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Raspberry Pi tutorials: Tutorials written by the scholars of SPAIC

Helena Barmer edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 20 revisions

Getting started with Raspberry Pi — Install Raspian on your Raspberry Pi using Windows

Author: Helena Barmer (@Helena Barmer)

Setup guide - What parts are needed for federated learning on Raspberry Pi?

Author: Elena Kutanov (@Elena Kutanov)

Project Equipment Setup

Author: Joyce Chidiadi (@Joyce)

This project requires the following equipment:

Raspberry PIs

  • -- > 2 Raspberry PIs 3 B+ running Raspbian Stretch 4.14
  • -- > The PIs are connected to the internet via Ethernet cables.
  • -- > Each PI has its own static IP(Internet Protocol) address.

Laptop or Desktop

  • -- > The laptop or desktop machine is running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and connected to the same LAN where the Raspberry PIs through a switch.

Ethernet Port

A TP-Link 5-Port Ethernet Switch was used

Libraries and Dependencies

The following are the major python libraries and dependencies used in the project

  1. Install Python 3.6.7 which is the version that seems to be compatible and more stable with PySyft and PyTorch at the moment.
  2. Install PyTorch 1.0.0 This section proves difficult and took several hours to complete. Some of the project members had the experience where their installation got stuck or even crashed halfway through. Before installing PyTorch a swap file was created. Then install PyTorch.
  3. Install PySyft and its dependencies