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Automate Qase 274, 94, 97, 99, 143, 145, 107, 105 (#200)
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* Automate Qase 274, 94, 97, 99, 143, 145, 107, 105

Signed-off-by: Parthvi Vala <>

* Follow-up changes

Signed-off-by: Parthvi Vala <>

* Add AfterEach for provisioning tests

Signed-off-by: Parthvi Vala <>

* Address review comments

Signed-off-by: Parthvi Vala <>

* Remove focus

Signed-off-by: Parthvi Vala <>


Signed-off-by: Parthvi Vala <>
  • Loading branch information
valaparthvi authored Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 392cd73 commit b2bb03d
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Showing 4 changed files with 216 additions and 110 deletions.
63 changes: 47 additions & 16 deletions hosted/eks/helper/helper_cluster.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -363,32 +363,33 @@ func UpdatePublicAccessSources(cluster *management.Cluster, client *rancher.Clie
return cluster, nil

// UpdateClusterTags updates the tags of a EKS cluster
// UpdateClusterTags updates the tags of a EKS cluster;
// the given tag list will replace the existing tags; this is required to be able to delete tag removal using this function
// if wait is set to true, it waits until the update is complete; if checkClusterConfig is true, it validates the update
func UpdateClusterTags(cluster *management.Cluster, client *rancher.Client, tags map[string]string, checkClusterConfig bool) (*management.Cluster, error) {
upgradedCluster := cluster
maps.Copy(*upgradedCluster.EKSConfig.Tags, tags)
upgradedCluster.EKSConfig.Tags = &tags

cluster, err := client.Management.Cluster.Update(cluster, &upgradedCluster)

if checkClusterConfig {
// Check if the desired config is set correctly
for key, value := range tags {
Expect(*cluster.EKSConfig.Tags).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(key, value))
Eventually(func() bool {
// Check if the desired config is set correctly
for key, value := range tags {
Expect(*cluster.EKSConfig.Tags).Should(HaveKeyWithValue(key, value))

ginkgo.GinkgoLogr.Info("Waiting for the cluster tag changes to appear in EKSStatus.UpstreamSpec ...")
cluster, err = client.Management.Cluster.ByID(cluster.ID)
return helpers.CheckMapKeys(tags, *cluster.EKSStatus.UpstreamSpec.Tags)
return maps.Equal(tags, *cluster.EKSStatus.UpstreamSpec.Tags)
}, tools.SetTimeout(10*time.Minute), 15*time.Second).Should(BeTrue())
return cluster, nil

// UpdateNodegroupMetadata updates the tags & labels of a EKS Node groups
// the given tags and labels will replace the existing counterparts
// if wait is set to true, it waits until the update is complete; if checkClusterConfig is true, it validates the update
func UpdateNodegroupMetadata(cluster *management.Cluster, client *rancher.Client, tags, labels map[string]string, checkClusterConfig bool) (*management.Cluster, error) {
upgradedCluster := cluster
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ func UpdateNodegroupMetadata(cluster *management.Cluster, client *rancher.Client

for _, ng := range cluster.EKSStatus.UpstreamSpec.NodeGroups {
if helpers.CheckMapKeys(tags, *ng.Tags) && helpers.CheckMapKeys(labels, *ng.Labels) {
if maps.Equal(tags, *ng.Tags) && maps.Equal(labels, *ng.Labels) {
return true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,15 +461,18 @@ func ListEKSAllVersions(client *rancher.Client) (allVersions []string, err error
// <==============================EKS CLI==============================>

// Create AWS EKS cluster using EKS CLI
func CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region string, clusterName string, k8sVersion string, nodes string, tags map[string]string) error {
func CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region string, clusterName string, k8sVersion string, nodes string, tags map[string]string, extraArgs ...string) error {
currentKubeconfig := os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG")
defer os.Setenv("KUBECONFIG", currentKubeconfig)


formattedTags := k8slabels.SelectorFromSet(tags).String()
fmt.Println("Creating EKS cluster ...")
args := []string{"create", "cluster", "--region=" + region, "--name=" + clusterName, "--version=" + k8sVersion, "--nodegroup-name", "ranchernodes", "--nodes", nodes, "--managed", "--tags", formattedTags}
args := []string{"create", "cluster", "--region=" + region, "--name=" + clusterName, "--version=" + k8sVersion, "--nodegroup-name", "ranchernodes", "--nodes", nodes, "--tags", formattedTags}
if len(extraArgs) != 0 {
args = append(args, extraArgs...)
fmt.Printf("Running command: eksctl %v\n", args)
out, err := proc.RunW("eksctl", args...)
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -494,6 +498,23 @@ func UpgradeEKSClusterOnAWS(region string, clusterName string, upgradeToVersion
return nil

