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Revops js v12beta

Chris edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

Revops-js Version 12

This is the previous README for version 12 beta and before.

RevOps helps software businesses setup their usage-based pricing and billing. Request an account at to start automating your pricing today.


Create a payment portal to create and manage new customers with a few lines of code.

import React from 'react'

import { PaymentMethod } from 'revops-js'

/* Default stylesheet to configure look and feel */
import "revops-js/themes/defaultStyles.css"

export const App = ({ accountId, publicKey = 'your-public-api-key' }) => (
      accountId: accountId,
      email: '',

export default App

Getting Started

Step 0.

Sign-up for an account with RevOps:

Step 1.

npm install --save revops-js

Step 2.

Import the <PaymentMethod /> component into your Signup Form.

import { PaymentMethod } from 'revops-js'

Step 3.

Next, let's add a credit card payment method to the form below. We set defaultMethod='card' on <PaymentMethod /> to prompt the customer to fill in credit card information first. Alternatively, you can try defaultMethod='ach' or defaultMethod='plaid' if you have either of those in your supported methods.

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { PaymentMethod } from 'revops-js'

/* Default stylesheet to configure look and feel */
import "revops-js/themes/defaultStyles.css"

class SignupForm extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.saveRef = React.createRef()

  submitSecure = (e) => {

    // Tell RevOps to create the account.
    if (!!this.saveRef === true) {

  onComplete = (response) => {

  onValidationError = () => {
    console.warn('Validation Error')

  onError = ({error}) => {

  render() {
    const {
      /* RevOps API Sandbox Key */
      publicKey = 'pk_test_1234567543',

      /* Your Customer's Account ID,
      * can be a string up to 255 characters long. */
      accountId = 'this-account-id',

      /* Your Customer's email address. */
    } = this.props

    return (
          <input type="email" name="email" value={email} />
          <input type="password" name="password" />
            accountId: accountId,
            email: email
        <input type="submit" onClick={this.submitSecure} />

Step 4.

Now that <PaymentMethod /> is working, it's important for it look that it fits seamlessly into your application. These are the props available for styling:

Prop type Description
inputStyles PropTypes.object Styles for input fields. &:focus state can also be styled.
buttonStylesPrimary PropTypes.object Styles for your primary CTA.
buttonStylesSecondary PropTypes.object Styles for your secondary CTA.
linkStyling PropTypes.object Styles for your text links.
cardWidth PropTypes.object How wide you want the content area of <PaymentMethod /> to be. Give it margin: 0 auto.
errorColor PropTypes.string Give the hex code for the color of the input borders and text when a field is missing or incorrect.

You can use CSS properties to customize the appearance of <PaymentMethod />. Popular properties to use are:

  • background
  • border
  • borderRadius
  • color
  • fontSize
  • lineHeight
  • padding

Here is an example how to style inputs:

    accountId: accountId,
    email: email
    background: '#eeeeee',
    borderRadius: '2px',
    padding: '4px 8px',
    fontSize: '18px',
    lineHeight: '20px',
    outline: 'none',
    transition: 'all .15s ease-in-out 0s',
    border: '2px solid mistyrose',
    boxSizing: "border-box",
    '&:focus': { // the focus pseudo-class
      background: '#ffffff',
      border: `2px solid papayawhip`
    '&::placeholder': {
      color: '#ccc',

Props for <PaymentMethod />

Prop type Description
publicKey PropTypes.string.isRequired RevOps API Public Key.
account PropTypes.object Initial account object to.
logo PropTypes.string URL to your company logo
methods PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['ach', 'card', 'plaid'])) List of supported payment methods.
defaultMethod PropTypes.oneOf(['ach', 'card', 'plaid']) The payment method shown first.
saveRef PropTypes.shape({ current: PropTypes.any }) Assign a ref to add an external save button. If assigned, it will hide built-in buttons.
styles PropTypes.object Inline CSS Style definition to customize the form.
apiOptions PropTypes.object Optional configuration properties that you can use to override a specific environment, or select a different api environment. Example: apiOptions={{ env: 'sandbox' }}. See API Configuration for more info.

Account Object <PaymentMethod account={{ ... }} />

When the account property is defined on a <PaymentMethod /> component, it will instantiate a set of default values for the form. This allows you to set specific account details necessary to bill them later.

Only two fields are required:

  1. account.accountId - The customer accountId to connect with a RevOps Account.
  2. - The customer's email address. This is a unique value in RevOps. If an email already exists, the API will return a 400 BAD REQUEST

The following table describes all the properties on the account object that are used to initial new accounts.

Prop type Description
accountId PropTypes.string.isRequired The customer accountId to connect with a RevOps Account.
email PropTypes.string.isRequired The customer's email address. This is a unique value in RevOps. If an email already exists, the API will return a 400 BAD REQUEST.
billingContact PropTypes.object Object defining email, name, phone, and title of the direct billing contact, if it is different than the provided.
billingPreferences PropTypes.object Object defining preferences filled out by RevOps.js <PaymentMethod />. See BillingPreferences object for more info.
onComplete(response) PropTypes.func This callback returns the response of a successful HTTP request. onComplete
onError({error}) PropTypes.func Called when revops-js detects an error. See onError for more details.
onValidationError() PropTypes.func Called when a validation error is detected See onValidationError for more details.

BillingPreferences Object

BillingPreferences can be found on the account object and defaults can be set at runtime by setting the billingPreferences property on account.

