Releases: nortikin/sverchok
1.3.0: Blender_4.2
Main feature of this release is support of Blender 4.2 in viewer nodes (see
#4983). There still can be some hidden bugs in 4.2 support in different places,
so please feel free to report issues.
"draw GL polygon offset" option for Viewer Draw node is now set to false by
default; this should fix #5102 for most use cases.
Other than that, there are some new features:
- #5031. New "Aligned Bounding Box" node.
- #5091: add new "Center of mass" node.
- #5104: new "Mesh Clustering" node.
- #5123: new "Quadriflow" node.
- #5141: New node: Polygon Inscribed Circle
- "Intersect curve with surface" node now outputs UV points.
- #4847: Implement G2 continuity for some nodes
- #4873: View surface node: add an option to indicate surface curvature
- #5119: "Dual Mesh" node has new options and improved performance
- #5121: "Get objects data" node was extended.
- "Voronoi on Mesh" node received new features and improved performance.
- #5094: Add index field to Number->List Input
- "flip curve" now works as nurbs-transparent for Spline curves (polylines and Cubic splines).
- #5034. Apply Vector Field Node received performance improvement.
- #5015: Increased performance of some Generators:
- Generators (NGon, Circle, Cylinder, Sphere, Torus)
- Generators\Generators extended (Hilbert 3D, Torus Knot, Ring, Ellipse,
Super Ellipsoid, Spiral [Archimedian, Logarithmic, Spherical, Ovoidal,
Curnu, Exo] ) - Generators->Cylinder performance (convert vertices, edges and faces to numpy)
- Generate Edges and faces with numpy for Evaluate Surface Node
- #5026: added buttons to show Blender console.
- #5010: Delaunay 3D node got performance update.
- #4854: new version of "Bend along surface field" node.
- #5059: We now provide some examples of scripting sverchok, see
Off course, there were numerous bug fixes and minor improvements.
Sverchok v1.2
For Blender 2.93 - 3.6
⚙️ Core
- Add node menu refactoring and some new features by @Durman in #4703
- Remove alpha and beta categories. Mark nodes in development by frames. by @Durman in #4697
- Remove dummy nodes. by @Durman in #4720
- Allow extra_menu: tag for nested menus. by @portnov in #4830
- Possibility to select a menu preset by @portnov in #4841
- Menu presets: automatic application. by @portnov in #4856
- Creating node groups in Blender 3.5+ by @Durman in #4926
🎉 New nodes
- Embed mesh B on mesh A into mesh A, new node by @vkter in #4775
- Generate knotvector node by @portnov in #4789
- Geo Nodes Viewer by @Durman in #4694
- "Fillet curve" node by @portnov in #4791
- Num Expression Node by @Durman in #4849
- Catmull-Rom splines by @portnov in #4846
- "Single-Point Curve" node. by @portnov in #4855
- Introducing "Solid Section" node by @rendetto in #4878
💡 Changes in existing nodes
- "Interpolate NURBS Curve": add "cyclic" option by @portnov in #4702
- Sverchok open subdiv 2 by @GeneralPancakeMSTR in #4691
- "Curve Segment" node: add "NURBS if possible" flag by @portnov in #4740
- Fillet polyline - maximum radius factor by @vkter in #4749
- Profile node: Interpolation command by @portnov in #4776
- Viewer Draw Curve node: Curvature comb by @portnov in #4807
- append threshold parameter to N-panel. by @satabol in #4817
- Viewer Draw Curve: indicate curvature by colors. by @portnov in #4810
- Curve length parameter node - mk2 by @portnov in #4820
- Multiple data offset by @vkter in #4806
- "Blend surface" node: NURBS mode. by @portnov in #4733
- "Tangent Curve" node - NURBS mode by @portnov in #4840
- Generalize Coons Patch node. by @portnov in #4853
- "Approximate NURBS Curve" node FreeCAD implementation by @rendetto in #4881
- "Interpolate NURBS Surface" node - FreeCAD implementation by @rendetto in #4886
- "Approximate NURBS Surface" node - FreeCAD implementation by @rendetto in #4888
- "Interpolate NURBS Curve" node - FreeCAD implementation by @rendetto in #4889
- Add epsilon outside button raycaster node by @ArpegorPSGH in #4902
- Add individual scale factor to "Viewer Index+" #4943: by @satabol in #4944