// AddNodeGroupOnAWS adds nodegroup ot a cluster using EKS CLI
func AddNodeGroupOnAWS(nodeName, clusterName, region string, extraArgs ...string) error {
fmt.Println("Adding nodegroup to EKS cluster ...")
args := []string{"create", "nodegroup", "--region=" + region, "--cluster", clusterName, "--name", nodeName}
if len(extraArgs) != 0 {
args = append(args, extraArgs...)
fmt.Printf("Running command: eksctl %v\n", args)
out, err := proc.RunW("eksctl", args...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to add nodegroup: "+out)
fmt.Println("Added nodegroup: ", nodeName)
return nil


// Upgrade EKS cluster nodegroup using EKS CLI
func UpgradeEKSNodegroupOnAWS(region string, clusterName string, ngName string, upgradeToVersion string) error {
fmt.Println("Upgrading EKS cluster nodegroup ...")
Expand All @@ -508,17 +529,27 @@ func UpgradeEKSNodegroupOnAWS(region string, clusterName string, ngName string,
return nil

func GetFromEKS(region string, clusterName string, cmd string, query string) (out string, err error) {
clusterArgs := []string{"eksctl", "get", "cluster", "--region=" + region, "--name=" + clusterName, "-ojson", "|", "jq", "-r"}
ngArgs := []string{"eksctl", "get", "nodegroup", "--region=" + region, "--cluster=" + clusterName, "-ojson", "|", "jq", "-r"}
func GetFromEKS(region string, clusterName string, cmd string, query string, extraArgs ...string) (out string, err error) {
clusterArgs := []string{"eksctl", "get", "cluster", "--region=" + region, "--name=" + clusterName, "-ojson"}
ngArgs := []string{"eksctl", "get", "nodegroup", "--region=" + region, "--cluster=" + clusterName, "-ojson"}
queryArgs := []string{"|", "jq", "-r", query}

if cmd == "cluster" {
clusterArgs = append(clusterArgs, query)
// extraArgs must be appended before queryArgs
if len(extraArgs) != 0 {
clusterArgs = append(clusterArgs, extraArgs...)
clusterArgs = append(clusterArgs, queryArgs...)
cmd = strings.Join(clusterArgs, " ")
} else {
ngArgs = append(ngArgs, query)
// extraArgs must be appended before queryArgs
if len(extraArgs) != 0 {
ngArgs = append(ngArgs, extraArgs...)
ngArgs = append(ngArgs, queryArgs...)
cmd = strings.Join(ngArgs, " ")

fmt.Printf("Running command: %s\n", cmd)
out, err = proc.RunW("bash", "-c", cmd)
return strings.TrimSpace(out), err
Expand Down
116 changes: 70 additions & 46 deletions hosted/eks/p1/p1_import_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
. ""
. ""
management ""
namegen ""

Expand All @@ -14,6 +15,24 @@ import (
var _ = Describe("P1Import", func() {
var cluster *management.Cluster

BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
k8sVersion, err = helper.GetK8sVersion(ctx.RancherAdminClient, false)
GinkgoLogr.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Using kubernetes version %s for cluster %s", k8sVersion, clusterName))

AfterEach(func() {
if ctx.ClusterCleanup && (cluster != nil && cluster.ID != "") {
err := helper.DeleteEKSHostCluster(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)
err = helper.DeleteEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName)
} else {
fmt.Println("Skipping downstream cluster deletion: ", clusterName)

When("a cluster is imported for upgrade", func() {

BeforeEach(func() {
Expand All @@ -30,17 +49,6 @@ var _ = Describe("P1Import", func() {

