Rising Dawns: Adventure is an HTML5 and Javascript based civilization/empire building game. Created for fun, enjoy!
The game itself was/is created by a small dev team based in the US. Inspiration was taken from CivClicker and Age of Empires originally.
Please give credit to us specifically when reposting, remaking, or changing any part of this game for your own private purposes, although you don't have to, as all of the Rising Dawns source code is in the public domain.
RDA currently only has one programmer, one musician, one artist, and 2 playtesters at the moment. Please give us time to fix bugs and issues or add features, unless it is extremely urgent.
View the Dev to-do list in the Scripts folder of the game files. You can get to the folder from an imbedded link either in the console window of the main game or from a hyperlink in the save creator. Rising Dawns' version logs can also be found here.
-exp, AKA Experimental: An experimental build. Think of it as a more unstable version of a snapshot. Example: v0.5.92exp
-s, AKA Snapshot: The latest semi-stable update. Usually a hotfix or a sneak peak of future updates. Example: v0.21.3s
-a, AKA Alpha: A stable alpha build. Example: v1.048.43a
-b, AKA Beta: A stable beta build. Example: v0.1.354b
-fram, AKA Framework: A framework build, usually just something like a test item or a UI idea that I'm saving for later. Example: v0.0.428fram