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Test driver for remote BLACS locations
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Remote matrix assembly and communication test.

Add leadprocessor number to BLACS grid structure.

scalafx_getremoteshape - Returns the shape of a remote part of a
distributed array, with optional flag to return padded matrix (lda >=
local row).

scalafx_infog2p - Processor grid location of global matrix index
element. Gives 2D info instead of separate row and column from

Note: scalafx_localindices behavior changed, to return actual values
for .not.local calls, instead of returning 0 unless on local
processor. Instead, return 0 when requested matrix indices are outside
of global row/column sizes.
  • Loading branch information
bhourahine committed Feb 17, 2024
1 parent d86bb1a commit 3c2c500
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Showing 4 changed files with 235 additions and 9 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/blacsgrid.fpp
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module blacsgrid_module
integer :: nproc = -1 !< Nr. of processes in the grid.
integer :: myrow = -1 !< Row of the current process.
integer :: mycol = -1 !< Column of the current process.
integer :: leadproc = -1 !< Id of the lead process.
integer :: leadrow = -1 !< Row of the lead process.
integer :: leadcol = -1 !< Column of the lead process.
logical :: lead = .false. !< Whether the current process is the lead.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,8 +138,8 @@ contains
end if
self%leadrow = leadrow0
self%leadcol = leadcol0
self%lead = (self%myrow == self%leadrow &
& .and. self%mycol == self%leadcol)
self%leadproc = blacs_pnum(self%ctxt, self%leadrow, self%leadcol)
self%lead = (self%myrow == self%leadrow .and. self%mycol == self%leadcol)
end if

end subroutine initgrid
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93 changes: 86 additions & 7 deletions lib/scalapackfx.fpp
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Expand Up @@ -30,13 +30,15 @@ module scalapackfx_module
public :: scalafx_ptrsm
public :: scalafx_getdescriptor
public :: scalafx_getlocalshape
public :: scalafx_getremoteshape
public :: scalafx_infog2l
public :: scalafx_indxl2g
public :: scalafx_localindices
public :: scalafx_creatematrix
public :: scalafx_pgesvd
public :: scalafx_numroc
public :: scalafx_indxg2p
public :: scalafx_infog2p

!> Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix.
interface scalafx_ppotrf
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end subroutine scalafx_getlocalshape

!> Returns the shape of a remote part of a distributed array, given the processor number
!! \param mygrid BLACS grid descriptor.
!! \param desc Global matrix descriptor.
!! \param iproc Processor number
!! \param nrowloc Nr. of local rows, returns 0 if iproc outside of grid.
!! \param ncolloc Nr. of local columns, returns 0 if iproc outside of grid.
subroutine scalafx_getremoteshape(mygrid, desc, iproc, nrowloc, ncolloc, storage)
type(blacsgrid), intent(in) :: mygrid
integer, intent(in) :: desc(DLEN_), iproc
integer, intent(out) :: nrowloc, ncolloc
logical, intent(in), optional :: storage

integer :: iprow, ipcol
logical :: isStorage

isStorage = .false.
if (present(storage)) then
isStorage = storage
end if

if (iproc < 0 .or. iproc >= mygrid%nproc) then
nrowloc = 0
ncolloc = 0
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGrid, iproc, iprow, ipcol)
if (isStorage) then
nrowloc = max(1,numroc(desc(M_), desc(MB_), iprow, desc(RSRC_), mygrid%nrow))
nrowloc = numroc(desc(M_), desc(MB_), iprow, desc(RSRC_), mygrid%nrow)
end if
ncolloc = numroc(desc(N_), desc(NB_), ipcol, desc(CSRC_), mygrid%ncol)
end if

end subroutine scalafx_getremoteshape

!> Maps global position in a distributed matrix to local one.
!! \param mygrid BLACS descriptor.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2105,6 +2146,40 @@ contains

end function scalafx_indxg2p

!> Processor grid location holding a global matrix element. If the element is outside of the
!! matrix, returns location (-1,-1)
subroutine scalafx_infog2p(mygrid, desc, grow, gcol, prow, pcol)

