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The Green

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The Green Hack SRD

Made in Oregon by Klint Finley Based on The Black Hack by David Black With inspiration from other games, including Whitehack by Christian Mehrstam, Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells by Diogo Nogueira, and of course the Original 1970s Fantasy Roleplaying Game.

Available as a Google Doc or on GitHub as a markdown file

What's this?

The Green Hack (TGH) is a traditional tabletop roleplaying game, played with paper, pencils and dice. The game's design goal is to be broadly compatible with TSR-editions of the Original Roleplaying game while being as compact, easy to learn, easy to teach, and smooth to play as possible.

You can use this Systems Reference Document (SRD) to make your own games and content under the Open Game License. Just make your own copy of this Google Doc and use the parts that you want.

How is this different from The Black Hack?

The Green Hack replaces the combat system from The Black Hack with one inspired by The White Hack. It's designed for fast and smooth combat while maintaining rough compatibility with old school versions of the original game. To that end, it adds two derived attributes: Melee (MEL) and Ranged Attack (RAN) and uses an Armor Class based system.

What about Macchiato Monsters?

Macchiato Monsters also combines elements of The Black Hack and Whitehack. But Macchiato Monsters mostly leaves The Black Hack combat system intact while importing the magic system from Whitehack. The Green Hack is sort of the opposite: it leaves The Black Hack magic system intact while bringing in a combat system similar to that of Whitehack.

How else does it differ from The Black Hack ver 1?

  • Warrior and Thief classes are pretty different.
  • The Core Mechanic is roll equal to or less than stat, instead of less than stat.
  • All classes have a few extra features, particularly as they advance.
  • Players don't roll to increase stats as they level up.
  • Rules for Opposed Rolls, when player characters are in conflict with each other or with noteworthy non-player characters.
  • Rules for fighting swarms of opponents.
  • Rules for Backgrounds are "Backported" from The Black Hack version 2.
  • "Cure Light Wounds" explicitly heals paralysis.
  • Probably other stuff I've forgotten about.

The core mechanic

Everything a character might possibly attempt that could result in failure is resolved by testing attribute stats, in order to successfully test a stat - a player must roll equal to or below it on a d20. The higher the roll while staying below the relevant stat, the better. In certain cases players may also need to roll equal to or above a particular number as well.

Monsters don't make tests - a character must avoid their attacks by making a test, the only time a monster would roll is for damage.

Rolling stats

Stats are generated with 3d6 in the following order Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Charisma (CHA). Once all stats are generated 2 may be swapped around.

There are also two additional stats: Melee (MEL) and Ranged (RAN). Melee and Ranged both start at 13.

Characters with a STR above 13 will start with MEL 15, and those with a STR below 8 will start with MEL 11.

Characters with a DEX above 16 will start with RAN 15, and those with a DEX below 8 will start with RAN 11.

Choose a class

There are 4 choices. Warrior, Cleric, Conjurer, Thief - your class determines how much damage you do, your Hit Points, and unique abilities.

Make a background

Use the information on the next page to create a unique piece of history that will aid the Character on their adventures, frame their story, and who they are.

Using a character's background

Backgrounds are significant times in a character's past life that give them Advantages in their current exploits. They can represent all manner of experiences, skills and moments in a character's past - helping define who they were before their current adventures, and what type of actions they are good at now.

How to make a good background

Decide on a short sentence that encapsulates an interesting time in the character's past - consider the following:

  • Backgrounds should ideally contain one piece of world-building fiction, allowing a Player to craft a narrative tie to the game world, and a story element unique to their Character.
  • It should also reveal one specific skill or narrow field of proficiency or knowledge, that they learned or relied upon during this time.

Here are some short example backgrounds and a table of inspiration to help get started:

"Once spent a summer in Yvesh hunting the Black Banner. Made a lot of enemies. Tracked down most of them 'n' killed 'em." "I was raised as a sewer child of Sorrowset, pickpocketing and hiding in the shadows was my way of survival."

"Being raised up to Brother Chaplain in the 11th Legion taught me all I need to know about tactical warfare and death."

"I lived with the Black Hill tribes. I learned to live off the land. Learned to hate the Black Baron's dog soldiers too."

"I'm a Loremaster for the Magisteriat of Bulgator Craxis - the ONLY thing I don't know is why the Council want me dead."