🚀 Performance
- Random number generator by @Durman in #4866
- #4947 fixing Overlapping Voronoi 3D sites by @satabol in #4948
- fix torus function torus_verts performance. by @satabol in #4958
🔧 Bug fixes
- "Texture displace" node hide input "Texture Matrix" forever. by @satabol in #4698
- Number->Oscillator mode "Triangle" issue. Some corner values reset to minimum by @satabol in #4768
- Do not use generic (rational) algorithm if the curve is non-rational. by @portnov in #4805
- CAD->bisect node. Fix fill holes on complex objects (ex. torus). by @satabol in #4803
- CAD->bisect node. Some glitches appear on skewed quads. Fixed. by @satabol in #4819
- Component analyzer Faces->Center->(Median Weighted Center) not equal Component analyzer Faces->Matrix->(Median Weighted Center) by @satabol in #4821
- Curvature comb is missing the end spike by @rendetto in #4827
- Curves marching squares unexpected results if using with matrix by @satabol in #4825
- [Curves->Marching Squares on Surface] gap fix. by @satabol in #4826
- Calculate back vectors the old way by @rendetto in #4858
- First element in result not reparametrize_curve if scale_to_unit==True. Append reparametrize_curve. by @satabol in #4861
- fix curves->curve lerp. Node does not interpolate with two-dots bezier curves. by @satabol in #4863
- "Curve mapper": respect "use clipping" option. by @portnov in #4864
- Fix selection nearest point on init_guess to nearest edge. by @satabol in #4871
- fix minimize_scalar for "brent" and "Golden section" for "Nearest Point on Curve" by @satabol in #4872
- Fix evaluate curve on len(vertices)==1 by @satabol in #4879
- fix #4907 (node "Diameter" input accept list too) by @satabol in #4925
- fix #4837 (crash Blender if only first vertex in vertices list is empty) by @satabol in #4838
🖌️ Other improvements
- Tools to generate API documentation. by @portnov in #4689
- Simplify adding new node docs by @Durman in #4699
- More stable way to generate node documentation links by @Durman in #4727
- Improve search of the Add Node panel by @Durman in #4736
- Create Template by @mifth in #4748
- Update by @mifth in #4761
- Set Properties to COLOR_GAMMA Instaed of COLOR by @mifth in #4754
- Install PIP with Blender as snap package by @Durman in #4811
- Add support of profiling Sverchok startup by @Durman in #4808
- Sverchok imports refactoring by @Durman in #4823
- add some command-line options. by @portnov in #4848
- Logging refactoring by @Durman in #4891
- fix #4956 Some errors in console on close Blender by @satabol in #4957
- normally call unregister SV_PT_ToolsMenu on exit blender by @satabol in #4955
📚 Documentation and UI changes
- Fix typos carthesian->cartesian by @luzpaz in #4622
- Update menu nodes comments v18 by @satabol in #4695
- Fix scene docs. Some submenu got into left menu. by @satabol in #4701
- Update menu nodes comments v21 (replay) by @satabol in #4717
- Update images for menu CAD/* and nodes tooltip by @satabol in #4730
- Some fixes and additions by @satabol in #4731
- Nodes from menu Shift-A Modifiers/modifier_change/*. Some nodes skipped by @satabol in #4744
- Update docs Modifiers->Modifier Make/* by @satabol in #4759
- Update errata "Orthogrphic" in nodes nodes/modifier_change/flat_geome… by @satabol in #4760
- Fix various typos by @luzpaz in #4755
- Update nurbs_birail.rst by @rendetto in #4765
- Update menu nodes comments v25 by @satabol in #4766
- Update Curves/Curve Primitives/* by @satabol in #4790
- Minor fixes and refactoring in json export code by @Andrej730 in #4785
- Update menu nodes comments 27 by @satabol in #4798
- fix Euclidean typos by @satabol in #4796
- Update docs for Curves->Marching Squares & Curves->Marching Squares on Surface by @satabol in #4842
- Update docs of some nodes curves. by @satabol in #4860
- update docs curves->curve_lerp, sort_curves by @satabol in #4865
- Update curves docs by @satabol in #4869
- Fixing some indentations that cause build_docs to fail by @rendetto in #4885
- Updates curve menus 33 by @satabol in #4922
- Som...