!> BLACS descriptor.
type(blacsgrid), intent(in) :: mygrid

!> Descriptor of the distributed matrix.
integer, intent(in) :: desc(DLEN_)

!> Global row index.
integer, intent(in) :: grow

!> Global column index
integer, intent(in) :: gcol

!> Row index in the BLACS grid
integer, intent(out) :: prow

!> Column index in BLACS grid
integer, intent(out) :: pcol

if (grow < 0 .or. grow > desc(M_) .or. gcol < 0 .or. gcol > desc(N_)) then
prow = -1
pcol = -1
prow = scalafx_indxg2p(grow, desc(MB_), desc(RSRC_), myGrid%nrow)
pcol = scalafx_indxg2p(gcol, desc(NB_), desc(CSRC_), myGrid%ncol)
end if

end subroutine scalafx_infog2p

!> Maps a global position in a distributed matrix to local one.
subroutine scalafx_localindices(mygrid, desc, grow, gcol, local, lrow, lcol)
Expand All @@ -2121,25 +2196,29 @@ contains
!> Global column index
integer, intent(in) :: gcol

!> Indicates whether given global index is local for the process.
!> Indicates whether given global index is local for the calling process.
logical, intent(out) :: local

!> Row index in the local matrix (or 0 if global index is not local)
!> Row index in the local matrix on the process holding that matrix, if outside the matrix
!> returns 0
integer, intent(out) :: lrow

!> Column index in the local matrix (or 0 if global index is not local)
!> Column index in the local matrix on the process holding that matrix, if outside the matrix
!> returns 0
integer, intent(out) :: lcol


integer :: rsrc, csrc

call infog2l(grow, gcol, desc, mygrid%nrow, mygrid%ncol, mygrid%myrow,&
& mygrid%mycol, lrow, lcol, rsrc, csrc)
local = (rsrc == mygrid%myrow .and. csrc == mygrid%mycol)
if (.not. local) then
if (grow < 0 .or. grow > desc(M_) .or. gcol < 0 .or. gcol > desc(N_)) then
lrow = 0
lcol = 0
local = .false.
call infog2l(grow, gcol, desc, mygrid%nrow, mygrid%ncol, mygrid%myrow,&
& mygrid%mycol, lrow, lcol, rsrc, csrc)
local = (rsrc == mygrid%myrow .and. csrc == mygrid%mycol)
end if

end subroutine scalafx_localindices
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/CMakeLists.txt
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145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions test/test_remoteelements.f90
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!> Testing copy between matrix patterns
program test_remoteelements
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, stdout => output_unit, stdin => input_unit
use test_common_module
use libscalapackfx_module
use blacsfx_module
implicit none

call main()


subroutine main()
type(blacsgrid) :: myGrid
integer, allocatable :: AA(:,:), AAreceive(:,:), All(:,:)
integer :: desc(DLEN_), nprow, npcol, mm, nn, mb, nb, iproc, nproc, ii, jj, kk, iGlob, jGlob
integer :: iprow, ipcol, iLoc, jLoc, locrow, loccol
logical :: isLocal

! grid information
call blacsfx_pinfo(iproc, nproc)

! approximately square grid for group
do npcol = floor(sqrt(real(nproc, dp))), nproc
if (mod(nproc, npcol) == 0) then
end if
end do
nprow = nproc / npcol
call myGrid%initgrid(nprow, npcol)