"A hefty price is on my head from the Black Bank! They don't take kindly to being conned out of large sums of money."

"The Black Wind took me from the forest in my youth. Humans of Gloomhaven raised orphaned elves such as myself."

"It's been 100 years since I was young - but by my beard I know nothing of the surface - the deep mountain highways are like veins to my heart - a true dwarf."

D12 inspiration

  1. Raised as a poor street child
  2. Escaped being held prisoner
  3. Won freedom through valour
  4. Reputation ruined by vices
  5. Fleeing a broken noble house
  6. Sold to a wizard as a child
  7. Fought a distant, useless war
  8. Smuggler of illegal goods
  9. Chosen as a god's instrument
  10. Survived an arcane disaster
  11. Child of political exiles
  12. Lost heir to an old throne

Buy equipment

Every new character starts with 3d6 x 10 coins with which to buy their equipment. They also start with a set of clothes and a one-handed weapon as allowed by their class.

Armor Class (AC)

Type Class
None 7
Gambeson 8
Leather 9
Chain Mail 11
Plate & Mail 13
Small shield + 1
Large shield + 2

Characters with DEX greater than 15 should add 2 to their AC. Characters with DEX lower than 7 should subtract 2 from their AC.

Note: To convert from a traditional descending AC value: 1. Subtract the descending AC value from 8. 2. Add the above value (the difference between 8 and the descending AC ) to 8.

Example: _To convert a descending armor class of 3 (plate & mail) to TGH's ascending armor class value: 8 - 3 = 5. 8 + 5 = 13.

Because attacks are based on opponent HD , not AC (See Opponent HD below), you shouldn't have to convert descending AC value often.

Gambeson 4 - 8 Armor Class
Leather 5 - 9 Armor Class
Chain Mail 75 - 11 Armor Class
Plate & Mail 400 - 13 Armor Class
Shield Small/Large 10/15 - +1/+2 Armor Class
Backpack 2 - Carry +2 extra
Flask of oil 1 d6 -
Work Tools 2 - -
Holy Symbol, wood 1 - +2 to WIS when banishing
Holy Water 25 d4 -
Iron Spikes .1 - -
Lantern 7 - -
Handheld mirror 5 - -
Preserved Rations 5 d8 -
Fresh Rations 3 d4 -
50' Rope .5 - -
Small Sack .1 - -
Large Sack .2 - -
Thieves Tools 30 - -
Flint & Steel 1 - -
Torches (6) .5 d6 Each Torch has a Usage Die
Wineskin .2 d6 -
Wine, pint 1 - -
Assorted Common Herbs .5 d8 -
10' Pole .1 - -
Quiver of Arrows / Bolts 1 d10 -
2-Handed Weapon 25 - -

Converting saves

The Green Hack ignores saves and instead asks the player to roll attribute tests when any spell, trap or effect would impact them - using the below as a guide.

Physical Harm that cannot be dodged. Physical Harm that can be dodged. Poison, Disease or Death.

| | INT | WIS | CHA | | Resisting Spells and Magic. | Deception and Illusions. | Charming effects. |

Players turn

During a player's turn a character may move and perform an action. They could attack, look for a clue, talk with an NPC, cast a spell - interacting with the world is an action. Often they will test their attributes to determine the outcome.

Time & turns

There are 3 important types of tracked time - Rounds (~1 minute), Turns (~10 minutes), and Segments (around 6 seconds). Rounds and Segments are used during combat and fast paced scenes of danger and Turns are used when exploring and adventuring. A GM may advance the clock as they need substituting Turns for Hours , Days or even Months should the adventure require it.

Movement & distance

Rather than track precise numbers, TGH uses 4 abstract ranges for measuring distances. Close , Nearby , Far-Away and Distant. On their turn every character can move somewhere Nearby as part of an action, performing that action at any stage of the move. They can forgo their action and move somewhere Far-Away instead. Anything beyond Far-Away can be classified as Distant and would take 3 moves to get to.

This system is designed to support the narrative 'theatre of the mind' style of play, and is less concerned about tracking squares and fiddly distances. For converting existing movement rates or measures (for spells or areas of effect) use the following as a guide :

0 - 5ft 5 - 60ft 60 - 120ft


When combat breaks out, everyone must be sorted into an order so they each get to act and react in turn. Every character tests their DEX , those that succeed, take their turn before their opponents, they must then act as a group - deciding their own order for actions. Those that fail their DEX tests, go after their opponents.

