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[chrome_print] Connect to the Browser websocket URL instead of the Pa…
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…ge one (rstudio#159)

* fetch the Browser websocket URL instead of the default Target

* create a target, attach a session to it and use this session in flat mode

* with Travis, increase the number of attempts to connect to Chrome. The goal is to avoid check fails like

* take the opportunity of using the version endpoint to print the Chrome version

* update required commands

* update NEWS

* minor tweaks in messages
  • Loading branch information
RLesur authored Jan 15, 2020
1 parent 2364a72 commit ec13029
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Showing 3 changed files with 74 additions and 42 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# CHANGES IN pagedown VERSION 0.8


- In `chrome_print()`, fixed some connection problems to headless Chrome: in some situations, the R session tries to connect to headless Chrome before a target is created. Now, `chrome_print()` controls the target creation by connecting to the `Browser` endpoint (thanks, @gershomtripp, #158).

# CHANGES IN pagedown VERSION 0.7

Expand Down
109 changes: 68 additions & 41 deletions R/chrome.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ chrome_print = function(


ws = websocket::WebSocket$new(get_entrypoint(debug_port), autoConnect = FALSE)
ws = websocket::WebSocket$new(get_entrypoint(debug_port, verbose), autoConnect = FALSE)
close_ws = function() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ find_chrome = function() {
res = head(res[file.exists(res)], 1)
if (length(res) != 1) stop(
'Cannot find Google Chrome automatically from the Windows Registry Hive. ',
"Please pass the full path of chrome.exe to the 'browser' argument",
"Please pass the full path of chrome.exe to the 'browser' argument ",
"or to the environment variable 'PAGEDOWN_CHROME'."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,14 +262,14 @@ is_remote_protocol_ok = function(debug_port,
# can be specify with option, for ex. for CI specificity. see #117
max_attempts = getOption("pagedown.remote.maxattempts", 20L)
sleep_time = getOption("pagedown.remote.sleeptime", 0.5)
if (verbose >= 1) message('Checking the remote connection in ', max_attempts, ' attempts.')
if (verbose >= 1) message('Trying to find headless Chrome in ', max_attempts, ' attempts')
for (i in seq_len(max_attempts)) {
remote_protocol = tryCatch(suppressWarnings(jsonlite::read_json(url)), error = function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(remote_protocol)) {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Connected at attempt ', i)
if (verbose >= 1) message('Headless Chrome found at attempt ', i)
if (i == max_attempts) stop('Cannot connect to headless Chrome after ', max_attempts, ' attempts')
if (i == max_attempts) stop('Cannot find headless Chrome after ', max_attempts, ' attempts')

Expand All @@ -282,7 +282,8 @@ is_remote_protocol_ok = function(debug_port,
Runtime = c('enable', 'addBinding', 'evaluate')
Runtime = c('enable', 'addBinding', 'evaluate'),
Target = c('attachToTarget', 'createTarget')

remote_domains = sapply(remote_protocol$domains, `[[`, 'domain')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,24 +315,31 @@ is_remote_protocol_ok = function(debug_port,

get_entrypoint = function(debug_port) {
open_debuggers = jsonlite::read_json(
sprintf('', debug_port), simplifyVector = TRUE
get_entrypoint = function(debug_port, verbose) {
version_infos = jsonlite::read_json(
sprintf('', debug_port), simplifyVector = TRUE
page = open_debuggers$webSocketDebuggerUrl[open_debuggers$type == 'page']
if (length(page) == 0) stop('Cannot connect R to Chrome. Please retry.')
browser = version_infos$webSocketDebuggerUrl
if (length(browser) == 0) stop("Cannot find 'Browser' websocket URL. Please retry.")
if (verbose >= 1)
message('Browser version: ', version_infos$Browser)

print_page = function(
ws, url, output, wait, verbose, token, format,
options = list(), selector, box_model, scale, resolve, reject
) {
# init values
session_id = NULL
coords = NULL

ws$onOpen(function(event) {
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 1, method = "Runtime.enable")))
# Create a new Target (tab)
id = 1, method = 'Target.createTarget',
params = list(url = 'about:blank')

ws$onMessage(function(event) {
Expand All @@ -353,64 +361,81 @@ print_page = function(

