- DONE Remove Spring, it doesn't help us in dockerized world.
- DONE Fix circle ci to run rails instead of rake for rails tests. OR, do we just use Github Actions?
- DONE get bin/docker r bin/rake test:quepid to run
rails test
- DONE fix FK links
- DONE (Not going to do it, just specify integer) resolve migration to bigint in mysql for id's
- DONE Test importing ratings, confirm the removal of
. - DONE Test that when a snapshot has a query with docs, and a query wihtout docs, that the query without docs still gets snapshotted. Some weird JSON data. See
handles queries with no docs test... - DONE (guessing casue maybe later you have docs?) Right now we support creating a snapshot with no docs. WHY? Look at
handles empty list of docs. - DONE (added a replacement_scorer_id param which will let us clean up some stuff in production Quepid). Interestingly we have on the /api/scorers (
) a force param that isn't used by the front end, that forces deleting a scorer. i fixed the tests but left the code... - DONE We must figure out if a case MUST have a scorer or NOT! We have all sorts of odd logic. leaning towards if we have a future with N scorers, then it doens't have ot have one! and that you don't get forced with a default.
- DONE (no issue!) When starting a new case, no Movie Search case name is set...
- DONE (Now we use try start with 1, and the wizard works!). Okay, we pass around a try_id from the front end, however it's actually a try_number!
- DONE (Changed my mind, I used it to reduce some extra sql joins etc) rip out extra dev analystics stuff
- DONE (no issue!) export of general and detail from js doesn't work.
- DONE Look at session in home_controller, do we use it???
- DONE, (password blank works fine). Chase down why :password="" is needed when inviting a user.
- Deal with the format of the emails! Make them quepid qlassy.
- DONE Deal with environment variable for disabling forms.
User.invite!(email: '', name: 'Joe', password:'password')
user = User.invite!(email: '', name: 'joe3', password:'password') do |u| u.skip_invitation = true end
user = User.invite!({ email: '', name: 'Joe8', password:'password' }, current_user) User.invite!({ email: '' }, current_user)
User.accept_invitation!(invitation_token: params[:invitation_token], password: 'ad97nwj3o2', name: 'John Doe') User.accept_invitation!(invitation_token: '9ngHVdcWyvSNrg54a8yj', password: 'ad97nwj3o2', name: 'John Doe')
user = User.invite!({ email: '' }, current_user)
-- add_foreign_key("annotations", "users")
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::MismatchedForeignKey: Column user_id
on table annotations
does not match column id
on users
, which has type bigint(20)
. To resolve this issue, change the type of the user_id
column on annotations
to be :bigint. (For example t.bigint :user_id
Original message: Mysql2::Error: Cannot add foreign key constraint: ALTER TABLE annotations
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_4043df79bf
FOREIGN KEY (user_id
/usr/local/bundle/gems/mysql2-0.5.3/lib/mysql2/client.rb:131:in _query' /usr/local/bundle/gems/mysql2-0.5.3/lib/mysql2/client.rb:131:in
block in query'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/mysql2-0.5.3/lib/mysql2/client.rb:130:in handle_interrupt' /usr/local/bundle/gems/mysql2-0.5.3/lib/mysql2/client.rb:130:in
Don't forget to test importing ratings with clear all, I removed a convenicne case.ratings method, so...
This is what the outer joins look like for for_user
in Rails 4:
SELECT teams
.* FROM teams
LEFT OUTER JOIN teams_members on teams_members.team_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN users on = teams_members.member_id
WHERE (teams
= 1 OR teams_members
= 1)
SELECT cases
AS t0_r0, cases
AS t0_r1, cases
AS t0_r2, cases
AS t0_r3, cases
AS t0_r4, cases
AS t0_r5, cases
AS t0_r6, cases
AS t0_r7, case_metadata
AS t1_r0, case_metadata
AS t1_r1, case_metadata
AS t1_r2, case_metadata
AS t1_r3, teams
AS t2_r0, teams
AS t2_r1, teams
AS t2_r2, teams
AS t2_r3, teams
AS t2_r4, users
AS t3_r0, users
AS t3_r1, users
AS t3_r2, users
AS t3_r3, users
AS t3_r4, users
AS t3_r5, users
AS t3_r6, users
AS t3_r7, users
AS t3_r8, users
AS t3_r9, users
AS t3_r10, users
AS t3_r11, users
AS t3_r12, users
AS t3_r13, users
AS t3_r14, users
AS t3_r15, users
AS t3_r16, users
AS t3_r17
FROM cases
LEFT OUTER JOIN case_metadata
ON case_metadata
= cases
LEFT OUTER JOIN teams_cases
ON teams_cases
= cases
ON teams
= teams_cases
LEFT OUTER JOIN teams_members
ON teams_members
= teams
ON users
= teams_members
WHERE ((teams
= 1 OR teams_members
= 1) OR cases
= 1)
AND (cases
!= 1)
AND cases
IN (1)
ORDER BY cases
SELECT scorers
AS t0_r0, scorers
AS t0_r1, scorers
AS t0_r2, scorers
AS t0_r3, scorers
AS t0_r4, scorers
AS t0_r5, scorers
AS t0_r6, scorers
AS t0_r7, scorers
AS t0_r8, scorers
AS t0_r9, scorers
AS t0_r10, scorers
AS t0_r11, scorers
AS t0_r12, scorers
AS t0_r13, teams
AS t1_r0, teams
AS t1_r1, teams
AS t1_r2, teams
AS t1_r3, teams
AS t1_r4, users
AS t2_r0, users
AS t2_r1, users
AS t2_r2, users
AS t2_r3, users
AS t2_r4, users
AS t2_r5, users
AS t2_r6, users
AS t2_r7, users
AS t2_r8, users
AS t2_r9, users
AS t2_r10, users
AS t2_r11, users
AS t2_r12, users
AS t2_r13, users
AS t2_r14, users
AS t2_r15, users
AS t2_r16, users
AS t2_r17
FROM scorers
LEFT OUTER JOIN teams_scorers
ON teams_scorers
= scorers
ON teams
= teams_scorers
LEFT OUTER JOIN teams_members
ON teams_members
= teams
ON users
= teams_members
WHERE ((teams
= 1 OR teams_members
= 1) OR scorers
= 1)
Rubocop Notice:
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
Lint/EmptyClass: # (new in 1.3)
Enabled: true
Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks: # (new in 1.2)
Enabled: true
Lint/ToEnumArguments: # (new in 1.1)
Enabled: true
Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator: # (new in 1.1)
Enabled: true
Style/ArgumentsForwarding: # (new in 1.1)
Enabled: true
Style/CollectionCompact: # (new in 1.2)
Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
Style/SwapValues: # (new in 1.1)
Enabled: true
Rails/ActiveRecordCallbacksOrder: # (new in 2.7)
Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
Rails/Inquiry: # (new in 2.7)
Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
Rails/Pluck: # (new in 2.7)
Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
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Enabled: true
Rails/WhereNot: # (new in 2.8)
Enabled: true
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