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Fixes bug introduced by #1597 reverted with #1754.
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The implementation of FolderObserver#processWatchEvent() does not get the
file name correctly.
This led to duplicated directory names (see the logs in #1597).

AbstractWatchServiceTest is modified to run on different OS.

Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <>
  • Loading branch information
Svilen Valkanov authored and Svilen Valkanov committed Nov 10, 2016
1 parent 785e675 commit 6daa817
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Showing 3 changed files with 151 additions and 71 deletions.
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@@ -1,50 +1,48 @@
package org.eclipse.smarthome.core.service

import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.*
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import static org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers.*

import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE;
import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY;

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent
import java.nio.file.WatchKey
import java.nio.file.WatchService
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind
import java.util.Map

import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.service.AbstractWatchServiceTest.FullEvent;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils
import org.eclipse.smarthome.test.OSGiTest
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.AfterClass
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test

* Test for {@link AbstractWatchService}.
* @author Dimitar Ivanov
* @author Dimitar Ivanov - Initial implementation
* @author Svilen Valkanov - Tests are modified to run on different Operating Systems
class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

def static WATCHED_DIRECTORY = "watchDirectory"

// Fail if no event has been received within the given timeout

RelativeWatchService watchService

static void setUpBeforeClass(){
File watchDir = new File(WATCHED_DIRECTORY);
// set the NO_EVENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS according to the operating system used
if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) {
} else {

Expand All @@ -56,6 +54,7 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {
public void tearDown(){
waitForAssert{assertThat watchService.watchService,is(nullValue())}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,18 +104,21 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

// Activate the service when the subdir is also present. Else the subdir will not be registered
waitForAssert {assertThat watchService.watchService,is(notNullValue())}

boolean isCreated = innerfile.createNewFile()
assertThat "The file '$innerfile.absolutePath' was not created successfully", isCreated, is(true)

// Assure that the ordering of the events will be always the same
sleep 200

File file = new File(WATCHED_DIRECTORY + File.separatorChar + fileName)
isCreated = file.createNewFile()

assertThat "The file '$file.absolutePath' was not created successfully", isCreated, is(true)

waitForAssert({assertThat "Exactly two watch events were expected within $NO_EVENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS seconds, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(2)},NO_EVENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS*1000,1000)
def expectedEvents = 2
waitForAssert{assertThat "Exactly two watch events were expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(expectedEvents)}

FullEvent innerFileEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "The inner file '$innerfile.absolutePath' creation was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents,innerFileEvent.eventKind,is(ENTRY_CREATE)
Expand All @@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

void 'directory changes are watched correctly'(){
void 'subdirs are registered and modifications are watched'(){
// Watch subdirectories and their modifications
watchService = new RelativeWatchService(WATCHED_DIRECTORY,true,true)

Expand All @@ -142,27 +144,20 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

waitForAssert {assertThat watchService.watchService,is(notNullValue())}

if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) {
sleep 1000

boolean isCreated = innerFile.createNewFile()
assertThat "The file '$innerFile.absolutePath' was not created successfully", isCreated, is(true)

//This could vary across different platforms. For more information see "Platform dependencies" section in the WatchService documentation
def expectedEvents = SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? 2 : 1
waitForAssert({assertThat "Exactly $expectedEvents watch events were expected within $NO_EVENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS seconds, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(expectedEvents)},NO_EVENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS*1000,1000)

FullEvent fileEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' creation was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_CREATE)
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' name expected in the modified event. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(innerFileName)

FullEvent dirEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[1]
assertThat "Directory $subDirName modification was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, dirEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_MODIFY)
assertThat "Subdirectory was not found in the modified event", dirEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(subDirName)

void 'subdirs are not registered and not watched'(){
void 'subdirs are not registered and modifications are not watched'(){
// Do not watch the subdirectories of the root directory
watchService = new RelativeWatchService(WATCHED_DIRECTORY,false,false)

Expand All @@ -172,6 +167,7 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

waitForAssert {assertThat watchService.watchService,is(notNullValue())}

// Consequent creation and deletion in order to generate any watch events for the subdirectory
boolean isCreated = innerFile.createNewFile()
Expand All @@ -180,14 +176,34 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {
boolean isDeleted = innerFile.delete()
assertThat "Inner file is not deleted", isDeleted, is(true)

// Wait for a possible event for the maximum timeout

assertThat "No watch events are expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(0)
void 'subdirs are registered, but dirs modifications are not watched'() {
// Do watch the subdirectories of the root directory, but do not watch directory modifications
watchService = new RelativeWatchService(WATCHED_DIRECTORY,true,false)

def innerFileName = "watchRequestSubDir"+ File.separatorChar + "watchRequestInnerFile"
File innerFile = new File(WATCHED_DIRECTORY + File.separatorChar + innerFileName)
// Make all the subdirectories before running the service

waitForAssert {assertThat watchService.watchService,is(notNullValue())}

boolean isCreated = innerFile.createNewFile()
assertThat "The file '$innerFile.absolutePath' was not created successfully", isCreated, is(true)




void 'subdirs are not watched, but dirs modifications are watched'(){
void 'subdirs are not registered, but dirs modifications are watched'(){
// Do not watch the subdirectories of the root directory, but watch directory modifications
watchService = new RelativeWatchService(WATCHED_DIRECTORY,false,true)

Expand All @@ -198,33 +214,90 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

waitForAssert {assertThat watchService.watchService,is(notNullValue())}

if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) {
sleep 1000

boolean isCreated = innerFile.createNewFile()
assertThat "The file '$innerFile.absolutePath' was not created successfully", isCreated, is(true)

