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[SPARK-49744][SS][PYTHON] Implement TTL support for ListState in Tran…
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### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Implement TTL support for ListState in TransformWithStateInPandas.

### Why are the changes needed?

Allow users to add TTL to specific list state.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Added unit tests.

### Was this patch authored or co-authored using generative AI tooling?


Closes apache#48253 from bogao007/ttl-list-state.

Authored-by: bogao007 <>
Signed-off-by: Jungtaek Lim <>
  • Loading branch information
bogao007 authored and himadripal committed Oct 19, 2024
1 parent c597658 commit 51733d9
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Showing 5 changed files with 97 additions and 11 deletions.
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions python/pyspark/sql/streaming/
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Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def get(self) -> Optional[Tuple]:
return self._value_state_client.get(self._state_name)

def update(self, new_value: Any) -> None:
def update(self, new_value: Tuple) -> None:
Update the value of the state.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ def getValueState(
self.stateful_processor_api_client.get_value_state(state_name, schema, ttl_duration_ms)
return ValueState(ValueStateClient(self.stateful_processor_api_client), state_name, schema)

def getListState(self, state_name: str, schema: Union[StructType, str]) -> ListState:
def getListState(
self, state_name: str, schema: Union[StructType, str], ttl_duration_ms: Optional[int] = None
) -> ListState:
Function to create new or return existing single value state variable of given type.
The user must ensure to call this function only within the `init()` method of the
Expand All @@ -169,8 +171,13 @@ def getListState(self, state_name: str, schema: Union[StructType, str]) -> ListS
schema : :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or str
The schema of the state variable. The value can be either a
:class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object or a DDL-formatted type string.
ttlDurationMs: int
Time to live duration of the state in milliseconds. State values will not be returned
past ttlDuration and will be eventually removed from the state store. Any state update
resets the expiration time to current processing time plus ttlDuration.
If ttl is not specified the state will never expire.
self.stateful_processor_api_client.get_list_state(state_name, schema)
self.stateful_processor_api_client.get_list_state(state_name, schema, ttl_duration_ms)
return ListState(ListStateClient(self.stateful_processor_api_client), state_name, schema)

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Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ def get_value_state(
# TODO(SPARK-49233): Classify user facing errors.
raise PySparkRuntimeError(f"Error initializing value state: " f"{response_message[1]}")

def get_list_state(self, state_name: str, schema: Union[StructType, str]) -> None:
def get_list_state(
self, state_name: str, schema: Union[StructType, str], ttl_duration_ms: Optional[int]
) -> None:
import pyspark.sql.streaming.StateMessage_pb2 as stateMessage

if isinstance(schema, str):
Expand All @@ -140,6 +142,8 @@ def get_list_state(self, state_name: str, schema: Union[StructType, str]) -> Non
state_call_command = stateMessage.StateCallCommand()
state_call_command.stateName = state_name
state_call_command.schema = schema.json()
if ttl_duration_ms is not None:
state_call_command.ttl.durationMs = ttl_duration_ms
call = stateMessage.StatefulProcessorCall(getListState=state_call_command)
message = stateMessage.StateRequest(statefulProcessorCall=call)

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Expand Up @@ -221,6 +221,18 @@ def check_results(batch_df, _):

self._test_transform_with_state_in_pandas_basic(ListStateProcessor(), check_results, True)

# test list state with ttl has the same behavior as list state when state doesn't expire.
def test_transform_with_state_in_pandas_list_state_large_ttl(self):
def check_results(batch_df, _):
assert set(batch_df.sort("id").collect()) == {
Row(id="0", countAsString="2"),
Row(id="1", countAsString="2"),

ListStateLargeTTLProcessor(), check_results, True, "processingTime"