Sverchok v1.1
For Blender 2.93 - 3.3
⚙️ Core
- New update system - big performance improvement #4323 #4512 @Durman
- Scene handler #4299 #4516 Docs @Durman
- Add support of muting nodes functionality #4517 #4586 Docs @Durman
🎉 New nodes
- Copy Modifiers node #4424 Docs @Durman
- Basic text node #4485 Docs @zeffii
- Read FreeCAD file #4534 Docs @zeffii
- Split mesh elements node #3958 Docs @Durman
- Open Subdivision node #4590 Docs @GeneralPancakeMSTR
- Named Attribute node #4596 Docs @Durman
- Refine curve node #4617 Docs @portnov
- NURBS Curve Nodes #4619 Docs @portnov
- Move NURBS Curve Point node #4623 Docs @portnov
- Nurbs degree elevation & reduction nodes #4651 Docs Docs Docs Docs @portnov
- Curve Viewer Draw & Surface Viewer Draw nodes. #4652 Docs Docs @portnov
💡 Changes in existing nodes
- Write FCStd node should create a FreeCAD file. #4432 @zeffii
- Snlite node improvements #4478 #4494 #4501 #4502 #4503 #4540 #4543 #4548 #4550 #4577 #4625 @zeffii
- Stethoscope node - new mode #4511 @zeffii
- Remove redundant faces - Free CAD node #4525 @zeffii
- Split Edges node requires explicit Edges input, cannot infer from Faces #4285 @zeffii
- Viewer Index nodes #4568 #4595 @zeffii @Durman
- Add quicklink for typography node #4570 @zeffii
- List item node - data input vectorization #3908 @Durman
- Logic node - default types #4589 @Durman
- List Repeater node vectorization #4601 @Durman
- Update objects with modifiers properly #4610 @Durman
- Add different sized lists matching to List Mask Join (In) #4607 @ArpegorPSGH
- Partially remove limitations of the Cut Object by Surface node #4626 @ArpegorPSGH
🚀 Performance
- Bezier in node #4465 @portnov @Durman
- List Join node #4467 @zeffii @Durman
- Vector Interpolation node #4488 @zeffii
- Color Out node #4604 @Durman
🔧 Bug fixes
- Remove Sverchok nodes from other buid-in editors in Blender 3.4 #4686 @HansGoudey
- Raycaster bug : wrong face index #4443 @zeffii
- Cyclic Cubic Spline Fails with 3 vectors #4260 @zeffii
- Matrix Rrack To node #4500 @zeffii
- Blender 3.1 cannot load JSON files with groups #4410 @Durman
- Read FreeCAD file node #4521 @zeffii
- Clip Vertices node #4542 @zeffii
- Assign materials list node with metaballs #4585 @Durman
- List Math (sum(1)) #3699 @Durman
- Volume node output format #4380 @Durman
- Distance Line Line wrong result #4423 @ArpegorPSGH
- ParticlesMK2 - matching input data #4611 @Durman
- Avoiding the crash of reading curve data in Blender 3.2 #4631 @Durman
- List levels node (catch user choice) and UI update #4190 @Durman
- KDT Closest Edges MK2 - variable output #4143 @Durman
- Fix 'find closest value' node with left range. #4643 @satabol
- Using Loop nodes with reroute nodes #4145 @Durman
- Infinite loop - Paint islands #4644 @Durman
- List Item Insert - negative indexing #4578 @zeffii @Durman
- Generator->Generators Extended->Bricks (Faces Stich and Center do not working) #4670 @portnov
🖌️ Other improvements
- Add support of socket menus inside node groups #4533 @Durman
- Keep options of dynamic socket #4142 @Durman
- Different performance improvements #4507 #4508 @Durman
- Fix various typos #4426 #4506 #4520 #4547 #4612 @luzpaz
- Еweaks text socket to look better #4454 @zeffii
- Add list of available sockets for group tree #4455 @Durman
- Nodes API documentation (for developers) #4464 Docs @Durman
- Adopt old math and formula nodes to new Python #4509 @zeffii
- Function printing to Blender console #4511 @zeffii
