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Read Mapping and Variant Calling Pipeline

According to the specifications of the 1000 Bulls Genome Project, Run 8 Revision 20191101

For details, see 1000bullsGATK3.8pipelineSpecifications_Run8_Revision_20191101

For the related SV calling workflow, see the SV calling README document




Edit Config Files

Running the Variant Calling workflow


Download the repository and un-tar the software directory:

git clone

tar -xzvf software_variant_calling.tar.gz



  • Python 3.7+ (This workflow was developed and tested with Python v. 3.7)
  • setuptools
  • cython
  • gcc 7.3

Install the following python modules using pip:

  • pysam>=0.15.4
  • pandas>=0.24.1
  • numpy>=1.12.0

Or run the script to install the required modules:

python install

Required programs to run the workflow

The following must be in your path:

  • R (This workflow was developed and tested with R v. 3.6.1)
  • Java SE Development Kit 8, Update 192 (1.8.0_192)

These programs must either be in your path, or must be specified in the file config/variant_calling.config.yaml:

  • BWA 0.7.17
  • FastQC >= 0.11.7
  • Trimmomatic ~=0.36
  • samtools >= 1.8
  • picard == 2.18
  • GenomeAnalysisTK == 3.8-1-0-gf15c1c3ef

Note: This specific version of GATK is required by the 1000 Bulls Run 8 specifications. Other minor versions of GATK v.3 may be compatible, but GATK v.4 is incompatible with this workflow.

The following R libraries are required:

  • caTools
  • ggplot2
  • gplots
  • gsalib
  • reshape

These can be installed in the R shell with


Edit Configuration

The file config/variant_calling.config.yaml controls all configurable options relating to the workflow itself. For each rule within the snakemake file found in workflow/snakemake, there are thread and resource specifications which can be edited according to your setup.

All rules in the workflow are designed to run on a single node of a cluster with up to 30 CPUs and 100Gb RAM, with the exception of the local rules listed at the top of the workflow/snakemake file.

Cluster configuration values are listed for each rule and specify the following slurm options:

  • threads: 1 # Number of threads to use for each job; should be equal to or less than cores
  • resources:
    • cores = 1, # Number of cpus available, or that will be requested from the scheduler
    • runtime = 120, # Requested walltime in minutes
    • mem_mb = 4000, # Requested memory in MB

Add user-specific files to the reference_files directory

The following files must be added to the resources/reference_files directory. File names should be specified in variant_calling.config.yaml:

  • reference genome in Fasta format
  • fai index file
  • BWA index files (.amb, .ann, .bwt, .pac, .sa)
  • Picard sequence dictionary file (.dict) **
  • file containing a list of all contig names in the reference genome, one item per line
  • vcf file containing known variants for base quality score recalibration

For Bos taurus ARS-UCD1.2_Btau5.0.1Y, some of these files can downloaded from

** The *.dict file can be generated using Picard. Navigate to the resources/reference_files/ directory and run:

 java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary \ 
      R=reference.fasta \ 

Running the Variant Calling workflow

Input files

The workflow expects paired-end fastq files as inputs, within a directory in variant_calling. The relative path to this directory should be specified in the variant_calling.config.yaml file.

Note on sequence filenames

This workflow was designed for sequence files named as follows:


  1. Four digit Sequencer ID
  2. Three digit Flowcell ID
  3. Barcode
  4. Sample ID

Pipeline modification is required to support filenames that deviate from this convention.

Output files

Output files will be generated within subdirectories of results. The final VCF files will be generated in results/snps_indels/. For more information on the contents of other output directories, see the Workflow Readme.

Command line options

Resource allocations are given within each rule, and it is strongly recommended that users create or use a snakemake profile to run the workflow.

For example, if you have a slurm profile, you can run snakemake with the following command:

snakemake --profile slurm

This guide can be used to set up a slurm profile. Other profiles can be found here


Snakemake pipeline for read mapping and variant calling






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