is a 2d localization package. At its core it uses an icp algorithm
to determine the current robot position. Its main advantage is that it performs
one optimization step linear in time: O(N).
There are many stellar packages for localization which rely on icp.
These are generic localization/slam packages. They support 2d and 3d
environment, offer rich features for sensor processing and what not.
Which is nice. i_see_pee
is different. It just offers 2d localization. But
its smaller. And its way faster.
A typical icp algorithm consists of two steps:
- k nearest neighbors matching
- solving the least squares problem.
The least squares problem is typically O(N), which is nice. The k nearest neighbors is a little more expensive. Typically the lookup is implemented using a knn-tree. The lookup there comes at O(D log M), where D is the dimension and M the size of the occupied points on the map.
When aiming for a generic setup, there is little one can do. i_see_pee
leverages the fact that all grid_maps are discrete and that the registration
cloud (map) is known in advance. It pre-computes for cells close to walls the
k nearest neighbors and stores them in a hash-table. When a sensor reading falls
in one of these cells, all its k nearest neighbors can be retrieved in linear
You will require Eigen for the compilation. Besides that the package can be compiled as a standard ros-package.
If you use catkin tools you can compile the package with:
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/dorezyuk/i_see_pee.git
catkin build i_see_pee -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Hint: make sure to compile the library as release
Depending on your processor you should enable vectorization for Eigen.
- topic under which the static map is published
- type:
- default:
- message_type: nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid
- topic under which the sensor data is published
- type:
- default:
- message_type: sensor_msgs::LaserScan
- frame_id which defines the global frame.
- type:
- default:
- frame_id which defines the base frame. You can use either only odometry, which is provided by the differential_drive controller or fuse imu and odometry to improve the initial guess.
- type:
- default:
- frame_id of the odom frame of the robot.
- type:
- default:
- number of neighbors to consider
- type:
- default: 5 (min: 1, max: 10)
- number of cells to consider from an occupied cell. This massively determines the size of the hash map
- type:
- default: 5 (min: 0, max: 10)
- translation norm in meter defining convergence of the icp:
if the generated transform is smaller than
the icp is said to be converged. - type:
- default: 0.01 (min: 0.01)
- rotation norm defining convergence (see [
]) - type:
- default: 0.01 (min: 0.01)
- defines the maximum number of iterations of the icp optimization. The looping
stops, if the norm of the generated correction transform is smaller then
- type:
- default: 100 (min: 1, max: 100)
- in order to speed up the computation one can reduce the point cloud size. Applying a stride of 'n' will take only every nth point into consideration. The starting point defines hence which points will be drawn. It is drawn at random.
- type:
- default: 3 (min: 1, max: 100)
When you want to play with the code, you should be lucky: i_see_pee
is very
small (less then 1000 loc currently). As you might find, everything related
to specific ros-types (msgs, tf) is shielded away behind an interface.
The main files are undoubtedly i_see_pee.hpp
. They contain several
: everything related to the static map. This includes a ros-interface and the algorithm to extract knns from a grid and to store them in a hash-mapscan
: everything related to the sensor data. This includes the ros-interface to sensor_msgs::LaserScan and some caching to convert it to some internal representation.odom
: everything related to frames/odometry.icp
: everything related to the math part (which was heavily borrowed from libpointmatcher)
Let me know how your experience was with the package.