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planner: fix join resolveIndex won't find its column from children sc…
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…hema and amend join's lused and rused logic for reversed column ref from join schema to its children (#51258)

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ti-chi-bot authored Feb 23, 2024
1 parent e73d335 commit 206723f
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Showing 12 changed files with 490 additions and 141 deletions.
100 changes: 86 additions & 14 deletions pkg/executor/benchmark_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,13 @@
package executor

import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -884,6 +886,44 @@ func defaultHashJoinTestCase(cols []*types.FieldType, joinType core.JoinType, us
return tc

func prepareResolveIndices(joinSchema, lSchema, rSchema *expression.Schema, joinType core.JoinType) *expression.Schema {
colsNeedResolving := joinSchema.Len()
// The last output column of this two join is the generated column to indicate whether the row is matched or not.
if joinType == core.LeftOuterSemiJoin || joinType == core.AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin {
mergedSchema := expression.MergeSchema(lSchema, rSchema)
// To avoid that two plan shares the same column slice.
shallowColSlice := make([]*expression.Column, joinSchema.Len())
copy(shallowColSlice, joinSchema.Columns)
joinSchema = expression.NewSchema(shallowColSlice...)
foundCnt := 0
// Here we want to resolve all join schema columns directly as a merged schema, and you know same name
// col in join schema should be separately redirected to corresponded same col in child schema. But two
// column sets are **NOT** always ordered, see comment:
// we are using mapping mechanism instead of moving j forward.
marked := make([]bool, mergedSchema.Len())
for i := 0; i < colsNeedResolving; i++ {
findIdx := -1
for j := 0; j < len(mergedSchema.Columns); j++ {
if !joinSchema.Columns[i].Equal(nil, mergedSchema.Columns[j]) || marked[j] {
// resolve to a same unique id one, and it not being marked.
findIdx = j
if findIdx != -1 {
// valid one.
joinSchema.Columns[i] = joinSchema.Columns[i].Clone().(*expression.Column)
joinSchema.Columns[i].Index = findIdx
marked[findIdx] = true
return joinSchema

func prepare4HashJoin(testCase *hashJoinTestCase, innerExec, outerExec exec.Executor) *HashJoinExec {
if testCase.useOuterToBuild {
innerExec, outerExec = outerExec, innerExec
Expand All @@ -907,6 +947,10 @@ func prepare4HashJoin(testCase *hashJoinTestCase, innerExec, outerExec exec.Exec
// todo: need systematic way to protect.
// physical join should resolveIndices to get right schema column index.
// otherwise, markChildrenUsedColsForTest will fail below.
joinSchema = prepareResolveIndices(joinSchema, innerExec.Schema(), outerExec.Schema(), core.InnerJoin)

joinKeysColIdx := make([]int, 0, len(testCase.keyIdx))
joinKeysColIdx = append(joinKeysColIdx, testCase.keyIdx...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -962,25 +1006,39 @@ func prepare4HashJoin(testCase *hashJoinTestCase, innerExec, outerExec exec.Exec

// markChildrenUsedColsForTest compares each child with the output schema, and mark
// each column of the child is used by output or not.
func markChildrenUsedColsForTest(outputSchema *expression.Schema, childSchemas ...*expression.Schema) (childrenUsed [][]bool) {
childrenUsed = make([][]bool, 0, len(childSchemas))
markedOffsets := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, col := range outputSchema.Columns {
markedOffsets[col.Index] = struct{}{}
func markChildrenUsedColsForTest(outputSchema *expression.Schema, childSchemas ...*expression.Schema) (childrenUsed [][]int) {
childrenUsed = make([][]int, 0, len(childSchemas))
markedOffsets := make(map[int]int)
for originalIdx, col := range outputSchema.Columns {
markedOffsets[col.Index] = originalIdx
prefixLen := 0
type intPair struct {
first int
second int
// for example here.
// left child schema: [col11]
// right child schema: [col21, col22]
// output schema is [col11, col22, col21], if not records the original derived order after physical resolve index.
// the lused will be [0], the rused will be [0,1], while the actual order is dismissed, [1,0] is correct for rused.
for _, childSchema := range childSchemas {
used := make([]bool, len(childSchema.Columns))
usedIdxPair := make([]intPair, 0, len(childSchema.Columns))
for i := range childSchema.Columns {
if _, ok := markedOffsets[prefixLen+i]; ok {
used[i] = true
if originalIdx, ok := markedOffsets[prefixLen+i]; ok {
usedIdxPair = append(usedIdxPair, intPair{first: originalIdx, second: i})
childrenUsed = append(childrenUsed, used)
for _, child := range childSchemas {
used := expression.GetUsedList(outputSchema.Columns, child)
childrenUsed = append(childrenUsed, used)
// sort the used idxes according their original indexes derived after resolveIndex.
slices.SortFunc(usedIdxPair, func(a, b intPair) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.first, b.first)
usedIdx := make([]int, 0, len(childSchema.Columns))
for _, one := range usedIdxPair {
usedIdx = append(usedIdx, one.second)
childrenUsed = append(childrenUsed, usedIdx)
prefixLen += childSchema.Len()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1582,6 +1640,20 @@ func prepareMergeJoinExec(tc *mergeJoinTestCase, joinSchema *expression.Schema,
isOuterJoin: false,