An example of billingPreferences looks like:

account = {
  billingPreferences: {
    plaidLinkPublicToken: "",
    bankAccountHolderName: "",
    bankAccountHolderType: "",
    bankAccountNumber: "",
    bankCountry: "",
    bankName: "",
    bankRoutingNumber: "",
    cardName: "3vffvd4v4455dx",
    cardToken: "w4cr4f4yf4fdvcf",
    paymentMethod: "card"
Prop type Description Tokenized
paymentMethod PropTypes.oneOf(['ach', 'card', 'plaid']) The primary method used for paying.
cardName PropTypes.string Name on the credit card.
cardToken PropTypes.string Token used for authorizing payment.
cardNumber PropTypes.string Number on the credit card
cardExpdate PropTypes.string Date of Expiration on the credit card.
bankAccountHolderName PropTypes.string Name on the Bank Account
bankName PropTypes.string Name of Bank Institution
bankRoutingNumber PropTypes.string Routing Number of Issuing Bank
bankAccountNumber PropTypes.string Account Number of Issuing Bank
bankCountry PropTypes.string Country of Issuing Bank
plaidLinkToken PropTypes.string Link Token of Connected Plaid Bank

Available Callbacks

Revops-js provides callbacks that can be used to implement custom validation or error handling. They are particularly useful when you need to keep branding consistent or need to integrate revops-js with an existing application.


This callback is triggered when the revops-js component successfully submits its information and returns the Account Object that has been created.

This is the ideal time to capture and extend the data model for your specific needs.


This callback returns the form's state when a validation error is detected. Validation errors are handled locally and are not submitted to the server. This is useful in larger workflows where the next step is dependent on the success of the previous one.

Advanced configurations

If you want to test in a sandbox environment locally, you can enable, we recommend adding apiOptions property to <PaymentMethod />

Example To use the sandbox mode for integrations like Plaid, set an publicKey and apiOptions to sandbox.

    env: 'sandbox',

API Configuration apiOptions={{ }}

Prop type Description
name PropTypes.string RevOps environment name. Options are sandbox, production.
plaidEnvironment PropTypes.string Options are sandbox, development, and production. See Plaid environments overview.

Validation Error Properties

Property Description
isDirty Checks if you put any changes to the field
isFocused Shows if the field in focus right now
errorMessages An array of error messages for a specific field
isValid Shows field validity
name Shows field name
isEmpty Determines whether the field is empty
elementId DOM element with validation error

Example Validation Error

  "billing_preferences.cardNumber": {
    "isDirty": false,
    "isFocused": false,
    "errorMessages": [
      "is required"
    "isValid": false,
    "name": "billing_preferences.cardNumber",
    "elementId": "card-number"


The onError callback is called when the form submission process is unsuccessful. This typically indicates a configuration issue or a problem with a network request as validation is handled locally and will not reach the server.

Example Error

  "http_status": 401,
  "message": "Unauthorized",
  "code": "invalid_auth"
Code Meaning
invalid_auth This indicates a problem with authentication.
invalid_param One or more of the required parameters are missing.
invalid_param_dup This happens when a duplicate email address is detected.
plaid_timeout The Plaid authentication has timed out.
unknown This is is for all unhandled errors on the backend.

Additional HTTP Statuses

Status Meaning
200s OK Everything worked as expected.
400 RevOps API bad request.
401 RevOps API access denied. Update your publicKey.
404 The requested resource doesn't exist.
500s Server errors, contact RevOps for assistance.

Callback Example

import React, { Component } from 'react'

import {
} from 'revops-js'

import "revops-js/themes/defaultStyles.css"

class App extends Component {

  // this callback is called when an error occurs in revops-js
  onError = ({error}) => {
    let errorMessage =  'Please contact support'
    if (error.http_status < 500) {
      errorMessage = error.message
    this.setState({error: true, errorMessage})

  // If you'd like to save the data on your own platform in a PII-safe way, use the response object.
  onComplete = (accountObject) => {

  render() {
    const { email } = this.props
    return (
      <div className="ui container">
          methods={['card', 'ach', 'plaid']}
            accountId: "100000-3",
          onValidationError={(validationErrors) => {
            this.setState({ validationErrors })
        {this.state.success === true &&
          <p className="confirmation-msg"> Details Saved! </p>
        {this.state.formDirty === true &&
          <p className="validation-msg"> Form Not Complete </p>
        {this.state.error === true &&
          <p className="error-msg"> {this.state.errorMsg} </p>

Using a React Ref to Submit Form

Let's talk about how to integrate revops.js into a larger workflow using React Refs to control the revops child component. First, we need to define the saveRef property. This is done in two parts.

First, define the ref to pass down to the component.

class SignupForm extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    // define the reference to the component
    this.saveRef = React.createRef()
  render() {
  const { accountId, email } = this.props
  return (
          <input type="email" name="email" value={email} />
          <input type="password" name="password" />
          account={{ accountId, email }}
          // pass the reference to the revops component

Next, we will call the revops onSubmit method using the ref by defining the submitSecure method in our component.

class SignupForm extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    // define the reference to the component
    this.saveRef = React.createRef()

  submitSecure = (e) => {
    // only needed if part of a form

    // Tell RevOps to create the account.
    if (!!this.saveRef === true) {

  render() {
  const { accountId, email } = this.props
  return (
        {/* ... */}
          account={{ accountId, email }}
        {/* Now we can call it when we submit the entire form */}
        <input type="submit" onClick={this.submitSecure} />

Now we can now control the submission process of the <PaymentMethod /> component from its parent component as one unified workflow.


MIT © RevOps, Inc.