Releases: openoereb/pyramid_oereb_mfp
Version 2.4.2
- Templates matching with pyramid_oereb release
- Template fix for Lawstatus #128
- Template fix for font sizes #124, #126
- MapFish Print version update
Version 2.2.5
This fixes german table of content texts in as required by the federal specs.
The release goes also perfectly together with pyramid_oereb v2.2.5
Version 2.2.4
This version goes together with pyramid_oereb v2.2.x and ist the first tag for the new code according to the new technical specifications and ÖREBK-Rahmenmodell 2.0
it integrates the
- new layout
- new law status
- QR code
- other adaptions as required by the specs
Version 1.9.0
Version synchronized with pyramid_oereb release v1.9.0.
Functional change: use new configuration option print_canton_logo
Version 1.8.0
Update to latest version of MapFish Print. Notes to consider when updating from version 1.7.6:
- update your config.yaml to the latest version, this is necessary due to the "pdfA" attribute which was renamed in MapFish Print from "allowTransparency" and now has a reversed meaning,
- update your docker-compose to the latest version, this is necessary due to the new environment variable PRINT_YAML_MAX_ALIASES to avoid a SnakeYAML error with the newest library of SnakeYAML.
Version 1.7.6
Version increase to stay in sync with pyramid_oereb version; no functional changes.
Version 1.7.5
Update recommended version of MapFish Print, to solve problem #55.
Version 1.7.4
No changes compared to v1.7.3; version increased was done to stay synchronous with pyramid_oereb.
Version 1.7.3
- make OfficeAtWeb optional (in compliance with specification) (#62)
Version 1.7.1
- Remove redundant comma in theme list