Instructions for running the gripper through a repeated cycle
These instructions require that a drake binary release is available. Download the latest nightly release from and uncompress in this directory.
This project contains a precompiled version of schunk_driver
from . It's not
necessary to checkout that library and bulld the driver, however the
gripper command interface will need to be set up through the web
interface as described there.
Next, confirm that the gripper driver can communicate with the gripper.
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=drake/lib ./schunk_driver --gripper_addr=<gripper_addr>
Where gripper_addr
is the same IP address as the web interface..
If communication with the gripper is working, the fingers will cycle closed and then open, and the driver will print a message similar to "Non-success response 1" (this is actually a successful result).
While schunk_driver
is running, open another window and run
. This will cycle the gripper through the open and
closed positions.