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Handle framework identifiers comparison
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FrameworkIdentifier instances were compared structurally before but it
was problematic in some cases as '>= net45' matched 'sl40' that wasn't
in the same framework.

Fixes #1124
  • Loading branch information
vbfox committed Oct 15, 2015
1 parent bfa68f5 commit 001ab06
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Showing 5 changed files with 119 additions and 17 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Paket.Core/FrameworkHandling.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,6 +141,23 @@ type FrameworkIdentifier =
| WindowsPhoneApp _ -> [ WindowsPhoneApp "v8.1" ]
| WindowsPhoneSilverlight _ -> [ WindowsPhoneSilverlight "v8.1" ]

/// Return if the parameter is of the same framework category (dotnet, windows phone, silverlight, ...)
member x.IsSameCategoryAs y =
match (x, y) with
| DotNetFramework _, DotNetFramework _ -> true
| Silverlight _, Silverlight _ -> true
| DNX _, DNX _ -> true
| DNXCore _, DNXCore _ -> true
| MonoAndroid _, MonoAndroid _ -> true
| MonoMac _, MonoMac _ -> true
| MonoTouch _, MonoTouch _ -> true
| Windows _, Windows _ -> true
| WindowsPhoneApp _, WindowsPhoneApp _ -> true
| WindowsPhoneSilverlight _, WindowsPhoneSilverlight _ -> true
| XamarinMac _, XamarinMac _ -> true
| XamariniOS _, XamariniOS _ -> true
| _ -> false

module FrameworkDetection =
let private cache = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<_,_>()
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Paket.Core/InstallModel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,21 +230,21 @@ type InstallModel =
|> List.exists (fun restriction ->
match restriction with
| FrameworkRestriction.Portable p ->
| FrameworkRestriction.Portable _ ->
|> List.exists (fun target ->
match target with
| SinglePlatform t -> false
| SinglePlatform _ -> false
| _ -> true)
| FrameworkRestriction.Exactly target ->
|> List.exists (fun t -> t = target)
| FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast target ->
|> List.exists (fun t -> t >= target)
|> List.exists (fun t -> t >= target && t.IsSameCategoryAs(target))
| FrameworkRestriction.Between(min,max) ->
|> List.exists (fun t -> t >= min && t < max) )
|> List.exists (fun t -> t >= min && t < max && t.IsSameCategoryAs(min)))

this.MapFolders(fun folder ->
if referenceApplies folder then
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Paket.Core/PackageResolver.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module DependencySetFilter =
match restriction with
| FrameworkRestriction.Exactly v1 ->
|> Seq.filter (fun r2 -> restriction.IsSameCategoryAs(r2) = Some(true))
|> Seq.exists (fun r2 ->
match r2 with
| FrameworkRestriction.Exactly v2 when v1 = v2 -> true
Expand All @@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ module DependencySetFilter =
| _ -> false)
| FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast v1 ->
|> Seq.filter (fun r2 -> restriction.IsSameCategoryAs(r2) = Some(true))
|> Seq.exists (fun r2 ->
match r2 with
| FrameworkRestriction.Exactly v2 when v1 <= v2 -> true
Expand Down
25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions src/Paket.Core/Requirements.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,19 @@ type FrameworkRestriction =
| FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast r -> ">= " + r.ToString()
| FrameworkRestriction.Between(min,max) -> sprintf ">= %O < %O" min max

member private x.GetOneIdentifier =
match x with
| Exactly r -> Some r
| Portable _ -> None
| AtLeast r -> Some r
| Between(r, _) -> Some r

/// Return if the parameter is a restriction of the same framework category (dotnet, windows phone, silverlight, ...)
member x.IsSameCategoryAs (y : FrameworkRestriction) =
match (x.GetOneIdentifier, y.GetOneIdentifier) with
| Some r, Some r' -> Some(r.IsSameCategoryAs r')
| _ -> None

type FrameworkRestrictions = FrameworkRestriction list

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +185,7 @@ let optimizeDependencies packages =

yield name,versionRequirement,others @ restrictions]

let combineRestrictions x y =
let private combineSameCategoryOrPortableRestrictions x y =
match x with
| FrameworkRestriction.Exactly r ->
match y with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,6 +215,12 @@ let combineRestrictions x y =
if min' = max' then [FrameworkRestriction.Exactly(min')] else

