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Native Installation

Robert J. Gifford edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Native Installation of RABV-GLUE

  1. Install GLUE Software Framework If you haven't installed GLUE yet, follow the native installation instructions in the GLUE User Guide.

  2. Download the RABV-GLUE Repository Clone or download the RABV-GLUE repository.

  3. Download & Load the Prebuilt Database

Prebuilt versions of the RABV-GLUE database are available here:

Select the appropriate build and download it. To load this database into your local MySQL system, use the following commands, adjusting to match your MySQL installation:

   gunzip rabv_glue.sql.gz
   /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql  --user=gluetools --password=glue12345 GLUE_TOOLS < rabv_glue.sql

Once you have done this, start the GLUE command line interpreter and check to see if the project is there.

Mode path: /
GLUE> list project 
|     name     |                       description                       |
| rabv         | A GLUE project for rabies virus (RABV)                  |
Projects found: 1
Mode path: /

Local Project Build

Alternatively, if you prefer to build the project locally from scratch, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the RABV-GLUE Directory

  2. Start the GLUE Command-Line Interpreter

  3. Build the Core Project To build the core project run the following command:

   Mode path: /
   GLUE> run file buildRabvProject.glue

The prebuilt database allows for quick setup, while the local build process allows for more customization.