Quepid makes improving your app's search results a repeatable, reliable engineering process that the whole team can understand. It deals with three issues:
Our collaboration stinks Making holistic progress on search requires deep, cross-functional collaboration. Shooting emails or tracking search requirements in spreadsheets won't cut it.
Search testing is hard Search changes are cross-cutting: most changes will cause problems. Testing is difficult: you can't run hundreds of searches after every relevance change.
Iterations are slow Moving forward seems impossible. To avoid sliding backwards, progress is slow. Many simply give up on search, depriving users of the means to find critical information.
To learn more, please check out the Quepid website and the Quepid wiki.
If you are ready to dive right in, you can use the Hosted Quepid service right now or follow the installation steps to set up your own instance of Quepid.
Below is information related to developing the Quepid open source project, primarily for people interested in extending what Quepid can do!
- Development Setup
- Elasticsearch
- Dev Errata
- QA
- Data Map
- App Structure
- Operating Documentation
- Credits
Provisioning from an already built machine takes approximately 3 - 4 minutes. Provisioning from scratch takes approximately 20 minutes.
Make sure you have installed Docker. Go here https://www.docker.com/community-edition#/download for installation instructions. And the Docker app is launched.
To install using brew follow these steps:
brew cask install docker
brew cask install docker-toolbox
NOTE: you may get a warning about trusting Oracle on the first try. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy, click the Allow Oracle button, and then try again to install docker-toolbox
Run the local Ruby based setup script to setup your Docker images:
Optionally you can seed the database with sample data (the output will print out credentials you can use to login as various sample users):
bin/docker r bin/rake db:seed:sample_users
If you want to create some cases that have 100's and 1000's of queries, then do:
bin/docker r bin/rake db:seed:large_cases
This is useful for stress testing Quepid! Especially the front end application!
Now fire up Quepid locally at http://localhost:3000:
bin/docker server
It can take up to a minute for the server to respond as it compiles all the front end assets on the first call.
We've created a helper script to run and manage the app through docker that wraps around the docker-compose
command. You will need Ruby installed.
You can still use docker-compose
directly, but for the basic stuff you can use the following:
- Start the app:
bin/docker server
orbin/docker s
- Connect to the app container with bash:
bin/docker bash
orbin/docker ba
- Connect to the Rails console:
bin/docker console
orbin/docker c
- Run any command:
bin/docker run [COMMAND]
orbin/docker r [COMMAND]
- Run dev mode as daemon:
bin/docker daemon
orbin/docker q
- Destroy the Docker env:
bin/docker destroy
orbin/docker d
- Run front end unit tests:
bin/docker r rails test:frontend
- Run back end unit tests:
bin/docker r rails test
While running the app under foreman, you'll only see a request log, for more detailed logging run the following:
bin/docker r tail -f -n 200 log/development.log
Note: To clear the logs to avoid them getting too big run: bin/docker r cat /dev/null > log/development.log
There are three types of tests that you can run:
These tests run the tests from the Rails side (mainly API controllers, and models):
bin/docker r rails test
Run a single test file via:
bin/docker r rails test test/models/user_test.rb
Or even a single test in a test file by passing in the line number!
bin/docker r rails test test/models/user_test.rb:33
If you need to reset your test database setup then run:
bin/docker r bin/rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test
bin/docker r bin/rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test
View the logs generated during testing set config.log_level = :debug
in test.rb
and then tail the log file via:
bin/docker r tail -f -n 200 log/test.log
To check the JS syntax:
bin/docker r rails test:jshint
Runs tests for the Angular side. There are two modes for the karma tests:
- Single run:
bin/docker r rails karma:run
- Continuous/watched run:
bin/docker r bin/rake karma:start
Note: The karma tests require the assets to be precompiled, which adds a significant amount of time to the test run. If you are only making changes to the test/spec files, then it is recommended you run the tests in watch mode (bin/rake karma:start
). The caveat is that any time you make a change to the app files, you will have to restart the process (or use the single run mode).
To check the Ruby syntax:
bin/docker r rubocop
If you want to run all of the tests in one go (before you commit and push for example), just run these two commands:
bin/docker r rails test
bin/docker r rails test:frontend
For some reason we can't run both with one command, though we should be able to!.
If you want to create a LOT of queries for a user for testing, then run
bin/docker r bin/rake db:seed:large_cases
You will have two users, quepid+100sOfQueries@o19s.com
and quepid+1000sOfQueries@o19s.com
to test with.
Debugging ruby usually depends on the situation, the simplest way is to print out the object to the STDOUT:
puts object # Prints out the .to_s method of the object
puts object.inspect # Inspects the object and prints it out (includes the attributes)
pp object # Pretty Prints the inspected object (like .inspect but better)
In the Rails application you can use the logger for the output:
Rails.logger object.inspect
If that's not enough and you want to run a debugger, the byebug
gem is included for that. Add byebug
wherever you want a breakpoint and then run the code.
While running the application, you can debug the javascript using your favorite tool, the way you've always done it.
The javascript files will be concatenated into one file, using the rails asset pipeline.
You can turn that off by toggling the following flag in config/environments/development.rb
# config.assets.debug = true
config.assets.debug = false
config.assets.debug = true
# config.assets.debug = false
Because there are too many Angular JS files in this application, and in debug
mode Rails will try to load every file separately, that slows down the application, and becomes really annoying in development mode to wait for the scripts to load. Which is why it is turned off by default.
PS: Don't forget to restart the server when you change the config.
