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Angular localization with ngxTranslate

Demo project for Angular localization with ngxTranslate. Clone this project and install all dependencies for a working playgorund. Visit the live demo at

Localizing workflow

Install ngxTranslate and httploader

First you need to install the right npm module. This depends on your Angular version.

  • Angular < 4.0.0 use @ngx-translate/core@^7.2.2
  • Angular < 6.0.0 use @ngx-translate/core@^9.1.1
  • Angular >= 6.0.0 use @ngx-translate/core

To load the translations definitions from JSON files you need the ngxTranslate HttpLoader module. This modul version depends also on your Angular version.

  • Angular < 4.3.0 use @ngx-translate/http-loader@^0.1.0
  • Angular < 6.0.0 use @ngx-translate/http-loader@^2.0.1
  • Angular >= 6.0.0 use @ngx-translate/http-loader

Actual status information about versions and dependencies are available at the official GitHub repositories.

Translation file

You need a JSON resource file for each language. Default location is assets/i18n/xx-XX.json. The resource file contains keys and related texts.

    "HOME": {
        "TITLE": "Angular ngxTranslate localization",
    "NAV": {
        "EN": "English",

It is possible to define nested elements in JSON resource files.

Imports and definitions

Import TranslateModule, TranslateLoader and TranslateHttpLoader in app.module.ts the HttpLoader is used to load translation files from assets folder.

// ngxTranslate imports
import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoader } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { TranslateHttpLoader } from '@ngx-translate/http-loader';
// define the translate file loader
export function TranslateLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient) {
  return new TranslateHttpLoader(http);
  declarations: [ ... ],
  imports: [
      loader: {
        provide: TranslateLoader,
        useFactory: TranslateLoaderFactory,
        deps: [HttpClient]
  exports: [ ... ],
  providers: [ ... ],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]

To have native i18n support for dates, numbers, percentages and currencies you need to import and register each locale in app.module.ts

// imports for native i18n support for dates, numbers, percentages
import { registerLocaleData } from '@angular/common';
import localeDECH from '@angular/common/locales/de-CH';
import localeFR from '@angular/common/locales/fr';
import localeIT from '@angular/common/locales/it';

// register each native i18n locale

Setup service

In your base AppComponent you have to initialize the TranslateService with a base/fallback language and the acutal language which should be used when the app is launched.

constructor(public translate: TranslateService) {

Localize elements

Texts and strings

You have three ways how to achive the translation of texts

  1. Use the service
  2. Use the pipe
  3. Use the directive

Use the service to translate strings directly in components

translate.get('HOME.HELLO', {name: userName}).subscribe((res: string) => {
    console.log(res); // => 'Hi, Raphael Bolliger'

Use the pipe directly in html tags

<p>{{ 'HOME.HELLO' | translate:{name:userName} }}</p>

Add translate attributes to html tags

<p translate [translateParams]="{name: userName}">HOME.HELLO</p>

Dates, numbers, percentages and currencies

To localize dates etc. you can use the built in native pipes. Extract the actual locale from the service and set it as a parameter in the native pipes.

Following code shows a example with a date. You have to provide each parameter of the date pipe.

<p class="card-text">{{ now | date:'shortDate':'':translate.currentLang }}</p>

Detailed information of all pipes are available at the official angular documentation

ICU (plurals, genders and more)

To achive localization of ICU's a custom pipe is needed. You can use the TranslateSelectorPipe implementation of this project.

    {{ 'HOME.THEAUTHOR' | translate }}
    <strong>{{ 'HOME.GENDER' | translate:{gender:gender} | translateSelector:gender }}</strong>

This TranslateSelectorPipe implementation was crated by @atiris you can find the original source here.

Switch between languages

With the language service it's easy to switch between languages. To switch to the required language, call translate.use(lang: string)



Documentation and help

A complete guide and more examples for ngxTranslate can be found at the official GitHub repository.