version 1.0

task usher {
input {
Array[File] assembly_fasta
String tree_name

# the protobuf tree used to place sequences onto -- required if not mpox or sc2
File? mutation_annotated_tree_pb

# the reference genome to align to -- required if not mpox or sc2
File? reference_genome
Int subtree_size = 20 # change value to indicate how many of the closest-related samples you want to show in a subtree
# what organism to run usher on -- the organisms below have default data provided
String organism # options: sars-cov-2, mpox, RSV-A, RSV-B
# runtime
String docker = ""
Int memory = 8
Int cpus = 2
Int disk_size = 100
command <<<
if [ "~{organism}" == "mpox" ]; then
echo "DEBUG: organism is mpox, downloading latest UShER data"
wget ""
# unzip protobuf file into renamed file
gunzip -c mpxv.latest.masked.pb.gz > mutation.annotated.tree.pb

# download versioning information of protobuf
wget ""
cat mpxv.latest.version.txt > PROTOBUF_VERSION

# download mpox reference used to make usher protobuf
wget ""
# unzip reference into renamed file
gunzip -c GCF_014621545.1.fa.gz > reference_genome.fasta
echo "DEBUG: finished downloading mpox data"
elif [ "~{organism}" == "sars-cov-2" ]; then
echo "DEBUG: organism is sars-cov-2, downloading latest UShER data"
wget ""
# unzip protobuf file into renamed file
gunzip -c public-latest.all.masked.pb.gz > mutation.annotated.tree.pb

# download versioning information of protobuf
wget ""
cat public-latest.version.txt > PROTOBUF_VERSION

# copy the usher SC2 reference to expected name
cp /HOME/usher/test/NC_045512v2.fa reference_genome.fasta
echo "DEBUG: finished downloading sars-cov-2 data"
elif [ "~{organism}" == "RSV-A" ]; then
echo "DEBUG: organism is RSV-A, downloading latest UShER data"
wget ""
# unzip protobuf file into renamed file
gunzip -c rsvA.latest.pb.gz > mutation.annotated.tree.pb

# download versioning information of protobuf
wget ""
cat rsvA.latest.version.txt > PROTOBUF_VERSION

# download RSV-A reference used to make usher protobuf
wget ""
# unzip reference into renamed file
gunzip -c GCF_002815475.1.fa.gz > reference_genome.fasta
echo "DEBUG: finished downloading RSV-A data"
elif [ "~{organism}" == "RSV-B" ]; then
echo "DEBUG: organism is RSV-B, downloading latest UShER data"
wget ""
# unzip protobuf file into renamed file
gunzip -c rsvB.latest.pb.gz > mutation.annotated.tree.pb

# download versioning information of protobuf
wget ""
cat rsvB.latest.version.txt > PROTOBUF_VERSION

# download RSV-B reference used to make usher protobuf
wget ""
# unzip reference into renamed file
gunzip -c GCF_000855545.1.fa.gz > reference_genome.fasta
echo "DEBUG: finished downloading RSV-B data"
echo "DEBUG: organism is unknown, assuming user-provided data"
echo "User-provided protobuf file" > PROTOBUF_VERSION
# rename provided protobuf and reference
mv "~{mutation_annotated_tree_pb}" mutation.annotated.tree.pb
mv "~{reference_genome}" reference_genome.fasta
echo "DEBUG: finished renaming user-provided data"

echo "DEBUG: concatenating assembly files"
for file in ~{sep=' ' assembly_fasta}; do
cat "${file}" >> all_sequences.fasta

echo "DEBUG: generating MSA"
mafft --thread 10 --auto --keeplength --addfragments all_sequences.fasta reference_genome.fasta > all_sequences.aligned.fasta

echo "DEBUG: converting MSA to VCF"
faToVcf all_sequences.aligned.fasta all_sequences.merged.vcf

# capture usher version
usher --version > VERSION

echo "DEBUG: running UShER"
usher \
--load-mutation-annotated-tree mutation.annotated.tree.pb \
--vcf all_sequences.merged.vcf \
--write-uncondensed-final-tree \
--write-subtrees-size ~{subtree_size}

echo "DEUBG: UShER finished, renaming files"
mv uncondensed-final-tree.nh ~{tree_name}_uncondensed-final-tree.nwk
mv clades.txt ~{tree_name}_clades.txt

# rename subtree files to .nwk extension
for file in *nh; do
mv "$file" "$(basename -- "$file" .nh).nwk"

output {
File usher_uncondensed_tree = "~{tree_name}_uncondensed-final-tree.nwk"
File usher_clades = "~{tree_name}_clades.txt"
Array[File] usher_subtrees = glob("subtree-*.nwk")
Array[File] usher_subtree_mutations = glob("subtree-*-mutations.txt")
String usher_version = read_string("VERSION")
String usher_protobuf_version = read_string("PROTOBUF_VERSION")
runtime {
docker: docker
memory: memory + " GB"
cpu : cpus
disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD"
disk: disk_size + " GB"
preemptible: 0
dx_instance_type: "mem3_ssd1_v2_x4"
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions workflows/phylogenetics/wf_usher.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
version 1.0

import "../../tasks/phylogenetic_inference/task_usher.wdl" as usher_task
import "../../tasks/task_versioning.wdl" as versioning

workflow usher_workflow {
meta {
description: "Place samples onto global tree"
input {
Array[File] assembly_fasta
String tree_name
String organism # currently available: "sars-cov-2", "mpox", "RSV-A", "RSV-B"
call usher_task.usher {
assembly_fasta = assembly_fasta,
tree_name = tree_name,
organism = organism
call versioning.version_capture {
output {
File usher_uncondensed_tree = usher.usher_uncondensed_tree
File usher_clades = usher.usher_clades
Array[File] usher_subtrees = usher.usher_subtrees
Array[File] usher_subtree_mutations = usher.usher_subtree_mutations
String usher_version = usher.usher_version
String usher_protobuf_version = usher.usher_protobuf_version
String usher_phb_version = version_capture.phb_version
String usher_phb_analysis_date =

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