- Clean Blender text logs before file saving #4603 @Durman
- F3 node.ungroup_group_tree operator poll func error #4614 @zeffii
- Documentation improvements and tooltips #4618 #4620 #4632 #4634 #4636 #4637 #4639 #4640 #4642 #4645 #4647 #4648 #4653 #4655 #4656 #4657 #4658 #4666 #4668 #4669 #4672 #4673 @satabol
- Mark group nodes as deprecated if they have deprecated nodes inside #4659 @Durman
🙏 Donations
Sverchok v1.0
For Blender 2.92 2.93 3.0
⚙️ Core
🎉 New nodes
- Bevel a Curve (Surface) #4268 Docs @portnov
- 6 new nodes for adding and removing knots for curves and surfaces #4230 Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs Docs @portnov
- Surface from Net of Curves Node (Gordon Surface) and intersect curves nodes #4183 Docs @portnov
💡 Changes in existing nodes
- New "tangent_delta" parameter of "curve curvature" node #4289 @portnov
- new NURBS mode of Circle curve node #4287 Docs @portnov
- zip word can be used in formula node #4259 @vicdoval
- Debug print node has display data per socket #4241 @zeffii
- New
Power y (signed)
function of scalar math node #4350 @zeffii - Object output socket for Typography Viewer node #4329 @zeffii
🚀 Performance
🔧 Bug fixes
- Casting float to integer in some nodes #4333 @Durman @zeffii
- Rounding issue with Stethoscope node #4314 @zeffii
- Loop node had problems with iteration number #4274 @vicdoval
- Solid Viewer did not pay respect ot Show tree property #4250 @zeffii
- Edges mode of Populate mesh node #4200 @vicdoval
- Nurbs mode of Circle (Curve) nodes #4298 @portnov
- Fixing old
Select mesh elements by location
node #4348 @zeffii - Index to mask node was broken in old layouts #4341 @Durman
- Delete Loose node was broken in old layouts #4337 @zeffii
- Fix merge by distance in old layouts (potentiolly can break some new layouts) #4334 @Durman
- Vector interpolation node didn't work in int range mode #4349 @zeffii
🖌️ Other improvements
stable june30_2021 (pre update system rewrite)
Please do not install from this zip unless you intentionally need older features, or you need to test a regression.
Please do install from
We run continuous tests on master
and consider it stable.
author | commit details |
Victor Doval | remove deepcopy for input switch mod (#4188)... 347c3fa on 2021-06-27 |
Victor Doval | Raycaster checks (#4186)... ce84c14 on 2021-06-26 |
Ilya Portnov | "Apply field to curve": explicit "join" flag.... cc56063 on 2021-06-25 |
Victor Doval | Vector P field edges & faces (#4182)... b3acf49 on 2021-06-24 |
Ilya Portnov | Better precision for interpolation between nurbs curves.... cfb1cbc on 2021-06-23 |
Ilya Portnov | "Unify nurbs surfaces" API.... 3b1b550 on 2021-06-23 |
Ilya Portnov | Efforts on nurbs curves intersection API (works rarely)... 5cd3e32 on 2021-06-23 |
Ilya Portnov | Bounding box API for NURBS curves.... 3b51c93 on 2021-06-23 |
Ilya Portnov | Bounding box API.... ed52728 on 2021-06-23 |
Ilya Portnov | Segment intersection API.... 6eccace on 2021-06-23 |
Victor Doval | calc normals bugfix (#4180)... f8c2e5e on 2021-06-22 |
Victor Doval | Intersect Edges Mk3 (#4144)... a5f8693 on 2021-06-22 |
Ilya V. Portnov | Merge pull request #4177 from nortikin/nurbs_birail_update_2... 5bc1be6 on 2021-06-20 |
Ilya Portnov | Add examples to the documentation.... f7aba33 on 2021-06-20 |
Ilya Portnov | Documentation.... 7297490 on 2021-06-20 |
Ilya Portnov | Nurbs Birail update 2.... 454c245 on 2021-06-20 |
Dealga McArdle | unintended edit... 06793d4 on 2021-06-19 |