var usedIdx [][]int
if tc.childrenUsedSchema != nil {
usedIdx = make([][]int, 0, len(tc.childrenUsedSchema))
for _, childSchema := range tc.childrenUsedSchema {
used := make([]int, 0, len(childSchema))
for idx, one := range childSchema {
if one {
used = append(used, idx)
usedIdx = append(usedIdx, used)

mergeJoinExec.joiner = newJoiner(
Expand All @@ -1590,7 +1662,7 @@ func prepareMergeJoinExec(tc *mergeJoinTestCase, joinSchema *expression.Schema,

Expand Down
45 changes: 30 additions & 15 deletions pkg/executor/builder.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -798,14 +798,11 @@ func (b *executorBuilder) buildLimit(v *plannercore.PhysicalLimit) exec.Executor
end: v.Offset + v.Count,

childUsedSchemaLen := v.Children()[0].Schema().Len()
childUsedSchema := markChildrenUsedCols(v.Schema().Columns, v.Children()[0].Schema())[0]
e.columnIdxsUsedByChild = make([]int, 0, len(childUsedSchema))
for i, used := range childUsedSchema {
if used {
e.columnIdxsUsedByChild = append(e.columnIdxsUsedByChild, i)
if len(e.columnIdxsUsedByChild) == len(childUsedSchema) {
e.columnIdxsUsedByChild = append(e.columnIdxsUsedByChild, childUsedSchema...)
if len(e.columnIdxsUsedByChild) == childUsedSchemaLen {
e.columnIdxsUsedByChild = nil // indicates that all columns are used. LimitExec will improve performance for this condition.
return e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2914,21 +2911,39 @@ func (b *executorBuilder) buildAnalyze(v *plannercore.Analyze) exec.Executor {

// markChildrenUsedCols compares each child with the output schema, and mark
// each column of the child is used by output or not.
func markChildrenUsedCols(outputCols []*expression.Column, childSchemas ...*expression.Schema) (childrenUsed [][]bool) {
childrenUsed = make([][]bool, 0, len(childSchemas))
markedOffsets := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, col := range outputCols {
markedOffsets[col.Index] = struct{}{}
func markChildrenUsedCols(outputCols []*expression.Column, childSchemas ...*expression.Schema) (childrenUsed [][]int) {
childrenUsed = make([][]int, 0, len(childSchemas))
markedOffsets := make(map[int]int)
// keep the original maybe reversed order.
for originalIdx, col := range outputCols {
markedOffsets[col.Index] = originalIdx
prefixLen := 0
type intPair struct {
first int
second int
// for example here.
// left child schema: [col11]
// right child schema: [col21, col22]
// output schema is [col11, col22, col21], if not records the original derived order after physical resolve index.
// the lused will be [0], the rused will be [0,1], while the actual order is dismissed, [1,0] is correct for rused.
for _, childSchema := range childSchemas {
used := make([]bool, len(childSchema.Columns))
usedIdxPair := make([]intPair, 0, len(childSchema.Columns))
for i := range childSchema.Columns {
if _, ok := markedOffsets[prefixLen+i]; ok {
used[i] = true
if originalIdx, ok := markedOffsets[prefixLen+i]; ok {
usedIdxPair = append(usedIdxPair, intPair{first: originalIdx, second: i})
childrenUsed = append(childrenUsed, used)
// sort the used idxes according their original indexes derived after resolveIndex.
slices.SortFunc(usedIdxPair, func(a, b intPair) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.first, b.first)
usedIdx := make([]int, 0, len(childSchema.Columns))
for _, one := range usedIdxPair {
usedIdx = append(usedIdx, one.second)
childrenUsed = append(childrenUsed, usedIdx)
prefixLen += childSchema.Len()
Expand Down
17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions pkg/executor/joiner.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func JoinerType(j joiner) plannercore.JoinType {