Opponent HD

HD represents an opponent's level and the number of d8 rolled to determine its HP.

Attacking, defending & damage

When a character attacks an opponent they must roll below their own MELEE or RANGE stat and above the opponent's level or HD. When an opponent attacks, the character must roll below their own AC and above the attacker's level or HD.

If an opponent's HD is higher than a character's MEL or RAN , the character can't harm the opponent. If an opponent's HD is higher than a character's AC , the character can't deflect that opponent's attack.

The damage an attack deals is based on the character's class or the number of HD a monster has.

To make a Melee Attack an opponent must be Close. Ranged Attacks against Close opponents are possible, but the attacker suffers a Disadvantage.

Opponents deal damage based on their HD - refer to the table opposite, but if you'd prefer to use the damage stats listed in a module that you are playing, you can certainly do that instead.

Monster HD Damage
1 d4 (2)
2 d6 (3)
3 2d4 (4)
4 d10 (5)
5 d12 (6)
6 d6 + d8 (7)
7 2d8 (8)
8 3d6 (9)
9 2d10 (10)
10 d10 + d12 (11)

Critical damage

If a player making an attack rolls the highest number they can while still succeeding (rolling equal to their MEL or RAN ), they double the result of the damage dice they roll. If they roll a 20 when avoiding an attack, they take double damage.

Swarm Attacks

When the party is drastically outnumbered, their opponents can attack as a Swarm. A Swarm will have 1/5th of the total HD of the opponents that comprise it, and will attack all members of the party for 1d6 damage. PCs can either flee the Swarm or attack it as a single entity with HP dependent on its HD.

Example: A party of four level 4 characters falls through a trap door into a pit with 100 goblins. The goblins have 1HD each, so the Swarm has HD20, which means the PCs can't hurt the swarm or dodge its attacks. The players roll initiative, and only the Thief passes their DEX test. The Thief spends their turn throwing their grappling out of the trap door. The Swarm then attacks, dealing 1d6 to each character. Then it's the remaining PCs' turn. The Conjurer casts Stone Wall, enclosing all but 10 of the goblins. That's a more fair fight, so the goblins can no longer attack as a swarm.

Death & dying

When a character is reduced to zero Hit Points (HP) they are taken Out of Action (OofA), they are unconscious and cannot make any actions. When the fight is over/are out of danger, a character that is taken OofA can roll on the table (following page) to see what happens to them. If they survive they gain 1d4 HP.

If the characters lose the fight or are unable to recover the body of the character, they are lost forever!


Once per day, after resting, they may roll a Hit Die associated with their class and regain that many HP.


Characters can gain Hit Points from Spells, Potions, and Abilities. They can never gain more than their maximum - and can never go below zero either. When healing a character who is OofA , just start at zero and count up. That character is now back on their feet and no longer OofA.

1 KO'd - Just knocked out.
2 Fat Head - Disadvantage on all tests for the next hour.
3 Cracked Bones - STR, DEX and CON are temp. -2 for the next day.
4 Crippled - STR or DEX is permanently reduced by 2
5 Disfigured - CHA reduced to 4.
6 Dead - Not alive anymore.

Advantage & disadvantage

A GM may decide that a particular course of action or task has a higher or lower chance of success. They will ask a player to roll an additional d20 when making a test - with advantage the lower result is used and with disadvantage , the higher.

Using background to gain advantage

Once per session, a Player may tell the GM that their Character is using a Background to aid them in making an Attribute Test. The Player should give a convincing narrative explanation as to how their Character's Background relates to the current Action , and provide some kind of useful exposition about the Character's story. If the GM agrees - the Player may roll that Attribute Test with Advantage.

Opposed Rolls

To settle a contest between two PCs, have each player roll versus the relevant stat for the conflict. Advantage and Disadvantage apply. Whichever player rolls the higher number while staying below their relevant stat wins.


Two warriors are arm wrestling. They each have a _ STR _ of 16. The first rolls a 12, which is below their _ STR , but the second rolls a 14, which is also below their _ STR_ , so the second wins the arm-wrestling contest._


Adventurers learn through defeating and overcoming obstacles. Killing one boring Kobold won't bring a revelation of learning to someone. Surviving a dungeon, completing a quest or simply living to tell the tale are the things that bring perspective and growth. The old experience system has been completely discarded.

