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Fix animated UI Props on Web (#5169)
## Summary This PR fixes regression introduced in #4977. Some animated props (for example UI props) required to be updated directly as component prop - `setNativeProps(props)`, but all the rest of them still required to be updated as a component style - `setNativeProps({style: props})`. | before | after | | --- | --- | | <video src="" /> | <video src="" /> | ## Test plan <details> <summary>AnimatedProps - UIProps - #4909</summary> ```js import { Button, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import Animated, { useSharedValue, useAnimatedProps, } from 'react-native-reanimated'; Animated.addWhitelistedNativeProps({ accessibilityRole: true, }); Animated.addWhitelistedUIProps({ accessibilityRole: true, }); export default function App() { const sharedRole = useSharedValue('initial'); const animatedProps = useAnimatedProps(() => { console.debug('this gets trigered correctly', sharedRole.value); return { accessibilityRole: sharedRole.value }; }, [sharedRole]); return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Animated.View animatedProps={animatedProps} nativeID="find-me-in-dev-tools"> <Text>some lorem ipsum</Text> </Animated.View> <Button title="ToggleRole" onPress={() => { if (sharedRole.value == 'New Value') { sharedRole.value = 'New Value2'; } else { sharedRole.value = 'New Value'; } }} /> </View> ); } ``` </details> <details> <summary>AnimatedProps</summary> ```js import { TextInput } from 'react-native'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import Svg, { Path, Circle, G, } from 'react-native-svg'; import Animated, { runOnJS, useSharedValue, useDerivedValue, useAnimatedProps, useAnimatedGestureHandler, interpolate, } from 'react-native-reanimated'; import {PanGestureHandler} from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; const BORDER_WIDTH = 25; const DIAL_RADIUS = 22.5; export const {PI} = Math; export const TAU = 2 * PI; const AnimatedPath = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Path); const AnimatedG = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(G); const AnimatedInput = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(TextInput); const polarToCartesian = ( angle: number, radius: number, {x, y}: {x: number; y: number}, ) => { 'worklet'; const a = ((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180.0; return {x: x + radius * Math.cos(a), y: y + radius * Math.sin(a)}; }; const cartesianToPolar = ( x: number, y: number, {x: cx, y: cy}: {x: number; y: number}, step = 1, ) => { 'worklet'; const value = Math.atan((y - cy) / (x - cx)) / (Math.PI / 180) + (x > cx ? 90 : 270); return Math.round(value * (1 / step)) / (1 / step); }; const unMix = (value: number, x: number, y: number) => { 'worklet'; return (value - x) / (y - x); }; type Props = { width: number; height: number; fillColor: string[]; value: number; meterColor: string; min?: number; max?: number; onValueChange: (value: any) => void; children: ( props: Partial<{defaultValue: string; text: string}>, ) => React.ReactNode; step?: number; decimals?: number; }; const CircleSlider = (props: Props) => { const { width, height, value, meterColor, children, min, max, step = 1, decimals, } = props; const smallestSide = Math.min(width, height); const cx = width / 2; const cy = height / 2; const r = (smallestSide / 2) * 0.85; const start = useSharedValue(0); const end = useSharedValue(unMix(value, min! / 360, max! / 360)); useEffect(() => { end.value = unMix(value, min! / 360, max! / 360); }, [value, end, max, min]); const startPos = useDerivedValue(() => polarToCartesian(start.value, r, {x: cx, y: cy}), ); const endPos = useDerivedValue(() => polarToCartesian(end.value, r, {x: cx, y: cy}), ); const animatedPath = useAnimatedProps(() => { const p1 = startPos.value; const p2 = endPos.value; return { d: `M${p1.x} ${p1.y} A ${r} ${r} 0 ${end.value > 180 ? 1 : 0} 1 ${p2.x} ${ p2.y }`, }; }); const animatedCircle = useAnimatedProps(() => { const p2 = endPos.value; return { x: p2.x - 7.5, y: p2.y - 7.5, }; }); const animatedChildrenProps = useAnimatedProps(() => { const decimalCount = (num: number) => { if (decimals) { return decimals; } const numStr = String(num); if (numStr.includes('.')) { return numStr.split('.')[1].length; } return 0; }; const value = interpolate(end.value, [min! / 360, max! / 360], [min! / 360, max! / 360]); return { defaultValue: `${value.toFixed(decimalCount(step))}`, text: `${value.toFixed(decimalCount(step))}`, }; }); const gestureHandler = useAnimatedGestureHandler({ onActive: ({x, y}: {x: number; y: number}, ctx: any) => { const value = cartesianToPolar(x, y, {x: cx, y: cy}, step); ctx.value = interpolate(value, [min! / 360, max! / 360], [min! / 360, max! / 360]); end.value = value; }, onFinish: (_, ctx) => { runOnJS(props.onValueChange)(ctx.value); }, }); return ( <PanGestureHandler onGestureEvent={gestureHandler}> <Animated.View> <Svg width={width} height={height}> <Circle cx={cx} cy={cy} r={r + BORDER_WIDTH / 2 - 1} fill="blue" /> <Circle cx={cx} cy={cy} r={r} strokeWidth={BORDER_WIDTH} fill="url(#fill)" stroke="rgba(255, 255, 525, 0.2)" /> <AnimatedPath stroke={meterColor} strokeWidth={BORDER_WIDTH} fill="none" animatedProps={animatedPath} /> <AnimatedG animatedProps={animatedCircle} onPress={() => {}}> <Circle cx={7.5} cy={7.5} r={DIAL_RADIUS} fill={meterColor} /> </AnimatedG> </Svg> {children && children(animatedChildrenProps)} </Animated.View> </PanGestureHandler> ); }; CircleSlider.defaultProps = { width: 300, height: 300, fillColor: ['#fff'], meterColor: '#fff', min: 0, max: 359, step: 1, onValueChange: (x: any) => x, }; export default function EmptyExample(): JSX.Element { const handleChange = value => console.log(value); console.log('EmptyExample'); return ( <CircleSlider width={325} height={325} value={0} meterColor={'#ffffff'} onValueChange={handleChange}> {animatedProps => ( <AnimatedInput keyboardType="numeric" maxLength={3} selectTextOnFocus={false} animatedProps={animatedProps} /> )} </CircleSlider> ); } ``` </details>
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