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Releases: kentik/community_sdk_python

Making code compatible with Python 3.11

19 May 03:42
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No functional changes, just all dataclasses were made compatible with Python 3.11.

Repo reorganization and update of `grpcio`

10 Mar 23:01
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This release should not introduce and functional change.

Protobuf version upgrade and cleanup due to Kentik API schema changes

09 Mar 05:05
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Support for `network` type agents.

19 Oct 06:14
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This release adds support for recently introduced new network agent type. Most of Kentik public synthetic agents will be migrated to this type in the near future. This agent type is represented in the API with agent_impl attribute with value IMPLEMENT_TYPE_NETWORK. This release adds support for this value. Without it, SDK clients would not able to list public agents.

Fix for corner case `get_credentials` use case

12 Oct 02:05
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This is a fix to previous release adding back support for passing None profile to the get_credentials function.

Prevent environment variables from overriding credential profile

11 Oct 20:11
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The release removes counterintuitive behavior resulting from KTAPI_AUTH_EMAIL and KTAPI_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables overriding authentication credentials provided in profile explicitly passed to the get_credentials function.

Fix for issue #134

16 Sep 04:46
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This minor release includes:

  • fix for issue #134
  • adds support for Python 3.10

Ready for prime time

02 Aug 04:37
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We are pleased to introduce version 1.0.0 of Kentik Python SDK. This release is the first stable version providing access to majority of Kentik public APIs.

Most important changes from the previous version:

  1. support for synthetic monitoring
  2. support for cloud flow exports
  3. explicit support for request rate throttling has been replaced by automatic retries in API client, correctly handling rate limit pushback

Notable changes requiring modification of applications using the SDK:

  1. The api_url argument of the KentikAPI constuctor has been replaced with api_host. The argument is expected to contain only the fully qualified hostname of the server hosting the target Kentik API instance (default KentikAPI.API_HOST_US)
  2. Class variable KentikAPI.API_URL_US has been replaced with KentikAPI.API_HOST_US and KentikAPI.API_URL_EU with KentikAPI.API_HOST_EU

Alerting fixes

15 Jan 05:08
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This release fixes following issues:

#98 - incorrect API request in absence of a filter when retrieving alerting history
#102 - failure to represent manually started mitigations in active and historic alerts and other data format discrepancies

Minor fixes

21 Oct 15:55
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This release corrects installation requirements, disables automatic retries on 500 status code in the API client and fixes minor bugs in analytics.