@fluentui/react-components v9.22.1
2805 commits
to master
since this release
- fix: remove overflow menu if the last overflowed item can take its place (PR #28285 by ValentinaKozlova)
- fix: infer a11y id from immediate header element (PR #28266 by marcosmoura)
- bugfix: adds grid-template-columns to DialogBody styles to ensure grid template layout (PR #28272 by bsunderhus)
- bugfix: enables Escape to dismiss alert Dialog (PR #28276 by bsunderhus)
- fix: added overflowWrap to make sure content does not exceed the tooltip container and added vr test for the same (PR #28264 by kkakroo)
- fix: add compatibility with shadow (PR #28307 by layershifter)
Prerelease changes
- docs: improve types descriptions and fix TS circular references (PR #28282 by marcosmoura)