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Chris edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 6 revisions

The <SignUp /> component creates an Account in RevOps using only an accountId supplied by the developer and an email that is provided by the customer.


Create a signup form to create accounts in RevOps with only a few lines of code.

import React from 'react'

import { SignUp } from 'revops-js'

/* Default stylesheet to configure look and feel */
import "revops-js/themes/defaultStyles.css"

export const App = ({ accountId, publicKey = 'your-public-api-key' }) => (

export default App

See an Example

Props for <SignUp />

Authorization Properties: You must supply at least one way of authorizing the request. These properties may also be supplied to the <RevOpsAuth /> component and passed down via prop drilling.

Prop type Description
publicKey PropTypes.string RevOps API Public Key.
accessToken PropTypes.string RevOps API JWT.
getToken() PropTypes.func A callback method to retrieve a token.
Prop type Description
account PropTypes.object Initial account object to.
saveRef PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any }) Assign a ref to add an external save button. If assigned, it will hide built-in buttons.
styles PropTypes.object Inline CSS Style definition to customize the form.
showNetworkError PropTypes.bool When set to false the default network error warnings will not appear.
apiOptions PropTypes.object Optional configuration properties that you can use to override a specific environment, or select a different api environment. Example: apiOptions={{ env: 'sandbox' }}. See API Configuration for more info.