A garden of forking tests.[1]
TestGarden is a testing framework for concisely sharing several stages of setup code across tests. The shared code is executed once for each test that needs it. Tests may be nested to any depth.
TestGarden generates summary output, reporting how many pass, fail, skip, and error cases were detected for each group of tests. TestGarden assumes assertion failure exceptions are generated by Wrong::Assert#assert.
gem install 'test-garden'
require 'test-garden'
test Thing do
thing = Thing.new; teardown {thing.cleanup()}
assert {thing.ok?}
test "assign foo" do
thing.foo = "baz" # does not affect foo in subsequent tests
assert {thing.foo == "baz"}
test "compare foo in two instances" do
thing2 = Thing.new; teardown {thing2.cleanup()}
assert {thing.foo == thing2.foo}
Run the test like so:
ruby test_thing.rb [-v | --verbose] [topic topic ...]
If no topics are given, the verbose output is:
T: Thing
T: Thing: assign foo
P: Thing: assign foo
T: Thing
T: Thing: compare foo in two instances
P: Thing: compare foo in two instances
2 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 errors in Thing
If a topic list is given, it is treated as a sequence of regular expressions. Only tests whose topic path matches those regular expressions, one for one, are executed. (Matching is case insensitive.) For example:
ruby testfilename.rb thing compare
This executes only the the last test. The verbose output is:
T: Thing
S: Thing: assign foo
T: Thing
T: Thing: compare foo in two instances
P: Thing: compare foo in two instances
1 passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 0 errors in Thing
Note that the "assign foo" test was skipped, and counted as such.
TestGarden has some similarities to [2] but instead of continuations TestGarden recreates objects for each branch. This is less efficient, but more insulated form side effects.
[1] In reference to "The garden of forking paths", by J.L. Borges.
[2] http://www.evanmiller.org/functional-tests-as-a-tree-of-continuations.html