For every session / dungeon level / quest / major event the character survives they gain a level.

The GM will decide which, and it's recommended that this decision remains more or less a constant throughout the campaign - and a GM should be clear and upfront with the players so they know where the 'goalposts' are.

Gaining levels

When a character levels up, their maximum Hit Points increase by rolling the Hit Die for the class.


A character can carry a number of items equal to their STR with no issues. Carrying over this amount means they are encumbered and all attribute tests are taken with Disadvantage - you can also only ever move to somewhere Nearby. They simply cannot carry more than double their STR.

Class weapons

When using a weapon not listed in their class, combat tests have Disadvantage.

Creature reactions

Some monsters and NPCs will have predetermined personalities and goals that will guide a GM when choosing their actions and feelings towards the characters. Those that do not, such as randomly encountered creatures, make a Reaction roll on the following table :

Roll Reaction
1 Flee then roll again.
2 Avoid the PCs entirely.
3 Trade with PCs.
4 Give the PCs aid.
5 Mistake the PCs for friends.
6 Trick the PCs (roll again)
7 Call for Reinforcements.
8 Capture/Kill/Eat the PCs.

Banishing undead

Clerics can attempt to banish all nearby undead as an action. They must successfully test their WIS for each group of creatures they are attempting to banish, rolling over the creature's HD. A GM will determine which creatures are in any particular group.

Undead monsters that are Banished by Clerics must spend all their movement (and convert actions to movement) to move away from the Cleric for 2d4 Rounds after being Banished.

Usage die

Any item listed in the equipment section that has a Usage die is considered a consumable, limited item. When that item is used the next Minute (turn) its Usage die is rolled. If the roll is 1-2 then the usage die is downgraded to the next lower die in the following chain:

d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4

When you roll a 1-2 on a d4 the item is expended and the character has no more of it left.

Magic items

Magic weapons typically add +1 to any attribute being tested whilst using the weapon and +1 to each damage dice rolled. More powerful weapons (+2/3) can be found if the GM includes them.


Starting HP : d10 + 4 HP Per Level/Resting : 1d10 Weapons & Armor : Any and All Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

Special features

Once per hour, whilst in combat, a Warrior can regain d8 lost HP.

Any character can perform combat maneuvers (disarming, tripping, pushing) in place of a normal attack. A Warrior can attack and perform a STR or DEX based maneuver at the same time (for example, pushing an opponent backwards with their blow, disarming an opponent, or leaping into melee range of a Nearby opponent.).

If a Warrior fails an AC test and would be dealt damage from an attack, they can opt to sunder (destroy) their shield - if they have one equipped - and ignore the damage.

Once per combat, a Warrior can sacrifice their next turn to thrust themselves between any Close character and take the damage from a blow that character would otherwise take. The Warrior must take the full brunt of the damage and can't sunder their shield during this maneuver.

Leveling up

At Level 2: - New Feature: Take two attacks per turn in combat.

At level 4: - Increase MEL and RAN by 1.

At level 7: - Increase MEL and RAN by an additional 2. - New feature: When the damage you deal an opponent is more than enough to defeat that opponent, you can automatically apply the excess to any Close opponent.

At level 10: - New feature: Automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 3.

At level 13: - New Feature: Automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 6.


Starting HP : d6 + 4 HP Per Level/Resting : 1d6 Weapons & Armor : All Swords, All Bows, Daggers, Gambeson, Leather, Small Shields Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Special features

Backstab: Rolls with Advantage when attacking from behind and deals an extra 1d6 of damage.

Climb Sheer Surface: Any PC can attempt to scale surfaces with the appropriate gear, but thieves can test DEX to scale surfaces without equipment.

Danger Sense: Can ask the GM if a trap or other hidden danger is nearby and GM must answer honestly.

Hide in Shadows: All characters can attempt to hide under or behind appropriate objects, but thieves can test DEX to hide anywhere with enough shadow to cover them.

Swashbuckling: Any character can perform combat maneuvers (disarming, tripping, pushing) in place of a normal attack. A Thief can attack and perform a DEX or CHA based maneuver at the same time (ex: leaping from Close to Nearby after attacking, disarming an opponent, or distracting them with a taunt).

Thieves Cant: All thieves know a secret language that they can use to speak with each other either verbally or with hand gestures. There is no written version of the language.

