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Encrypted Digital Circuit Evaluator using OpenFHE's FHEW/TFHE to execute digital circuits described in various formats.


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Encrypted Boolean Circuit Evaluator


This is a demonstration application using OPENFHE's binfhe module for encrypted boolean logic.

The demonstration programs here read in boolean circuits using multiple formats and will execute them in encrypted form. In general each example program performs the following steps:

  • Step 1 analyze input file for I/O and other infomation (depth etc)

  • Step 2 translate the input to an intermediate "assembler" file description

  • Step 3 tests the function using C++ equivalent to generate test vectors, or use known test vectors if supplied

  • Step 4 run the file in a Plaintext circuit evaluation mode and verify output

  • Step 5 repeats with an Encrypted Circuit Evaluation. A flag can be thrown that allows gate by gate verification (it does a parallel plaintext circuit evaluation). If therre is an error, the error is corrected. -- Note this was added for us to debug OPENFHE's implementations.

Note that steps 1 and 2 only need be done once, the output is stored in a file. This can speed up working with big circuits.

Input formats supported

Currently only the old bristol fashion input file is supported

These inputs are in examples/old_bristol_ckts.

Newer bristol fashion circuits are planned to be supported soon. Some might work already.

See the Todo list at the bottom of the file.


This code is rewrite of old Matlab code originally built by BBN/NJIT for the DARPA Proceed program. The port implements a different approach to circuit emulation that allows parallel execution of encrypted gates, and dynamic memory allocation for circuit nodes (wires / registers).

Status as of 8/12/2020

Execution of gates now parallelized. Circuit management not parallelized and algorithm is now a choke point (is still single thread that generates execution tasks, and does many searches). However, for encrypted circuits the overhead is small (less than a few percent). Add FF and clocked circuits

Status as of 11/2/2022

Migrated to OpenFHE.


  • Note: code to analyze reuse of registers/nodes is broken. so is code to compute ciruit depth, as it is not needed for FHEW. may want to rewrite analysis/assembler/circuit code.

  • Add and test new bristol fashion format these inputs are in examples/new_bristol_ckts.

and the Goldfeder circutis

also we need to eventually check out

  • Add parser for other input file formats.

  • generalize input and output to multiple registers of arbitrary bitwidths

  • allow encrypted I/O (i.e. do not decrypt by default)

  • Speed up circuit management representation, possibly with linked list

  • add command line flags for other parameter sets afforded by OpenFHE

  • split TB_crypto into md5 and sha256 test benches, since the combined code takes extremely long to run

Building the system

Build instructions for Ubuntu

Please note that we have not tried installing this on windows or macOS. If anyone does try this, please update this file with instructions. It's recommended to use at least Ubuntu 18.04, and gnu g++ 7 or greater.

  1. Install pre-requisites (if not already installed): g++, cmake, make, autoconf, boost. Sample commands using apt-get are listed below. It is possible that these are already installed on your system.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential #this already includes g++`
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf
$ sudo apt-get install make
$ sudo apt-get install cmake
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Note that sudo apt-get install g++-<version> can be used to install a specific version of the compiler. You can use g++ --version to check the version of g++ that is the current system default.

  1. Install OPENFHE on your system. This code was tested with pre-release 1.10.3. Note we have not tested the circuit emulator with the 32 bit build of OPENFHE, though it should run fine for STD128_OPT.

Full instructions for this are to be found in the file in the OPENFHE repo.

Run make install at the end to install the system to the default location (you can change this location, but then you will have to change the Makefile in this repo to reflect the new location with

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[insert your install directory] ..

  1. Clone this repo onto your system.

  2. Create the build directory

$ mkdir build
  1. Build the system using make
cd build
cmake ..

All the examples will be in the build/bin directory. All input files, and resulting assembler outputs will be in various subdirectories under build/examples.

Running Simple Examples

There are two simple examples:

  • TB_adder_2bit - runs a simple 2 bit adder. 4 bits in , 3 bits out
  • TB_parity - runs a circuit twice to generate and then check parity for 8 bit input.

The assembled circuit descriptions for these examples were generated by hand and are in examples/simple_ckts/adder/adder_2bit.out and examples/simple_ckts/parity/parity.out

Note the following command line flags are valid (defaults shown in [ ].

-a assemble flag (false) note, if true then analyze must be true
-f fanout generation flag (false)
-z analyze flag (false)
-c # test cases [4]
-n # test loops [10]
-s parameter set (TOY|STD128_OPT) [STD128_OPT]
-m method (AP|GINX) [GINX] 
-v verbose flag (false)

h prints this message

Note that for these two simple examples the -a -f -z -c flags, while listed, have no effect.

It is easiest to run from your build directory as follows: cd build

bin/TB_adder_2bit -s STD128_OPT -m GINX -v

Also note that OpenFHE supports other settings for parameter set, which will be added in later releases.

Running Complicated Examples

There are currently four more complex examples in order of increasing run time.

  • TB_comparators - tests old bristol style comparator circuits
  • TB_adders - tests old bristol style adder circuits
  • TB_multipliers - tests old bristol style adder circuits
  • TB_md5 - tests old bristol style md5 circuit
  • TB_SHA256 - tests old bristol style sha256 circuits
  • TB_aes - tests old bristol style AES expanded and non-expanded circuits

For all examples you should run the program once with the -a -z flags set in order to generate assembler output. The assembler output for input case foo.txt will be foo_FHE.out. The FHE is to indicate that there is no impled circuit depth limit, i.e. no explicit bootstrapping will be needed. This is a holdover from an older SHE system design. Note the output files are stored in the build\examples directory tree.

Note that the -s TOY setting can be used when assembling the circuit, as the result is indepenent of the crypto parameter used. TOY is only good for debugging and verifying functional correctness -- it has NO security!

Once these files are generated you can run that demo case with different settings, without the -a -z flags set.

More details on each demo:

TB_comparators runs the following test cases:

  • comparator_32bit_unsigned_lteq.txt
  • comparator_32bit_unsigned_lt.txt
  • comparator_32bit_signed_lteq.txt
  • comparator_32bit_signed_lt.txt

These are combinations of 32 bit unsigned and unsigned less-than or less-than-or-equal comparisons.

TB_adders runs the adder_32bit.txt and adder_64bit.txt test cases.

TB_multipliers runs the single mult_32x32.txt test case.

TB_md5 runs the md5.txt test case from the crypto directory. Note: this takes a long time to run typically.

TB_sha256 runs the sha-256.txt test case from the crypto directory. Note: this takes a long time to run typically.

TB_aes runs the AES-expanded.txt and AES-non-expanded.txt test cases. Note these take a VERY long time to run typically.

Note that while other crypto curciuts are in the examples/old_bristol_ckts/crypto directory, we currently do not have test vectors for any of them, so we did not build any test bench programs.

We suggest that for these larger cases, you run on a multicore machine with at least 8 GB ram. The encrypted circuit evaluator will evaluate excrypted gates in parallel, up to the number of OMP threads specified through the environment variable (the default is usually the number of cpus on the system).

Also note that the current netlist generator is not very efficient, so that large circuits such as the crypto circuits take a very long time to set up. This is something on the list of things to optimize.


This system has been developed with support from the DARPA MARSHALL program. Portions of the code were based on MATLAB code previously developed for the DARPA PROCEED program.

The port of this system to OpenFHE was funded by Duality Technologies.


Encrypted Digital Circuit Evaluator using OpenFHE's FHEW/TFHE to execute digital circuits described in various formats.



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