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Fix tutorial for blender_sdf_exporter (#1718)
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* Fix tutorial for blender_sdf_exporter

Signed-off-by: Andrej Orsula <>

* Remove unused import

Signed-off-by: Andrej Orsula <>

* Use path submodule where possible

Signed-off-by: Andrej Orsula <>

* Use f strings

Signed-off-by: Andrej Orsula <>

* Format Python with black

Signed-off-by: Andrej Orsula <>

Signed-off-by: Andrej Orsula <>
  • Loading branch information
AndrejOrsula authored Oct 10, 2022
1 parent 1068296 commit 6f912e3
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Showing 2 changed files with 120 additions and 93 deletions.
207 changes: 117 additions & 90 deletions examples/scripts/blender/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,67 +1,82 @@
import bpy
import os.path
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper
from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty
from bpy.types import Operator

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from os import path
from xml.dom import minidom

# Target blender version: 2.82
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty
from bpy.types import Operator
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper

# Tested Blender version: 2.82/3.2

### Exports model.dae of the scene with textures, its corresponding model.sdf file, and a default model.config file ####
def export_sdf(prefix_path):

dae_filename = 'model.dae'
sdf_filename = 'model.sdf'
model_config_filename = 'model.config'
lightmap_filename = 'LightmapBaked.png'
model_name = 'my_model'
meshes_folder_prefix = 'meshes/'
dae_filename = "model.dae"
sdf_filename = "model.sdf"
model_config_filename = "model.config"
lightmap_filename = "LightmapBaked.png"
model_name = "my_model"
meshes_folder_prefix = "meshes/"

# Exports the dae file and its associated textures
bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath=prefix_path+meshes_folder_prefix+dae_filename, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=False, filter_text=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=True, filter_folder=True, filemode=8)
filepath=path.join(prefix_path, meshes_folder_prefix, dae_filename),

# objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
objects = bpy.context.selectable_objects
mesh_objects = [ o for o in objects if o.type == 'MESH' ]
light_objects = [ o for o in objects if o.type == 'LIGHT' ]
mesh_objects = [o for o in objects if o.type == "MESH"]
light_objects = [o for o in objects if o.type == "LIGHT"]

#### export sdf xml based off the scene #####
sdf = ET.Element('sdf', attrib={'version':'1.8'})
sdf = ET.Element("sdf", attrib={"version": "1.8"})

# 1 model and 1 link
model = ET.SubElement(sdf, "model", attrib={"name":"test"})
model = ET.SubElement(sdf, "model", attrib={"name": "test"})
static = ET.SubElement(sdf, "static")
static.text = "true"
link = ET.SubElement(model, "link", attrib={"name":"testlink"})
link = ET.SubElement(model, "link", attrib={"name": "testlink"})
# for each geometry in geometry library add a <visual> tag
for o in mesh_objects:
visual = ET.SubElement(link, "visual", attrib={"name"})
visual = ET.SubElement(link, "visual", attrib={"name":})

geometry = ET.SubElement(visual, "geometry")
mesh = ET.SubElement(geometry, "mesh")
uri = ET.SubElement(mesh, "uri")
uri.text = dae_filename
uri.text = path.join(meshes_folder_prefix, dae_filename)
submesh = ET.SubElement(mesh, "submesh")
submesh_name = ET.SubElement(submesh, "name")
submesh_name.text =

# grab diffuse/albedo map
diffuse_map = ""
nodes = o.active_material.node_tree.nodes
principled = next(n for n in nodes if n.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED')
if principled is not None:
base_color = principled.inputs['Base Color'] #Or principled.inputs[0]
value = base_color.default_value
if len(base_color.links):
link_node = base_color.links[0].from_node
diffuse_map =

diffuse_map = ""
if o.active_material is not None:
nodes = o.active_material.node_tree.nodes
principled = next(n for n in nodes if n.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED")
if principled is not None:
base_color = principled.inputs["Base Color"] # Or principled.inputs[0]
value = base_color.default_value
if len(base_color.links):
link_node = base_color.links[0].from_node
diffuse_map =

