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jarnheim edited this page Dec 30, 2011 · 1 revision

Followers - less like twitter, more like facebook? Seperate the people you have interest in into two groups “people who motivate me” and “friends”? Why not allow for “Circles” ala google groups? Though some sort of Guild system might work fine for that. What about being allowed to join a single Guild, but you can have multiple circles or something? Ala Skyrim, I dont think it makes sense to be in the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild all while trying to do a Civil War … but at the same time, I know people want groups (like Fittit, LeanGains, 5/3/1, etc.) So we should differentiate groups from guilds, am I right? Groups are social and guilds are competitive? We should have the ability to either block users or require them to be pre-approved from the start. Remember mrhappyface?

Live chat. That always makes people stick around. Live Chat is a bitch to implement though Is there no standard chatting implementation that is open source or whatever? (haven’t done anything web related, I’ve always done back end algorithm dev stuff)
Chat has always sucked every time I’ve implemented it with something else I have a few opensource widgets that I’ve used if someone wants to try it but it’s always a little clunky. We need a better “what’s happening now” board. currently fitocracy uses a facebook type model that shows what goes on between friends. if we had a way of pushing a person’s major accomplishment/battles between guilds/major discussions via props or upboating, maybe there’d be less clutter?

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