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dudekw edited this page Jun 24, 2016 · 8 revisions

This library documentation can be found here.

This library encloses all available global localization methods. Currently it supports QR-Code global localization only.

QR-Code global localization:

Input & output:

  1. Specify QR-Code map file path:
  1. Input qr_code_map object:
  1. Output:
  • rapp::object::pose

Create QR-Code map:

  1. Determine 3D poses of every QR-Code with respect to your environment map origin (origin of the map is set in its .yaml file). QR-Code frame orientation is depictured as follows:
QR-Code frame
  1. Compose .xml file as follows:
  • Paste following header:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">
  • Add QR-Codes using following template:
<QR> <!-- Open QR-Code -->
<!-- QR-Code position -->
<!-- QR-Code orientation [quaternion] -->
<!-- QR-Code label/name/messasge -->
</QR> <!-- Close QR-Code -->
  • Close QRcodes tree:
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