if (myGrid%lead) then
write(stdout, "(A,2(1X,I0))") "# source processor grid:", nprow, npcol
write(stdOut, "(A)")'# Matrix size to re-distrbute?'
read(stdin, *) mm, nn
write(stdout,"(A)")'# Block sizes of matrix?'
read(stdin,*) mb, nb
call blacsfx_gebs(myGrid, mm)
call blacsfx_gebs(myGrid, nn)
call blacsfx_gebs(myGrid, mb)
call blacsfx_gebs(myGrid, nb)
call blacsfx_gebr(myGrid, mm)
call blacsfx_gebr(myGrid, nn)
call blacsfx_gebr(myGrid, mb)
call blacsfx_gebr(myGrid, nb)
end if

call scalafx_creatematrix(myGrid, mm, nn, mb, nb, AA, desc)

if (myGrid%lead) then
do ii = 0, nproc-1
call scalafx_getremoteshape(myGrid, desc, ii, locrow, loccol)
write(stdout, "(A,I0,A,1X,I0,1X,I0)") "# A block (data:",ii,"):", locrow, loccol
call scalafx_getremoteshape(myGrid, desc, ii, locrow, loccol, .true.)
write(stdout, "(T8,A,I0,A,1X,I0,1X,I0)") "(storage:",ii,"):", locrow, loccol
end do

do ii = 1, nn
do jj = 1, mm
call scalafx_infog2p(mygrid, desc, jj, ii, iprow, ipcol)
write(stdout, "(A,I0,1X,I0,A,I0,1X,I0,A,I0)") "# Matrix elements (",jj, ii,&
& ') stored on BLACS grid at ', iprow, ipcol, " proc. ",&
& blacsfx_pnum(myGrid, iprow, ipcol)
end do
end do

end if

call blacsfx_barrier(myGrid)

AA(:,:) = -1
call scalafx_getremoteshape(myGrid, desc, iProc, locrow, loccol, .true.)
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGrid, iProc, iprow, ipcol)
do ii = 1, loccol
iGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(ii, desc(NB_), ipcol, desc(CSRC_), myGrid%ncol)
do jj = 1, locrow
jGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(jj, desc(MB_), iprow, desc(RSRC_), myGrid%nrow)
AA(jj,ii) = jGlob + (iGlob-1) * mm
end do
end do
write(stdout,*)iproc,':', AA(:locrow,:loccol)

call blacsfx_barrier(myGrid)

if (myGrid%lead) then

allocate(All(mm,nn), source = 0)

do kk = 0, nproc-1

if (kk /= myGrid%leadproc) then
write(stdout,*)'Follow', kk

call scalafx_getremoteshape(myGrid, desc, kk, locrow, loccol, .true.)
allocate(AAreceive(locrow, loccol), source=-1)

call blacsfx_pcoord(myGrid, kk, iprow, ipcol)
write(*,*)kk, iprow, ipcol,'Expecting', shape(AAreceive)
call blacsfx_gerv(myGrid, AAreceive, iprow, ipcol)


write(stdout,*)'Lead', kk
call scalafx_getlocalshape(mygrid, desc, locrow, loccol)
AAreceive = AA(:locrow,:loccol)

end if

call scalafx_getremoteshape(myGrid, desc, kk, locrow, loccol, .true.)
call blacsfx_pcoord(myGrid, kk, iprow, ipcol)
do ii = 1, loccol
iGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(ii, desc(NB_), ipcol, desc(CSRC_), myGrid%ncol)
do jj = 1, locrow
jGlob = scalafx_indxl2g(jj, desc(MB_), iprow, desc(RSRC_), myGrid%nrow)
write(stdout,*)'Proc',kk,',', iprow, ipcol,': (', jGlob,iGlob,')(',jj,ii,')'
All(jGlob,iGlob) = AAreceive(jj,ii)
end do
end do


end do


write(*,*)iproc, myGrid%myrow, myGrid%mycol,'sending', shape(AA)
call blacsfx_gesd(myGrid, AA, myGrid%leadrow, myGrid%leadcol)

end if

call blacsfx_barrier(myGrid)

if (myGrid%lead) then
do jj = 1, nn
end do
end if

! Finish blacs.
call blacsfx_exit()

end subroutine main

end program test_remoteelements

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