- Pro
Bazel rules that support breaking a typescript codebase into small, independently-compilable libraries. "Batteries not included".
sconover / veritas
Forked from dkubb/axiomSimplifies querying of structured data using relational algebra
Execute splunk searches and receive results in an evented manner. Uses node.js + socket.io.
sconover / jsdom
Forked from jsdom/jsdomCommonJS implementation of the DOM intended to be platform independent and as minimal/light as possible while completely adhering to the w3c DOM specifications.
Front end development guidelines related to best practices in: Accessibility, CSS & CSS3, HTML & HTML5, JavaScript & jQuery.
sconover / cedar
Forked from cedarbdd/cedarBDD-style testing using Objective-C
A fast, still relational, in-memory approximation of AR
sconover / jasmine-node
Forked from mhevery/jasmine-nodeIntegration of Jasmine Spec framework with Node.js
sconover / jasmine
Forked from jasmine/jasmineDOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework
sconover / jshint
Forked from jshint/jshintJSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors in JavaScript code and enforce your team's coding conventions.
sconover / node
Forked from nodejs/node-v0.x-archiveevented I/O for v8 javascript
js library that provides typical collection/enumerable functions (think underscore.js) - but it's agnostic about storage and iteration details.
JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code
sconover / modulr
Forked from codespeaks/modulrA CommonJS module implementation in Ruby for client-side JavaScript
Phonegap plugin that exposes the Android Content Resolver
sconover / jazz_money
Forked from pivotalexperimental/jazz_moneyRun your Jasmine specs without launching a browser
Learn to build PhoneGap/Android plugins.
knit-js is relational algebra for javascript