# test value state with ttl has the same behavior as value state when
# state doesn't expire.
def test_value_state_ttl_basic(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,8 +260,10 @@ def check_results(batch_df, batch_id):
Row(id="ttl-count-0", count=1),
Row(id="count-0", count=1),
Row(id="ttl-list-state-count-0", count=1),
Row(id="ttl-count-1", count=1),
Row(id="count-1", count=1),
Row(id="ttl-list-state-count-1", count=1),
elif batch_id == 1:
Expand All @@ -258,21 +272,29 @@ def check_results(batch_df, batch_id):
Row(id="ttl-count-0", count=2),
Row(id="count-0", count=2),
Row(id="ttl-list-state-count-0", count=3),
Row(id="ttl-count-1", count=2),
Row(id="count-1", count=2),
Row(id="ttl-list-state-count-1", count=3),
elif batch_id == 2:
# ttl-count-0 expire and restart from count 0.
# ttl-count-1 get reset in batch 1 and keep the state
# The TTL for value state ttl_count_state gets reset in batch 1 because of the
# update operation and ttl-count-1 keeps the state.
# ttl-list-state-count-0 expire and restart from count 0.
# The TTL for list state ttl_list_state gets reset in batch 1 because of the
# put operation and ttl-list-state-count-1 keeps the state.
# non-ttl state never expires
Row(id="ttl-count-0", count=1),
Row(id="count-0", count=3),
Row(id="ttl-list-state-count-0", count=1),
Row(id="ttl-count-1", count=3),
Row(id="count-1", count=3),
Row(id="ttl-list-state-count-1", count=7),
if batch_id == 0 or batch_id == 1:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,25 +384,38 @@ def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None:
state_schema = StructType([StructField("value", IntegerType(), True)])
self.ttl_count_state = handle.getValueState("ttl-state", state_schema, 10000)
self.count_state = handle.getValueState("state", state_schema)
self.ttl_list_state = handle.getListState("ttl-list-state", state_schema, 10000)

def handleInputRows(self, key, rows) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
count = 0
ttl_count = 0
ttl_list_state_count = 0
id = key[0]
if self.count_state.exists():
count = self.count_state.get()[0]
if self.ttl_count_state.exists():
ttl_count = self.ttl_count_state.get()[0]
if self.ttl_list_state.exists():
iter = self.ttl_list_state.get()
for s in iter:
ttl_list_state_count += s[0]
for pdf in rows:
pdf_count = pdf.count().get("temperature")
count += pdf_count
ttl_count += pdf_count
ttl_list_state_count += pdf_count

# skip updating state for the 2nd batch so that ttl state expire
if not (ttl_count == 2 and id == "0"):
yield pd.DataFrame({"id": [f"ttl-count-{id}", f"count-{id}"], "count": [ttl_count, count]})
self.ttl_list_state.put([(ttl_list_state_count,), (ttl_list_state_count,)])
yield pd.DataFrame(
"id": [f"ttl-count-{id}", f"count-{id}", f"ttl-list-state-count-{id}"],
"count": [ttl_count, count, ttl_list_state_count],

def close(self) -> None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,6 +492,15 @@ def close(self) -> None:

# A stateful processor that inherit all behavior of ListStateProcessor except that it use
# ttl state with a large timeout.
class ListStateLargeTTLProcessor(ListStateProcessor):
def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None:
state_schema = StructType([StructField("temperature", IntegerType(), True)])
self.list_state1 = handle.getListState("listState1", state_schema, 30000)
self.list_state2 = handle.getListState("listState2", state_schema, 30000)

class TransformWithStateInPandasTests(TransformWithStateInPandasTestsMixin, ReusedSQLTestCase):

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -189,8 +189,12 @@ class TransformWithStateInPandasStateServer(
case StatefulProcessorCall.MethodCase.GETLISTSTATE =>
val stateName = message.getGetListState.getStateName
val schema = message.getGetListState.getSchema
// TODO(SPARK-49744): Add ttl support for list state.
initializeStateVariable(stateName, schema, StateVariableType.ListState, None)
val ttlDurationMs = if (message.getGetListState.hasTtl) {
} else {
initializeStateVariable(stateName, schema, StateVariableType.ListState, ttlDurationMs)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid method call")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,10 +376,14 @@ class TransformWithStateInPandasStateServer(
sendResponse(1, s"Value state $stateName already exists")
case StateVariableType.ListState => if (!listStates.contains(stateName)) {
// TODO(SPARK-49744): Add ttl support for list state.
val state = if (ttlDurationMs.isEmpty) {
statefulProcessorHandle.getListState[Row](stateName, Encoders.row(schema))
} else {
stateName, Encoders.row(schema), TTLConfig(Duration.ofMillis(ttlDurationMs.get)))
Encoders.row(schema)), schema, expressionEncoder.createDeserializer(),
ListStateInfo(state, schema, expressionEncoder.createDeserializer(),
} else {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -118,6 +118,29 @@ class TransformWithStateInPandasStateServerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Befo

Seq(true, false).foreach { useTTL =>
test(s"get list state, useTTL=$useTTL") {
val stateCallCommandBuilder = StateCallCommand.newBuilder()
if (useTTL) {
val message = StatefulProcessorCall
if (useTTL) {
.getListState[Row](any[String], any[Encoder[Row]], any[TTLConfig])
} else {
verify(statefulProcessorHandle).getListState[Row](any[String], any[Encoder[Row]])

test("value state exists") {
val message = ValueStateCall.newBuilder().setStateName(stateName)
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