Dealga McArdle | add node... aed1510 on 2021-06-19 |
Ilya V. Portnov | Merge pull request #4173 from nortikin/nurbs_birail_auto_rotate... 4083422 on 2021-06-19 |
Ilya Portnov | Update documentation.... 79de7ca on 2021-06-19 |
Ilya Portnov | Precision fixes.... 5e75eb9 on 2021-06-19 |
Ilya Portnov | Nurbs Birail: "auto rotate" flag... 6c19240 on 2021-06-18 |
Ilya Portnov | Fix zero division errors for Ellipse curve.... ed7c93b on 2021-06-16 |
Dealga McArdle | suppresses #4166... f3b5d1e on 2021-06-13 |
Dealga McArdle | change profile_mk3 / mesh_eval warnings... 70701ad on 2021-06-12 |
Dealga McArdle | fix typo... 652d23e on 2021-06-12 |
Dealga McArdle | remove curvemapper from snlite (#4162)... da35f41 on 2021-06-12 |
Durman | Merge pull request #4157 from nortikin/fixing_old_nodes_register... 925540f on 2021-06-11 |
durman | closes #3911, if some one interested can return the functionality back in working condition... b5386cb on 2021-06-10 |
durman | fixing problem of registering old nodes which uses the decorator from During initialization (second time) they was tried to be registered two times... c8e9b80 on 2021-06-10 |
in anticipation of a successful merge of an alternative update system by @Durman, this may be one of the last releases using the longstanding update system which was relatively unchanged since 2015 by @ly29 .
stable early june2021
author | commit details |
Dealga McArdle | add draw_label to SvSetDataObjectNodeMK2 (#4153)... 1a48ef5 on 2021-06-08 |
Durman | Merge pull request #4118 from nortikin/node_groups_to_json... 2c1026c on 2021-06-07 🔥 |
durman | update deprecated node... c3bbde8 on 2021-06-07 |
durman | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into node_groups_to_json... 590e9c4 on 2021-06-07 |
Dealga McArdle | Update test-sverchok.yml (#4141)... ef0df90 on 2021-06-06 |
durman | fixing unit tests... cbcff9b on 2021-06-04 |
durman | add changes in update system required by mechanic of new JSON export/import module... e95e839 on 2021-06-04 |
durman | add code documentation... 3874028 on 2021-06-04 |
durman | clean todos, remove useless class... 486fad5 on 2021-06-04 |
durman | add messages of export/import is not supported inside node groups. Supporting can be added easily but group input/output nodes should be excluded from exported nodes because in other way they can get into a normal tree during an import. Also for preset panel node group tree should get extra properties. Probably I did not switched off in all possible places (context menus?)... a65b233 on 2021-06-04 |
durman | add supporting node presets in group trees... b531114 on 2021-06-03 |
durman | save and load JSON node methods get empty dictionary node, add new structures, fix some load_from_json methods according to new importer... 5bf433d on 2021-06-03 |
durman | Replace monads with node groups in the examples... 9c4b7e7 on 2021-06-02 |
durman | replacing monads with node groups in tests and fixing related bugs... 03ca67d on 2021-06-02 |
Durman | Merge pull request #3854 from sb-child/master... 873b456 on 2021-06-01 |
Dealga McArdle | make tree available... 13fa96d on 2021-06-01 |
durman | add option for creating compact JSON files... 82bd855 on 2021-06-01 |
durman | add more accurate logging and make more elements optional to make a JSON file shorter... 6a5934f on 2021-06-01 |
durman | refactoring of the file structure and add properties to imported trees... 214494a on 2021-06-01 |
durman | add new node presets... b538db5 on 2021-05-31 |