func newJoiner(ctx sessionctx.Context, joinType plannercore.JoinType,
outerIsRight bool, defaultInner []types.Datum, filter []expression.Expression,
lhsColTypes, rhsColTypes []*types.FieldType, childrenUsed [][]bool, isNA bool) joiner {
lhsColTypes, rhsColTypes []*types.FieldType, childrenUsed [][]int, isNA bool) joiner {
base := baseJoiner{
ctx: ctx,
conditions: filter,
Expand All @@ -141,19 +141,14 @@ func newJoiner(ctx sessionctx.Context, joinType plannercore.JoinType,
base.selected = make([]bool, 0, chunk.InitialCapacity)
base.isNull = make([]bool, 0, chunk.InitialCapacity)
// lused and rused should be followed with its original order.
// the case is that is join schema rely on the reversed order
// of child's schema, here we should keep it original order.
if childrenUsed != nil {
base.lUsed = make([]int, 0, len(childrenUsed[0])) // make it non-nil
for i, used := range childrenUsed[0] {
if used {
base.lUsed = append(base.lUsed, i)
base.lUsed = append(base.lUsed, childrenUsed[0]...)
base.rUsed = make([]int, 0, len(childrenUsed[1])) // make it non-nil
for i, used := range childrenUsed[1] {
if used {
base.rUsed = append(base.rUsed, i)
base.rUsed = append(base.rUsed, childrenUsed[1]...)
zap.Ints("lUsed", base.lUsed), zap.Ints("rUsed", base.rUsed),
zap.Int("lCount", len(lhsColTypes)), zap.Int("rCount", len(rhsColTypes)))
Expand Down
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions pkg/executor/test/tiflashtest/tiflash_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1446,19 +1446,19 @@ func TestDisaggregatedTiFlashQuery(t *testing.T) {
err = domain.GetDomain(tk.Session()).DDL().UpdateTableReplicaInfo(tk.Session(), tb.Meta().ID, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
tk.MustQuery("explain select * from t1 where c1 < 2").Check(testkit.Rows(
"PartitionUnion_10 9970.00 root ",
"├─TableReader_15 3323.33 root MppVersion: 2, data:ExchangeSender_14",
"│ └─ExchangeSender_14 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] ExchangeType: PassThrough",
"│ └─Selection_13 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] lt(test.t1.c1, 2)",
"│ └─TableFullScan_12 10000.00 mpp[tiflash] table:t1, partition:p0 pushed down filter:empty, keep order:false, stats:pseudo",
"├─TableReader_19 3323.33 root MppVersion: 2, data:ExchangeSender_18",
"│ └─ExchangeSender_18 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] ExchangeType: PassThrough",
"│ └─Selection_17 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] lt(test.t1.c1, 2)",
"│ └─TableFullScan_16 10000.00 mpp[tiflash] table:t1, partition:p1 pushed down filter:empty, keep order:false, stats:pseudo",
"└─TableReader_23 3323.33 root MppVersion: 2, data:ExchangeSender_22",
" └─ExchangeSender_22 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] ExchangeType: PassThrough",
" └─Selection_21 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] lt(test.t1.c1, 2)",
" └─TableFullScan_20 10000.00 mpp[tiflash] table:t1, partition:p2 pushed down filter:empty, keep order:false, stats:pseudo"))
"PartitionUnion_11 9970.00 root ",
"├─TableReader_16 3323.33 root MppVersion: 2, data:ExchangeSender_15",
"│ └─ExchangeSender_15 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] ExchangeType: PassThrough",
"│ └─Selection_14 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] lt(test.t1.c1, 2)",
"│ └─TableFullScan_13 10000.00 mpp[tiflash] table:t1, partition:p0 pushed down filter:empty, keep order:false, stats:pseudo",
"├─TableReader_20 3323.33 root MppVersion: 2, data:ExchangeSender_19",
"│ └─ExchangeSender_19 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] ExchangeType: PassThrough",
"│ └─Selection_18 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] lt(test.t1.c1, 2)",
"│ └─TableFullScan_17 10000.00 mpp[tiflash] table:t1, partition:p1 pushed down filter:empty, keep order:false, stats:pseudo",
"└─TableReader_24 3323.33 root MppVersion: 2, data:ExchangeSender_23",
" └─ExchangeSender_23 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] ExchangeType: PassThrough",
" └─Selection_22 3323.33 mpp[tiflash] lt(test.t1.c1, 2)",
" └─TableFullScan_21 10000.00 mpp[tiflash] table:t1, partition:p2 pushed down filter:empty, keep order:false, stats:pseudo"))