Also please note that the files secure.js
, application.js
, and admin.js
are used to load all the
JavaScript and CSS dependencies via the Rails Asset pipeline. If you are debugging Bootstrap, then
you will want individual files. So replace //= require sprockets
with //= require bootstrap-sprockets
This application has two ways of running scripts: rake
& thor
Rake is great for simple tasks that depend on the application environment, and default tasks that come by default with Rails.
Whereas Thor is a more powerful tool for writing scripts that take in args much more nicely than Rake.
To see what rake tasks are available run:
bin/docker r bin/rake -T
Note: the use of bin/rake
makes sure that the version of rake
that is running is the one locked to the app's Gemfile.lock
(to avoid conflicts with other versions that might be installed on your system). This is equivalent of bundle exec rake
Common rake tasks that you might use:
# db
bin/rake db:create
bin/rake db:drop
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake db:rollback
bin/rake db:schema:load
bin/rake db:seed
bin/rake db:setup
# show routes
bin/rake routes
# tests
bin/rake test
bin/rake test:js
bin/rake test:jshint
bin/rake test:quepid
The see available tasks:
bin/docker r thor list
Examples include:
thor case:share CASEID TEAMID # shares case with an team
thor ratings:generate SOLRURL FILENAME # generates random ratings into a .csv file
thor ratings:import CASEID FILENAME # imports ratings to a case
thor user:create EMAIL USERNAME PASSWORD # creates a new user
thor user:grant_administrator EMAIL # grant administrator privileges to user
thor user:reset_password EMAIL NEWPASSWORD # resets user's password
To see more details about any of the tasks, run bin/docker r thor help TASKNAME
thor help user:create
-a, [--administrator], [--no-administrator]
`user:create` creates a new user with the passed in email, name and password.
$ thor user:create foo@example.com "Eric Pugh" mysuperstrongpassword
With -a option, will mark the user as Administrator
$ thor user:create -a admin@example.com Administrator mysuperstrongpassword
You will need to configure Elasticsearch to accept requests from the browser using CORS. To enable CORS, add the following to elasticsearch's config file. Usually, this file is located near the elasticsearch executable at config/elasticsearch.yml
enabled: true
allow-origin: /https?:\/\/localhost(:[0-9]+)?/
See more details on the wiki at https://github.com/o19s/quepid/wiki/Troubleshooting-Elasticsearch-and-Quepid
Typically you would simply do:
bin/docker r yarn add foobar
bin/docker r yarn upgrade foobar
which will install/upgrade the Node module, and then save that dependency to package.json
Then check in the updated package.json
and yarn.lock
Typically you would simply do:
bin/docker r bundle add foobar
which will install the new Gem, and then save that dependency to Gemfile
Then check in the updated package.json
and yarn.lock
files. For good measure
run the bin/setup_docker
There's a directory .ssl
that contains they key and cert files used for SSL. This is a self signed generated certificate for use in development ONLY!
The key/cert were generated using the following command:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha1 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout .ssl/localhost.key -out .ssl/localhost.crt
PS: It is not necessary to do that again.
What you need to do:
- Drag
inKeychain Access
(this is for OS X) - run (this is for Ubuntu/Docker):
sudo cp .ssl/localhost.crt /etc/ssl/cert
sudo cp .ssl/localhost.key /etc/ssl/private
sudo c_rehash
- Add the Thin webserver for testing SSL,
bin/docker r bundle install thin
- In
comment the part that usespuma
and uncomment the part that usesthin
- In
make sure you addFORCE_SSL=true
- Restart the server
- Go to
- Undo your Thin changes afterwords!
PS: Why are we using both puma
and thin
? Because I simply could not figure out how to get puma
to work properly with SSL and did not want to spend any more time on it!
Here is an example of generating a migration:
bin/docker r bundle exec bin/rails g migration FixCuratorVariablesTriesForeignKeyName
Followed by bin/docker r bundle exec rake db:migrate
Modify the file Gemfile
and then run:
bin/docker r bundle install
You will see a updated Gemfile.lock
, go ahead and check it and Gemfile
into Git.
There is a code deployment pipeline to the http://quepid-staging.herokuapp.com site that
is run on successful commits to master
If you have pending migrations you will need to run them via:
heroku run bin/rake db:migrate -a quepid-staging
heroku restart -a quepid-staging
The following accounts are created through the seeds. They all follow the following format:
email: quepid+[type]@o19s.com
password: password
where type is one of the following:
: An admin account1case
: A trial user with 1 case2case
: A trial user with 2 casessolr
: A trial user with a Solr casees
: A trial user with a ES case10sOfQueries
: A trial user with a Solr case that has 10s of queries100sOfQueries
: A trial user with a Solr case that has 100s of queries (usually disabled)1000sOfQueries
: A trial user with a Solr case that has 1000s of queries (usually disabled)oscOwner
: A trial user who owns the team 'OSC'oscMember
: A trial user who is a member of the team 'OSC'CustomScorer
: A trial user who has a custom scorerCustomScorerDefault
: A trial user who has a custom scorer that is set as their default
Check out the Data Mapping file for more info about the data structure of the app.
Check out the App Structure file for more info on how Quepid is structured.
Check out the Operating Documentation file for more informations how Quepid can be operated and configured for your company.
Quepid would not be possible without the contributions from many individuals and organizations.
Specifically we would like to thank Erik Bugge and the folks at Kobler for funding the Only Rated feature released in Quepid 6.4.0.
Quepid wasn't always open source! Check out the credits for a list of contributors to the project.
If you would like to fund development of a new feature for Quepid do get in touch!