stable mid-may 2021
author | commit details |
Dealga McArdle | update comment in data_structure... 227cc1d on 2021-05-11 |
Victor Doval | Dupli instancer mk5 (#4085)... 394deb2 on 2021-05-11 🔥 |
Dealga McArdle | add correct placing for hotswap (#4084)... a759c2c on 2021-05-10 |
.. | add vd/mv onedir hotswap (#4083)... 998463e on 2021-05-10 |
.. | off by one index... 5a59925 on 2021-05-10 |
Durman | Add new bages... 2e353d5 on 2021-05-10 |
Dealga McArdle | Sock draw vdmk4 (#4077)... d2be580 on 2021-05-07 |
.. | backend works (#4076)... c87042c on 2021-05-06 |
Victor Doval | Fix subdivide to quads docs... 4946670 on 2021-05-04 |
.. | Subdivide to quads node (#4071)... 7808617 on 2021-05-04 🔥 |
Dealga McArdle | backend cleanups (licence, SvGenericNodeLocator..) (#4070)... 0024862 on 2021-05-03 |
.. | Oversized shorthand (#4069)... 8eb7d08 on 2021-05-02 |
nortikin | gist export license... b1a2249 on 2021-04-24 |
Victor Doval | Zoom in and out to selected nodes (#4061)... dc7a620 on 2021-04-22 |
.. | Inset Special Mk2 (#4060)... c74bbc7 on 2021-04-22 🔥 |
Dealga McArdle | Bezier nurbs in to3dview (#4048)... 0b5d771 on 2021-04-16 |
.. | use 4 spaces indentation... ca65d1f on 2021-04-14 |
.. | objects in Lite, can optionally create json-stored object as a Scene object (#4046)... 8043365 on 2021-04-14 |
Victor Doval | numpy normals + performance fixes + all triangles prop (#4043)... 3076c61 on 2021-04-13 |
Ilya V. Portnov | Merge pull request #4042 from nortikin/fix_binary_path_python... 924c275 on 2021-04-12 |
.. | Fix binary_path_python usage on blender >= 2.91.0... c07b1b4 on 2021-04-12 |
Victor Doval | Calculate Normals Mk2 (#4041)... af80870 on 2021-04-11 🔥 |
.. | Component Analyzer Vertex normal modes (#4039)... 4572937 on 2021-04-11 |
.. | Component analyzer upgrade (#4033)... 97b32c9 on 2021-04-10 🔥 |
Dealga McArdle | Delayed print of disabled nodes (#4032)... 56db66e on 2021-04-10 |
.. | add mixin (#4035)... e233031 on 2021-04-10 |
.. | update bpy for 2.93+ (#4025)... 0190005 on 2021-04-07 |
Victor Doval | Vertex Color Performance Fixes (#4023)... ad8aac5 on 2021-04-07 🔥 |
.. | extrude edges typo fix (#4020)... 607e98e on 2021-04-06 |
.. | Mesh Join Bugfix (#4019)... 4cef1ce on 2021-04-06 |
stable early april2021
author | commit details |
Dealga McArdle | update bpy for 2.93+ (#4025)... 0190005 on 2021-04-07 |
Victor Doval | Vertex Color Performance Fixes (#4023)... ad8aac5 on 2021-04-07 |
Victor Doval | extrude edges typo fix (#4020)... 607e98e on 2021-04-06 |
Victor Doval | Mesh Join Bugfix (#4019)... 4cef1ce on 2021-04-06 |
Dealga McArdle | Update mesh_clean.rst... c56075e on 2021-04-04 |
Victor Doval | Extrude Edges Upgrade (#4017)... d838609 on 2021-04-03 |
Victor Doval | Bisect Node upgrade (#4014)... bf9612d on 2021-04-03 |
Dealga McArdle | convert options to table... 0da4d16 on 2021-04-03 |
Dealga McArdle | Commit log printing (#4015)... ff4d40f on 2021-04-03 |
Victor Doval | New Mesh Clean Node (#4012)... abadcd6 on 2021-04-03 |
Victor Doval | Bugfix on bbox_mk3 (#4013)... 899cf54 on 2021-04-02 |
nikitron | Update gcode_exporter.rst... 12fa823 on 2021-04-01 |
nikitron | Update gcode_exporter.rst... 6417f5e on 2021-04-01 |
nikitron | Update gcode_exporter.rst... e7c4896 on 2021-04-01 |
nikitron | Merge pull request #4009 from nortikin/2021_gcode_revieling... 86a018a on 2021-04-01 |
nortikin | docs... 9a580d8 on 2021-04-01 |
nikitron | Merge pull request #3947 from nortikin/2021_gcode_revieling... efa4e59 on 2021-04-01 |
