This is a collection of Bible reference works and study projects packaged as .jwpub archives that can be added to the JW Library app1 - as one would supplement/complement a physical library (personal or in a Kingdom Hall) with an atlas, dictionaries, and other such secular publications.
The material provided here is not copyrighted; it is in the Public Domain. However, the production code/methods cannot be shared; the same goes for the source material. Thanks for understanding and for not insisting.
You can simply click on the link to the publication (or on the language-specific link). Or, if you want to install on a mobile device, you can click the QR icon to see the code on the screen and scan it. Once the archive is downloaded, tap/double-click the downloaded file (if asked, "Open with..." the JW Library app). It will appear in the "Guidelines" section (Library → DOWNLOADED → Guidelines).
These "publications" will not update automatically. You will need to check for updates here, and if a newer release is available, download and install it the same way.
- Bible Reading Schedules added ROMANIAN
- Emerge-Alive
- God's Prophetic Word
- Timeline of Bible History
- Who Wants to Be a Missionary? added ROMANIAN
- NWT Concordance
- Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary and Greek Dictionary of the New Testament
- Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
- KJV with Strong's Inline/Interlinear
- Faith on the March
- The Works of Flavius Josephus
Bible Reading Schedules ⇧
- Description: Bible reading schedules of varying sequences and lengths
- Latest release: BRS_5.0 — Cebuano
, Chinese (simplified)
, Danish
, Dutch
, English
, Ewe
, French
, German
, Hungarian
, Italian
, Korean
, Polish
, Portuguese
, Romanian
, Spanish
, Swedish
, Tagalog
, Ukrainian
- Released: 2024-12-21
- Traslations: Let me know if you would like this in another language or if you notice any errors in the current translations
Emerge-Alive ⇧
- Description: Emergency preparedness manual
- Latest release: E-A_2.0
- Released: 2024-12-24
- Note: Please report any suggestions you may have here
- Traslations: If interested, please let me know
God's Prophetic Word ⇧
- Description: A compilation of Bible prophecies with fulfillment registered in the Scriptures
- Latest release: GPW_5.1 — Cebuano
, Danish
, Dutch
, English
, Polish
, Portuguese
, Spanish
, Swedish
, Ukrainian
- Released: 2024-12-28
- Note: Ensure your JW Library app is up-to-date. If you spot any discrepancies or can suggest prophecies that have not been included and should be, please do so here
- Traslations: If interested, please let me know
Timeline of Bible History ⇧
- Description: A chronological compilation of events (mostly) related to Bible history
- Latest release: TBH_10.1 — Danish
, English
, French
, Portuguese
, Spanish
, Ukrainian
- Released: 2025-01-12
- Note: Tapping on a year in any of the thematic timelines, will give you an overview of the whole year in the side/study pane; tapping on a kindgom or region tag will take you to the corresponding thematic timeline; and tapping the name of a Hebrew month, will point you to more information. Keep in mind that if you annotate in any way and a future release includes additional historical events, your notes and highlights will no longer match up
- Traslations: If interested, please let me know
Who Wants to Be a Missionary? ⇧
- Description: A quiz game to test your knowledge of the Scriptures — and to improve it while having fun
- Latest release: BaM_5.0 — Cebuano
, Chinese (simplified)
, Danish
, Dutch
, English
, Ewe
, French
, Italian
, Polish
, Portuguese
, Romanian
, Russian
, Spanish
, Swedish
, Tagalog
, Ukrainian
- Released: 2024-12-24
- Note: Ensure your JW Library app is up-to-date
- Traslations: If interested, please let me know
NWT Concordance ⇧
- Description: Exhaustive index of words used in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures2
- Latest release: Cnc_5.0 — English
, Italian
, Portuguese (Brazil)
, Spanish
- Released: 2025-01-17
- Note: For now, only English and Spanish have the Appendix categiories ("full" version - v5.0); Italian and Portuguese are v4.0 (concordance only). See below…
- Traslations: If interested, please let me know
Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary and Greek Dictionary of the New Testament ⇧
- Description: Hebrew and Greek dictionaries and concordance (with back-links to Vine's
- Latest release: Str_5.1
- Released: 2025-01-12
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words ⇧
- Description: More extensive Greek dictionary (with links to Strong's
- Latest release: VED_5.1
- Released: 2025-01-12
KJV with Strong's Inline/Interlinear ⇧
- Description: King James Version with inline/interlinear links to Strong's
- Latest release: KJS_5.2-inline
& KJS_5.2-interlinear
- Released: 2025-02-05
- Note: The interlinear version needs to replace the Kingdom Interlinear, so if you have that installed, you'll need to remove it: Bible → Languages → Delete. The inline version can co-exist with the Kingdom Interlinear or the KJS-interlinear. Add to your Bible comparison selection in the side pane for quick lookup of words in Strong's dictionaries
Faith on the March ⇧
- Description: By A. H. Macmillan; originally published in 1957
- Latest release: Fth_3.0
- Released: 2025-01-01
- Note: Please report any errors here
The Works of Flavius Josephus ⇧
- Description: Antiquities of the Jews, Jewish War and The Life of Flavius Josephus
- Latest release: Jph_2.0
- Released: 2025-01-01
Feel free to get in touch and post any issues, suggestions, ideas, etc.
My other JW Library project: JWLManager
JW Library is a registered trademark of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ↩
© Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ↩