let combineRestrictions (x : FrameworkRestriction) y =
if (x.IsSameCategoryAs(y) = Some(false)) then
combineSameCategoryOrPortableRestrictions x y

let filterRestrictions (list1:FrameworkRestrictions) (list2:FrameworkRestrictions) =
match list1,list2 with
| [],_ -> list2
Expand All @@ -221,8 +240,8 @@ let isTargetMatchingRestrictions (restrictions:FrameworkRestrictions) = function
match restriction with
| FrameworkRestriction.Exactly fw -> pf = fw
| FrameworkRestriction.Portable _ -> false
| FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast fw -> pf >= fw
| FrameworkRestriction.Between(min,max) -> pf >= min && pf < max)
| FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast fw -> pf >= fw && pf.IsSameCategoryAs(fw)
| FrameworkRestriction.Between(min,max) -> pf >= min && pf < max && pf.IsSameCategoryAs(min))
| _ ->
|> List.exists (fun restriction ->
Expand Down
84 changes: 74 additions & 10 deletions tests/Paket.Tests/RestrictionApplicationSpecs.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,83 @@
module Packet.RestrictionApplicationSpecs
module Paket.Requirements.RestrictionApplicationSpecs

open System.IO
open Paket
open Paket.Domain
open Chessie.ErrorHandling
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
open TestHelpers
open Paket.Requirements

let dotnet x = SinglePlatform(DotNetFramework(x))

module TestTargetProfiles =
let DotNetFrameworkVersions =

let DotNetFrameworkProfiles = DotNetFrameworkVersions |> dotnet

let WindowsProfiles =
[SinglePlatform(Windows "v4.5")
SinglePlatform(Windows "v4.5.1")]

let SilverlightProfiles =
[SinglePlatform(Silverlight "v3.0")
SinglePlatform(Silverlight "v4.0")
SinglePlatform(Silverlight "v5.0")]

let WindowsPhoneSilverlightProfiles =
[SinglePlatform(WindowsPhoneSilverlight "v7.0")
SinglePlatform(WindowsPhoneSilverlight "v7.1")
SinglePlatform(WindowsPhoneSilverlight "v8.0")
SinglePlatform(WindowsPhoneSilverlight "v8.1")]

let AllProfiles =
DotNetFrameworkProfiles @
WindowsProfiles @
SilverlightProfiles @
WindowsPhoneSilverlightProfiles @
SinglePlatform(WindowsPhoneApp "v8.1")

let ``>= net40 does not include silverlight (#1124)`` () =
let ``>= net10 contains all but only dotnet versions (#1124)`` () =
let restrictions = [FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast(DotNetFramework(FrameworkVersion.V4))]
let targets = KnownTargetProfiles.DotNetFrameworkProfiles @ KnownTargetProfiles.SilverlightProfiles
let restricted = applyRestrictionsToTargets restrictions targets
let restrictions = [FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast(DotNetFramework(FrameworkVersion.V1))]
let restricted = applyRestrictionsToTargets restrictions TestTargetProfiles.AllProfiles

restricted |> shouldEqual TestTargetProfiles.DotNetFrameworkProfiles

let ``>= net452 contains 4.5.2 and following versions`` () =
let restrictions = [FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast(DotNetFramework(FrameworkVersion.V4_5_2))]
let restricted = applyRestrictionsToTargets restrictions TestTargetProfiles.AllProfiles
let expected = [FrameworkVersion.V4_5_2; FrameworkVersion.V4_5_3; FrameworkVersion.V4_6] |> dotnet

restricted |> shouldEqual expected

let ``>= net40 < net451 contains 4.0 and 4.5`` () =
let restrictions = [FrameworkRestriction.Between(DotNetFramework(FrameworkVersion.V4), DotNetFramework(FrameworkVersion.V4_5_1))]
let restricted = applyRestrictionsToTargets restrictions TestTargetProfiles.AllProfiles
let expected = [FrameworkVersion.V4; FrameworkVersion.V4_5] |> dotnet

restricted |> shouldEqual expected

let ``>= sl30 contains all but only silverlight versions`` () =
let restrictions = [FrameworkRestriction.AtLeast(Silverlight "v3.0")]
let restricted = applyRestrictionsToTargets restrictions TestTargetProfiles.AllProfiles

restricted |> shouldEqual KnownTargetProfiles.DotNetFrameworkProfiles
restricted |> shouldEqual TestTargetProfiles.SilverlightProfiles

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