Releases: stasvinokur/selenium_driver_updater
Release 1.8.1
This version provides minor fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Fixed an issue were some folder were not uploaded to pypi
Release 1.8.0
This version provides minor fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Improved functions decomposition.
Release 1.7.1
This version provides minor fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Fixed an issue if file was in library and in different directory.
Release 1.7.0
This version provides innovations and improvements.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Added unit tests for all drivers
- Added support for downloading specific version of driver
Release 1.6.0
This version provides innovations and improvements.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Added error message if Selenium binaries was not found in github assets.
- Improved functions decomposition.
Release 1.5.3
This version provides minor bug fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Fixed an issue with incorrect name of some drivers If no name was given for the driver
Release 1.5.2
This version provides minor bug fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Fixed an issue with incorrect name of some drivers If no name was given for the driver
- Fixed an issue with incorrect unpack of geckodriver if was Windows OS
Release 1.5.1
This version provides minor fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Fixed an issue with incorrect unpack of some drivers If no name was given for the driver
Release 1.5.0
This version provides innovations and minor improvements.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Added support for different names of Selenium webdriver binary.
- Added detailed return to main function
- Added lighter function call
- Fixed an issue with incorrect detection of system bitness.
Release 1.4.0
This version provides innovations and minor fixes.
This code was written and tested on Python 3.9.4
- Added edgedriver support
- Added support for downloading different OS bit (x86 / x64)