AfterEach(func() {
if ctx.ClusterCleanup && (cluster != nil && cluster.ID != "") {
err := helper.DeleteEKSHostCluster(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)
err = helper.DeleteEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName)
} else {
fmt.Println("Skipping downstream cluster deletion: ", clusterName)

It("Upgrade version of node group only", func() {
testCaseID = 88
upgradeNodeKubernetesVersionGTCPCheck(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)
Expand All @@ -58,31 +66,65 @@ var _ = Describe("P1Import", func() {

When("a cluster is imported", func() {

var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
var err error
k8sVersion, err = helper.GetK8sVersion(ctx.RancherAdminClient, false)
It("should successfully Import cluster with ONLY control plane", func() {
testCaseID = 94
err := helper.CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName, k8sVersion, "1", helpers.GetCommonMetadataLabels(), "--without-nodegroup")
cluster, err = helper.ImportEKSHostedCluster(ctx.RancherAdminClient, clusterName, ctx.CloudCredID, region)
Eventually(func() bool {
cluster, err = ctx.RancherAdminClient.Management.Cluster.ByID(cluster.ID)
GinkgoLogr.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Using kubernetes version %s for cluster %s", k8sVersion, clusterName))
return cluster.Transitioning == "error" && cluster.TransitioningMessage == "Cluster must have at least one managed nodegroup or one self-managed node."
}, "5m", "2s").Should(BeTrue())
cluster.EKSConfig = cluster.EKSStatus.UpstreamSpec
cluster, err = helper.AddNodeGroup(cluster, 1, ctx.RancherAdminClient, false, false)
cluster, err = helpers.WaitUntilClusterIsReady(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)

helpers.ClusterIsReadyChecks(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient, clusterName)

err = helper.CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName, k8sVersion, "1", helpers.GetCommonMetadataLabels())
It("successfully import EKS cluster with self-managed nodes", func() {
testCaseID = 107
err := helper.CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName, k8sVersion, "1", helpers.GetCommonMetadataLabels(), "--managed=false")
cluster, err = helper.ImportEKSHostedCluster(ctx.RancherAdminClient, clusterName, ctx.CloudCredID, region)
cluster, err = helpers.WaitUntilClusterIsReady(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)

When("a cluster with multiple nodegroups is imported", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
err := helper.CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName, k8sVersion, "1", helpers.GetCommonMetadataLabels())
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
err = helper.AddNodeGroupOnAWS(namegen.AppendRandomString("ng"), clusterName, region)
cluster, err = helper.ImportEKSHostedCluster(ctx.RancherAdminClient, clusterName, ctx.CloudCredID, region)
cluster, err = helpers.WaitUntilClusterIsReady(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)

AfterEach(func() {
if ctx.ClusterCleanup && (cluster != nil && cluster.ID != "") {
err := helper.DeleteEKSHostCluster(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)
err = helper.DeleteEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName)
} else {
fmt.Println("Skipping downstream cluster deletion: ", clusterName)
It("should successfully Import cluster with at least 2 nodegroups", func() {
testCaseID = 105
helpers.ClusterIsReadyChecks(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient, clusterName)

When("a cluster is imported", func() {

var _ = BeforeEach(func() {
err := helper.CreateEKSClusterOnAWS(region, clusterName, k8sVersion, "1", helpers.GetCommonMetadataLabels())
cluster, err = helper.ImportEKSHostedCluster(ctx.RancherAdminClient, clusterName, ctx.CloudCredID, region)
cluster, err = helpers.WaitUntilClusterIsReady(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)

It("Delete & re-import cluster", func() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,25 +163,7 @@ var _ = Describe("P1Import", func() {

It("Update Tags and Labels", func() {
testCaseID = 81

var err error
tags := map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"testCaseID": "98",
labels := map[string]string{
"testCaseID": "96",

By("Adding cluster tags", func() {
cluster, err = helper.UpdateClusterTags(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient, tags, true)

By("Adding Nodegroup tags & labels", func() {
cluster, err = helper.UpdateNodegroupMetadata(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient, tags, labels, true)
updateTagsAndLabels(cluster, ctx.RancherAdminClient)

Context("Reimporting/Editing a cluster with invalid config", func() {
Expand Down

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