Driver software for the Schunk gripper.
This effectively requires the source prequisites of Drake. For using on Ubuntu, you may need to do something like:
git clone -o upstream -b v1.9.0
cd drake
sudo ./setup/ubuntu/
To build:
bazel build //...
Under Settings -> Command Interface:
- Command Interface
- Interface: UDP/IP
- Enable CRC: Off
- UDP Settings
- UDP Client Address:
- UDP Listening Port: 1500
- UDP Remote Port: 1501
-- this will expect the gripper to have the defualt IP ( and ports (1500, 1501).
If the gripper configuration has been changed, the following arguments can be useful:
Specifies the IP address of the gripper (default:
The UDP Listening Port on the gripper (default: 1500)--local_port
The UDP Remote Port on the gripper (the local port which the driver will use on the host machine) (default: 1501)