Tools of the Trade: Can pick simple locks when using Thieves Tools, no test required.

Leveling up

At level 4: - New feature: You can make two attacks per turn when wielding a weapon in each hand. At level 6: - Increase MEL and RAN by 1. At level 8: - increase MEL and RAN by an additional 2. At level 10: - New Feature: Triple damage when attacking from behind. At level 12: - Automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 3. At level 16: - Automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 6.


Starting HP : d8 + 4 HP Per Level/Resting : 1d8 Weapons & Armor : All Blunt Weapons, Gambeson, Leather, Chain Mail, All Shields Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

Special features

Roll with Advantage when testing CON to avoid damage from poison or being paralyzed.

A Cleric can spend an action to banish all Nearby undead by testing their WIS and and rolling above the creature's HD.

Leveling up

At level 4: - Gain an level 1 Cleric as an acolyte. Pay them what you will. They will advance in level when you do. At level 6: - Increase MEL and RAN by 1. At level 10: - Increase MEL and RAN by an additional 2. At level 14: - Increase MEL and RAN by an additional 3, automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 3. At level 16: - Automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 6.

Divine spellcasting

Beginning at second level, Clerics can cast a number of Divine Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section.


Clerics start with a large spellbook containing a total of 1d4 spells from the Level 1 and 2 Divine Spell lists.


Starting HP : d4 + 4 HP Per Level/Resting : 1d4 Weapons & Armor : 1-handed Sword and Staff. No armor. Attack Damage : 1d4 / 1 Unarmed or Improvising

Special features

Roll with Advantage when testing INT to avoid damage or effects from spells or magical devices.

Leveling up

At level 4: - Cast Sense Magic without using a spell slot At level 6: - Increase MEL and RAN by 1. At level 8: - Make a blood sacrifice of 2 HP per spell slot to gain extra spell slots. At level 12: - Increase MEL and RAN by an additional 2. At level 16: - Increase MEL and RAN by an additional 3 At level 20: - Automatically hit and deflect attacks from opponents with HD under 3.

Arcane spellcasting

Conjurers can cast a number of Arcane Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section.


Conjurers start with a large spellbook containing a total of 1d4+2 spells from the Level 1 and 2 Arcane Spell lists.


Conjurers and Clerics have the ability to cast spells that are chosen from their appropriate class list (on the following pages).

They can cast any spell they know by reading from their spellbook or can memorize a number of spells equal to their Level and cast those without it.

They have a number of 'spell slots' they can cast each day - as shown in the two tables opposite. These represent a magic user's 'energy' and the taxing nature of casting spells over a long period. When they run out of spell slots, they cannot cast any more spells.

After roughly _ 8 hours rest _, the number of 'spell slots' a character has refreshes to its maximum.

If a spell from a traditional OSR or original era game calls for a creature to make a save, the character must test their INT or WIS against the target's HD or level to see if the magic cast was powerful enough to overcome their defenses

Daily cleric spells

Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.

| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 3 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - | | 4 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - | | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | - | | 6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - | - | - | - | | 7 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - | - | - | | 8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | - | - | | 9 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | | 10 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 |

Daily conjurer spells

Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.

| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - | - | | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | | 3 | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - | | 4 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - | | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | - | | 6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - | - | - | - | | 7 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - | - | - | | 8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | - | - | | 9 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | - | | 10 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |

Divine spells


  • Cure Light Wounds : Heal 1d8 HP to a Nearby target. May also be used to cure paralysis.
  • Detect Evil : Everything Nearby that is evil glows - 5mins.
  • Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - 1hr.
  • Protection from Evil : Advantage on all harmful tests from an Evil source - 1hr.
  • Purify Food and Drink : Removes all diseases from all Nearby food and drink.


  • Bless : Nearby allies gain +1 to stats when making attacks and saves - 1hr.
  • Find Traps : Notice all nearby traps - 10mins.
  • Hold Person : Paralyse 1d4 Nearby targets. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Silence : Magical silence covering everything Nearby to a target - 1hr.
  • Speak with Animals : Can understand and talk with animals - 1hr.


  • Daylight : A nearby area is illuminated by sunlight - 1hr.
  • Cure Disease : Cures a Nearby target of all diseases.
  • Locate Object : Sense direction of a known object - 1 minute/level.
  • Prayer : All Nearby allies defend against attacks with Advantage - 1d4 rounds.
  • Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
  • Speak with Dead : Ask a Nearby corpse 3 questions.


