Following are the common environment variables that need to be exported for running a test:
- RANCHER_HOSTNAME - Public DNS where rancher is running. E.g. or
- RANCHER_PASSWORD - Admin Password for login. We currently only test with 'admin' user.
- CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG: Config file containing cluster and cloud credential information, for e.g. cattle-config-provisioning.yaml and cattle-config-import.yaml in the root directory.
- PROVIDER: Type of the hosted provider you want to test. Acceptable values - gke, eks, aks
- DOWNSTREAM_K8S_MINOR_VERSION (optional): Downstream cluster Kubernetes version to test. If the env var is not provided, it uses a provider specific default value.
- DOWNSTREAM_CLUSTER_CLEANUP (optional): If set to true, downstream cluster will be deleted. Default: false.
- RANCHER_CLIENT_DEBUG (optional, debug): Set to true to watch API requests and responses being sent to rancher.
- KUBECONFIG: Upstream K8s' Kubeconfig file; usually it is k3s.yaml.
- RANCHER_UPGRADE_VERSION: Rancher version to test upgrade. This version can be in the following formats (channel/version/head_version): prime/2.9.0, latest/2.9.0-rc1, latest/devel/2.9
- K8S_UPGRADE_MINOR_VERSION: K8s version to test. This value does not have to be exact, just the X.Y version. For e.g. 1.28. The complete version value will be fetched during the test.
- RANCHER_VERSION: Base rancher version to begin with. Since chart support tests are basically upgrade scenarios, the base version should be a released version, if it is an unreleased version such as 2.9-head, the test will fail. This version can be in the following formats(channel/version): latest/2.9.0, latest/2.9.0-rc1
Note: These are E2E tests, so rancher (version=RANCHER_VERSION
) will be installed by the test.
- GCP_CREDENTIALS - a Service Account with a JSON private key and provide the JSON here. These IAM roles are required:
- Compute Engine: Compute Viewer (roles/compute.viewer)
- Project: Viewer (roles/viewer)
- Kubernetes Engine: Kubernetes Engine Admin (roles/container.admin)
- Service Accounts: Service Account User (roles/iam.serviceAccountUser)
- GKE_PROJECT_ID - Name of the Google Cloud Project
- GKE_ZONE - Zone in which GKE must be provisioned (default: 'asia-south2-c'). This environment variable takes precedence over the config file variable.
- EKS_REGION - Region in which EKS must be provisioned (default: 'ap-south-1'). This environment variable takes precedence over the config file variable.
- AKS_CLIENT_ID - Azure Client ID Check Microsoft Entra ID to create or fetch value from an existing one
- AKS_CLIENT_SECRET - Azure Client Secret Check Microsoft Entra ID to create or fetch value from an existing one
- AKS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - Azure Subscription ID (In this case it is similar to a Google Cloud Project, but the value is an ID). Check Azure Subscriptions
- AKS_REGION - Region in which AKS must be provisioned (default: 'centralindia'). This environment variable takes precedence over the config file variable.
Note: It is advisable that all the Hosted Provider cluster be provisioned in APAC region, this is because we want to geolocalize all the resources created by hosted provider.
make e2e-provisioning-tests
- Covers the P0Provisioning test suite for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-import-tests
- Covers the P0Import test suite for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-support-matrix-import-tests
- Covers the SupportMatrixImport test suite for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-support-matrix-provisioning-tests
- Covers the SupportMatrixProvisioning test suite for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-k8s-chart-support-provisioning-tests
- Focuses on K8sChartSupportProvisioning for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-k8s-chart-support-import-tests
- Focuses on K8sChartSupportImport for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-k8s-chart-support-import-tests-upgrade
- Focuses on K8sChartSupportUpgradeImport for a given${PROVIDER}
make e2e-k8s-chart-support-provisioning-tests-upgrade
- Focuses on K8sChartSupportUpgradeProvisioning for a given${PROVIDER}
Run make help
to know about other targets.
GKE Provisioning Tests
GKE_PROJECT_ID=some-project GCP_CREDENTIALS=<credentials-json> PROVIDER=gke RANCHER_PASSWORD=admin123 CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG=cattle-config-provisioning.yaml make e2e-provisioning-tests
GKE Import Tests
GKE_PROJECT_ID=some-project GCP_CREDENTIALS=<credentials-json> PROVIDER=gke RANCHER_PASSWORD=admin123 CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG=cattle-config-import.yaml make e2e-import-tests
EKS Provisioning Tests
EKS_REGION=ap-south-1 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<key-id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<key> PROVIDER=eks RANCHER_PASSWORD=admin123 CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG=cattle-config-provisioning.yaml make e2e-provisioning-tests
EKS Import Tests
EKS_REGION=ap-south-1 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<key-id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<key> PROVIDER=eks RANCHER_PASSWORD=admin123 CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG=cattle-config-import.yaml make e2e-import-tests
AKS Provisioning Tests
AKS_REGION=centralindia AKS_CLIENT_ID=<client-id> AKS_CLIENT_SECRET=<secret> AKS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscription-id> PROVIDER=aks RANCHER_PASSWORD=admin123 CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG=cattle-config-provisioning.yaml make e2e-provisioning-tests
AKS Import Tests
AKS_REGION=centralindia AKS_CLIENT_ID=<client-id> AKS_CLIENT_SECRET=<secret> AKS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscription-id> PROVIDER=aks RANCHER_PASSWORD=admin123 CATTLE_TEST_CONFIG=cattle-config-import.yaml make e2e-import-tests