Releases: stasvinokur/selenium_driver_updater
Releases · stasvinokur/selenium_driver_updater
Release 7.0.1
This version was written and tested on Python 3.13.1
- Minor fixes
Release 7.0.0
This version was written and tested on Python 3.11.1
- Added new command assosiation "selupd" for easier use
- Added automatic pypi release
- Added deleting of .tmp files when downloading is manually stopped (KeyboardInterrupt)
- Added driver-version argument to command line
- Reworked the version parameter: It now accepts the channel version (beta, dev, canary) for chromedriver and edgedriver instead of a specific driver version.
- Cosmetic changes to code
- Improved tests by switching from unit-tests to pytest
- Parameters chmod, upgrade, check_driver_is_up_to_date have been Deprecated. Now always defaults to True.
- Parameter "check_browser_is_up_to_date" renamed to "check_browser" for easier use.
- Made code easier to read, removed some complexity in the code
- Fixed an issue with incorrect extracting of tar.gz archives when specific filename is present
- Fixed an issue with incorrect extracting of chromedriver with third_party_notice file
- Fixed an issues with browsers versions checking
- Fixed issues with system_name not working
- Removed support for PhantomJS
- Removed downloading of browsers on MacOS. Only kept checking current and latest versions.
- Removed Pylint comments everywhere, because of the use of sonarlint and sonarqube.
Release 6.0.3
This version was written and tested on Python 3.11.1
- Fixed an issue with incorrect url in chromedriver (#6)
- Fixed an issue with not including all results when getting releases from github
Release 6.0.2
This version was written and tested on Python 3.11.1
- Fixed checking for ARM-based architecture on Windows
Release 6.0.1
This version was written and tested on Python 3.11.1
- Added new package "packaging" in
- Improved code in, made it more readable (config file)
- Overall code improvements
Release 6.0.0
This version was written and tested on Python 3.11.1
Complete overhaul of chromedriver
- Added updated method to download chromedriver
- Added support for Windows 64 bit chromedriver
- Added support for Windows ARM, Linux ARM Geckodriver
- Added proper comparison of versions
- Added universal extraction of only drivers (before it was extracting all elements in archive)
- Added support of multiple drivers in console updater - you need to separate drivers with comma, like this: chromedriver,geckodriver
- Added support for one filename if multiple drivers are given
- Improved console line updater help function and added more additional information to become more understandable to user
- Improved WGET bar to be more understandable, now file size is measuring in MB's
- Overall code improvements
- Removed parameter "old_return"
Release 5.1.8
This version was written and tested on Python 3.11.1
This version fully supports Python 3.11!
- Improved detecting M1 binary of chromedriver without additional checks
- Improved some unit-tests
- Fixed an issue with incorrect getting of latest previous version of edgedriver
- Removed requirement for selenium to be lower than or equal to version 4.2.0
Release 5.1.7
This version was written and tested on Python 3.10.8
- Fixed CVE-2007-4559 patch (thanks to TrellixVulnTeam)
- Added requirement for selenium to be lower than or equal to version 4.2.0
Release 5.1.6
This version was written and tested on Python 3.10.8
- Minor fixes
Release 5.1.5
This version was written and tested on Python 3.10.8
- Added checking for Mac M1 binary if specific version of edgedriver specified
- Added checking for suitable version if latest previous version parameter is on
- Fixed an issue that caused Mac M1 users to install the default Mac EdgeDriver even though the Mac M1 binary was available.