# setup diffuse/specular color
material = ET.SubElement(visual, "material")
diffuse = ET.SubElement(material, "diffuse")
Expand All @@ -72,16 +87,16 @@ def export_sdf(prefix_path):
metal = ET.SubElement(pbr, "metal")
if diffuse_map != "":
albedo_map = ET.SubElement(metal, "albedo_map")
albedo_map.text = meshes_folder_prefix + diffuse_map
albedo_map.text = path.join(meshes_folder_prefix, diffuse_map)

# for lightmapping, add the UV and turn off casting of shadows
if os.path.isfile(lightmap_filename):
light_map = ET.SubElement(metal, "light_map", attrib={"uv_set":"1"})
light_map.text = meshes_folder_prefix + lightmap_filename
if path.isfile(lightmap_filename):
light_map = ET.SubElement(metal, "light_map", attrib={"uv_set": "1"})
light_map.text = path.join(meshes_folder_prefix, lightmap_filename)

cast_shadows = ET.SubElement(visual, "cast_shadows")
cast_shadows.text = "0"

def add_attenuation_tags(light_tag, blender_light):
attenuation = ET.SubElement(light, "attenuation")
range = ET.SubElement(attenuation, "range")
Expand All @@ -92,116 +107,128 @@ def add_attenuation_tags(light_tag, blender_light):
quad_attenuation.text = str(blender_pointlight.quadratic_coefficient)
const_attenuation = ET.SubElement(attenuation, "constant")
const_attenuation.text = str(blender_pointlight.constant_coefficient)

# export lights
for l in light_objects:
blender_light =

if blender_light.type == "POINT":
light = ET.SubElement(link, "light", attrib={"name", "type":"point"})
light = ET.SubElement(
link, "light", attrib={"name":, "type": "point"}
diffuse = ET.SubElement(light, "diffuse")
diffuse.text = str(blender_light.color.r) + " " + str(blender_light.color.g) + " " + str(blender_light.color.b) + " 1.0"
diffuse.text = f"{blender_light.color.r} {blender_light.color.g} {blender_light.color.b} 1.0"
blender_pointlight = bpy.types.PointLight(blender_light)

add_attenuation_tags(light, blender_pointlight)

if blender_light.type == "SPOT":
light = ET.SubElement(link, "light", attrib={"name", "type":"spot"})
light = ET.SubElement(
link, "light", attrib={"name":, "type": "spot"}
diffuse = ET.SubElement(light, "diffuse")
diffuse.text = str(blender_light.color.r) + " " + str(blender_light.color.g) + " " + str(blender_light.color.b) + " 1.0"
diffuse.text = f"{blender_light.color.r} {blender_light.color.g} {blender_light.color.b} 1.0"
blender_spotlight = bpy.types.SpotLight(blender_light)

add_attenuation_tags(light, blender_spotlight)
# note: unsupported <spot> tags in blender

if blender_light.type == "SUN":
light = ET.SubElement(link, "light", attrib={"name", "type":"directional"})
light = ET.SubElement(
link, "light", attrib={"name":, "type": "directional"}
diffuse = ET.SubElement(light, "diffuse")
diffuse.text = str(blender_light.color.r) + " " + str(blender_light.color.g) + " " + str(blender_light.color.b) + " 1.0"
diffuse.text = f"{blender_light.color.r} {blender_light.color.g} {blender_light.color.b} 1.0"
blender_pointlight = bpy.types.SunLight(blender_light)

if blender_light.type == "SUN" or blender_light.type == "SPOT":
direction = ET.SubElement(light, "direction")
direction.text = str(l.matrix_world[0][2]) + " " + str(l.matrix_world[1][2]) + " " + str(l.matrix_world[2][2])

direction.text = (
f"{l.matrix_world[0][2]} {l.matrix_world[1][2]} {l.matrix_world[2][2]}"

# unsupported: AREA lights

cast_shadows = ET.SubElement(light, "cast_shadows")
cast_shadows.text = "true"

