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This python program help users easily classifying the transactions history by symbol and account activity into several spreading sheets.


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TD Ameritrade Trading History Classifier

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This python program help user easily classify the transactions history by symbol and account activity into several spreading sheets.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.

Prerequisites & Dependency

PySimpleGUI (package)
openpyxl (package)


Step1. Install python:

Follow the Python Official Install instruction to install it.

Or follow the quick step below:

  1. Download python from official website.
  2. Double click the installer to install python (recommended) or extract the portable version python to your desired folder.
  3. If you haven't enable the setting environment variables option in the installer or you're using portable version, please follow the instruction to setting environment variables.

Step2. Install python packages:


  1. Open CMD or Powershell
  2. Type following command and hit enter to install packages
    • pip install PySimpleGUI
    • pip install openpyxl

Step3. Get the program:

Clone this repo to your local machine using

git clone


Download project source code file and extract it.

How to use

  1. Get transaction file:
    • Download your transaction file from TD Ameritrade website. The transaction file downloaded from TD Ameritrade website should be .csv file.
    • Use MicroSoft Excel or any compatible software to open downloaded transaction file and save as a new standard .xls or .xlsx file.
  2. Navigate to the main project folder.
  3. Double click to run the program.
  4. Follow the GUI guide.


Q: What environment does this program run?

A: I develop and test it under Windows 10, python 3.7. You could try to run it under different environment, but I can't promise it will run smoothly.

Q: Could I add new trading history into processed spreadsheet file by this program?

A: Yes, please following instruction to add it.

  • Step1: Delete transactions sheet from processed file (ex.my_transactions_r0.xlsx).
  • Step2: Duplicate the new transactions sheet from new downloaded file (ex.transactions.xlsx) to processed file and save it. Make sure all trading history are correct because this program won't check it for you.
  • Step3: Open program and select modified file to classify.

Q: How to change program interface language?

A: Click Open Setting Editor button and choose language for the interface.


Please see the file for details.

The version control of this project follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 system after Beta 1.3.1.


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  1. Duplicate one copy of the lang_enUS.json in program file folder.
  2. Rename the file to lang_xxYY.json. The xx shall be the language code defined in ISO 639-1 International standards for language codes and the YY shall be two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1 Two-letter country codes.
  3. Open new lang_xxYY.json by the proper text editor and translate all sentences to desired language. If you don't know where to modify the file, please open lang_zhTW.json in the same program file folder. By comparing lang_enUS.json and lang_zhTW.json, you are able to know where you have to modify the file.
  4. Open settings.json and find ava_lang_for_GUI section. Add the language name in the format zzzzz (xxYY) under ava_lang_for_GUI section. The definition for xx and YY are same as above point.2 mentioned. The zzzzz shall be the language name you want to call.
  5. If you do every steps mentioned above correctly. You should be able to use the language you want in the program.
  6. Finally, don't forget to create a new Pull Request to help other people using the same language.



This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the file for details.


This python program help users easily classifying the transactions history by symbol and account activity into several spreading sheets.







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