  • Create Food/Water : Create enough food/water for all Nearby creatures for a day.
  • Cure Serious Wounds : Heal 3d8+3 HP to a Nearby target.
  • Neutralise Poison : Remove/Immunise poison from a Nearby target - 10mins.
  • Protection from Evil : Nearby allies gain 6 temp AP against evil creatures - 10mins.


  • Commune : The Cleric's deity truthfully answers 3 questions - 10mins.
  • Dispel Evil : Removes a Nearby Divine (Evil) spell.
  • Finger of Death : Choose a Nearby target and test WIS , if a pass the target is OofA.
  • Plague : Test WIS for all Nearby targets, they lose 2d8 HP for the next 1d6 turns.
  • Quest : Force a Nearby creature to obey an order.
  • Raise Dead : Return a Nearby willing target to life, who's died within the last 7 days.


  • Animate Object : Give a Nearby object motion and a simple intelligence - 10mins.
  • Blade Barrier : Wall covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d8) - 10mins.
  • Conjure Elemental : Summons an elemental with HD equal to caster's lvl -1hr.
  • Find Path : The path to a chosen location is made known - 1hr.
  • Speak with Monsters : Can understand and talk with monsters - 1hr.
  • Word of Recall : Give ability to teleport back to the location this spell was cast - 1year.


  • Aerial Servant : Summons a servant to recover a distant object.
  • Astral Spell : Projects an avatar of the caster onto a chosen plane - 1hr.
  • Control Weather : Control the Nearby weather to all extremes - 10mins.
  • Earthquake : Test WIS for all Nearby creatures, passes are taken OofA.
  • Holy Word : Nearby creatures with less than 5HD die, 6-10HD paralysed for 1d4 turns.
  • Wind Walk : Turn into mist and back, at will - 1day.
  • Restoration : Returns all levels lost to monsters with level drain.

Arcane spells


  • Charm : A Nearby target obeys commands. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Detect Magic : Everything Nearby that is magic glows - 5mins.
  • Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - 1hr.
  • Magic Missile : A Nearby, Far-Away or Distant target takes 1d4 damage/level.
  • Shield : Gain 2 AP/ level.
  • Sleep : Puts 4d6 HD 'worth' of beings to sleep - 1 hour. Does not affect creates above 4HD.


  • Darkness : Creates darkness covering a Nearby area that blocks all types of vision - 1hr.
  • Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
  • Knock : A Nearby door or lock is opened.
  • Levitate : The caster floats up to 6 feet from the ground - 10mins/level.
  • Web : Traps a Nearby area, stopping movement. Test WIS /hr to see if the effect lasts.


  • Darkvision : See in absolute darkness - 10min/level.
  • Dispel Magic : Removes a Nearby Arcane spell.
  • Fireball : 1d6 Nearby creatures take 1d6/level damage.
  • Read Language/Magic : Read all languages and magic - 10mins.
  • Magic Mouth : Creates an illusory mouth that repeats a phrase to all Nearby creatures.


  • Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
  • Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant Location.
  • Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
  • Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
  • Wall of Fire/Ice : Wall covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d6) - 10mins.
  • Wall of Stone/Iron : A wall covers a Nearby area - 1hr.


  • Animate Dead : Create 2d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
  • Cloudkill : Anyone with less than 5HD that touches it must test INT or be OofA – 1hr.
  • Conjure Elemental : Create an Elemental of chosen type with 3d4 HD.
  • Contact Higher Plane : Ask 1 question/level.
  • Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 - 10mins/level.
  • Slumber: Puts one specific creature to sleep for 1 hour. Can be resisted.
  • Telekinesis : Move Nearby objects - 1hr.
  • Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the caster.


  • Anti Magic Shell : Creates a Nearby Zone around the caster blocking all magic.
  • Death Spell : 2d8 Nearby targets with 7HD or fewer die.
  • Disintegrate : Makes one Nearby target or object turn into a fine powder.
  • Invisible Stalker : Summons an extra-dimensional monster to perform one task.
  • Stone to Flesh : Turns a Nearby target into stone (or vice versa).