// Wait for possible watch event for the maximum timeout

// This behavior could vary depending on the Platform (see the WatchService documentation)
assertThat "Exactly one event is expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(1)
FullEvent event = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "Modification event for subdir '$subDirName' on file creation within it is expected", event.eventKind , is(ENTRY_MODIFY)
assertThat "The watch event does not contain the path of the modified directory", event.eventPath.toString() , is(subDirName)
}else {
assertThat "No events are expected if not Windows OS" + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(0)

// Clear the asserted event

boolean isDeleted = innerFile.delete()
assertThat "Inner file '$innerFile.absolutePath' is not deleted", isDeleted, is(true)

void assertNoEventsAreProcessed(){
// Wait for a possible event for the maximum timeout

assertThat "No event is expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(0)
assertThat "No watch events are expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(0)

void assertAllEventsAreProcessed(def subDirName,def innerFile, def innerFileName){
//This could vary across different platforms. For more information see "Platform dependencies" section in the WatchService documentation
def expectedEvents = SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX ? 1 : 2

waitForAssert({assertThat "Exactly $expectedEvents watch events were expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(expectedEvents)},30*1000)

if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) {
FullEvent dirEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "Directory $subDirName modification was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, dirEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_MODIFY)
assertThat "Subdirectory was not found in the modified event", dirEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(subDirName)

FullEvent fileEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[1]
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' creation was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_CREATE)
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' name expected in the modified event. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(innerFileName)

} else {
FullEvent fileEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' creation was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_CREATE)
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' name expected in the modified event. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(innerFileName)

if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
FullEvent dirEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[1]
assertThat "Directory $subDirName modification was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, dirEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_MODIFY)
assertThat "Subdirectory was not found in the modified event", dirEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(subDirName)


void assertDirectoryCraeteEventIsProcessed(def subDirName) {
//Single event for directory creation is present
def expectedEvents = 1
waitForAssert{assertThat "Exactly $expectedEvents watch events were expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(expectedEvents)}
FullEvent event = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "Directory $subDirName craetion was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, event.eventKind, is(ENTRY_CREATE)
assertThat "Subdirectory was not found in the creation event", event.eventPath.toString(), is(subDirName)

void assertFileCreateEventIsProcessed(def innerFile, def innerFileName) {
//Single event for file creation is present
def expectedEvents = 1
waitForAssert{assertThat "Exactly $expectedEvents watch events were expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(expectedEvents)}
FullEvent fileEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' creation was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_CREATE)
assertThat "File '$innerFile.absolutePath' name expected in the modified event. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, fileEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(innerFileName)

void assertDirectoryModifyEventIsProcessed(def subDirName) {
//Create file is not detected, only the modification event is detected
def expectedEvents = SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX ? 0 : 1
waitForAssert{assertThat "Exactly $expectedEvents watch events were expected, but were: " + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(expectedEvents)}

FullEvent dirEvent = watchService.allFullEvents[0]
assertThat "Directory $subDirName modification was not detected. All events detected: " + watchService.allFullEvents, dirEvent.eventKind, is(ENTRY_MODIFY)
assertThat "Subdirectory was not found in the modified event", dirEvent.eventPath.toString(), is(subDirName)
} else {
assertThat "No events are expected in Linux OS" + watchService.allFullEvents, watchService.allFullEvents.size(), is(0)

void assertByRelativePath(String fileName) {
Expand All @@ -235,6 +308,7 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

// We have to be sure that all the subdirectories of the watched directory are created when the watched service is activated
waitForAssert {assertThat watchService.watchService,is(notNullValue())}

boolean isCreated = file.createNewFile()
assertThat "The file '$file.absolutePath' was not created successfully", isCreated, is(true)
Expand All @@ -252,10 +326,11 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

void fullEventAssertionsByKind(String fileName, kind, osSpecific){
assertThat "At least one watch event is expected within $NO_EVENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS seconds.",
watchService.allFullEvents.size() >= 1,
assertThat "At least one watch event is expected",
watchService.allFullEvents.size() >= 1,

if(osSpecific && kind.equals(ENTRY_DELETE)){
// There is possibility that one more modify event is triggered on some OS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,16 +386,17 @@ class AbstractWatchServiceTest extends OSGiTest {

protected AbstractWatchQueueReader buildWatchQueueReader(WatchService watchService, Path toWatch,Map<WatchKey, Path> registeredKeys) {
def queueReader = new AbstractWatchQueueReader(watchService, toWatch,registeredKeys) {
protected void processWatchEvent(WatchEvent<?> event, Kind<?> kind, Path path) {
FullEvent fullEvent = new FullEvent(event,kind,path)
allFullEvents << fullEvent
protected AbstractWatchQueueReader buildWatchQueueReader(WatchService watchServiceImpl, Path toWatch,Map<WatchKey, Path> registeredKeys) {
def queueReader = new AbstractWatchQueueReader(watchServiceImpl, toWatch,registeredKeys) {
protected void processWatchEvent(WatchEvent<?> event, Kind<?> kind, Path path) {
FullEvent fullEvent = new FullEvent(event,kind,path)
allFullEvents << fullEvent
return queueReader


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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@

import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
Expand All @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
import java.nio.file.WatchKey;
import java.nio.file.WatchService;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,14 +85,16 @@ protected void initializeWatchService() {
if (watchSubDirectories()) {
watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();

Files.walkFileTree(toWatch, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path subDir, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
throws IOException {
registerDirectoryInternal(subDir, registeredWatchKeys);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
// walk through all folders and follow symlinks
Files.walkFileTree(toWatch, EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS), Integer.MAX_VALUE,
new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path subDir, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
throws IOException {
registerDirectoryInternal(subDir, registeredWatchKeys);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
} else {
watchService = toWatch.getFileSystem().newWatchService();
registerDirectoryInternal(toWatch, registeredWatchKeys);
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