func TestMPPMemoryTracker(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pkg/planner/cascades/optimize.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func (opt *Optimizer) FindBestPlan(sctx sessionctx.Context, logical plannercore.

func (*Optimizer) onPhasePreprocessing(_ sessionctx.Context, plan plannercore.LogicalPlan) (plannercore.LogicalPlan, error) {
err := plan.PruneColumns(plan.Schema().Columns, nil)
plan, err := plan.PruneColumns(plan.Schema().Columns, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions pkg/planner/core/plan.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ type LogicalPlan interface {
// Because it might change the root if the having clause exists, we need to return a plan that represents a new root.
PredicatePushDown([]expression.Expression, *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan)

// PruneColumns prunes the unused columns.
PruneColumns([]*expression.Column, *logicalOptimizeOp) error
// PruneColumns prunes the unused columns, and return the new logical plan if changed, otherwise it's same.
PruneColumns([]*expression.Column, *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error)

// findBestTask converts the logical plan to the physical plan. It's a new interface.
// It is called recursively from the parent to the children to create the result physical plan.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,11 +759,16 @@ func (*baseLogicalPlan) ExtractCorrelatedCols() []*expression.CorrelatedColumn {

// PruneColumns implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (p *baseLogicalPlan) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) error {
func (p *baseLogicalPlan) PruneColumns(parentUsedCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error) {
if len(p.children) == 0 {
return nil
return p.self, nil
var err error
p.children[0], err = p.children[0].PruneColumns(parentUsedCols, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.children[0].PruneColumns(parentUsedCols, opt)
return p.self, nil

// Schema implements Plan Schema interface.
Expand Down
37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions pkg/planner/core/resolve_indices.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,26 +141,33 @@ func (p *PhysicalHashJoin) ResolveIndicesItself() (err error) {
copy(shallowColSlice, p.schema.Columns)
p.schema = expression.NewSchema(shallowColSlice...)
foundCnt := 0
// The two column sets are all ordered. And the colsNeedResolving is the subset of the mergedSchema.
// So we can just move forward j if there's no matching is found.
// We don't use the normal ResolvIndices here since there might be duplicate columns in the schema.
// e.g. The schema of child_0 is [col0, col0, col1]
// ResolveIndices will only resolve all col0 reference of the current plan to the first col0.
for i, j := 0, 0; i < colsNeedResolving && j < len(mergedSchema.Columns); {
if !p.schema.Columns[i].Equal(nil, mergedSchema.Columns[j]) {

// Here we want to resolve all join schema columns directly as a merged schema, and you know same name
// col in join schema should be separately redirected to corresponded same col in child schema. But two
// column sets are **NOT** always ordered, see comment:
// we are using mapping mechanism instead of moving j forward.
marked := make([]bool, mergedSchema.Len())
for i := 0; i < colsNeedResolving; i++ {
findIdx := -1
for j := 0; j < len(mergedSchema.Columns); j++ {
if !p.schema.Columns[i].Equal(p.SCtx(), mergedSchema.Columns[j]) || marked[j] {
// resolve to a same unique id one, and it not being marked.
findIdx = j
if findIdx != -1 {
// valid one.
p.schema.Columns[i] = p.schema.Columns[i].Clone().(*expression.Column)
p.schema.Columns[i].Index = findIdx
marked[findIdx] = true
p.schema.Columns[i] = p.schema.Columns[i].Clone().(*expression.Column)
p.schema.Columns[i].Index = j
if foundCnt < colsNeedResolving {
return errors.Errorf("Some columns of %v cannot find the reference from its child(ren)", p.ExplainID().String())


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