This document outlines the steps performed by the snakemake workflow
. The input files are read alignment .bam files found in the
directory results/alignment/
. They can be produced separately, or as part of
the Variant Calling snakemake workflow. This workflow uses
smoove, Pindel, and Manta as the main SV calling tools. There are also auxiliary rules that run other SV calling programs, such as CNVnator, Breakdancer, Delly, and GridSS. The output file is SV.vcf.gz
, containing Pindel and Manta insertions and deletions.
Rule: make_fai, make_bai
If the index files for the reference genome fasta file or the {sample}.bam read alignment files do not exist, use samtools to generate them.
Rule: smoove_call
Call genotypes in each sample.
Rule: smoove_merge
Get the union of all sites across all samples as a single VCF file.
Rule: smoove_genotype
Genotype each sample at all sites in the merged file, and use the program duphold to add depth annotations.
Rule: smoove_paste
Paste all single-sample VCFs with the same number of variants to get a single, squared, joint-called file.
Rule: smoove_annotate
Annotate the variants with exons and UTRs that overlap from a GFF, and annotate
high-quality heterozygotes. This is done using the file listed for
in config/svcalling.config.yaml
Rule: smoove_filter
Use SnpSift to filter the variants using the following criteria:
- MSHQ > 3 for all SV types
- DHFFC < 0.7 for deletions
- DHFFC > 1.25 for duplications
Briefly, the smoove annotate
function adds an SHQ (Smoove Het Quality) tag to
every sample format. These values range from 1 to 4, where 1 is low quality and
4 is high quality. A value of -1 is non-het. The MSHQ, or mean SHQ is a score
added to the INFO field; the average SHQ for all heterozygous samples for that
variant. The filtering thresholds used here are suggested on the
Smoove project GitHub.
Rule breakdancer_cfg
Creates tab delimited file required by Breakdancer using the tool's script.
Rule pindel_config
Uses the Breakdancer config file generated in step 7 to write file name, mean insert size, and sample name information to a text file for Pindel.
Rule pindel
Run pindel on all samples in config file.
Rule pindel_filter
Uses statistics information generated in the Variant Calling workflow to calculate average coverage. If the Variant Calling workflow was not run, then a stats file must be provided with the name {sample}.bam.depth.sample_summary, after running GATK DepthOfCoverage. See the Variant Calling Workflow rule depth_of_coverage for more information. Average coverage and chromosome length information is used to filter SVs from Pindel.
Rule merge_pindel_types
Picard MergeVCFs is used to merge files with different types of SVs from Pindel.
Rule pindel_merge
Use bcftools concat to concatenate pindel results from different chromosomes.
Rule bgzip_chromstats
Compress a given bed file containing chromosome positions for all chromosomes to be analyzed.
Rule manta_config
Generate Manta PyFlow with the script.
Rule manta
Run Manta via PyFlow.
Rule split_manta
Use bcftools to extract deletion (DEL) and insertion (INS) SVs from Manta output.
Rule msample_split
Split Manta insertions into separate files by sample.
Rule split_pindel
Use bcftools to extract insertion (INS) SVs from pindel output.
Rule psample_split
Split Pindel insertions into separate files by sample.
The program SURVIVOR is used to merge Manta and Pindel insertions. A maximum allowed distance of 1000bp is used. Calls can be supported by either program, but must be of the same type and at least 30bp long.
Rule sur_merge
Use bcftools to merge the output of SURVIVOR across samples.
Rule final_merge
Use bcftools to merge the merged insertion SVs and Manta deletion SVs.
Rule cnvnator
Because CNVnator relies on the ROOT data analysis framework, all CNVnator steps are contained in a single rule. These steps are:
- Extract read mapping information from the *.bam alignment file
- Generate a read depth histogram using the user-input partition value as the bin size
- Calculate statistics based on the histograms
- Read density signal partitioning
- CNV calling and output of calls as *.txt file
The structure of the CNV calls output file,
, can be found on the
CNVnator website.
Rule cnvnator_to_vcf
CNV calls are exported as VCFs using the script
Rule cnvnator_filter
SnpSift is used to filter the CNVnator results using the following criteria:
- e-val1 < 0.05
- eval-2 < 0.05
- q0 < 0.5
Rule breakdancer
Run Breakdancer on samples using config file.
Rule breakdancer2vcf
Use the breakdancer2vcf utility to generate VCF files from Breakdancer output.
Rule gridss_reference
Use GridSS setupreference to process the reference genome.
Rule gridss_preprocess
Create assembly using reference and samples.
Rule gridss_call
Call variants with GridSS.
Rule delly_call_1
Perform per-sample SV calling with Delly.
Rule delly_merge
Create a joint call file with Delly merge.
Rule delly_call_2
Perform SV called on the merged Delly file with all samples.
Rule delly_joint
Use bcftools to create a joint genotyped file of Delly SVs.
Rule delly_filter
Filter SV calls using Delly.
Rule bcf_to_vcf
Convert filtered Delly call file to VCF format.
Rule smoove_plot
Rule cnvnator_plot
Use Samplot to plot the images of SVs predicted by Smoove and CNVNator.