if (!is.null(id)) switch(
# Command #1 received -> callback: command #2 Page.enable
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 2, method = "Page.enable"))),
# Command #2 received -> callback: command #3 Runtime.addBinding
# Command #1 received -> callback: command #2 Target.attachToTarget in flat mode
id = 3, method = "Runtime.addBinding",
id = 2, method = 'Target.attachToTarget',
params = list(targetId = msg$result$targetId, flatten = TRUE)
# Command #2 received -> store the sessionId; callback: command #3 Runtime.enable
session_id <<- msg$result$sessionId
id = 3, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Runtime.enable'
# Command #3 received -> callback: command #4 Page.enable
id = 4, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Page.enable'
# Command #4 received -> callback: command #5 Runtime.addBinding
id = 5, sessionId = session_id, method = "Runtime.addBinding",
params = list(name = "pagedownListener")
# Command #3 received -> callback: command #4 Network.Enable
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 4, method = "Network.enable"))),
# Command #4 received -> callback: command #5 Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
# Command #5 received -> callback: command #6 Network.Enable
id = 6, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Network.enable'
# Command #6 received -> callback: command #7 Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
id = 5, method = "Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument",
id = 7, sessionId = session_id, method = "Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument",
params = list(source = paste0(readLines(pkg_resource('js', 'chrome_print.js')), collapse = ""))
# Command #5 received -> callback: command #6 Page.Navigate
# Command #7 received -> callback: command #8 Page.Navigate
id = 6, method= "Page.navigate", params = list(url = url)
id = 8, sessionId = session_id, method= 'Page.navigate',
params = list(url = url)
# Command #6 received - check if there is an error when navigating to url
# Command #8 received - check if there is an error when navigating to url
if(!is.null(token$error <- msg$result$errorText)) {
# Command #7 received - Test if the html document uses the paged.js polyfill
# Command #9 received - Test if the html document uses the paged.js polyfill
# if not, call the binding when HTMLWidgets, MathJax and fonts are ready
# (see inst/resources/js/chrome_print.js)
if (!isTRUE(msg$result$result$value)) {
id = 8, method = "Runtime.evaluate",
id = 10, sessionId = session_id, method = "Runtime.evaluate",
params = list(expression = "pagedownReady.then(() => {pagedownListener('{\"pagedjs\":false}');})")
# Command #8 received - No callback
# Command #10 received - No callback
# Command #9 received -> callback: command #10 DOM.getDocument
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 10, method = "DOM.getDocument"))),
# Command #10 received -> callback: command #11 DOM.querySelector
# Command #11 received -> callback: command #12 DOM.getDocument
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 12, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.getDocument"))),
# Command #12 received -> callback: command #13 DOM.querySelector
id = 11, method = "DOM.querySelector",
id = 13, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.querySelector",
params = list(nodeId = msg$result$root$nodeId, selector = selector)
# Command 11 received -> callback: command #12 DOM.getBoxModel
# Command 13 received -> callback: command #14 DOM.getBoxModel
if (msg$result$nodeId == 0) {
token$error <- 'No element in the HTML page corresponds to the `selector` value.'
} else {
id = 12, method = "DOM.getBoxModel",
id = 14, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.getBoxModel",
params = list(nodeId = msg$result$nodeId)
# Command 12 received -> callback: command #13 Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride
# Command 14 received -> callback: command #15 Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride
coords <<- msg$result$model[[box_model]]
device_metrics = list(
width = ceiling(coords[5]),
Expand All @@ -419,11 +444,12 @@ print_page = function(
mobile = FALSE
id = 13, params = device_metrics, method = 'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride'
id = 15, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride',
params = device_metrics
# Command #13 received -> callback: command #14 Page.captureScreenshot
# Command #15 received -> callback: command #16 Page.captureScreenshot
opts = as.list(options)

origin = as.list(coords[1:2])
Expand All @@ -441,11 +467,12 @@ print_page = function(
opts$format = format

id = 14, params = opts, method = 'Page.captureScreenshot'
id = 16, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Page.captureScreenshot',
params = opts
# Command #14 received (printToPDF or captureScreenshot) -> callback: save to file & close Chrome
# Command #16 received (printToPDF or captureScreenshot) -> callback: save to file & close Chrome
writeBin(jsonlite::base64_dec(msg$result$data), output)
token$done = TRUE
Expand All @@ -463,7 +490,7 @@ print_page = function(
if (method == "Page.loadEventFired") {
id = 7, method = "Runtime.evaluate",
id = 9, sessionId = session_id, method = 'Runtime.evaluate',
params = list(expression = "!!window.PagedPolyfill")
Expand All @@ -477,10 +504,10 @@ print_page = function(
if (format == 'pdf') {
opts = merge_list(list(printBackground = TRUE, preferCSSPageSize = TRUE), opts)
id = 14, params = opts, method = 'Page.printToPDF'
id = 16, sessionId = session_id, params = opts, method = 'Page.printToPDF'
} else {
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 9, method = "DOM.enable")))
ws$send(to_json(list(id = 11, sessionId = session_id, method = "DOM.enable")))
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion tests/test-travis.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,7 @@ print_pdf = function(input) {

if (!'CI', NA))) testit::test_pkg('pagedown', 'test-travis')
if (!'CI', NA))) {
options(pagedown.remote.maxattempts = 100L)
testit::test_pkg('pagedown', 'test-travis')

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