This repo is the implementation of VAD test client for HUGSIM benchmark
The implementation is based on:
VAD: Vectorized Scene Representation for Efficient Autonomous Driving
Bo Jiang1*, Shaoyu Chen1*, Qing Xu2, Bencheng Liao1, Jiajie Chen2, Helong Zhou2, Qian Zhang2, Wenyu Liu1, Chang Huang2, Xinggang Wang1,†
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2 Horizon Robotics
*: equal contribution, †: corresponding author.
arXiv Paper, ICCV 2023
Please refer to UniAD and VAD installation instructions. In practice, UniAD and VAD can share the same conda environment.
Please change ${VAD_PATH} in tools/ as the path on your machine.
zsh ./tools/ ${CUDA_ID} ${output_dir}
Client can be auto lauched by the HUGSIM closed-loop script.