# todo : bpy.types.light script api lacks an intensity value, possible candidate is energy/power(Watts)?
intensity = ET.SubElement(light, "intensity")
intensity.text = "1.0"

## sdf collision tags
collision = ET.SubElement(link, "collision", attrib={"name":"collision"})
collision = ET.SubElement(link, "collision", attrib={"name": "collision"})

geometry = ET.SubElement(collision, "geometry")
mesh = ET.SubElement(geometry, "mesh")
uri = ET.SubElement(mesh, "uri")
uri.text = dae_filename
uri.text = path.join(meshes_folder_prefix, dae_filename)

surface = ET.SubElement(collision, "surface")
contact = ET.SubElement(collision, "contact")
collide_bitmask = ET.SubElement(collision, "collide_bitmask")
collide_bitmask.text = "0x01"

## sdf write to file
xml_string = ET.tostring(sdf, encoding='unicode')
xml_string = ET.tostring(sdf, encoding="unicode")
reparsed = minidom.parseString(xml_string)

sdf_file = open(prefix_path+sdf_filename, "w")
sdf_file = open(path.join(prefix_path, sdf_filename), "w")
sdf_file.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" "))

### generate model.config ####
model = ET.Element('model')
name = ET.SubElement(model, 'name')
model = ET.Element("model")
name = ET.SubElement(model, "name")
name.text = model_name
version = ET.SubElement(model, 'version')
version = ET.SubElement(model, "version")
version.text = "1.0"
sdf_tag = ET.SubElement(model, "sdf", attrib={"sdf":"1.8"})
sdf_tag = ET.SubElement(model, "sdf", attrib={"sdf": "1.8"})
sdf_tag.text = sdf_filename

author = ET.SubElement(model, 'author')
name = ET.SubElement(author, 'name')
author = ET.SubElement(model, "author")
name = ET.SubElement(author, "name")
name.text = "Generated by blender SDF tools"

xml_string = ET.tostring(model, encoding='unicode')
xml_string = ET.tostring(model, encoding="unicode")
reparsed = minidom.parseString(xml_string)

config_file = open(prefix_path+model_config_filename, "w")
config_file = open(path.join(prefix_path, model_config_filename), "w")
config_file.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" "))

#### UI Handling ####
class OT_TestOpenFilebrowser(Operator, ImportHelper):
bl_idname = "test.open_filebrowser"
bl_label = "Save"

directory : bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Outdir Path")

def execute(self, context):
"""Do the export with the selected file."""

if not os.path.isdir(
print( + " is not a directory!")
print("exporting to directory: " +
return {'FINISHED'}

def register():
def unregister():
bl_idname = "test.open_filebrowser"
bl_label = "Save"

directory: StringProperty(name="Outdir Path")

def execute(self, context):
"""Do the export with the selected file."""

if not path.isdir(
print(f"{} is not a directory!")
print(f"exporting to directory: {}")
return {"FINISHED"}

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":

# alternatively comment the main code block and do a function call without going through all the ui
# prefix_path = '/home/ddeng/blender_lightmap/final_office/office/'
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tutorials/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ Blender is a Digital Content Creation (DCC) tool for working with 3d models.
In some cases you may be using it to bake lighting and environment maps.

The Blender SDF exporter is a blender script in which you can run within Blender to
export your meshes, their associated textures and lights to a dae file, its
export your meshes, their associated textures and lights to a dae file, its
corresponding SDF file and config file.

Please note that the SDF format does not have 1 to 1 parity of features with Blender's
mesh/materials/lights feature set. As such feel free to customize the script as needed.

## Using the Blender SDF Exporter

1. Download the blender script in [](
1. Download the blender script in [](

2. Open the script under Blender's Scripting tab and run it.

3. You will see a file dialog requesting for a location to save the files to. Hit 'Save' when you are done.
3. You will see a file dialog requesting a location to save the files to. Hit 'Save' when you are done.

4. The files `meshes/model.dae`, `model.config` and `model.sdf` will be created at the location you specified.

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