  • Limited Wish : Change reality in a limited way or time.
  • Power Word, Kill : A Nearby target with 50HP or fewer dies and cannot be resurrected.
  • Conjuration of Demons : Summons a Demon with 2HD/level.
  • Meteor Swarm : Effects the same as casting Fireball 4 times.
  • Time Stop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area - 1d4+1 Rounds.
Creature HD Actions and Specials
Fire Beetle 1 Light glands have a usage die of d8.
Giant Vampire Bat 1 1d6 damage next segment after attack.
Deadly Centipede 1 Bite (0) plus CON test or 'OofA' - only has 1-2hp.
Manes Demon 1 2 Claws (1d2) + 1 Bite (1d4), Half damage from non-magic weapons
Goblin 1 Only has 1d6 hp.
Hobgoblin 1 Usually has a backup shield if one is sundered.
Human Berserker 1 Disadvantage on defense rolls when Berserker attacks.
Giant Ant Warrior 2 Poisonous Bite (1d6) + CON test or add 2d6 damage to the attack.
Carrion Creeper 2 Bite (1) + 6 Tentacles (0) + CON test or Paralysed.
Ghoul 2 2 claws (1d3) + 1 bite (1d4) + CON test or Paralysed.
Giant Leech 2 Drains a Level the segment after dealing damage.
Bugbear 3 All DEX tests are rolled with disadvantage.
Harpy 3 Song - CHA test or PCs must move towards it.
Wererat 3 Cannot gain Advantage when attempting to surprise a Wererat.
Shadow 3 Touch (1d4 and -1 STR), only hit by magic weapons.
Doppleganger 3 Change form in a segment, disadvantage against magic tests.
Wight 3 Can only be hit by magical or silver weapons, Drain 1 Level with Hit.
Blink Dog 4 Teleport nearby once per fight.
Grizzly Bear 4 2 claws (1d3) + if both hit hug for 1d8 damage.
Gargoyle 4 2 claws (1d3) + 1 bite (1d4) + 1 horn (1d6).
Gelatinous Cube 4 CON test on touch or be Paralysed, immune to cold and lightning.
Werewolf 4 Only silver weapons can hurt it.
Ogre 4 Gives advantage on all CHA tests made against it.
Cockatrice 5 Bite (1d3) and CON test or Petrified.
Owlbear 5 2 claws (1d6) + 1 bite (2d6) + Hug for 2d8 if to-hit roll is 1-4.
Basilisk 6 CON test on eye contact or be petrified.
Succubus/Incubus 6 2 Claws (1d3), Advantage on magic tests, immune to non magic weapons, level drain (-1) with kiss. Can cast Charm person (spell) once per hour.
Mummy 6 Attacks stop healing until cure wounds cast, immune to normal weapons, half damage from magic weapons.
Banshee 7 Shriek - CON test or Paralysed for 2d6 rounds.
Djinni 7 Can take Gaseous Form, Create Objects, Create Illusions, Cast Invisibility (spell) as action.
Spectre 8 A person killed by a Spectre will become a Spectre in 1d6 minutes.
Chimera 8 2 Claws (1d3) + 2 Goat horns (1d4) + 1 Lion bite (2d4) + 1 Dragon bite (3d4) or Breathes fire as a Dragon (3d8).
Balor Demon 9 Sword (1d12+2) + Whip (0) DEX test or be pulled Close to the Balor and burnt for 3d6 fire damage.
Hezrou Demon 9 2 Claws (1d3) + 1 Bite (2d8), Cause Fear (as per Banish) or Darkness (spell) - each once per fight.
Black Pudding 10 Metal objects that touch it melt the next round.
Frost Giant 10 Throws boulders or great chunks of ice.
Stone Golem 12 Only spells that affect rock or stonework, weapons must be +2 or better to damage it.
Giant Slug 12 Spit Acid - d4+2 nearby targets (1d12) test DEX for 1/2 damage.
Dragon 9 to 11 2 Claws (1d8) + Bite (1d10), Breathes fire - d4+2 nearby targets (3d8) Can cast 1d4 1st level spells + 1d2 2nd level spells.



The name The Green Hack, is product identity. DESIGNATION OF OPEN GAME CONTENT All text and tables are open game content.


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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. "The Green Hack" text, tables, all artwork, logos and layout are Copyright 2021, Klint Finley. "The Black Hack" text, tables, all artwork, logos and layout are Copyright 2016, David Black. "Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells" text, tables, all artwork, logos and layout are Copyright 2016, Diogo Nogueira. Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.