nortikin | Gcode docs... 64b5aec on 2021-04-01 |
nortikin | Merge branch 'master' into 2021_gcode_revieling... afff67e on 2021-04-01 |
Victor Doval | Partial menus (#4008)... 8bef791 on 2021-04-01 |
Victor Doval | Merge pull request #4007 from stansu/patch-3... 0a2e868 on 2021-04-01 |
Victor Doval | Merge pull request #4006 from stansu/patch-2... 68bfbaa on 2021-04-01 |
stansu | fixing some typo... 4bacd8a on 2021-04-01 |
stansu | correct typo... cc73159 on 2021-04-01 |
Victor Doval | fixes #3987 (#4004)... 7b21a72 on 2021-03-31 |
Victor Doval | matrix out format fix (#4003)... e816073 on 2021-03-31 |
Victor Doval | random_points_on_mesh_ui_fix (#4001)... 23449a3 on 2021-03-30 |
Victor Doval | Random Points on Mesh Numpy Implementation (#3999)... 50a35d6 on 2021-03-30 |
Victor Doval | String tools 'number to string' mode (#3998)... 22b100e on 2021-03-28 |
Victor Doval | edgenet_to_paths typofix (#3997)... 1a168ae on 2021-03-28 |
stable end march2021
author | commit details |
nikitron | Update gcode_exporter.rst... sha: 12fa823 |
nikitron | Update gcode_exporter.rst... sha: 6417f5e |
nikitron | Update gcode_exporter.rst... sha: e7c4896 |
nikitron | Merge pull request #4009 from nortikin/2021_gcode_revieling... sha: 86a018a |
nortikin | docs... sha: 9a580d8 |
nikitron | Merge pull request #3947 from nortikin/2021_gcode_revieling... sha: efa4e59 |
nortikin | Gcode docs... sha: 64b5aec |
nortikin | Merge branch 'master' into 2021_gcode_revieling... sha: afff67e |
Victor Doval | Partial menus (#4008)... sha: 8bef791 |
Victor Doval | Merge pull request #4007 from stansu/patch-3... sha: 0a2e868 |
Victor Doval | Merge pull request #4006 from stansu/patch-2... sha: 68bfbaa |
stansu | fixing some typo... sha: 4bacd8a |
stansu | correct typo... sha: cc73159 |
Victor Doval | fixes #3987 (#4004)... sha: 7b21a72 |
Victor Doval | matrix out format fix (#4003)... sha: e816073 |
Victor Doval | random_points_on_mesh_ui_fix (#4001)... sha: 23449a3 |
Victor Doval | Random Points on Mesh Numpy Implementation (#3999)... sha: 50a35d6 |
Victor Doval | String tools 'number to string' mode (#3998)... sha: 22b100e |
Victor Doval | edgenet_to_paths typofix (#3997)... sha: 1a168ae |
Victor Doval | Deconstruct Surface weights bugfix (#3996)... sha: f01b312 |
Victor Doval | Control Points Output to Curve Mapper (#3994)... sha: e78e7be |
Victor Doval | icosphere recursived (#3993)... sha: efc6c32 |
Victor Doval | matrix_out: nesting fix + recursive node (#3991)... sha: e71650a |
Victor Doval | index to mask output numpy prop (#3985)... sha: 4c9c125 |
Victor Doval | Bounding Box Numpy (#3984)... sha: bd2bb73 |
Victor Doval | Nearest Point on Mesh (#3982)... sha: 82af1bf |
DolphinDream | Merge pull request #3978 from DolphinDream/matrixOutMK2-dev... sha: 75b9b44 |
DolphinDream | Bump Matrix Out node to MK2 .. adding same features in Quaternion Out node... sha: c49e7e9 |
DolphinDream | Add feature to PointInside node to partition points in inside/outside... sha: e6260de |
Dealga McArdle | add poll to node.sv_quicklink_new_node_input (#3977)... sha: 513dd84 |
and many many more.
stable early March2021
snapshot of current master, while stable.
- addresses Add menu, and separators
- new colour schemes
- Map Range bugfixes
- SNlite regex
- Extrude Separate bugfixes
- evaluate surface output Numpy
- UV Mapping node fixes
- Blender 2.93/2.92 nightly and release compatible API changes.
- mesh viewer fixes