The site includes all custom scripts and files used in the study of “Underlying driving forces of the SARS-CoV-2 evolution: immune evasion and ACE2 binding affinity”.
The code includes python scripts, C++ scripts, and C# scripts. Both Linux and Windows platforms are required. We recommend running the scripts on a Windows working station with 128Gb RAM and enabling the Windows subsystem Linux (WSL) system to avoid intermediate file transfer which can be very time-consuming. In this documentation, unless otherwise noted, all steps are run under the Windows system.
Most of the scripts are written in Microsoft C# language based on the .net framework, the original code and project files are provided. To run the scripts, Microsoft Visual Studio is needed. The directory of the input and output should be named in the script before hitting the Compile and run button.
A total number of 6,484,070 high-quality open-access SARS-CoV-2 sequences and corresponding metadata were downloaded from the UShER website on 23 November 2022 as the input. The following files were downloaded and unzipped:
2.1 Obtain mutation and metadata for each sequence
2.1.1 Transfer the unzipped VCF file to mut5col format using Vcf2mut5col (Linux).
“Vcf2mut5col.out public-latest.all.masked.vcf [output directory]”*
*This will generate a .mut5col file.
2.1.2 Transfer the .mut5col file to sample_mutlist.tsv using Mutresult2Sample_mutlistLINUX (Linux).
“Mut5col2Sample_mutlistLINUX.out [directory]”*
*Both input and output will be in this directory. The sample_mutlist.tsv is a txt file that stores mutation information of each sequence in the format of [SequenceName]\tMutation1 Mutation2 ... MutationN.
2.2 Sequence sampling
Random selection of 200 sequences each month using SampleMutlistFilterAndRandomPick. The input is the sample_mutlist.tsv file and the public-latest.metadata.tsv file_.This will generate the sampled_sample_mutlist.tsv and the sampled_metadata.tsv file.
2.3 Sequence mutation annotation
Before plotting, the sampled_sample_mutlist.tsv file was further annotated, transferring each nucleotide mutation to amino acid mutation, generating a result table file sampled_sample_mutlist.transfer.tsv using SampleMutlistTransfer.
*The sampled_sample_mutlist.transfer.tsv can be directly combined with the sampled_metadata.tsv file in the Excel for they share the same sequence order.
2.4 Mutation rate calculate
After combining, the transferred table was then plotted using the python script (for the automatic piecewise linear regression ) and the R ggplot function (for simple linear regression).
The downloaded protobuf file public-latest.all.masked.pb.gz was first transferred to a readable JSON file using matUtils (Linux) from the UshER toolkit. (
“matUtils extract -i ./public-latest.all.masked.pb.gz -d [YOUR DIRECTORY] -j [MAT1128].json”
*This step should be run on Linux and can require memory usage bigger than 65Gb.
Then we search for all mutation events from the MAT tree using Json2MutationEvent_C#. It will generate a .json.mutevent file. The file contains all filtered sequences (see methods section) and their additional mutations relative to ancestors.
*The input files are the public-latest.metadata.tsv and the .json file.
Mutation distribution on the genome and collection date was extracted from the obtained .mutevent file using GenomeMutationDistribution.
The mutation incidence of the most frequent mutations in different SARS-CoV-2 lineages was calculated using FindCladeSpecificMutation which can automatically generate several heatmap tables for each gene.
*The input file is the .json.mutevent and the output files are heatmap.txt files:
The heatmap was then plotted with the R pheatmap package. The principal component analysis (PCA) plot was plotted with the R fviz package.
After obtaining the top most frequent mutations table, we calculated the Silhouette Coefficient of each gene and clade using CalSilhouetteCoefficient.
*The input files are the CladeHeatmap.txt file of each gene.
7.1 Calculate the escape score
The antibody spectrum, neutralizing activity, antibody epitope group, and raw mutation escape score were obtained from previous studies (see methods). We combined the raw mutation escape score with antibody-neutralizing activity using CalMutEscapeScore.
*The input DMS and output files are the following:
Files use_abs_res.csv NeutralWTBA125_Cross.txt single_mut_effects.csv EscapeScore_PKU.single.txt EscapeScore_PKU.12.txt
Description Raw escape scores. Antibody neutralization data. ACE2 binding and RBD expression data. The processed escape score. The processed escape score of the 12 epitopes.
7.2 Assign escape mutations
The mutation that significantly reduced the affinity to any of the 12 antibody types was defined as an immune escape mutation. The escape mutations were assigned based on the escape score in the file EscapeScore_PKU.12.txt using EachCladeEscapeScoreTo12Epitope. The output escape mutation distribution heatmap file CladeRBDMut12Group.txt was also calculated using this script.
7.3 Calculate the antibody pressure
The immune pressure exerted on a particular epitope region is calculated by summing the neutralizing activities of all antibodies that belong to this epitope group using Cal12EpiPressureDistribution.
*The input file is the antibody neutralization table NeutralWTBA125_Cross.txt and the output files are the AntibodySpectrum12_Count.txt and the AntibodySpectrum12_logIC50.txt which represent the antibody number and pressure act on the 12 epitopes.
7.4 The gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
The GSEA analysis was also performed using the script FindCladeSpecificMutation, as one of its functions.
*It will generate 2 files as output:
File Mutation_ES_Curve.txt Mutation_ES_Pvalue.txt
Description The GSEA plot curve data. The p-value after 50000 randomizations repeating.
8.1 Construct a tree of Lineages
To calculate the evolution trajectory, it is necessary to restore the evolutionary relationship of all Lineages. We obtained the Lineage list from the Pango website and refined the relationships into lineageRelations.tsv using LineageRelations. (
*input: lineages.yml
Output: lineageRelations.tsv
8.2 Summarize genome mutations and metadata for each Lineage
We first combined the sample_mutlist.tsv file with the metadata.tsv file using SeqFindMeta (Linux). Then, we counted the sampling time and genome mutation of each Lineage sequence using LineageMutationMetadata, generating the Lineage.Date.AAmut file.
8.3 Calculate the evolution trajectory
Finally, we combined the above result with the escape score and ACE2 binding data, using LineageTrajectory, generating a table LineagePlotData.txt that can be directly used for R ggplot.
9.1 Calculation of the RoHo
The RoHo value of each mutation event was calculated using the matUtils (Linux) from the UshER toolkit.
“matUtils summary -i ./public-latest.all.masked.pb.gz -E RoHo.tsv”
And then extract the corresponding data of the target clade into MutationRoHo.txt using CalMutRoHo.
9.2 Multivariate linear regression
The mutation incidence, RoHo, and corresponding escape score and ACE2 binding data were combined manually using Microsoft Office Excel. The multivariate linear regression was conducted by the R lm function.
“lm.sol = lm(scale(EventFraction)~ scale(DMSACE) + scale(DMSESC), data = RoHo_WT)” “summary(lm.sol)”