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cpganderton edited this page Jan 1, 2012 · 3 revisions


  • Source Control: Git (on Github)
  • Database: Postgres
  • Languages: Python, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: Django, jQuery


  • Main Site: (with redirecting)
  • Mobile Site: ( redirecting)
  • Hosting: TBA


Development Talk

Github? Open source, or do we even care? If we open source, fitocracy may steal some of our work, which would be ironic as hell. OSS it. I can’t remember the last time someone took an OSS project and the originating product died (maybe wordpress, but that had already died). OSS would be hella funny.

LAMP would likely be easiest [Sol]. But I am just here to nitpick at things. Most of my experience is LAMP. Die in a fire. Django++ [phrak] +1[tang] I cant even spell web development I see my best offering as communications -= my background lends itself to that obviously, and I’m trying to get some writing experience that matters a shit under my belt - I do good blurbs, copy etc. Plus random ideas I’m sure [svunt]

(phrak) Language/platform of choice? Are we all developers here? [AK] Im just here to give ideas. i dont know shit about software or coding or any of that crap. Second

Pssh, I can host git repos and all that shit. In case you guys are unaware (living under rocks, mentally retarded, etc) I do have some Linux skills - see Yes, I know, I meant for os purposes if we want to do that :p Easily searchible, able to put on a resume, etc. ^^ Depending on the license, it could make us some money, since they’ve monetized their project :p Oh, good point! We definitely want git, though. Git is epic +1 +1

Sample database layout for OSS MMO-RPG:

Production Talk

I have a slicehost slice still that is almost entirely unused (my blog is static HTML). Can be used as a dev machine

Does someone have server space we can use, or should we look at something like that Amazon cloud? I (TWC) might be able to swing that. I’ve got access to two 100mbps connections and could probably swing an entry level server in the next couple of weeks. If we out grow that then we can look at gasp, buying gear because by then we might actually have a product we can sell.

(shortkid) I think initially a shared-hosting plan or something could work just for initial dev, but later that would need to be migrated to something more robust, and then a dedicated server, then a cluster, then data center, then take over the world. Can we skip to that last part? We should think about setting a user limit for that location before we even start - maybe 500 users or something? Ideally just start with FCJ (or HipsterFCJ) and keep it there for a long time, well under 500. Less cardio people this way (but we will need cardiofags at some point) Invite bossesjoe. That’s enough cardiofaggotry for everyone. Herman is a cardiofag. (I can at least give decent perspective on what is a difficult race/time in comparison to lifts, Mr.B)REPRESENT ^^I’d keep it under 100 until we have a solid beta. Like super solid. Maybe even under 50 - We can just invite the fcj’ers that are not mormons.

WRT hosting, reasonable sized VPSes would do fine, I have a Linode in NJ and a box on JUMP in london, that aren't hosting much other than my DNS and www (chrisg)

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